- A Zine of Hauntings from Underground Histories
av Monocle-Lash Anti-Press
Rêvenance is dedicated to the forgotten or untold histories of 19th Century avant-garde and dissenting countercultures. It promotes history practiced as game, activism, trans-generational collaboration, communal memory, which refuses to describe history as finished: a committed historiography, which does not stand apart from its object: intellectual and precise, yet ludic and multi-form, one moment manifest as an essay, the next as a poem. A historiography created within the utopian fringe, and for the same community, responsive to our changing conditions, needs, and desires. A historiography that we take personally, merging imperceptibly into experiments in daily life, social praxis, and thought. Vol. I. Issues 1-5 of of Rêvenance reproduced exactly in a single perfect-bound volume, preceded by a new preface by the editor and a complete table of contents, and followed by a full index of all five issues. Future volumes will be released every five issues, with continually updated index.