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Böcker av Olga Kryuchkova

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  • av Olga Kryuchkova

    This creative book is dedicated to the views of Rome. Here you will find color stylized images, brief descriptions for them and monochrome images.When coloring, you can focus on a color sample, or you can choose colors for coloring yourself.

  • av Olga Kryuchkova

    The final third book in the series.Strange events begin to occur in Heian, connected with the demon appearing on the streets at night. What is really behind this? And what role will Komachi play in this?

  • av Olga Kryuchkova

    The second book in the series.Life at the Court goes on as usual. But the appearance of the spirit of the dead lady brought unrest to the peaceful life at the Court. Komachi and two onmyōji have to find out the true motives of the spirit...

  • av Olga Kryuchkova

    Young Ono no Komachi enters the service of the Imperial Palace and becomes the lady-in-waiting of one of the consorts. Soon, she encounters an inexplicable phenomenon: a mysterious flying golden palanquin appears on the outskirts of the capital Heian.The young lady-in-waiting marries a brilliant guardsman. However, he dies during the suppression of an uprising in one of the outlying provinces. To drown out the pain of loss, the lady-in-waiting is engaged in poetry. The Empress highly appreciates Ono no Komachi and her work. And soon the girl becomes her lady-in-waiting...

  • av Olga Kryuchkova

    Excerpt from the book: Sumire arrived at the house of the fortuneteller 'Ms. Ru' completely unaware of anything. What was her amazement when she saw the very same Ms. Ruri! After exchanging formal courtesies with her, the former actress said: "And yet, the ways of fate are truly inscrutable! Ms. Ruri, I never expected to see you in Ming!""But I knew you would come, Ms. Sumire," the fortuneteller smiled. "I guess you`ve already guessed that I`m not exactly a simple person.""You are the spirit of that lapis lazuli that was on the hairpin that I gave you. Is not it?"Ruri nodded. It was no surprise to her that Sumire had already understood everything."You wish to know your future, don`t you?" she asked."Exactly," she confirmed."Now I will make your horoscope," came the answer.Of course, Sumire guessed that the lapis lazuli spirit didn`t need any tools or calculations to see into the future. But she still decided not to interrupt her.Ruri began to diligently make the horoscope. And at the very beginning, she realized that something had gone wrong. Namely, she did not see the future of Sumire. "What`s the matter?" Ruri was confused. "Just because everything was fine..."Thanks to the fact that her magical powers partially returned, she knew that Sumire was one of the descendants of the very Celestial Maiden Haruka, who once awakened Ruri from a long sleep. For a moment, it even seemed to her that Sumire was the very descendant in which Ori, whom Ruri had been looking for so long, was reborn. But then - this vision disappeared, as if the image of Ori 'left' Sumire. Therefore, Ruri decided that it just seemed to her...Suddenly, Ruri saw the future of her house. It turned out that in the near future it no longer existed. Her house will be empty until the city recognizes it as abandoned. And in the future, a cosmetics shop will open in Ruri`s house."Will I leave this place in a hurry? But why?" wondered the spirit of lapis lazuli. "Why can't I see Sumire's future? Really, her further destiny is connected with me? For the only one whose fate I cannot see is my own."Meanwhile, the former head of the acting troupe asked: "Something is wrong?"Ruri hesitated for a moment. She didn`t know what to answer her. Suddenly, something amazing happened. All of a sudden, a thick white fog came into the room...***...That day, Mr. Bai was doing business as usual, when suddenly his regular client came to him: Himiko-Sakurako herself."Ah, lady Sakurako! How glad I am to see you!" he broke into an obsequious smile. "What do you want this time? Especially for you, I have several new scientific treatises and a finely crafted jade necklace..."The merchant did not doubt the solvency of the customer: she always bought expensive exquisite goods. However, the merchant could not overestimate the price too much: the girl was perfectly oriented and understood the true value or uniqueness of this or that product."I`m glad to see you too, Mr. Bai," she greeted politely. "I want to take a look at the new scientific treatises and the necklace."The merchant immediately presented the necessary items. The customer examined them carefully and nodded in satisfaction."They really got me interested," she said. Then she thought for a moment and said: "Do you have any scientific treatises on military mechanisms or unusual weapons?"Dong was somewhat surprised, but did not show it."Alas, but now I have nothing suitable!" the merchant honestly admitted. "But I can show something interesting.""What is this?" inquired the girl."These are fireworks.""Fireworks?"Of course, Himiko had heard about them from other overseas merchants. Even though she never saw them..."Yes lady... Please take a look..." Mr. Bai took out a small wooden box...

