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Böcker av Peter Rudin-Burgess

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  • - Solo Roleplaying BRP Based Games
    av Peter Rudin-Burgess

    Basic Solo Roleplaying SystemThis rules supplement is aimed at any and all BRP Basic Roleplaying games, including Call of Cthulhu and Runequest, and anything else that is independently produced using the SRD.The book contains a d100 oracle, a selection of muses or spark tables, advice on improv gaming and solo playing adventure/mystery games.

  • av Peter Rudin-Burgess

    When I first published 3Deep in 2016, I intended to release the setting-neutral rules and follow it up quickly with splatbooks that tweaked the game to fit each setting and genre.I produced two books, one of which I wrote myself, and one was an adaption of No GM's Sky by Todd Zircher. Ironically, supers was supposed to be the first book. My roleplaying education started with D&D B/X and then moved through Champions, Traveller, Runequest, and Rolemaster, and the real eye-opener was when we started roleplaying Steve Jackson's Car Wars. That told me that any game that had a character could be roleplayed. All you needed were some rules for conflict resolution. If you are familiar with 3Deep, you may have noticed a healthy dose of the original Car Wars in those rules as well as some Champions and Traveller. Our early influences stay with us, or mine did.This book takes the core of 3Deep and introduces rule tweaks and suggestions to bend it to the Supers genre.

  • - EZD6 Compatible Solo Tools
    av Peter Rudin-Burgess

    No Rabble RouserEZD6 Compatible Solo ToolsEZD6 is a simple d6 driven game with a very strong OSR feel, without having all the D&D baggage.The system is heavily skewed towards player success. Typically a 1 is an automotive fail, 2 is a failure (but you can spend meta currency to boost it, 3-5 is a success and 6 is an exploding roll and critical success.These solo rules use that same 1, 2, 3-5, and 6 spread for its oracle, and more of the familiar systems within EZD6 to run the solo tools.Because the game hovers between being a rules-light d6 game and a D&D-esque OSR game it has many different possibilities for the feel or play style. For that reason, I have introduced different Muses, four in total, so the player can find the one(s) that gel the best with the way you want to play the game.

  • av Peter Rudin-Burgess

    These solo rules were requested by one of my patreons.FASERIP is a retro-clone of the Marvel Super Heroes game from the 1980s. It has a rather unique resolution mechanic that is very simple to use.FASERIP is very popular and well-supported. You can find the free rules here. https: // rules require just the booklet, the free rules above, and d100 to play.These rules are also compatible with FASERIPopedia by WHITEFRANK.FASERIPopedia is a trademark of Jonathan Nolan, all rights reserved 2023 used with permission.

  • - 36 d66 tables
    av Peter Rudin-Burgess

    Grim Sci-fi36 d66 TablesThese tables are intended to replace or supplement the action/subject tables within Mythic GME, or to be used as add-on additional oracles/muses for any d6-based dark sci-fi game, such as Death in Space, Hostile, Bladerunner, and Alien.The tables are cross-referenced and they are both spread out through the book and condensed into a few pages for easy reference.

  • av Peter Rudin-Burgess

    Cut Up SoloDr. Jekyll & Mr. HideCut Up Solo Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hide takes the classic gothic novel by Robert Louis Stevenson and cuts it into snippets of text typically 4-6 words in length.This cut up book was created in November for a hallowe'en game but never releasedThis book contains instructions on cut up play, 2,000 snippets of text arranged in two d1000 (3d10) tables. You will also get a spreadsheet containing all the snippets in excel and ods formats.Cut Up Solo is a technique that uses random snippets of text that you pick and fit together, creating what the GM says to you. You can then respond to that, and then the cycle repeats. Cut up play is very different from more traditional oracle-driven solo play. If you struggle with interpreting word pairs or prompts, cut up could be for you.

