av Peter
In the field of Writing Skill or Composition, Mr. Peter has tried to include about all necessary methods of writing skill, which are suitable for students of all standard, from Primary to Higher Secondary level, and thus his entire attempt has led to form Peter's 'Advanced Writing Skill, the Complete Version', which consists of three Parts (Part-1, Part-2 & Part-3). The present book, "Development of Writing Skill, Part-2" includes mainly Letter Writing, dividing it firstly in two heads: Formal & Informal; then sub-dividing each one into further heads; as-business letters, including advertisements, enquiries, replies, placing order, letters of complaint, application for jobs-letters to editor-letters to Institutional Heads, like Principal, Head master- to Municipal Commissioner, Chairman, Mayor-to bank authorities-different official & unofficial Invitations and Replies-and the Informal letters; as to friends, relatives, acquittances and parents.