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Böcker av Napoleon Hill Foundation

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  • av Don Green & Napoleon Hill Foundation

    Puedes crear riqueza y alcanzar la seguridad financiera; pero primero, debes aprender a pensar como un millonario. Los millonarios no se hacen por casualidad; acumular riquezas requiere planificación rigurosa y acción decisiva. Pero los principios monetarios usados por la élite financiera no están fuera del alcance de la persona promedio; ¡cualquier persona de verdad puede pensar y hacerse rico! Este libro te enseña tanto los cambios de mentalidad así como los hábitos financieros necesarios para lograr la seguridad financiera. Don Green, director ejecutivo y presidente de la Fundación Napoleon Hill, aprovecha su amplia experiencia en las inversiones personales y en el sector bancario para compartir los secretos de por qué algunas personas obtienen el éxito financiero mientras que otras siguen endeudadas, dependen de un sueldo que solo cubre sus necesidades básicas, o no logran acumular suficiente riqueza para vivir cómodamente en la jubilación. Las historias que él comparte ilustran los métodos exactos que las personas han utilizado para crear sus fortunas: gastar sabiamente, ahorrar consistentemente, invertir inteligentemente, aumentar sus ingresos y servir a otros. Green se basa en los principios atemporales de éxito de Napoleon Hill para presentar una fórmula sencilla para crear riquezas; desde transformar tu mentalidad para el éxito hasta comprender y utilizar los diferentes instrumentos de ahorro e inversión. Cada capítulo incluye sencillos pasos de acción para crear tu plan maestro para llegar a ser millonario. >

  • av Napoleon Hill Foundation & Stovall Jim Stovall

    Discover the success secrets of individuals who have transformed their lives by internalizing and applying Napoleon Hill's achievement philosophy. Have you ever read a book by an author and it immediately changed you--your outlook on life, your relationships, your personal initiative, and your ability to withstand adversity? That is the common experience of those who have read the books of Napoleon Hill, especially his seminal Think and Grow Rich. This book collects the stories of real people whose lives have been altered by the work and wisdom of Napoleon Hill. With very few exceptions, none of the people included in this book ever met Hill directly, but they entered into a timeless mentorship or mastermind relationship with him through his many publications. When you read this book, you will gain insight into how real people translate Hill's philosophy of success into actions that forever alter the course of their lives. From multi-millionaires to teachers, counselors to humanitarians, the individuals who share Hill's impact on their lives prove that Hill's success system is more than a theory; it is a powerful program of achievement with enduring real-world application. Assembled by synthesizing the collective knowledge of hundreds of the most prosperous people of his era--including Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and many others--Hill's Science of Success provides practical steps for building financial, mental, and spiritual wealth. Similarly, the people who submitted "Dear Napoleon" letters for this book do not express their theoretical understanding of Hill's principles; rather, they candidly share their real-life experiences with the power of Napoleon Hill's philosophy of success. Take a journey into the trials and celebrations, failures and successes, of the individuals featured in this book, and acquire a clear sense of how you can apply Hill's success concepts to great effect.

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