  • av Olga Kryuchkova

    Excerpt from the book: Sumire was born into a family of impoverished aristocrats, near the city of Edo, as the fourth daughter in the family. The only eldest son was supposed to inherit all the modest family property, and the parents tried to marry their daughters as profitably as possible. Thus, the two older sisters of Sumire married wealthy men of respectable age and had already managed to become a widow.Soon, Sumire herself entered the age of maturity. Her parents also quickly found a bridegroom for her. Like the husbands of her older sisters, he was a widower of advanced age."I don`t want to marry him!" the girl immediately got angry. "He`s as old as our grandfather!""Think of family!" her mother scolded her severely. "Your advantageous marriage can improve our situation! And you, too, will live in abundance!""He is old! I don`t want to be his wife!" the girl did not give up."He is a great option for marriage! Think for yourself how beneficial it is for you! Your children will be his heirs!" mother objected again. "Besides, you yourself said he was old! Think about the fact that a few years after the wedding you will be widowed and become a free woman! You will become a wealthy free woman! But for this you need to give birth to him a child!"Sumire realized that arguing with her mother was useless. She pretended to obey. But in fact, she planned to run away from home.The girl realized her plan on a moonless night a few days later. She got men`s clothes. She took some jewelry with her and quietly left the house.Fortunately for her, the deities were merciful to her - nothing bad happened to the girl. But in the end, she nevertheless realized that she acted very unreasonably and frivolously. After all, robbers could have attacked her on the very first night after escaping! But fortunately, everything ended well....After running away from home, Sumire was thinking: what should she do next? She probably should have thought about it before running away! But now it was too late to regret.The most reasonable thing seemed to her to go to another city, sell jewelry and buy herself a small house. And then marry some nice young guy.But Sumire has always been a 'rebel'! And obeying a vague impulse, she decided to try to create an acting troupe, because the girl always liked the performances of actors and actresses, music and dancing.***No sooner had Himiko left the shrine than shouts were heard from everywhere: "Sun! Sun! Amaterasu takes the sun!" shouted the townspeople seized with all-consuming horror and fell to their knees."We will all die!" yelled the priest and ran away.Himiko watched the faint-hearted priest with an angry gaze, then raised her eyes to the heavens and saw a black disk slowly rolling on the sun. Twilight was gradually gathering over the city...The picture that presented itself to the girl`s gaze involuntarily made her freeze in amazement and fear. For a few moments, Himiko stood in a daze, unable to utter a word. Suddenly she remembered the lessons of her old teacher and one of the ancient astrological treatises she had once read. It told about the mysterious celestial phenomena that occur from time to time in this world.It was said in that treatise about the so-called 'solar eclipse', when the moon and the sun became in one line. And the moon completely hid the daylight. According to an ancient Han scroll, this predicted some troubles or important changes.Immediately, Himiko realized that this circumstance could be used to advantage. And the young ruler was visited by a daring thought...

  • av Olga Kryuchkova

    Excerpt from the book: ...Turning around, Sumire saw a female figure detach from the trunk of the plum tree. And before her appeared a young girl with long hair and in a scarlet outfit."Lady, please don't be afraid of me," she said. "I am the spirit of the plum tree that grows by this bridge. My name is Umeko. The oni Kiseki, whose name you guessed, caused trouble not only to me, but also to the local spirits of stones and the spirit of the river. We have never wished harm to people, and every time we were very worried, afraid to become witnesses of bloodshed. Therefore, I want to thank you.""Oh, there's no need," Sumire said modestly."You were not at all surprised to meet Kiseki and me," smiled Umeko. "Have you encountered spirits and demons before?""Once, I had to be a witness to a mystical event," she replied."Oh, I see!" exclaimed the plum spirit. "This explains a lot. You are an amazing person! As a token of my gratitude, let me show you the mirror that knows the past.""The mirror that shows the past?" Sumire asked in surprise."Yes," Umeko nodded. A small bronze mirror appeared in her hands, painted with an intricate color pattern around the edges. "If you look into it, you can see whatever you want. Whether it is an event of ancient times, the life of a person or a spirit. The only thing that the mirror does not show is the fate of objects."***...It was a sultry summer day. There was not the slightest movement of wind in the air.The servants and members of the Heavenly Clan were suffering from the heat. In the afternoon the sky began to take on a leaden hue as a heavy thunderstorm was approaching.Amaterasu spent time in the shade of a spreading tree. Her maids, Miyu and Mayu, were diligently fanning their Lady with large fans.Over the past two years, Miyu has grown up and gradually turned into an attractive young lady. Mayu entered the service of the deities a little later than her friend. She was a year younger than Miyu, but that didn't stop the girls from making friends."There will probably be a strong thunderstorm in the evening..." Amaterasu said lazily."Yes, my Lady, it's always very stuffy before a thunderstorm," Mayu agreed with her."And I'm scared to death of lightning..." confessed Miyu."You shouldn't be afraid of them! They are far in the sky! And we serve the deities, so everything will be all right," her friend reasoned.She knew perfectly well: in a thunderstorm one should not be near water and one should not hide under a tree. Otherwise, the thunder spirits will get angry and incinerate you with a lightning bolt."I had a bad dream today," Miyu ignored her friend. "I saw that a huge fireball flew into Ashihara and engulfed Lady Izanami in flames..."***Nine thousand years ago...It was a wonderful summer day. This year the summer turned out to be extremely successful: not cold, but not hot either. It rained just the right amount.The Court diviners of the Heavenly River Clan unanimously called this an auspicious sign. The reason for which was the ascension to the throne of the new ruler Tei.The Heavenly Clan arrived on Earth over a thousand years ago, from a distant place beyond the Heavenly River. They settled on the archipelago, having founded the capital on the island of Honshu, but after a couple of centuries they finally lost touch with their distant ancestral home.The course of time did not spare anyone, sweeping away everything in its path. Therefore, over the millennium, the Heavenly Clan had lost most of their knowledge and technology. The members of the clan in many ways became like ordinary mortal people. They also lost their amazing longevity, because they gradually mixed with mortal earthlings from local tribes. But the members of the Heavenly Clan still kept records on timeless paper, diligently guarding the secret of its manufacture...

