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Böcker av Melis May

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  • av Melis May

    Édition pour les enfants Le premier livre de la série, Raconte-Moi Un Conte, est le premier livre d'une aventure en 13 parties. Les textes de théâtre de cette série se développent uniquement à travers les dialogues, contrairement aux textes normaux. C'est pourquoi nos livres sont colorés et illustrés pour capter l'attention des enfants. À la fin de chaque livre, il y a un chapitre intitulé "Questions amusantes pour les enfants", dont le but n'est pas seulement de déterminer si les enfants ont compris le livre, mais aussi de les inciter à faire des recherches.¿Intrigue du PièceIl y a deux mondes différents dans le pièce. Le monde réel où Atlas vit dans sa chambre avec son aquarium. Le monde d'Atlantis, où Mira vit avec ses amis et son père. Chacun est seul dans son monde. Seuls ceux qui le liront sauront ce qui se passera dans notre pièce, qui se développe avec la technique de pièce dans le pièce.

  • av Melis May

    KAYIP ¿EH¿R ATLANT¿S - Bana Bir Masal AnlatSerinin ilk kitab¿ olan "Bana Bir Masal Anlat" 13 bölüm sürecek bir maceran¿n ilk kitab¿. Tiyatro metinleri, normal düz yaz¿ metinlerinden farkl¿ olarak yaln¿zca diyaloglarla geli¿ir. Bu nedenle kitaplar¿m¿z çocuklar¿n ilgisini cekecek ¿ekilde, renkli ve resimlidir. Kitaplar¿n sonunda çocuklar icin "Beyin Yakan Sorular" bäl¿¿¿ alt¿nda bir bölum yer almaktad¿r. Bu bölümün amac¿, sadece kitab¿ anlay¿p anlamad¿klar¿n¿ belirlemek de¿il, ayn¿ zamanda çocuklar¿ arast¿rma yapmaya te¿vik etmektir.Okuyucu kitlemiz 7 yä ve üzeridir.Oyunun KonusuOyunda birbirinden farkli iki dünya vardir. Atlas'in akvaryumu ile odas¿nda yäad¿¿¿ gerçek dünya, Mira'nin, arkadälar¿ ve babas¿yla yäad¿¿¿ Atlantis'in dünyas¿. Herkes kendi dünyas¿nda yaln¿zd¿r. Oyun içinde oyun tekni¿i ile geli¿en oyunumuzda neler olacak, bunu sadece okuyanlar bilecek.

  • av Melis May

    The Topic of The PlayThere are two different worlds in the play. The real world is where Atlas lives in his room with his aquarium. The world of Atlantis, where Mira lives with her friends and father. Everyone is alone in their own world. Only those who read it will know what will happen in our play, which develops with the play within a play.The Professional edition is for those who are professionally involved or want to be amateur involved with theater. The text is printed in letter size pages, double-sided. Blank cast lists, instructions on how the play should be staged, and uncolored sketches are included in the book for the actors and creative team

  • av Melis May

    The Lost City of Atlantis - Tell Me A Tale ( Kids Edition )The first book in the series, Tell Me a Tale, is the first book of an adventure that will last for 13 episodes. Theatrical scripts, unlike normal prose texts, develop only with dialogues. For this reason, our books are colorful and illustrated to attract children's attention. At the end of the books, there is a section under the heading of thought-provoking questions for children. The purpose of this section is not only to determine whether they understand the book but also to inspire children to do research.The Topic of The PlayThere are two different worlds in the play. The real world is where Atlas lives in his room with his aquarium. The world of Atlantis, where Mira lives with her friends and father. Everyone is alone in their own world. Only those who read it will know what will happen in our play, which develops with the play within a play.

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