- They. Picked. The. Wrong. Girl. (Complete Novel)
av Mike Wells
The moment fresh-faced American college student Renata Richardson is snatched off a Mediterranean beach and methodically gang-raped by seven filthy-rich businessmen, they all know everything there is to know about her.They know her height, weight, birthday, taste in music, favorite Hollywood actors, her relationship history, even the sound of her soft, sensual voice. They also know exactly what she looks like in a bikini, how she keeps her lithe, supple body in shape, and the style in which she most likes to wear her long, silky natural blonde hair.All these details ratchet up the sexual excitement and make her all the more desirable.Equally important, they know that she is from a financially struggling middle class family, with a deceased father and no powerful relatives that could help her, once the deed is done.The most titillating fact they know about Renata Richardson is that she is a 22-year-old virgin. This alone makes her a rare find in the 21st Century, a most coveted conquest.The one, simple fact they do not know about Renata Richardson is something that could not be gleaned from hacking into social media networks, cloud computer storage, and bank databases.They.Picked.The.Wrong.Girl. Note: The idea for this story was triggered by the Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell trafficking scandal.