- A Prophetic Journey through the Names of God
av Peggy Williams
A number of years ago, while engaged in a study of the book of Isaiah, I became aware of the many different names of God Isaiah used to describe Him in that particular book. From that time on, I began noticing and either highlighting every new name as I was reading or writing down names that were particularly meaningful to me. I have continued the practice to this day. Over time, I prepared and preached a ministry about "The Treasure of His Name," and continued to seek God's will as to how I could best give appropriate honor to the many names of God that had made such an impression on my Christian journey.In early 2020, while I was seriously considering the expansion of my earlier ministry into a book, God spoke to me. He said, "Connect your visions or pictures with My name. Imagine what My names look like, not just what they are." I had received my marching orders. God wanted my discovery of His names to be connected with my prophetic encounters. A number of books have been written concerning the different names of God, but I had never before heard of one that analyzed the names prophetically. What do these names look like?My prayer is that this book will incite you, the reader, to seek out your own personal encounters with God and experience the vastness of God and His nature. We can't understand or know who God is if we don't get to know His Names and what attributes are attached to them. As seen in the following scriptures, we are the ones who benefit from loving and thinking upon His name. Imagine that every time you talk about the Lord, He not only hears but He hearkens or "gives attention" (Hebrew-Greek Study Word Bible) to the conversation. He attaches such importance to our words and thoughts about Him that He goes so far as to have a book of remembrance written for us in His Presence. As we meditate on His name, the Lord puts us in His treasure box so that He remembers us just as we do with our own personal treasures. No wonder we who love His name burst forth with endless joy!Mal 3:16-17A (AMP) Then those who feared the Lord talked often one to another; and the Lord listened and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him of those who reverenced and worshipfully feared the Lord and who thought on His name. And they shall be Mine, says the Lord of hosts, in that day when I publicly recognize and openly declare them to be My jewels (My special possession, My peculiar treasure). Psalm 5:11 (TPT) Then every lover of Your Name will burst forth with endless joy. Psalm 72:19 (TPT) The blazing glory of his name will be praised forever!