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  • - Paranormal (Spanish Novels for Advanced Learners - C1)
    av Paco Ardit

    Looking for Spanish Novels?I know how tough it is to find good readings to learn a new language.You don't usually have a large vocabulary or are able to read long and complex sentences.You'd like to go right to the fun stuff, but maybe it's too hard for you now.A typical Spanish reader isn't interesting or just plain boring.But this book is not like that.Learning with Spanish Novels is easy and straightforward. Forget about difficult long texts with English-translations. This book for Spanish learners is not like that. It will take you to the next level in less time. That means less effort and struggling towards your way to fluency in Spanish. Improving your Spanish can be lots of fun. A Spanish Book for The Advanced (C1) Both Fun & EasyParanormal is the book number 23 of the Spanish Novels Series. This Advanced Spanish Reader is packed with useful expressions you need in everyday situations: greetings, asking questions, talking to friends, etc. Anyone who has an advanced command of the Spanish language can take advantage of this book. You need to know conditionals, gerund, pluperfect and simple past tenses. Besides, in this book you will find longer and more complex sentences and chapters. Karen is a writer who lives in Miami. Everything in her life is normal and predictable: her job, her friends, and her hobbies. Every day is exactly the same, until she meets a mysterious man at the local Starbucks. He will show her a paranormal world with no limits, where everything seems possible.This Spanish Book for Advanced Learners will show you the most used grammar structures in different situations. As the difficulty level is just right you will learn and enjoy it at the same time. This Spanish book will definitely help you work your way up toward even more advanced readings.Why Spanish NovelsShort sentencesShort chaptersEasy vocabularySimple grammarEveryday dialoguesAn Advanced (C1) Spanish Reader in SIMPLE Spanish.From the First Chapter: Robbie recuerda perfectamente cómo llegó al mundo paranormal. Fue apenas unos minutos después del accidente en moto. Como todas las noches, ese día también iba conduciendo a más de 250km/h. No tenía que llegar a ningún lado en particular, pero tenía prisa. El camión que se cruzó en su camino iba casi tan rápido como él. No tuvo ni siquiera un segundo para reaccionar. Fue instantáneo: después del choque salió disparado de su moto, volando por el aire hacia el costado de la carretera. Lo que sigue es muy vago, nebuloso, como si lo hubiera soñado. No sabe exactamente cómo sucedió, pero recuerda muy bien la imagen. Estaba viendo su propio cuerpo desde afuera. Como si su alma o su espíritu se hubiera desprendido del cuerpo. Sabía que algunas personas hablaban de viajes astrales y de distintos planos de existencia. Lo había leído en libros y en varios sitios de Internet. Aunque le encantaba leer y aprender sobre esas cosas, era sumamente escéptico. Decía: "Hasta que no me suceda a mí no voy a creerlo". Ahora le estaba sucediendo. Y era mucho más extraño de lo que jamás hubiera imaginado.Do you really wanna learn Easy Everyday Spanish? Scroll up and click the BUY button!

  • - Perro que habla no muerde (Spanish Novels for Upper-Intermediates - B2)
    av Paco Ardit

