av Muhammad Al-Sayed Muhammad
All praise is for Allah, Lord of the worlds, Originator of the heavens andthe earth, Former of darkness and light. I testify that there is no deityworthy of worship except Allah, alone without partner; and I testify thatMuhammad, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, is His slave andmessenger. O Allah, send prayers, peace and blessings upon Muhammadthe prophet - the seal of the prophets and messengers. And O Allah, sendprayers, peace and blessings upon his wives, his pure and distinguishedhousehold, his honorable companions, and whoever follows his guidance,sunnah and footsteps until the Day of Judgment.Indeed, Allah, Blessed and Exalted, sent the seal of His prophets andmessengers - Muhammad, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him -with Islam as a religion that comprises: pure beliefs, guiding rituals, uprightlegislations, lofty teachings, rational directives; that invites to honorablemanners and wise relations, commands every good and forbids every evil,and invites to knowledge, learning and human advancement in everyaspect of life.The early Muslims worked earnestly in executing Islam's teachings,seeking to please Allah, Glorified and Exalted, and it was a cause for theirprogress, advancement and civilization, as well as the spread of Islam'smessage (nearly 1400 years ago) to all the corners of the earth (Asia,Africa, Europe) and subsequent entering of Islam by people in drives, in thecourse of only a few years. And indeed the Muslim scholars at that time -and even up until our modern era - had lofty achievements and luminousinventions and discoveries in different scientific fields, all acknowledged byspecialists in those sciences.5Islam's Teachings And How They Solve Past and Current Problems-What we wish to shed light upon in this concise treatise, which isrevealed in its title "Islam's Teachings and How They Solve Past and CurrentProblems," is what these two questions clarify in the following manner:1- How did the principles that are in agreement with Islam's loftyteachings and directives lead to the advancement - and certainly theprogress and civilization - of the many nations that were working toachieve advancement? This will be answered by mentioning examples ofthose teachings and directives.2- What comes after advancement and progression? Or, to be moreprecise: What is lacking in those nations that work to achieveadvancement, and what are they in need of in order to be crowned withthis advancement and by which they could resolve their current problems?I ask Allah, Blessed and Exalted, to except our righteous deeds from usand multiply them for us; to open the hearts of His slaves to our cause andmake it the reason for the guidance of His creation to Him. Certainly He,Glorified and Exalted, is the Helper towards that and Able to do it.