av Phil M Wagler
A Christian is sent out as an ambassador of Christ. But where? And for what purpose? Live Your Assignment: Being Christ's Ambassador in 7 Spheres of Life unpacks God's highest purpose for the Christian life, which is much more radical and transformative than living a comfortable, spiritual life. This book echoes some of the work of Os Guinness's The Call, and challenges us, as disciple of Jesus, to further awaken ourselves to the tasks as representatives of God himself, and ministers of reconciliation. Phil presents God-given assignments in 7 key spheres of life; the self, creation, household, fellowship, city, nation, and world. It is through these assignments, which God gives to all those who love him, that God is filling the universe with his glory. Phil presents a unique angle on discipleship and life-calling/vocation in this book. He challenges followers of Jesus to apply these principles to their lives, as he has to his own as an individual, son, husband, father, pastor, mission leader, and servant in the wider body of Christ through the EFC and WEA. This book is a great resource for everyone seeking to bring glory to God in the whole of life.