- The Three Laws Of Consciousness For Smarties
av Michael Mathiesen
Ever since humans arrived on this planet, we've all wondered at one point in our life, where we came from, where we were going, is there a God, what is Consciousness? Today, modern Science has made all of the discoveries in the realm of the very smallest Quantum particles and the world of the very largest objects of galaxies, black holes, etc. that answer all of these questions. The book is the first to make this announcement to the world and the Three Laws of Consciousness will inform us all in the next steps we must take to avoid total disaster and the end of the Human story. I found these answers by simply doodling one day. I had never had any confidence in my drawing abilities, but in a kind of Zen meditation, the drawings in the book almost drew themselves out of the Cosmos and landed on the paper. They also allowed me to pull out of them, the words that are now printed here. The illustrations, I now call - Zentanglements - informed me so much, I decided to print them on canvas and on art paper and put them up for sale as collateral materials for the book. They can be found at my store - Amazon.com/shops/zenposters Through these Zentangled drawings, I am the discoverer of the Three Laws of Consciousness the only laws in the universe that cannot be avoided or disobeyed. Without these Laws - all the known laws of Physics cannot exist and everything in the universe would be total Chaos. When you finish reading this book - and if you've absorbed the lessons therein, you will know more than Albert Einstein did when he died in 1957. You will learn how everything is Zentangled and that means everything and everyone. If you have ever been stirred by the creative forces inside you or wanted to be so stirred - this book could unleash that power inside us all. If you are interested in the new discoveries in Science and their place in the great marketplace of ideas - you found the right book. I am not, nor have I ever been an academician and therefore have always thought independently. And so, I have determined that there are laws of Consciousness, just as there are laws of Physics. The only difference is that the Laws of Consciousness must be obeyed by every particle in the universe first. Then, this obedience and uniformity appears to us as the Laws of Physics. In reality, all subatomic particles and all the planets and galaxies in this universe are part of the Cosmic Consciousness that created everything out there including you and me. Mathematical proof for ideas like these are very rare. But, in this book, I have included the mathematical proof of Cosmic Consciousness and how it applies to your every day life. This is undisputable proof because my formula also proves Einstein's Unified Field Theory. It turns out that everything, including you are Zentangled. This begins my book series intended for 'Smarties' because dummies are probably too busy with lesser ideas to appreciate the most important aspect of life. Three Laws of Consciousness: Consciousness Creates All ThingsConsciousness Connects All ThingsConsciousness Consists In All ThingsIf you meditate on these three simple laws and especially if you so meditate in the light of my Zentangled doodles and even some of your own doing, you may find life is just a little bit easier, smoother, less stressful, more meaningful, more rewarding. If not, you could be doing it wrong. Is this The Force mentioned in the famous Star Wars saga of movies? I think it could be so but, explained here in great detail, it is made available now for any reader right now and here on this planet, not just for Jedi Knights, armed with light sabers in a Galaxy far, far away.