  • - Solo Roleplaying Secrets & Lies
    av Peter Rudin-Burgess

    Solo NoirSolo Roleplaying Secrets & LiesI am a huge fan of games that I can jump straight into without having to digest 500 pages of rules and options before making a 1st level character. Secrets & Lies by Daniel Bayn is just 33 pages, and PWYW. The book gives you three different settings, but it is the classic noir detective that spoke to me.The standout design feature is how Secrets & Lies is built on presumed success. Many games have characters that will frequently fail at even the most central of tasks. Thieves that cannot reliably pick locks and fighters that miss as often they hit with their swords. Secrets & Lies is not like that. You describe what you do, and if success is important you make down a 'hit' against your vitals and carry on. Then when you reach a crucial moment, that is when you go to the dice and all those hits can come back to bite you.This mechanic means that you can do whatever defines your character, you are competent and capable, but there is always a cost to pay in the end.

  • av Peter Rudin-Burgess

    Cut Up SoloAsgardian MythThis book takes the text from The Children Of Odin The Book Of Northern Myths by Padraic Colum and cuts it into snippets of 3-5 words. There are two d1000 tables included in the PDF and nearly 15,000 snippets in the included spreadsheets. The spreadsheets (xlsx and ods formats) can be downloaded using a link in the book. These are set up to randomly grab 20 snippets at a time, or you can use the built-in Find All function to use the spreadsheet as a concordance.These cut ups suit a game set in a Viking genre such as Sagas of Midgard or GURPS Vikings.Cut Up Solo is a technique that uses random snippets of text that you pick and fit together, creating what the GM says to you. You can then respond to that, and then the cycle repeats. As all the snippets in this set all come from the book, it gives a sense of continuity.Cut up play is very different from more traditional oracle-driven solo play. If you struggle with how to interpret word pairs or prompts, cut up could be for you.The novel contains over 65,000 words of text, chopped into snippets of 4 or 5 words. You get over 14,000 snippets to mix and match in your solo games. The PDF contains two d1000 tables of snippets, and the spreadsheets contain the full set of snippets.

  • - Solo rules compatible with White Lies Roleplaying Game
    av Peter Rudin-Burgess

    Single Agent MissionsCompatible with White LiesThis is a solo rules supplement for White Lies by DwD Studios. The core game rules are derived from the OSR, but this game is so steeped in spies, espionage, James Bond etc that beyond the character creation is functionally a different game.My solo rules have been designed alongside the core rules, but you will need a regular pack of playing cards, in addition to your polyhedral dice.

  • - Compatible with Brindlewood Bay
    av Peter Rudin-Burgess

    Cozy, Murder, SoloCompatible with Brindlewood BayThis solo supplement is intended to compliment Brindlewood Bay by Jason Cordova and The Gauntlet.What it adds to the game are tools for creating random mysteries, suspects, clues, and void clues.You also get an Oracle that works like any other move, with positive and negative outcomes replacing hits and misses.Alongside the core solo rules, you also get advice on solo playing the Murder Mavens, describing scenes and using all the individual tools.

  • - Solo Rules for Heroes & Hardships RPG
    av Peter Rudin-Burgess

    Noted Solo RPG author Peter Rudin-Burgess brings solo roleplaying to Heroes & Hardships!Lone Hero discusses techniques to help players engage in solo roleplay, included are: Introduction to solo roleplay;Solo questions and answers for dynamic results;Improvisation techniques;Word & Image prompts;Solo scene setup instructions;Ways to build drama;Using "Fake AI";Structuring adventures;Solo advice;And dozens of icons and word lists for your solo prompts.Contact Earl of Fife Games for your free PDF copy here: https: //

  • - Solo Playing Sigil Based Games
    av Peter Rudin-Burgess

    Solo SigilSolo Playing Sigil Based GamesThe Sigil System by Stormforge Productions is the game system that powers Z-Land amongst others. It also has an SRD document allowing you to build your own games using the system.These solo rules use the same Blackjack based d100 system as the core game for the oracle, in fact you only need a d100. Three different ope question tools are offered, you pick the one that works best for you, or mix and match as you play.I also discuss the different character creation options, skill array and lifepath, and awarding Sigils.Solo play is a great way of learning a new system and turns any rulebook into an effective quickstart, whether this is to learn the game before presenting it to your table or to play a game that only appeals to you.