  • av Olga Kryuchkova

    Excerpt from the book: ...Before them appeared a clean spacious room, furnished with elegant carved furniture and skillfully painted screens. All interior items were expensive and it immediately became clear: the fortuneteller`s business was going well.The woman and her daughters immediately appreciated the quality of the things around them. Such things could be afforded by middle-class aristocrats or wealthy citizens.After exchanging a number of pleasantries, Ruri invited the guests to sit down at a low table on the tatami mat. Women and girls quickly sat down at the table. The samurai, making sure that nothing threatened their Lady and girls, calmly stood at the entrance to the dwelling.They didn`t seem to bother Ruri at all. She was often approached for a prediction by noble ladies and wealthy townswomen, who came, of course, with an escort."My Lady, what do you want to know first?" asked the blue-eyed fortune-teller. "Your future, or what awaits your daughters?""First, I wish to know what awaits my eldest daughter. Then, in order of seniority: middle and junior," the mother gestured at her daughters in turn."So be it," Ruri nodded.***...Suddenly, the girl realized something else: the skies darkened sharply and an impenetrable fog began to cover everything around. The girl panicked and rushed to quickly look for a way out of the forest. But, alas, the irreparable happened: she got lost, but realized it too late."If I stand still, I will never leave the forest at all," she reasoned. "The main thing is to go very carefully. And with the help of the great goddess Amaterasu, I will safely get out of here. And I need to find my maid."Himiko mentally offered prayers, and slowly set off on her way. At first she followed a flat road, then, suddenly, a flat forest path rushed up. The girl, to her great surprise, realized that she was walking along a mountain road.Suddenly, Himiko heard the purr of a cat, and decided that somewhere nearby there must be housing. "I will ask the locals how I can return to the capital. Maybe they`ll let me wait out the fog at their house!" flashed through her mind.She walked on, from time to time a purr reached her ears. Himiko walked long enough. The fog still enveloped her like a cocoon...

  • av Olga Kryuchkova

    This creative book is dedicated to the views of Venice. Here you will find color stylized images, brief descriptions for them and monochrome images.When coloring, you can focus on a color sample, or you can choose colors for coloring yourself.

  • av Olga Kryuchkova

    The Volhvs (ancient Slavic sorcerers) in ancient times were the main servants of the pagan faith. They conducted not only sacred rites and festivities, instructed people, but also engaged in herbalism, healing, magic, fortune-telling.Among the ancient Slavs, the Volhvs were believed to have the ability to create miracles, to predict the future. They performed sacred rituals, sacrifices, knew how to use the elements. The Volhvs had a high status, close to the rulers. And, of course, they knew how to create various amulets and talismans, for which they used the symbols of their native deities and various sacred symbols.This book is dedicated to the ancient Slavic symbols of the ancient Volhvs, their use in creating the strongest talismans created by one's own hands. In separate sections, descriptions of ancient Slavic symbols and images of the symbols themselves are given.Carefully study the description of the image, and then choose the symbol that suits your purposes. Carefully redraw the required symbol onto a monochrome image. Then color the finished image, put your energy into it and create the strongest talisman for certain needs. You can hang it at home above the front door or another place convenient for you. You can fold it several times and carry it with you in your bag or pocket every day.Protective magic, acting through talismans created by human hands, can be attributed to the type of apotropaic magic.Apotropaic magic (from the Greek αποτρέπειν - 'prevents') is a type of magic designed to ward off harm or evil influences, such as to ward off misfortune or prevent the evil eye. It can be created with the help of rituals and spells, or simply by putting on and hanging in the interior an object that brings good luck (amulets, talismans).

  • av Olga Kryuchkova

    This creative book is dedicated to Anne Anderson's Illustrations and Warwick Goble's Illustrations. Here you will find a color image and a monochrome image with color swatches.When coloring, you can focus on a color swatch and color swatches, or you can choose your own color solutions for coloring.The creative book has no age restrictions.Wish you creative success and enjoy your time!This book can be used as a coloring or art therapy.

  • av Olga Kryuchkova & Elena Kryuchkova

  • av Olga Kryuchkova & Elena Kryuchkova

  • av Olga Kryuchkova

  • av Olga Kryuchkova & Elena Kryuchkova

  • av Olga Kryuchkova & Elena Kryuchkova

  • av Olga Kryuchkova

  • av Olga Kryuchkova

  • av Olga Kryuchkova & Elena Kryuchkova

  • av Olga Kryuchkova

  • av Olga Kryuchkova

  • av Olga Kryuchkova & Elena Kryuchkova

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