    Looking for Spanish Novels?I know how tough it is to find good readings to learn a new language.You don't usually have a large vocabulary or are able to read long and complex sentences.You'd like to go right to the fun stuff, but maybe it's too hard for you now.A typical Spanish reader isn't interesting or just plain boring.But this book is not like that.Learning with Spanish Novels is easy and straightforward. Forget about difficult long texts with English-translations. This book for Spanish learners is not like that. It will take you to the next level in less time. That means less effort and struggling towards your way to fluency in Spanish. Improving your Spanish can be lots of fun. A Spanish Book for Upper-Intermediates (B2) Both Fun & EasyPerro que habla no muerde is the book number 16 of the Spanish Novels Series. This Upper-Intermediate Spanish Reader is packed with useful expressions you need in everyday situations: greetings, asking questions, talking to friends, etc. Anyone who has an upper-intermediate command of the Spanish language can take advantage of this book. You need to know conditionals, gerund, pluperfect and simple past tenses. Besides, in this book you will find longer and more complex sentences and chapters. Jaime is a 6 year old boy afraid of dogs. This year he's beginning elementary school and he wants to make friends, but he's very shy. To make things worser, there's a boy at school who starts bullying him right from the first week. Will he be able to get rid of his fears and stop the bully? This Spanish Book for Upper-Intermediates will show you the most used grammar structures in different situations. As the difficulty level is just right you will learn and enjoy it at the same time. This Upper-Intermediate Spanish book will definitely help you work your way up toward more advanced readings.Why Spanish NovelsShort sentencesShort chaptersEasy vocabularySimple grammarEveryday dialoguesAn Upper-Intermediate (B2) Spanish Reader in SIMPLE Spanish.From the First Chapter: Cuando llega el domingo Jaime es el niño más feliz del mundo. Los domingos siempre van a la plaza. Todos los domingos del año, a menos que llueva o haya tormenta. Por lo general van a la plaza alrededor de las 3pm. Mientras sus padres están sentados a la sombra, Jaime se divierte con los juegos de la plaza. Para que no le haga daño el sol sus padres le ponen un protector solar fuerte. Jaime se queda jugando durante una o dos horas. Si fuera por él podría vivir en la plaza. Más de una vez le dijo a sus padres: "Podría hacer una casa de madera en un árbol, y vengo a vivir aquí los fines de semana. ¿Qué les parece?".Lo único que a Jaime no le gusta de ir a la plaza es tener que ir caminando. A decir verdad, la plaza queda a solo tres cuadras de su casa. Pero no es la distancia lo que le molesta. Lo que no le gusta son los perros. En realidad, no es que no le gusten. Lo que sucede es que le dan miedo. Apenas ve un perro ya siente miedo. Y si el perro le ladra mucho más aún.Hoy Jaime y sus padres están caminando de regreso a casa como siempre. Cuando ven un perro, se cruzan a la vereda de enfrente. Y si un perro le ladra a Jaime, su padre le recuerda: "Perro que ladra no muerde".Do you really want to learn Easy Everyday Spanish? Scroll up and click the BUY button!

  • - Tsunami (Spanish Novels for High Advanced Learners - C2)
    av Paco Ardit

    Looking for Spanish Novels?I know how tough it is to find good readings to learn a new language.You don't usually have a large vocabulary or are able to read long and complex sentences.You'd like to go right to the fun stuff, but maybe it's too hard for you now.A typical Spanish reader isn't interesting or just plain boring.But this book is not like that.Learning with Spanish Novels is easy and straightforward. Forget about difficult long texts with English-translations. This book for Spanish learners is not like that. It will take you to the next level in less time. That means less effort and struggling towards your way to fluency in Spanish. Improving your Spanish can be lots of fun. A Spanish Book for High Advanced Learners (C2) Both Fun & EasyTsunami is the book number 25 of the Spanish Novels Series. This High Advanced Spanish Reader is intended for learners who already have a very good command of the language. At this level I assume you are comfortable reading longer texts that express ideas, feelings, and other abstract things. You are also able to follow more complex plotlines and grasp subtle nuances of the language.Karen is a journalist living in Punta del Este, Uruguay, in the year 2034. A terrible tsunami struck the shores of Miami and the whole city is now under water. Karen will be asked to travel there to cover the news and the aftermath of the tragedy.This Spanish Book for High Advanced Learners will show you the most used grammar structures in different situations. As the difficulty level is just right you will learn and enjoy it at the same time. This Spanish book will definitely help you work your way up toward even more advanced readings.Why Spanish NovelsEveryday dialoguesMultiple genresEngaging storiesStep by step approachContextual learningA High Advanced (C2) Spanish Reader in EVERYDAY LanguageFrom the First Chapter: Cuando se despertó esa mañana ya sabía que había sucedido algo malo. La luz de alerta de sus lentes de realidad virtual no fallaba: cuando se prendía era porque de verdad había sucedido algo. Por la intensidad y el color de la luz, Karen ya sabía que era una noticia internacional. En el año 2034 los periodistas están más conectados que nunca. Tienen dispositivos tecnológicos de todo tipo que emiten alertas sobre las últimas noticias en cuestión de segundos. Al recibir las notificaciones deben reportarse a los grandes grupos de redes sociales que dominan el planeta. La empresa líder en distribución de noticias es Teemen, una red social de noticias en tiempo real. Es la empresa para la que trabaja Karen. La notificación de los lentes seguía encendida, esperando por una respuesta. Karen estiró su brazo derecho en un intento perezoso de alcanzar las gafas que estaban a casi un metro de la cama. Al colocarse el dispositivo vio enseguida que se trataba de una tragedia. El visor mostraba en letras mayúsculas: "TSUNAMI EN MIAMI". Eso era todo. Las noticias en la década de 2030 eran increíblemente breves. Karen había leído artículos sobre cómo había cambiado la industria del periodismo en menos de 20 años. Ahora, la gente pedía noticias cada vez más cortas. Nadie tenía tiempo de leer siquiera dos oraciones seguidas.Do you wanna learn Everyday Spanish with engaging stories? Scroll up and click the BUY button!

