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  • av National Association of Emergency Medica
    1 111

    Over three decades ago, PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support transformed the assessment and management of trauma patients in the field, improving the quality of trauma patient care and saving lives around the world. The tenth edition of this trusted, comprehensive resource continues the PHTLS mission to promote excellence in trauma patient management by all prehospital care practitioners through global education. First developed by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) in the early 1980s in cooperation with the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS-COT), this proven program includes updated medical content to reflect current, evidence-based knowledge and practice. PHTLS promotes critical thinking as the foundation for providing quality care, knowing that EMS practitioners make the best decisions on behalf of their patients when given a solid foundation of knowledge and key principles to fuel their critical-thinking skills. A Clear Approach to Assessing a Trauma Patient In the field, seconds count. The tenth edition of PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support teaches and reinforces the principles of rapidly assessing a trauma patient using an orderly approach, immediately treating life-threatening problems as they are identified, and minimizing delays in initiating transport to an appropriate destination. PHTLS, Tenth Edition features: - The updated ACS National Guidelines for the Field Triage of Injured Patients- An advanced discussion on the challenges of prolonged scene time- Consideration of when to shift efforts from search and rescue to recovery in the setting of a drowning victim- The United Kingdom Fire and Rescue Guidelines for search and rescue- New content on blast injuries- Clarification on the role of pelvic binders- Presentation of the emerging role of prehospital blood transfusion in hemorrhagic shock in reducing 30-day mortality - Current content addressing special considerations, including weapons of mass destruction and environmental trauma

  • av National Association of Emergency Medica

    Over three decades ago, PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support transformed the assessment and management of trauma patients in the field, improving the quality of trauma patient care and saving lives around the world. The tenth edition of this trusted, comprehensive resource continues the PHTLS mission to promote excellence in trauma patient management by all prehospital care practitioners through global education. First developed by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) in the early 1980s in cooperation with the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS-COT), this proven program includes updated medical content to reflect current, evidence-based knowledge and practice. PHTLS promotes critical thinking as the foundation for providing quality care, knowing that EMS practitioners make the best decisions on behalf of their patients when given a solid foundation of knowledge and key principles to fuel their critical-thinking skills. A Clear Approach to Assessing a Trauma Patient In the field, seconds count. The tenth edition of PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support teaches and reinforces the principles of rapidly assessing a trauma patient using an orderly approach, immediately treating life-threatening problems as they are identified, and minimizing delays in initiating transport to an appropriate destination. PHTLS, Tenth Edition features: - The updated ACS National Guidelines for the Field Triage of Injured Patients- An advanced discussion on the challenges of prolonged scene time- Consideration of when to shift efforts from search and rescue to recovery in the setting of a drowning victim- The United Kingdom Fire and Rescue Guidelines for search and rescue- New content on blast injuries- Clarification on the role of pelvic binders- Presentation of the emerging role of prehospital blood transfusion in hemorrhagic shock in reducing 30-day mortality - Current content addressing special considerations, including weapons of mass destruction and environmental trauma

  • av National Association of Emergency Medica

    En Estados Unidos, cada año, aproximadamente 1,6 millones de pacientes pediátricos se transportan en ambulancia al departamento de emergencias y se atiende a millones más en todo el mundo. Dado que la atención pediátrica prehospitalaria se considera una atención de baja frecuencia y alta gravedad, es fundamental que los profesionales renueven y actualicen sus conocimientos clínicos, practiquen habilidades psicomotoras y apliquen pensamiento crítico a los posibles casos de los pacientes para garantizar que puedan poner en práctica estas habilidades cuando se reciba una llamada pediátrica.La cuarta edición de Atención pediátrica de emergencia es el siguiente paso en la evolución de este curso crítico de capacitación continua. Este manual es un recurso interesante que se puede consultar después del curso para ayudar a los profesionales a proporcionar la mejor atención a sus pacientes jóvenes.Un enfoque de la atención pediátrica centrado en la familiaEl programa de Atención pediátrica de emergencia de la Asociación Nacional de Técnicos en Emergencias Médicas (National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians, NAEMT) asiste a los pacientes pediátricos a través de la educación global de profesionales de la atención prehospitalaria de todos los niveles. El programa de Atención pediátrica de emergencia promueve la excelencia en el tratamiento de pacientes pediátricos por parte de todos los profesionales involucrados en la atención prehospitalaria. El objetivo principal del curso de Atención pediátrica de emergencia no es únicamente garantizar que los profesionales de servicios médicos de emergencia puedan atender mejor a los niños enfermos y lesionados; también reconoce que casi todas las llamadas pediátricas giran en torno a las necesidades no solo del niño, sino también de sus cuidadores.Este manual del curso incluye capítulos sobre lo siguiente: - Desarrollo y evaluación pediátrica- Emergencias respiratorias- Traumatismos- Shock y circulación- Emergencias médicas pediátricas- Eventos cardíacos pediátricos- Urgencias toxicológicas- Maltrato infantil- Atención obstétrica/de recién nacidos y anomalías congénitas- Menores con necesidades especiales de cuidado de la salud- Crisis de salud mental en pediatría

