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Böcker av Paul Foster Case

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  • - Qabalah and the Tree of Life
    av Paul Foster Case & Wade Coleman

    A Home-Study Course on the Tree of Life & the Central Secrets of Qabalah. The Hebrew word Qabalah means both to "receive" and to "reveal." In this essential reading for students of the Western esoteric tradition, you will learn how the Thirty-Two Paths of Wisdom, which are central to Qabalah, help to reveal your consciousness to be ready to receive the answers to questions related to God, the Universe, Humanity, and your Purpose and Place within all. On the Tree of Life, the Thirty-Two Paths of Wisdom link the 10 sefirot with 22 further channels of energy that correspond to the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. By meditating on the sephiroth you will gain a greater understanding of yourself and the sacred Laws of Life. A valuable study of the relationship between the Divine and the Human, which will give you the confidence to learn and live as a practical Qabalist. All those interested in the Western Mysteries, Occultism, and Magical Studies will benefit greatly from this book. Paul Foster Case was an American occultist and a notable proponent of the early 20th century teachings in occultism and magical studies. He was the founder of Builders of the Adytum (B.O.T.A), a leading school of the Western mystery tradition in Los Angeles that still exists today. Case was a respected figure in the American occult and spiritual community and wrote several articles and 15 books related to these areas.

  • - Tarot Meanings
    av Paul Foster Case & Wade Coleman

    Strengthen your knowledge of the Tarot and learn how to live your best life. Tarot Interpretations is the third and final book in the Paul Foster Case's Tarot lesson series. It is a powerful tool of practical occultism that when studied seriously will help you experience the transforming change in consciousness necessary to realize your heart's desire. With thorough explanations and exercises, the book guides you through essential elements that are fundamental to interpreting the Tarot. Foster Case instructs you in the use of magic squares to layout the Tarot Keys. These tableaus are used in a daily meditational practice that includes the seven stages of spiritual enfoldment. By the end of this book and the Tarot lesson series, you will have a deepened understanding of the laws of life as drawn from the entwining of the Tarot, Astrology, Kabbalah, and the Western Mysteries tradition as a whole. Essential reading for students of the Tarot, Cartomancy, Practical Occultism, Astrology and Kabbalah. As one of the leading early 20th-century proponents of the Western Mysteries, Paul Foster Case's Tarot teaching is unparalleled. An American occultist, Foster Case was the founder of Builders of the Adytum (B.O.T.A), a leading school of the Western mystery tradition in Los Angeles that still exists today. A widely respected figure in the American occult and spiritual community, he wrote several articles and 15 books including two other books as part of his Tarot learning series, An Introduction to Tarot and Astrology and Tarot Fundamentals.

  • - Fundamentals
    av Paul Foster Case

  • av Paul Foster Case

    For the first time, this book brings Paul Foster Case's Neophyte Grade work into the public domain. Paul Case believed that rituals put us in direct contact with a current of light and consciousness, transmitted without a break from ancient times down to the present. Students of Occultism and the Western Mysteries Tradition now have a chance to study the secret coursework reserved for initiates. Some of the neophyte coursework is similar to the Golden Dawn. However, Paul Case's commentaries on the Neophyte Initiation, Opening and Closing, and Equinox Ceremony are unique and highly informative. A must-read companion for students of magical studies, members of existing lodges, and all other new and master practitioners of magical traditions.

  • av Paul Foster Case

    Paul Foster Case dijo que los rituales ponen en funcionamientos los procesos físicos, etéricos, astrales y mentales mediante los cuales podemos realizar nuestras aspiraciones. Los rituales nos ponen en contacto directo con una corriente de luz y consciencia, la cual ha sido transmitida sin interrupción desde la antigüedad hasta nuestros días. El Dr. Case adoptó los rituales del Aura Dorada para su propia Orden, con modificaciones y adiciones en todo. Primeramente, él reemplazó las meditaciones en forma de Dios con imágenes angélicas. Sin embargo, el propósito y estructura principal de los rituales de Iniciación, Equinoccio, Apertura y Clausura son idénticos. Con este libro, los rituales de Case están siendo llevados al dominio público por primera vez. Éstos han sido expuestos paso a paso, con instrucciones escénicas fáciles y claras de seguir. Algunas omisiones se han hecho para preservar el secreto de la Orden.

  • av Paul Foster Case & Wade Coleman

    A one-of-a-kind book that finally reveals the attunement rituals of leading early-20th-century occultist, Paul Foster Case The Sacred ceremonies of Lodges following the Western Mysteries Tradition have long been shrouded in secrecy. While there is good reason for this, it does mean that students of the occult and magical studies are often left without any real knowledge of the frameworks and rituals that are needed for ceremonial magic. That's why this book, which brings the attunement rituals of respected occultist, Paul Foster Case, into the public domain for the first time is so valuable. Case's rituals are laid out step-by-step with stage directions that help demystify the sacred practices. Many of the rituals were adopted for his Order from the Golden Dawn, though Case added to and modified several of these. The purpose and core structure of the attunement rituals for 1 = 10, 2 = 9, 3 = 8, and 4 = 7 rituals are identical to that of the Golden Dawn but the God-form meditations have been replaced with angelic images - all of which are outlined in this singular book. Who Will Benefit from Reading this Book? Members of existing lodges, students of magical studies and the occult, and all other new and master practitioners of group magical work will benefit highly from the rarely shared information in this book. The book can be used as a home study guide for those learning about ceremonial magic. Use it as a companion book to The Neophyte Rituals of Paul Foster Case. Paul Foster Case was an American occultist and a notable proponent of the early 20th century teachings in occultism and magical studies. He was the founder of Builders of the Adytum (B.O.T.A), a leading school of the Western mystery tradition in Los Angeles that still exists today. Case was a respected figure in the American occult and spiritual community and wrote several articles and 15 books related to these areas.