  • - El día del juicio (Spanish Novels for Advanced Learners - C1)
    av Paco Ardit

    Looking for Spanish Novels?I know how tough it is to find good books to help you learn a new language.You usually don't have a large vocabulary.You aren't able to read long and complex novels intended for native speakers.You'd like to go right to the fun stuff, but maybe it's too hard for you now.A typical Spanish reader isn't interesting or just plain boring.But this book is not like that. Learning with Spanish Novels is fun and straightforward. Forget about difficult texts with English-translations. This book for Spanish learners is not like that: it will take you to the next level in no time! That means less effort and struggle on your way to fluency in Spanish. Improving your Spanish can be lots of fun. A Spanish Book for The Advanced (C1) Both Fun & UsefulEl día del juicio is the 21st book in the Spanish Novels Series and it's intended for Advanced Learners. At this level you feel comfortable reading long texts that express ideas, feelings, and other abstract things. You also know conditionals, gerund, pluperfect and simple past tenses. Carlos Estrada was one of the richest businessmen in Argentina. The morning after his last birthday party he was found dead in his swimming pool. Nobody knows how he died, but Amanda -the judge in charge of the case- is willing to do the impossible to find out. At the same time, she will face one of the toughest professional dilemmas in her life. This Spanish Book for Advanced Learners will show you the most used grammar structures in different situations. As the difficulty level is just right, you will learn and enjoy it at the same time. This Spanish book will help you on your way toward even more advanced readings. An Advanced (C1) Spanish Reader in MODERN Spanish.From the First Chapter: En todo Buenos Aires, no había nada como las fiestas que organizaba Carlos. Una o dos veces al año alquilaba el salón más grande del Sheraton para festejar. El motivo del festejo era lo de menos: podía ser el cumpleaños de un amigo, el éxito de ventas de una de sus compañías, o el fin de año. La fiesta más esperada, sin dudas, era la de su cumpleaños. Como el dinero no era problema, la lista de invitados a veces superaba las 500 personas. En su último cumpleaños había decenas y decenas de actores, deportistas y otras personalidades famosas de Argentina. También estaban las personas más ricas de Buenos Aires. A lo largo de las últimas décadas, Carlos Estrada había amasado una fortuna que superaba los 10 millones de dólares. En el año 2014, de hecho, era el hombre más rico de la Argentina. Tenía dinero suficiente para invitar a su fiesta de cumpleaños a toda la provincia de Buenos Aires. Pero, con el tiempo, las fiestas con mucha gente fueron perdiendo el encanto que tenían al principio. Es así como, para su último cumpleaños, Carlos decidió invitar solamente a un pequeño grupo de 80 personas. Esta vez no lo iba a hacer en el Sheraton; prefirió festejarlo en su casa de fin de semana, en Pilar. Do you really want to learn Everyday Spanish? Scroll up and click the BUY button!