  • av National Association of Emergency Medica

    AMLS: Advanced Medical Life Support est le cours de référence pour les praticiens préhospitaliers en matière d'évaluation médicale avancée et de traitement des affections médicales les plus courantes. Enseigné à travers le monde depuis 1999, l'AMLS a été le premier programme de formation des SMU à aborder de manière exhaustive la meilleure façon de gérer les patients en situation de détresse médicale. Créée par la National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) et approuvée par la National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP), l'AMLS met l'accent sur l'utilisation de la procédure d'évaluation AMLS. Cet outil d'évaluation essentiel permet aux praticiens préhospitaliers de diagnostiquer rapidement les patients malades et d'initier une gestion effi cace sur le terrain. Cette troisième édition de l'AMLS comprend un tout nouveau contenu sur la pharmacologie (chapitre 11), la septicémie (chapitre 12) et les urgences en matière de santé mentale (annexe C).L'AMLS est le seul manuel approuvé à être utilisé dans le cadre du cours de réanimation médicale avancée de la NAEMT. Son contenu médical est constamment révisé et mis à jour pour refl éter les connaissances et les pratiques actuelles, fondées sur des preuves. La philosophie de l'AMLS est centrée sur l'utilisation de la pensée critique pour évaluer les patients et établir des protocoles de prise en charge.Une approche précise de l'évaluation d'un patientSur le terrain, chaque seconde compte. La méthode d'évaluation AMLS fournit une approche systématique de l'évaluation d'un patient malade qui permet aux praticiens préhospitaliers d'établir un diagnostic précis et rapide.Solutions technologiques dynamiqueLe contenu de référence associe une conception pédagogique solide à une interface conviviale pour offrir aux enseignants et aux étudiants une experience d'apprentissage réellement interactive et attrayante avec: - Le manuel AMLS du cours sous format eBook qui renforce les concepts clés présentés dans le coursNote: The AMLS Course Manual eBook is written in English.

  • av National Association of Emergency Medica

    AMLS: Advanced Medical Life Support è il principale corso per i soccorritori preospedalieri incentrato sulla valutazione medica avanzata e sul trattamento delle principali emergenze mediche. Insegnato in tutto il mondo fin dal 1999, AMLS è stato il primo programma educativo per soccorritori che ha affrontato nel suo insieme la gestione dei pazienti con problematiche internistiche. Ideato dalla National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) e approvato dalla National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP), AMLS enfatizza l'utilizzo del proprio Algoritmo AMLS per la Valutazione del Paziente. Questo strumento di valutazione essenziale, consente ai soccorritori preospedalieri di inquadrare rapidamente i pazienti con emergenze mediche e di indirizzarne una prima gestione efficace sulla scena. Questa terza edizione dell'AMLS comprende capitoli completamente nuovisu Farmacologia (capitolo 11), Sepsi (capitolo 12) e sulle Emergenze comportamentali (appendice C)AMLS è l'unico libro di testo approvato durante il corso Advanced Medical Life Support di NAEMT. I suoi contenuti medici vengono continuamente aggiornati e rivisitati per riflettere le conoscenze e le pratiche attuali, basate sull'evidenza scientifica. La filosofia AMLS è incentrata sull'uso del ragionamento critico per valutare i pazienti e formulare strategie di trattamento.Un approccio chiaro alla valutazione di un paziente medicoSulla scena ogni secondo conta! L'Algoritmo AMLS per la Valutazione del Paziente fornisce un approccio sistematico alla valutazione del paziente internistico che consente ai soccorritori preospedalieri di diagnosticare le problematiche con rapidità e accuratezza.Soluzioni tecnologiche dinamicheI contenuti avanzati si integrano ad un design didattico con un'interfaccia intuitiva per offrire a istruttori e studenti un'esperienza di apprendimento davvero interattiva e coinvolgente con: - Un eBook, il manuale del corso AMLS, che rafforza I concetti chiave presentati durante il corso AMLS