  • - Compatible with QAGS second edition
    av Peter Rudin-Burgess

    Quick Ass SoloCompatible with QAGS Second EditionThese rules, a d20, and a copy of QAGS Second Edition is all you need to get going with this super flexible RPG.Quick Ass Solo uses the same 'roll low, but not too low' system as the core rules to take the decision making out of your hands and under the control of the dice.These rules also introduce improv techniques selected to help you speed your games along.

  • av Peter Rudin-Burgess

    Easier EncountersEncounters are fundamental to great game sessions and campaigns. This book contains my ideas on combining player goals, character choices, stakes and consequences for building encounters that build into adventures and into satisfying campaigns.

  • - Solo Roleplaying Realms of Peril
    av Peter Rudin-Burgess

    Realms of SoloSolo Roleplaying Realms of PerilRealms of Peril by Spellsword is an interesting mix of Powered by the Apocalypse and d20. You get all the PbtA features you know and expect, player-facing rolls and moves for everything, but all scaled up to use a d20.The other cool thing about the core game is the wealth of random tables in the Game Master's Reference. There is nothing that makes solo play easier than having random tables for everything that is perfectly in tune with the game's feel, genre, and setting.Against this background the solo rules in this booklet use a d20 oracle based on the basic move, and d20 oracles for when you need something that is not covered by the GM Reference.On top of that you get my normal advice on improvisational play, soloing, and some of my hints and tips that have grown out of my experience.

  • av Peter Rudin-Burgess

    Easier Solo Game JournalsThis book was requested by one of my patrons. It gathers together thoughts, ideas, and examples for different ways of recording your games and scenes. It covers analog, pen and paper methods, digital online and PC, and mobile methods of recording all those details you need to keep tabs on to keep your games on track and consistent.

  • - Solo Roleplaying Wicked Ones
    av Peter Rudin-Burgess

    The original version of this rule booklet was sold by Bandit Camp briefly, before they withdrew it from sale.This version is updated and has 5 additional pages.The current Wicked Ones rules have a chapter on solo rules, but I found them to be excessively table-heavy, and kept me tied to the rulebook. My approach is more rules-light, and only use a pair of tables that can be easily printed off from the PDF.This booklet can be used as a replacement for the corer rules solo chapter, or to augment it.

  • - Solo Rules Supplement for MASKS
    av Peter Rudin-Burgess

    Masked HeroSolo Rules Supplement for MASKSThese rules have been created to help play MASKS [Conway MASKS New Generation] solo. The solo game mechanics are set to look and feel like a standard Move as much as possible.I also pick out and use character Labels as part of the imagination prompts for answering questions.As the game mechanics for MASKS are so simple, much of this book is based around advice to support solo playing the game, rather than masses of tables or extra rules.

  • - Solo Roleplaying Lowlife 2090
    av Peter Rudin-Burgess

    Low 90 SoloThis supplements adds solo roleplaying options to Lowlife 2090 by Pickpocket Press.Lowlife 2090 is a cyberpunk game based on the 5e SRD. If you can play D&D, there is a very good chance you can pick up and play Lowlife 2090 with very little difficulty.From a solo perspective, the GM guide has a wealth of random tables to use, from different types of encounter, to loot, to checkpoints. All of these make solo play very easy.These solo rules use a d100 oracle, combined with d20 word prompts at their heart.The booklet contains many examples of the rules in use, and advice to help you get going with solo play.

  • - Solo Roleplaying Survive This!! Vigilante City
    av Peter Rudin-Burgess

    Solo VigilanteSolo Roleplaying Survive This!! Vigilante CityThis solo rules supplement adds solo play to Survive This!! Vigilante City.They cover tweaks to character creation, provide a yes-no and two open question tools, one based on dice or cards and the other based on bookwalking, using the dice to select random pages within a book which you then skim for ideas, or words to answer your questions.The rest of the book is taken up with advice, guidance and examples for running a solo Vigilante City game.Solo rules are a great quickstart tool for GMs new to the game who want to play to learn the rules before presenting them to their table, or for playtesting adventures before using them with your group.