  • - Laura no está (Spanish Novels for Pre Intermediates - A2)
    av Paco Ardit

    Looking for Spanish Novels?I know how tough it is to find good readings to learn a new language.You don't usually have a large vocabulary or are able to read long and complex sentences.You'd like to go right to the fun stuff, but maybe it's too hard for you now.A typical Spanish Reader isn't interesting or just plain boring.But this book is not like that.Learning with Spanish Novels is easy and straightforward. Forget about difficult long texts with English-translations. This book for Spanish learners is not like that. It will take you to the next level in less time. That means less effort and struggling towards your way to fluency in Spanish. Improving your Spanish can be lots of fun. A Spanish Book for Pre Intermediates (A2) Both Fun & EasyLaura no está is the sixth book of the Spanish Novels Series. This Pre Intermediate Spanish Reader is packed with useful expressions you need in everyday situations: greetings, asking questions, talking to friends, etc. Anyone who has a basic command of the Spanish language can take advantage of this book. I assume you know your pronouns, articles, and the most used verbs/nouns in Spanish. You also need to know simple present, past and future tenses.A mistery story that takes place in Buenos Aires. Laura is a street drawer. She makes portraits and landscapes, and sells them in a pedestrian street. One day a strange man from Sweden shows up. He starts buying portraits. And a few days later, Laura is gone. Her friend Claudio will try to find her. This Spanish book for Pre Intermediates will show you the most used grammar structures in different situations. As the difficulty level is just right you will learn and enjoy it at the same time. There's no doubt about it: An Intermediate Spanish book is the perfect place to keep improving the language.Why Spanish NovelsShort sentencesShort chaptersEasy vocabularySimple grammarEveryday dialoguesA Pre Intermediate (A2) Spanish Reader in SIMPLE Spanish.Sample sentences: Todos los días Laura vende sus dibujos en la calle.A Laura le encanta conversar con sus amigos.Le gustan los libros de misterio y las biografías de rock.Los domingos lee bastante, mira películas y sale al parque con amigos.Learn Vocabulary With a Spanish Reader for Pre IntermediatesLaura no está includes a short guide to download and install a FREE Spanish-English Dictionary. Look up the meaning of any word you don't know and add it to your vocabulary lists. Reading short stories in Spanish using Kindle's dictionaries is much more easy and fun.If you are familiar with common structures of the language you can tackle this novel. An Intermediate Spanish book is supposed to be read by language learners, isn't it? What would be the point to stuff the book with difficult grammar, translations and the like? It'd make no sense! The best you can do is work your way up with easy readings. Once you finish some Spanish novels you'll have learned a lot about the language in everyday situations.Do you really want to learn Easy Every Day Spanish? Scroll up and click the BUY button now to start improving your Spanish!