  • av National Association of Emergency Medica

    All Hazards Disaster Response (AHDR) is a groundbreaking program from the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) that uses realistic scenarios to prepare first responders to respond swiftly and effectively when disaster strikes. It is the first EMS education program that fully addresses how to best manage patients during disasters. AHDR trains EMS practitioners for a team- and systems-based approach to disaster preparedness and response. Training with AHDR leads to the acquisition of critical knowledge and enables EMS practitioners to explore potentially dangerous situations in an interactive and safe learning environment. Key Features The AHDR Course Manual is designed to be used by participants before, during, and after the course. Before the course, participants can prepare with the evidence-based content and engaging features within each lesson. Check Your Knowledge questions and lesson summaries reinforce key concepts and tie information together, helping participants retain what they have learned. During the course, participants will utilize the course manual as a vital resource during critical-thinking skill stations. After the course, participants can consult the course manual as a trusted reference.

  • av National Association of Emergency Medica

    La National Association of EMTs ha collaborato con Jones & Bartlett Learning e la American Geriatrics Society per sviluppare il corso GEMS, seconda edizione. Un team di educatori e medici EMS esperti che ricoprono il ruolo di membri del comitato GEMS di NAEMT ha progettato un corso che prepara i professionisti EMS a rispondere alle sfide e ai bisogni unici di un paziente anziano. Il corso mira a potenziare i professionisti con una formazione geriatrica specifica per aiutarli a migliorare i risultati medici e la qualità della vita di questi pazienti.La Geriatric Education for Emergency Medical Services (GEMS), seconda edizione, si basa sulla precedente edizione e include contenuti espansi che copriranno nuove aree trattate negli standard nazionali di educazione EMS, tra cui assistenza sanitaria e disastri integrati mobili.Il corso GEMS è un corso innovativo, completo e altamente interattivo della durata di 1 giorno, per i fornitori BLS e ALS con: - Lezioni basate su casi di studio- Video di azione dal vivo- Postazioni di abilità pratiche- Scenari di piccoli gruppiNovità della seconda edizione: - L'introduzione di un corso per operatori, "essenziale" di 8 ore in una giornata- Altre informazioni specifiche per la geriatria incluse nelle lezioni- Nuova lezione su Disastri e le esigenze associate dei pazienti più anziani- Nuova lezione su Mobile Integrated Healthcare-Community Paramedicine (Servizi paramedici di assistenza sanitaria integrati mobili per la comunità) e l'opportunità di fare la differenza con i pazienti più anziani- Nuovi video su Abuso senile, RIR-PC e traumiLe informazioni ITK online: L'accesso al ToolKit dell'istruttore online per accompagnare GEMS, seconda edizione include: - Presentazioni PowerPoint- Descrizione della lezione- Scenari- Postazioni di abilità