  • - Ceremonial Magic
    av Paul Foster Case & Wade Coleman

    "Rituals set in motion physical, etheric, astral, and mental processes whereby we may realize our aspirations" - Paul Foster Case For the first time, this book brings Paul Foster Case's neophyte rituals into the public domain. Students of Occultism and the Western Mysteries Tradition now have a chance to put to work the potent rituals of one of the leading lights of early 20th century practical occultism and magical studies, Paul Foster Case. Foster Case believed that rituals put us in direct contact with a current of light and consciousness, transmitted without a break from very ancient times down to the present. His own rituals were adopted from the Golden Dawn, the secret society devoted to the practice of the occult and metaphysics from the late 19th century onwards. Case introduced modifications and additions to these rituals, however, the majority of which are included in this fascinating book. They are laid out step-by-step so that readers can adopt and apply these procedures of ceremonial magic in their own group magical work. A must-read companion for students of magical studies, members of existing lodges, and all other new and master practitioners of magical traditions. Use it as a companion book to The Attunement Rituals of Paul Foster Case. Paul Foster Case was an American occultist and a notable proponent of the early 20th century teachings in occultism and magical studies. He was the founder of Builders of the Adytum (B.O.T.A), a leading school of the Western mystery tradition in Los Angeles that still exists today. Case was a respected figure in the American occult and spiritual community and wrote several articles and 15 books related to these areas.

  • - Ensenanzas del Tarot
    av Paul Foster Case & Wade Coleman

    Cómo usar el Tarot para desbloquear la verdad oculta que tienes dentro de ti. Este es el segundo de los tres libros de Paul Foster Case escritos para profundizar su comprensión del Tarot. El objetivo específico de este libro es enseñarte cómo usar el Tarot para hacer surgir la sabiduría interior. Foster Case ilumina la tradición del Tarot en un lenguaje sencillo y directo, asegurando que tanto los novatos como los adeptos encontrarán en Los Fundamentos del Tarot una herramienta de aprendizaje eficaz y esencial. Con instrucciones prácticas y explicaciones fáciles de seguir, el libro te enseña cómo usar las Claves del Tarot para desbloquear el flujo de información oculto en tu subconsciente. Debido a que el Tarot es un aprendizaje clave en el Camino Occidental, aprenderá el simbolismo de los números dentro de las Claves del Tarot y la relación entre el Tarot, las letras hebreas, los Treinta y Dos Caminos de la Sabiduría y dónde encaja en el Árbol de Vida. Este libro es una adición significativa a cualquier estudio de Tarot, Cartomancia, Ocultismo práctico, Astrología y Cábala. Como uno de los principales defensores de los misterios occidentales de principios del siglo XX, la enseñanza del Tarot de Paul Foster Case no tiene paralelo. Un ocultista estadounidense, Foster Case fue el fundador de Builders of the Adytum (B.O.T.A), escuela líder de la tradición del misterio occidental en Los Ángeles que aún existe en la actualidad. Una figura muy respetada en la comunidad ocultista y espiritual estadounidense, escribió varios artículos y 15 libros, entre ellos Introducción al Tarot y la Astrología.

  • - The Early Writings
    av Paul Foster Case

    In 1924, Paul Foster Case expanded his First Year Course by developing two advanced lecture series which he entitled Section uConcentration and Section D: Magic. The lectures built upon the material in the First Year Course(which had become known at this time as Section A:The Life Power and Section B: The Seven Steps to Spiritual Unfoldment). The Fraternity of the Hidden Light has recently published both of these lecture series as Occult Fundamentals and Spiritual Unfoldment - Volume 1: The Early Writings. This current volume provides the two additional lecture series that complete the original fundamental course structure of Paul Case. Section C, Concentration, expounds the esoteric secrets of Meditation. This section is a very advanced series of lessons that not only develops the essential skill of concentration but commences the student upon thePath of Return with a series of powerful Qabalistic Meditations. These Meditations have a tendency to facilitate deep spiritual experience in those who are prepared and chose to participate. This lesson series indeed represents some of the most advanced material written by Paul Case. Section D, Magic, provides the esoteric secrets of Magic in a very rare exposition of the fundamental tenets of magical practice by one of the greatest occultists of the 20th century. Here again is material published by Paul Case that cannot be found in any of his later developed lesson series and provides insight into the tools of the trade practiced by Golden Dawn enthusiasts today.

  • av Paul Foster Case
    251 - 287

  • - Interpretations
    av Paul Foster Case

  • av Paul Foster Case

    Paul Foster Case founded the Builders of the Adytum (the BOTA), a mystery school that still teaches students from all parts of the world. In this wound-breaking book, he presents a careful interpretation of the principal Rosicrucian manifestoes -- the Fama Fraternitatis and the Confessio Fraternitatis.

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