- A Journey Through Space, Time, and Spirit
av Pam Llamas
This is my journey, from consciousness, to being born, and how God delivered me through all the things that life throws at us. I share my first thoughts, and how I survived abandonment, sexual assault, and health problems from cancer, drug abuse, two strokes, and severe depression. God brought me through it all, with His Word, and my guardian angel. I hope that it will help someone else be an overcomer, and allow God to guide them, as He has led me. I am a mother, a Christian, and a retired RN. I have four sons, about nine grandchildren, and ten great-grandchildren. I worked as RN for about 13 years, until I had cancer and two strokes, which ended my nursing career. After the first stroke, something happened in my brain, which stirred up my creative side, and I wrote this book. After I wrote From Eternity into Time and Back Again, I wrote Storm Warnings, and Caught Up In the Storm. Now I am working on the third book in the "Storm Warning" Series, Fire Storm.