  • av National Association of Emergency Medica
    1 477

    AMLS: Advanced Medical Life Support är denledande kursen i avancerad medicinsk bedömning och behandling vid vanliga medicinska tillstånd I prehospital vård. Kursen har givits världen över sedan 1999. AMLS var den kurs som först tog upp hur man fullt ut behandlar allvarliga medicinska tillstånd. Kursen skapades av den amerikanska prehospitala ambulansorganisationen National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) med stöd av den amerikanska akutläkarorganisationen National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP). AMLS betonar vikten av AMLS bedömningsstruktur. Detta viktiga utvärderingsverktyg ger prehospitala vårdgivare möjlighet att snabbt diagnostisera medicinska patienter och initiera effektiv behandling prehospitalt.För att AMLS skall fungera optimalt krävs att man använder kritiskt tänkande för att bedöma patienter och formulera hanteringsplaner.Föränderligt kursmaterialTredje utgåvan av AMLS lärobok (textbook) är en komplett text innehållande alla detaljer och evidens bakom de rekommendationer som ligger till grund för principer och behandlingsanvisningar för AMLS-kursen. Som nästa steg i utvecklandet av kursen har det nu tillkommit en ny bok, nämligen den du just nu håller i din hand, AMLS kursmanual, vilken förstärker och klargör de nyckelkomponenter som presenteras under kursen med en tilltalande, interaktiv och medryckande text.Kursmanualen innehåller följande huvuddelar: - Progressiva fallstudier - Där studenten följer en patient hela vägen från utlarmning till bedömning och handläggning och vidare till transport samt hur en liknande patient skulle behandlas av studenten prehospitalt.- AMLS bedömningsstruktur - Ett verktyg för att på ett systematiskt sätt att bedöma en medicinsk patient vilket gör det möjligt för den prehospitala vårdgivaren att snabbt ställa korrekt medicinsk diagnos.

  • av National Association of Emergency Medica

  • av National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians US (NAEMT)
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  • av National Association of Emergency Medica

  • av National Association of Emergency Medica
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  • av National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT)
    381 - 787

  • av National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians
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  • av National Association of Emergency Medica

    AMLS: Advanced Medical Life Support is the leading course for prehospital practitioners in advanced medical assessment and treatment of commonly encountered medical conditions. Taught across the globe since 1999, AMLS was the first EMS education program that fully addressed how to best manage patients in medical crises. Created by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) and endorsed by the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP), AMLS emphasizes the use of the AMLS Assessment Pathway. This essential assessment tool empowers prehospital practitioners to rapidly diagnose medical patients and initiate effective management in the field.AMLS is the only textbook approved for use in NAEMT's Advanced Medical Life Support course. Its medical content is continuously revised and updated to reflect current, evidence-based knowledge and practice. The AMLS philosophy is centered on using critical thinking to assess patients and formulate management plans.A Clear Approach to Assessing a Medical PatientIn the field, seconds count. The AMLS Assessment Pathway provides a systematic approach to the assessment of a medical patient that enables prehospital practitioners to diagnose medical patients with urgent accuracy. Dynamic Technology SolutionsWorld-class content joins instructionally sound design with a user-friendly interface to give instructors and students a truly interactive and engaging learning experience with: eBook of the AMLS Course Manual that reinforces key concepts presented in the AMLS courseEngaging case-based lectures in the AMLS Online Instructor Toolkit

  • av National Association of Emergency Medica

  • av National Association of Emergency Medica

    No ambiente tático civil, os segundos contam. O TECC: Atendimento Tático de Emergências, Segunda Edição ensina aos prestadores de cuidados pré-hospitalares como atender e cuidar dos pacientes durante uma emergência tática civil, incluindo tiroteios ativos. Este programa de engajamento foi projetado para preparar os prestadores de Serviços Médicos de Emergência (SME) a atender aos pacientes em um ambiente tático. Desenvolvido pela Associação Nacional de Técnicos Médicos de Emergência (ANTME) e endossado pelo Colégio Americano de Cirurgiões, o TECC, Segunda Edição trata dos atuais domínios dos Serviços Médicos de Emergência Tática (SMET) e está em conformidade com o atual Comitê de Diretrizes TECC. A ANTME é uma reconhecida parceira de educação do Comitê TECC.Componentes Dinâmicos do ProgramaO manual do curso TECC, Segunda Edição reforça e esclarece os principais conceitos do curso. Ele apresenta um design envolvente e interativo, e foi escrito para que você ache que está participando de uma conversa enquanto ouve uma palestra. O manual do curso inclui as seguintes características principais: Verificação das Habilidades de Conhecimento - Aplicação dos conhecimentos apresentados na aula e fortalecimento das habilidades de gestão do paciente.Estações de Habilidades - Revisão passo a passo sobre como executar habilidades que salvam vidas no ambiente tático

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