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Böcker av Michael Allen

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  • av Michael Allen

    This book is a complete guide to how to win a football match. It contains key points one must observe in order to win and also defend a win in a football match.

  • av Michael Allen

    A fighter pilot endures years in a POW camp in Afghanistan after his jet experiences equipment failure while on a routine mission. By some strange miracle one day after years of incarceration, Captain Haven Kayd finds a way to escape. Meanwhile, his wife was informed of his death and has moved on with her life. So has his daughter who has been growing up on her own without a father since his disappearance. To their surprise, they are visited one day by two Marines who are there to inform them that Haven is in fact still alive. Haven's return shocks the nation and his life is celebrated while he's simply trying to play catch up in a world that went on without him. It's not long before he stumbles onto the truth, a scandalous truth that finds him mixed up in the middle of unbelievable corruption. Not only was his plane meant to go down, but he was meant to die. And that just scratches the surface of how evil this scandal gets. The movie a producer was planning to make about his story suddenly gets canceled without any explanation. As Haven continues to investigate, he is contacted anonymously by someone who claims to be very powerful. The help he offers is limited, but the guidance he gives Haven makes it easier for him to dive deep into the dark web where he uncovers more than just a cover story about a man and his faulty plane. Turning to the internet and using his newfound notoriety, he begins to expose what's going on behind the curtain. Soon, friendly hackers are coming to his assistance while bad hackers are hired to take him out. But Haven won't back down and the fight is taken to the real world where he finds himself pitted against an enemy he once thought was on his side, an invisible enemy that reaches quite high and has resources far beyond Haven's imagination. When his daughter comes up missing, he recruits the assistance of friendly hackers who help him chase a human trafficking crew across the country. Always just one step behind, he continues in hot pursuit until he finally catches up to them. Up against highly trained operatives, it appears he's outmatched. But they have no idea how far he is willing to go to save the only person he has left in his life.

  • - 10 ideas prácticas para ser libres de la adicción a la pornografía
    av Michael Allen

    Si has luchado con una adicción a la pornografía, Dios quiere llevarte a la libertad total. Puede haber una gran culpa y vergüenza que puede acompañar a la pornografía. En este libro encontrarás consejos prácticos para ayudarte a encontrar la verdadera libertad de esta adicción.Encontrarás en este libroQue derrotarás la adicción con el poder de Dios.Cómo obtener Libertad espiritual.Cómo evitar los desencadenantes.Que debes privarte a ti mismo.Que debe hallar compañeros de lucha.Que la Biblia es tu recurso para no pecar.Cómo ser gobernado por el Espíritu de autocontrol.La diferencia entre la tentación y la caída: no tengas una segunda miradaMotivación para no abandonar la lucha.Herramientas para el momento de la prueba.Adelante, puedes ganar la batalla.

  • - Mastering the Pursuit and Attainment of Your Objectives
    av Michael Allen

    "The Art of Self-Determination" is a comprehensive guide to achieving personal and professional growth through resilience, effective communication, and diversity. This book offers practical advice and techniques for readers to develop self-awareness, build resilience, and overcome challenges that may impede their growth. Through the book's 33 chapters, readers will learn how to define self-determination, set goals, and develop strategies for achieving success. They will gain insight into the importance of effective communication, empathy, and diversity in building strong relationships and creating inclusive environments. The book offers practical techniques for overcoming obstacles such as bias and conflict, as well as strategies for building resilience in the face of adversity. It also emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and personal development, offering resources for readers to continue their growth beyond the book's pages. By the end of this book, readers will have a clear understanding of self-determination and the skills necessary to achieve their personal and professional goals. They will be equipped with practical techniques for effective communication, relationship building, and overcoming challenges, as well as the tools to create inclusive environments that value diversity and promote respect."The Art of Self-Determination" is a must-read for anyone looking to achieve personal and professional growth, build resilience, and create a fulfilling life. It is an excellent resource for individuals, professionals, and organizations seeking to cultivate a culture of inclusivity and empowerment.

