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Böcker av Moritz

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  • av Andreas & Moritz

    In Heal Yourself with Sunlight, Andreas Moritz has provided scientific evidence that sunlight is essential for good health, and that a lack of sun exposure can be held responsible for many of today's ailments. Sunlight is a nutrient, a medicine, a remedy, all at once. It is not some bottled compound you can find at a drug store alone. It is naturally available to everyone. The dosage is under your control and your body easily tells you when you have had just about the right amount of it. Unfortunately, even though sunlight is readily available all through the day, many people fail to profit from it. Read this book to learn how you can harness sunlight, nature's most potent and curative powers, for maintaining good health. It is a misconception that the sun is the main culprit for causing skin cancer, certain cataracts leading to blindness, and aging. Research has actually shown that most skin cancers occur among those who rarely ever spend time in the sun or who use sunscreens filled with carcinogenic chemicals. It has been known for several decades that those living mostly in the outdoors, at high altitudes, or near the equator, have the lowest incidence of skin cancers and are among the healthiest people on the planet. Patients suffering from gout, rheumatoid arthritis, colitis, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, tuberculosis, anemia, cystitis, eczema, acne, psoriasis, herpes, lupus, sciatica, kidney problems, asthma, as well as burns, have all shown to receive great benefit from the healing rays of the sun. Heal Yourself With Sunlight tells you, among other things, how Vitamin D, which the skin produces in response to sun exposure, keeps the body's immune system strong, prevents the bone-thinning disease osteoporosis, and reverses numerous types of cancer, among many other illnesses. Sunlight is the ultimate source of life on earth and the ideal panacea to increase the effectiveness of every other healing modality. Unlike drugs, surgery or radiation, sunlight costs nothing, has no harmful side-effects, and foremost of all, it makes you feel good.

  • av Heck & Moritz
    1 137

    In Bolivia's plurinational conjuncture, novel political articulations, legal reform, and processes of collective identification converge in unprecedented efforts to 're-found' the country and transform its society. This ethnography explores the experiences of Afrodescendants in plurinational Bolivia and offers a fresh perspective on the social and political transformations shaping the country as a whole. Moritz Heck analyzes Afrobolivian social and cultural practices at the intersections of local communities, politics, and the law, shedding light on novel articulations of Afrobolivianity and evolving processes of collective identification. This study also contributes to broader anthropological debates on blackness and indigeneity in Latin America by pointing out their conceptual entanglements and continuous interactions in political and social practice.

  • av Andreas & Moritz

    In questa edizione aggiornata del suo libro campione di vendite Il sorprendente lavaggio del fegato Andreas individua la piu' diffusa ma raramente riconosciuta causa di malattia: i calcoli che congestionano il fegato. Venti milioni di americani soffrono di attacchi di calcoli ogni anno. In molti casi il trattamento consiste unicamente nella rimozione della cistifellea al costo di 5 miliardi di Dollari l'anno. Ma questo approccio puramente orientato ai sintomi non elimina le cause della malattia e in svariati casi pone le basi per condizioni ancora più gravi. La maggior parte degli adulti che vivono il mondo industrializzato e specialmente coloro che soffrono di una malattia cronica quale quella cardiaca, l'artrite, la Sclerosi Multipla, il cancro, il diabete possiedono centinaia se non migliaia di calcoli (principalmente pezzi di bile indurita) i quali bloccano i dotti biliari del fegato. Questo libro fornisce una vasta comprensione di cio' che causa i calcoli nel fegato e nella cistifellea ed il perché questi calcoli possono essere ritenuti responsabili per le piu' comuni malattie diffuse al mondo oggi. Consente al lettore di disporre della conoscenza necessaria al riconoscimento dei calcoli e fornisce le necessarie istruzioni fai-da-te per rimuoverli, senza dolore, nel comfort della propria casa. Fornisce inoltre delle pratiche linee guida in merito a come prevenirne la formazione. Il diffuso successo de Il Lavaggio Epatico e' la testimonianza del potere e dell'efficacia della pulizia stessa. La pulizia ha portato a straordinari miglioramenti nella salute e nel benessere fra migliaia di persone le quali si sono concesse il dono di un fegato forte, pulito e rivitalizzato.

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