  • - Amor online (Spanish Novels for Intermediates - B1)
    av Paco Ardit

    Looking for Spanish Novels?I know how tough it is to find good readings to learn a new language.You don't usually have a large vocabulary or are able to read long and complex sentences.You'd like to go right to the fun stuff, but maybe it's too hard for you now.A typical Spanish reader isn't interesting or just plain boring.But this book is not like that.Learning with Spanish Novels is easy and straightforward. Forget about difficult long texts with English-translations. This book for Spanish learners is not like that. It will take you to the next level in less time. That means less effort and struggling towards your way to fluency in Spanish. Improving your Spanish can be lots of fun. A Spanish Book for Intermediates (B1) Both Fun & EasyAmor online is the book number 12 of the Spanish Novels Series. This Intermediate Spanish Reader is packed with useful expressions you need in everyday situations: greetings, asking questions, talking to friends, etc. Anyone who has an intermediate command of the Spanish language can take advantage of this book. You need to know conditionals, gerund, pluperfect and simple past tenses. Besides, in this book you will find longer and more complex sentences. Avril is a 21 year-old canadian girl afraid of talking to men. She wants to meet the love of her life, but so far she's only had online boyfriends. Avril never thought about meeting one of them in real life, until she fell in love with José - a colombian football player. She'll do crazy things and risk everything just to get a chance of meeting him face to face.This Spanish Book for Intermediates will show you the most used grammar structures in different situations. As the difficulty level is just right you will learn and enjoy it at the same time. This Intermediate Spanish book will definitely help you work your way up toward more advanced readings.Why Spanish NovelsShort sentencesShort chaptersEasy vocabularySimple grammarEveryday dialoguesAn Intermediate (B1) Spanish Reader in SIMPLE Spanish.From the First Chapter: Avril mira la hora en su celular: son las 4.57pm. Esta es la última clase del día, pero la más larga de todas. Y también es la más aburrida. Ella y sus compañeros deben completar formularios y planillas. En esos momentos Avril piensa: "Qué bueno que no estoy estudiando Economía o Administración de Empresas". La verdad es que odia los números y las finanzas. Por eso decidió estudiar algo social. No sabía bien qué. Finalmente terminó eligiendo Turismo. El turismo no es algo que la apasione, pero debía elegir algo. Sus padres le dijeron: "O estudias en la Universidad o consigues un trabajo".A las 5.00pm termina la última clase del día. Avril es una de las primeras en salir del aula. Otros dos chicos salen detrás de ella y la llaman por su nombre: "Hey, Avril! Avril!". Avril los escucha pero no se da vuelta. Le da vergüenza hablar con sus compañeros de clase. Ella es muy tímida. Por eso, siempre que puede los evita. Camina un poco más rápido para que no la alcancen. Los chicos siguen detrás de ella y gritan: "Avril! Avril!". Pero Avril no los mira. Empieza a correr hasta salir de la Universidad. Y sigue corriendo hasta llegar a su casa.Do you really wanna learn Easy Everyday Spanish? Scroll up and click the BUY button!

  • - Marte: 2052 (Spanish Novels for Upper-Intermediates - B2)
    av Paco Ardit

    Looking for Spanish Novels?I know how tough it is to find good readings to learn a new language.You don't usually have a large vocabulary or are able to read long and complex sentences.You'd like to go right to the fun stuff, but maybe it's too hard for you now.A typical Spanish reader isn't interesting or just plain boring.But this book is not like that.Learning with Spanish Novels is easy and straightforward. Forget about difficult long texts with English-translations. This book for Spanish learners is not like that. It will take you to the next level in less time. That means less effort and struggling towards your way to fluency in Spanish. Improving your Spanish can be lots of fun. A Spanish Book for Upper-Intermediates (B2) Both Fun & EasyMarte: 2052 is the book number 18 of the Spanish Novels Series. This Upper-Intermediate Spanish Reader is packed with useful expressions you need in everyday situations: greetings, asking questions, talking to friends, etc. Anyone who has an upper-intermediate command of the Spanish language can take advantage of this book. You need to know conditionals, gerund, pluperfect and simple past tenses. Besides, in this book you will find longer and more complex sentences and chapters. This is the year 2052. Our planet is about to colapse and the IASA is trying to launch the biggest spacial mission to Mars, before attempting to colonize the red planet. The crew is formed by 15 poor young people from the five continents: the 'spacial volunteers'. Will they be able to complete the mission and come back safe to the Earth?This Spanish Book for Upper-Intermediates will show you the most used grammar structures in different situations. As the difficulty level is just right you will learn and enjoy it at the same time. This Upper-Intermediate Spanish book will definitely help you work your way up toward more advanced readings.Why Spanish NovelsShort sentencesShort chaptersEasy vocabularySimple grammarEveryday dialoguesAn Upper-Intermediate (B2) Spanish Reader in SIMPLE Spanish.From the First Chapter: En el año 2052 los recursos naturales del planeta están prácticamente agotados. Ya no queda casi nada de petróleo, y lo peor es que tampoco hay otras energías alternativas. Desde que las máquinas reemplazaron a los hombres en las fábricas, los niveles de desempleo están por encima del 50%. Los que tienen la suerte de conseguir un trabajo, apenas ganan lo suficiente para comer. Y el resto -los desempleados- sobrevive con la ayuda del gobierno. La cantidad de pobres en el planeta está en cifras récord.Uno de los grandes problemas actuales es la superpoblación. Según los últimos informes de la ONU, la población de la Tierra acaba de superar los 12000 millones de habitantes. No es ninguna sorpresa: en el año 2000 ya lo habían anticipado. En ese entonces los pronósticos para el 2050 estaban alrededor de esa cifra. Lo que no estaba dentro de los cálculos era la distribución de la población. Nadie hubiera creído que Norteamérica y Europa se iban a convertir en los continentes más poblados del planeta, pero esa era la nueva realidad.Do you really wanna learn Easy Everyday Spanish? Scroll up and click the BUY button!