  • av Michael Allen

    When a near-fatal accident separates a single father from his daughter, fate has a way of finding her a good home. While Chris fights for his life in a coma for nine years, his daughter Krista is raised by a well-intentioned couple who have no idea how to raise a child properly. Gilmer has wild ideas that he doesn't think through. Maggie knows the basics and figures the rest out as she goes. But there is one thing they have in common, the love for the little girl who stole their hearts while her father was absent. When Chris awakens from his coma, his amnesia keeps him from remembering he has a daughter. Putting his life back together, he takes to furniture repair and then design. But, he picks up a paintbrush one day when an apparition of a little girl soon starts haunting him even while he is awake. He captures scenes of her on canvas, but can't figure out what connection they have. While he paints who he has affectionately been calling Angel, she becomes more and more real to him. Years go by, and Chris has developed an entire life with a girl he knows only through paintings. He keeps them locked up in a secret room while his other paintings have gained notoriety throughout the art community as the "Insider's Secret." The exposure he is getting brings him face to face with Maggie and a teenage girl named Krista. Something strange suddenly stirs in both of them. It's a heartwarming tale about two lost souls. Only one feels it, and the other has yet to know. He didn't know he was looking, and she didn't know she needed found.

  • av Michael Allen
    1 100,-

    Da das Bildungswesen in den Vereinigten Staaten immer komplexer wird, um den immer vielfältigeren Schülern gerecht zu werden, ist es eine große Herausforderung, Verwaltungsangestellte zu entwickeln, zu rekrutieren und einzustellen, die die Schulen des 21. Jahrhunderts zu leiten. Viele Schulbezirke im ganzen Land verlassen sich auf ihre Schulleiter, um ihre Schulen erfolgreich auf die vollständige Umsetzung der Common Core State Standards umzustellen. Ziel der Studie war es, zu untersuchen, ob es einen Zusammenhang zwischen emotionaler Intelligenz (EQ), Generationsstatus und den Führungsfähigkeiten von Schulleitern bei der erfolgreichen Umsetzung der Common Core State Standards gibt. Die Ergebnisse der Studie ergaben einen bescheidenen Zusammenhang zwischen EQ (insbesondere Beziehungsmanagement) und Generation in Bezug auf die erfolgreiche Umsetzung der Common Core State Standards sowie potenziell wichtige und hilfreiche Erkenntnisse über konsequent bevorzugte und konsequent umgesetzte Führungsstrategien, die zur erfolgreichen Umsetzung der Common Core State Standards beitragen.

  • av Michael Allen
    1 100,-

    Alors que l'éducation aux États-Unis devient de plus en plus complexe pour répondre aux besoins d'élèves de plus en plus diversifiés, il est extrêmement difficile de former, de recruter et d'embaucher des administrateurs pour diriger efficacement les écoles du 21e siècle. De nombreux districts scolaires dans tout le pays comptent sur leurs directeurs pour réussir la transition de leurs écoles vers la mise en ¿uvre complète des Common Core State Standards. L'objectif de cette étude était de déterminer s'il existait une corrélation entre l'intelligence émotionnelle (QE), le statut générationnel et les capacités de leadership des chefs d'établissement pour une mise en ¿uvre réussie des Common Core State Standards. Les résultats de l'étude ont révélé un lien modeste entre l'intelligence émotionnelle (en particulier la gestion des relations) et la génération en ce qui concerne la mise en ¿uvre réussie des Common Core State Standards, ainsi que des résultats potentiellement importants et utiles concernant les stratégies de leadership privilégiées et mises en ¿uvre de manière cohérente qui contribuent à la mise en ¿uvre réussie des Common Core State Standards.

  • av Michael Allen
    1 100,-

    Poiché l'istruzione negli Stati Uniti diventa sempre più complessa per rispondere a studenti sempre più eterogenei, è estremamente impegnativo sviluppare, reclutare e assumere amministratori in grado di guidare efficacemente le scuole del XXI secolo. Molti distretti scolastici in tutto il Paese contano sul fatto che i presidi siano in grado di portare a termine con successo la transizione delle loro scuole verso la piena implementazione dei Common Core State Standards. Lo scopo della ricerca è stato quello di esplorare l'esistenza di una correlazione tra l'intelligenza emotiva (EQ), lo status generazionale e le capacità di leadership dei presidi per il successo dell'implementazione dei Common Core State Standards. I risultati dello studio hanno rivelato una modesta connessione tra l'EQ (in particolare la gestione delle relazioni) e la generazione in relazione al successo dell'implementazione dei Common Core State Standards, nonché risultati potenzialmente importanti e utili per quanto riguarda le strategie di leadership coerentemente preferite e coerentemente implementate che contribuiscono al successo dell'implementazione dei Common Core State Standards.

