av Naeem Sadiq
Improve employee safety, reduce workplace incidents and create better, safer working conditionsAccording to a reportfrom the ILO (International Labour Organization), there are more than 2.78 million deaths and 374 million non-fatal injuries and illnesses per year as a result of occupational accidents or work-related diseases. The ILO estimates that the annual cost to the global economy is $3 trillion (about trillion), and in the UK alone it's estimated that 30.7 million working days were lost in 2017/2018 as a result of work-related illness and injury. Can your organisation afford to contribute to these statistics?How can ISO 45001 help?ISO 45001:2018, Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements with guidance for use, is the international standard for creating and maintaining an OHSMS (occupational health and safety management system). The Standard provides guidance and an effective set of processes for improving worker safety and is designed to help organisations of all sizes and anywhere in the world reduce workplace injuries and illnesses.Creating and maintaining an OHSMS demonstrates employer due diligence and reasonable care, reduces workplace incidents, improves employee health, reduces absenteeism, increases productivity and creates a safer working environment for employees.Establishing an OHSMS based on ISO 45001This book provides a comprehensive explanation of the detailed requirements of ISO 45001. The author draws out key parts of the Standard, which can often be confusing for non-experts or newcomers to ISO standards, and explains what they mean and how to comply.Professionals involved in any aspect of an OHSMS, including development, documentation, implementation, training, supervision or auditing, will find the book useful. Equally, those with no background in the subject will find it a valuable resource. The book:Follows a hands-on and step-by-step approach to building an OHSMS;Explains the purpose and the requirements of each clause of ISO 45001;Describes how the requirements can be fulfilled by an organisation;Provides definitions of the roles and responsibilities of leadership; andIncludes numerous examples, suggestions, sample forms and procedures.Suitable for HSQE professionals, project managers, lead implementers and senior management, this book demystifies the ISO 45001 Standard by presenting its contents and implementation methodology in a simple, user-friendly and easily understandable manner. Consultants, trainers and auditors will also find it a useful reference guide.Successfully establish an OHSMS and proactively reduce injury and ill-health in your organisation - buy this book today.About the authorNaeem Sadiq holds a BSc in Aerospace and a Master's in Manufacturing Engineering. He is a certified lead auditor, an ASQ-certified manager and a quality systems auditor. Naeem's experience in engineering and management includes 25 years as an independent consultant, auditor and trainer for the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards.Naeem has presented a number of papers at national conferences on management system standards, and has provided consultancy, training and auditing support to more than 100 organisations. As a freelance writer, he is a regular contributor to national newspapers reporting on safety, environmental and social issues. He is also the author of two books: OHSAS 18001 Step by Step - A practical guide and ISO 14001 Step by Step - A practical guide.