  • av Paco Ardit
    137 - 161

  • - Elektra (Spanish Novels for High Advanced Learners C2)
    av Paco Ardit

    Looking for Spanish Novels?I know how tough it is to find good readings to learn a new language.You don't usually have a large vocabulary or are able to read long and complex sentences.You'd like to go right to the fun stuff, but maybe it's too hard for you now.A typical Spanish reader isn't interesting or just plain boring.But this book is not like that.Learning with Spanish Novels is easy and straightforward. Forget about difficult long texts with English-translations. This book for Spanish learners is not like that. It will take you to the next level in less time. That means less effort and struggling towards your way to fluency in Spanish. Improving your Spanish can be lots of fun. A Spanish Book for High Advanced Learners (C2) Both Fun & EasyElektra is the book number 26 of the Spanish Novels Series. This High Advanced Spanish Reader is intended for learners who already have a very good command of the language. At this level I assume you are comfortable reading longer texts that express ideas, feelings, and other abstract things. You are also able to follow more complex plotlines and grasp subtle nuances of the language.Luz Mendizábal is the owner of Elektra, a leading solar energy company in Spain. After her house caught fire, nobody knows where she is or if she's dead or alive. At the same time, a countrywide social media campaign against solar energy will make everything more difficult for Elektra.This Spanish Book for High Advanced Learners will show you the most used grammar structures in different situations. As the difficulty level is just right you will learn and enjoy it at the same time. This Spanish book will definitely help you work your way up toward even more advanced readings.Why Spanish NovelsEveryday dialoguesMultiple genresEngaging storiesStep by step approachContextual learningA High Advanced (C2) Spanish Reader in EVERYDAY LanguageFrom the First Chapter: Cuando llegaron los bomberos la casa era una bola de fuego. Los dos pisos de la mansión estaban envueltos en llamas, oscurecidos por una nube negra. A las 2.05 de la madrugada, la llama gigante iluminaba prácticamente toda la cuadra. Era como si hubiera salido el sol a mitad de la noche. Los primeros en llamar a los bomberos fueron los vecinos de enfrente. Una pareja de ancianos que tenían su habitación con frente a la calle. A las 2am estaban durmiendo, pero la llama no tardó demasiado en despertarlos. Apenas vieron el fuego en el primer piso de la casa, el hombre de la casa corrió al teléfono para pedir ayuda. Los bomberos no tardaron ni cinco minutos en llegar a la casa. Había fuego por todas partes, desde la planta baja hasta el techo. Siguiendo el protocolo estándar que regía en todas las ciudades de España, el cuerpo de bomberos coordinó el plan de acción. Dos personas eran las encargadas de rociar la casa con agua a presión para sofocar las llamas. Simultáneamente, otros dos bomberos ingresarían a la mansión en busca de gente atrapada. Debían actuar de forma sincronizada y con máxima precisión. En estos casos, dos o tres segundos hacían la diferencia entre la vida y la muerte de una persona.Do you wanna learn Everyday Spanish with engaging stories? Scroll up and click the BUY button!

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