  • av Michael Allen
    1 100,-

    À medida que o ensino nos Estados Unidos se torna mais complexo para dar resposta a alunos cada vez mais diversificados, é extremamente difícil desenvolver, recrutar e contratar administradores para dirigirem eficazmente as escolas do século XXI. Muitos distritos escolares em todo o país estão a contar com os seus directores para fazerem uma transição bem sucedida das suas escolas para a plena implementação das normas estatais do núcleo comum. O objectivo da investigação era explorar se existia uma correlação entre a inteligência emocional (QE), o estatuto geracional e as capacidades de liderança dos directores para a implementação bem sucedida das Normas Estatais de Base Comum. Os resultados do estudo revelaram uma ligação modesta entre a QE (especialmente a gestão de relações) e a geração em relação à implementação bem sucedida das Normas Estatais Comuns e resultados potencialmente importantes e úteis no que respeita a estratégias de liderança consistentemente preferidas e consistentemente implementadas que contribuem para a implementação bem sucedida das Normas Estatais Comuns.

  • av Michael Allen

    A thousand years after the Norse gods fell asleep, with no followers remaining to sustain them, a girl finds an altar in a moment of need. Her actions awaken one that some other gods preferred to stay asleep.This look at Norse myth, the nature of gods, social media impact, and a little politics follows the young girl, her unknown god, and a would-be influencer as they each navigate worlds unfamiliar to them, and learn to thrive.

  • av Michael Allen

  • av Michael Allen

  • av Michael Allen

  • av Michael Allen

  • - Successfully Bounce Back After Business Failure
    av Michael Allen

  • - The Diary of Frances Anne Crewe 1786
    av Michael Allen

  • av Michael Allen

    The rodeo cowboy, that figure of rugged independence and solitary courage, continues to evoke the spirit of a vanished frontier and the hardy pioneers who conquered it. In this study historian Michael Allen examines the image of the rodeo cowboy and the role this image has played in popular culture over the past century.

  • av Michael Allen
    290 - 360,-

    A prominent theologian offers a theological reading of Ephesians in this addition to the Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible.

  • - An Urban Fantasy Action Adventure
    av Michael Allen
    256 - 330,-

  • - A Book for the Maturing Christian
    av Michael Allen

  • - Crisis and Compromise in American Intelligence After 9/11
    av Michael Allen

    During the 2004 presidential election, Congress and the president remade the post-World War II national security infrastructure in less than five months, creating the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC)...

  • - Film, Television and the Space Race
    av Michael Allen

    At the height of the Cold War between America and Russia, hundreds of spacecrafts travelled into outer space. They sent back awe-inspiring images and sounds from Earth orbit, the Moon, and the planets of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Venus. This work is an exploratory story of this cultural and political phenomenon.

  • av Michael Allen
    790 - 1 990,-

    Contemporary US Cinema examines important developments in American film-making over the past three decades, citing them as instances both of change and of continuity within the practices and processes of earlier phases of classic Hollywood cinema.

  • - The Promise of Retrieval for Theology and Biblical Interpretation
    av Michael Allen & Scott R. Swain

    Can Christians and churches be both catholic and Reformed? In this volume, two accomplished young theologians argue that to be Reformed means to go deeper into true catholicity rather than away from it. Their manifesto for a catholic and Reformed approach to dogmatics seeks theological renewal through retrieval of the rich resources of the historic Christian tradition. The book provides a survey of recent approaches toward theological retrieval and offers a renewed exploration of the doctrine of sola scriptura. It includes a substantive afterword by J. Todd Billings.

  • av Michael Allen

    The updated edition of this bestselling book is for the teacher who wants support and practical advice to recognize and deal with the common misconceptions encountered in the primary science classroom. Michael Allen describes over 100 common misconceptions and their potential origins. In addition to background theoretical and research material, he offers creative activities to help you grasp the underlying scientific concepts and bring them to life in the classroom, as well as practical strategies to improve pupil learning. This easy to navigate and friendly guide is a superb toolkit to support you as you teach or prepare to teach in the primary school, irrespective of your training route.

  • - Decency and Dissent over Borders, Inequities, and Government Secrecy
    av Michael Allen

    This makes the disobedience by the undocumented justified, based on the idea that all persons are moral equals, so that all sovereign peoples need to reject dominating forms of social organization for all persons, and not just their own citizens.

  • - Recentering Christian Hope and Life on God
    av Michael Allen

    Eschatology and ethics are joined at the hip, says Michael Allen, and both need theocentric reorientation. In Grounded in Heaven Allen retrieves the traditional concept of the beatific vision and seeks to bring Christ back into the heart of our theology and our lives on earth.Responding to the earthly-mindedness of much recent theology, Allen places his focus on God and the heavenly future while also appreciating ways in which the Reformed tradition provides a unique angle on broadly catholic concerns. Reaching back to classical ethics as well as its reformation by Calvin and other Reformed theologians, Grounded in Heaven offers a distinctly Protestant account of the ascetical calling to be heavenly-minded and to deny one's self.

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