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Böcker av Michelle Anthony

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  • av Michelle Anthony

    1.合乎圣经真理的养育理念。圣经说:教养孩童,使他走当行的道,就是到老他也不偏离。(箴22:6)为了使孩童走"当行的道",树立正确的教养理念非常关键。此书帮助基督徒父母走出僵化的"育儿公式"和错误的"育儿理念",从定睛于外在行为管理转为以永生为目标,从属灵角度来教养孩童。 2.营造圣灵做工的环境,重视与圣灵同工。本书从"讲故事"、"服侍"、"走出舒适区"、"责任"、"身份定位"、"信仰群体"、"路线修正"、"爱和尊重"、"认识"和"做榜样"十个环境鼓励父母扎根圣经真理,寻求圣灵引领,根据每个家庭,每个孩子的不同情况制定适宜的教养方式。 3.满足我们的"榜样"需要。中国大多数的基督徒是第一代信徒,普遍缺乏教养孩童的榜样,不知道如何将信仰传承给下一代。《从灵开始做父母》的作者米歇尔-安东尼以自身为例,坦诚分享了她所遭遇的挣扎与失败,结合圣经真理和自身的案例来分享信仰传承。 4.挑战父母的属灵生命。书中强调父母不能把自己所没有的传递给孩子,父母在基督里与神的关系将为孩子做出真实的榜样。因此本书不仅是一本关于教养孩童的书,更是一本建造父母属灵生命的书。 5.帮助父母在生活中实践真理。"道理我都懂,可我就是做不到。"相信有不少父母都会如此感慨。书中的"啊哈!"时刻,以及丰富的精彩案例将帮助父母学习如何在生活中帮助孩子与耶稣建立亲密真实的关系,并身体力行地实践真理。 6.读者对象多样化。此书不仅适合父母阅读,也适合祖父母、教会牧者、儿童事工带领人阅读,单身的弟兄姊妹阅读本书,可提早预备好如何养育敬虔的下一代,没有肉身子女的弟兄姊妹也可以从中学习如何养育属灵的产业。任何一位有能力营造孩童成长环境、希望孩子得生命能够影响后代的人,都应该花时间读读这本书。 7.教育专家蒋佩蓉女士力荐此书。她说:"令我惊喜的是,我发现米歇尔-安东尼并没有告诉我们如何具体处理某种情形,而是鼓励我们去探索其中可以应用的《圣经》原则,帮助我们认识到哪些是神负责的范围,哪些是我们作父母的该负责的范围。"

  • av Michelle Anthony & Reyna Lindert

    A Fun, Easy Way to Talk with Your BabyBabies can communicate with their hands long before they can speak. Using American Sign Language (ASL), Dr. Michelle Anthony and Dr. Reyna Lindert have created the simple and successful Signing Smart system to teach parents how to integrate signing into everyday life with their hearing children. Through the more than seventy activities presented in this book, parents will learn the tools and strategies they need to understand how to introduce signing and build their child's sign and word vocabulary.Using ASL signs and Signing Smart with hearing infants and toddlers has many benefits, including:-reducing frustration and tantrums-allowing children to express what they need or want-facilitating speaking-fostering communication and promoting learningBy using these practical, easy-to-learn methods, parents and babies-from as young as five months old to preschool age-can "converse" through signs at mealtime, bath time, playtime, or anytime.Featuring the Signing Smart Illustrated Dictionary, with 130 signs.

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