  • - Solo Roleplaying SCP - The Tabletop RPG
    av Peter Rudin-Burgess

    Solo Roleplaying forSCP - The Tabletop RPGThese rules are intended to be used alongside the SCP - The Tabletop RPG by 26 Letter Publishing.Most of the emphasis is focused on creating missions and not revealing too much before your character would know it. Many of the ideas I use are present, such as oracles and drama dice, but this also has an extended section on improvisation techniques that dovetail into solo play and some SCP-specific rules tweaks to make the most of the game system.

  • av Peter Rudin-Burgess

  • av Peter Rudin-Burgess

  • av Peter Rudin-Burgess

    The Sticky GMThis book is all about making running your role-playing sessions more dynamic, responsive and simply more enjoyable for you, the Game Master/Dungeon Master/Keeper of Secrets or whatever your favourite game calls it. The game makes little or no difference.You are just as much a player as those on the other side of the screen, it is just your role that is different. You deserve to have as much fun as they get. The Sticky GM aims to make running role-playing games more fun.The Humble Sticky NoteThe suggestions in this books centre around using sticky notes to organise every element of your game notes. Creating a structure that can be changed on the fly to ratchet up the tension or build a more convincing world. If something is in the wrong place, you can quickly move it to the right point in the story.This is not one of those massive tomes on game mastering technique. It is a short, step by step, practical guide on how to organise your game notes in a different way.If you apply this method to your gaming, you will get to use more of the great ideas you come up within your games, you will have less frustration when players walk right on by your plot hooks. Even combat scenes will be more exciting and dramatic.

  • av Peter Rudin-Burgess

  • av Peter Rudin-Burgess

    Every game is a mystery or contains mystery elements. Whether you are investigating an eldritch horror or trying to find a secret door. As a GM, it can be very frustrating when your players fail to grasp your obvious trail of clues or cannot roll a successful searching skill test to save their own lives. This book hopes to guide you through running more successful mystery adventures and doing so with less effort spent on GM prep. This book grew out of a run of blog articles I ran in 2021, and they grew out of a video series I posted on YouTube and the comments I received from my solo community.>As a GM, it can be very frustrating when your players fail to grasp your obvious trail of clues or cannot roll a successful searching skill test to save their own lives. This book hopes to guide you through running more successful mystery adventures and doing so with less effort spent on GM prep. This book grew out of a run of blog articles I ran in 2021, and they grew out of a video series I posted on YouTube and the comments I received from my solo community.

  • av Peter Rudin-Burgess

    Horror seems like it should be ideal for roleplaying games, we have all the monsters you could dream of in your worst nightmares. The reality is often disappointment. Players brought up on killing all monsters are just not scared by things that go bump in the night. This book is a collection of tips, advice, and examples on running scarier horror games. This book grew out of a run of blog articles I ran in 2021, and that grew out of a video series I posted on YouTube, and the comments I received from my solo community.

  • av Peter Rudin-Burgess

    You may be new to solo roleplaying or an old hand, either way we all run our solo games our own unique ways. This does mean that we rarely get to see how other people are doing it. This books contains tips and advice that I have picked up over the years that I have incorporated into my own play. Some of these may be new to you, some you may accept as obvious truths. Each of these work for me, and I have included examples of either the tip in use, or how I came about incorporating the advice into my own play. I share lots of examples of my own playing to illustrate each tip. This book grew out of a run of blog articles I ran in 2021, and that grew out of a video series I posted on YouTube, and the comments I recieved from my solo community.

  • - Solo Roleplaying Rules Compatible with Worlds Without Number
    av Peter Rudin-Burgess

  • av Peter Rudin-Burgess

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