- (Master the (TM) GED (R) Test, 1st Edition, in Spanish)
av Peterson's
New for Spanish-speaking students, Peterson's® Domine el Examen del GED® Primera Edición (Master the(TM) GED® Test, 1st Edition, in Spanish) is a comprehensive guide that offers the essential test-prep and review material for the high school equivalency diploma test, including practice tests, subject review, and expert tips on how to pass each GED® test subject area. Readers will find all the GED® information they need to know- scoring and passing requirements, how to prepare, and what to expect on test day.3 full-length practice tests-2 in print and access to 1 online-all with detailed answer explanationsA full-length diagnostic test to determine strengths and weaknessesIn-depth review of each GED® test subject with practice questions and easy-to-understand answer explanations, including Reasoning through Language Arts, Mathematical Reasoning, Science, and Social StudiesExercises and drills for every type of question in each GED® test subject area, with hundreds of practice questions and detailed answer explanations to reinforce key concepts, PLUS a word list to improve GED® Test vocabularyExpert test-taking tips, plus valuable details on the GED® Test structure, scoring, and passing requirements