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Böcker av Pieter Voges

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  • av Pieter Voges

    The Apocalypse described in the Biblical book of Revelation carries on from where the book of Daniel ends. It reveals much about the Churches of God and Satan's interference. It shows various traumatic sequences that count to the Last Days and World Wars. It tells why calamities will come and describes the return of the Messiah.An enormous amount of detail can be gleaned from these words given to us. These are currently being fulfilled.This End Time Prophecy is discussed in detail so that it all makes sense to the reader. As we get closer to the Wars of the Last Days, it will become more evident with every reading.Due to the choice of the people and governments, and even religious leaders, to continue with the crucifixion, prophecy will continue. We continue to see humankind's existence under failing rulers, corrupt governments, false religions, and ruthless armies. These failures will continue till the world is ready to accept the worship of God and the leadership of Jesus Christ. Then He will return but will have power over the world's nations. Unfortunately, humankind must fail before people collectively cry out to God and His Son, Jesus Christ.Therefore, a new set of prophecies were given through the apostle John.This book will make it plain for the reader to understand why God allows these wars. The reader will marvel at the prophecies of the Bible. Much has already played out. Some is happening right now, and the future will develop till the return of Jesus Christ, the Messiah.There is a correlation between the Ten Commandments and the first ten chapters. Due to breaking the Commandments, humanity becomes broken, and hence the Apocalypse. This correlation is shown. If humans kept the Commandments of God, we would not face the final Apocalypse!Every chapter and verse is discussed. The chapter layout mirrors that of the book in the Bible. The sequence is maintained so that it all makes sense to the reader. A clear understanding will emerge, and the ebook of Revelation will make sense.

  • - Third Edition
    av Pieter Voges

    Jesus Christ gave the Sign of Jonah as proof of His deity and ministry. Was Christ in the belly of the earth for three days and three nights? Was it from Friday to Sunday? We must get the sequence right to discover a deeper message! Jesus fulfilled that sign. He was miraculously resurrected after three days and three nights, or 72 hours to be exact. And we may think that that is all there is to it. There is actually a lot more than what at first seems to be the case! There are many more similarities between this event in the Prophet Jonah's life and Jesus' ministry. It is time to solve the mystery and expand the knowledge about the significance and implications of the fulfillment of the Sign of Jonah. Does the sign extend to us? This the the Proof of Christ! It is written in history! You can prove it from other sources and the Internet. It is confirmed and can't be denied. This is the proof you need! Understand the significance of the year 2030. Understand the final countdown.

  • av Pieter Voges

    What are we? Have we evolved from apes, as the Paleontologists would have us believe? Or are we created by the Creator to potentially share Angel's status and existence? What does the Bible say? This book examines various facts, asks profound questions, and shows what the sacred scriptures say about us and our incredible potential! Chapter 1 asks profound questions and shows unresolved issues with the atheist theory that we are mere apes.Chapter 2 deals with our physical, spiritual, and human beginnings.Chapter 3 delves deeper into the book of Genesis.Chapter 4 discusses our early development. It shows how some descended to animal behavior while others reached out to their Angelic potential.Chapter 5 shows how we can draw closer to our Creator.Chapter 6 gets closer to the real potential of humankind when Christ returns and begins the Seventh Millenium.Chapter 7 provides clear guidance for correct understanding. It helps to avoid clear misunderstandings that could seriously hinder our development.

  • av Pieter Voges

    Jesus Christ gave the Sign of Jonah as proof of His deity and ministry. He enhanced the Sign and extended it to Jerusalem. That sign is also a prophecy to us! Together with other prophecies, it is reaching out to modern humans! It is an End Time Prophecy! And it counts down to the year 2030!As a Prophet, Christ is telling His followers much more. Those with knowledge and insight can see a message and warning that reaches out to the future! It is time to comprehend the greater significance and extended sequence!In the Gospel writings, we read of Jesus proclaiming that He would fulfill the sign of Jonah. As Jonah was three days and nights in the belly of the great fish, so would Jesus also be in the belly of the earth and be resurrected. This is where most people understand that the prophecy ends. But there is more, much more. The whole book of Jonah is an End Times prophecy. It indicates what will happen in the Last Days and when it will happen! It counts down to 2030!God wants you to be informed ahead of time so that when it happens, you can know that it was written for you thousands of years ago. The Authority that caused it to be written for you is obviously still alive and has an influence on the world scene, as it is He that allows this fulfillment to happen, seeing that humankind has not repented.The following chapters provide insights: 1) Prophetic principles being applied2) Jonah's prophecies revealed3) Biblical time sequences revealed4) Signs of the times5) Rising powers of the world6) Changes are coming. A new world order will oppress.7) Towards the End Times and Last Days, the times of the Gentiles, the statute of Daniel.8) The Last Days, as the Bible predicted9) The Jubilee System Explained10) Ukraine and Belarus11) Takeover of Taiwan12) Expansion in Israel and Wars13) Africa14) WW3?From the prophecies of Jonah and other prophets, and even the sayings of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, we can see that 2030 will be significant. The countdown to 2030 will be devastating, as predicted in your Bible. The world will change. But there is wonderful news in the end.Many Internet links and Scriptures are provided as proof.

  • av Pieter Voges

    This Book is dedicated to helping you understand the Bible. Were the Corona-virus pandemics predicted in your Bible? Was it preventable if humanity would study and follow the advice in the Word of God? The warnings and guidance have been available all the time. There is some good advice to help save yourself and your family. Following Biblical principles can make our lives better and healthier in our communities and cities. Ultimately be sure to consult with the medical profession if you are already sick and follow the orders of the government. Your Bible expects you to be obedient, also in these matters.

  • - Third Edition
    av Pieter Voges

    Many people lose faith in the Bible due to the disagreement between the Creationists and paleontologists. That is due to misunderstandings on both sides. Religion and Science seem to oppose one another on the topic of our origins. Whom can we trust? Whom shall we believe? This Book reveals a mistake that religion has made throughout the ages. A holistic approach shows that the Bible does not say that the universe existed for only 6000 years. The Bible shows that the earth is very old. The Bible shows that there were previous life forms before catastrophic life extinction events. We can prove a new concept concerning the Creation Week. Then again, Darwin formed his ideas on macro-evolution before he had the tools to make a proper scientific theory. He did not have an electron microscope. He knew nothing about DNA or RNA. His theory on macro-evolution was based on very vague overall observations and huge assumptions. With the knowledge of today and a correct understanding of the whole Bible, we can harmonize Theology and Science! The following chapters deals with this question: In chapter one we look at some assumptions made on both sides and discuss the question of whether the Bible shows an earlier life and a very old earth.First some background information. Who wrote Genesis one and to what purpose? There are some peculiarities that must be acknowledged. And we also face the fact of regular life extinction events.There are three possible viewpoints that Genesis one may fulfill, but one is surely the best fit.With these facts, chapter 4 describes the actual Creation Week in more detail.Chapter 5 looks at the uniqueness of the earth and how it can sustain life for a long time. There are many factors that God obviously found favorable to begin the creation of life.In chapter 6 we take a serious look at dating methods, and why they may be inaccurate in the long term.The Bible makes some surprising scientific statements. These can be shown as true if one looks beyond the average translation and people's assumptions.Now we can look at several scientific reasons why macro-evolution cannot be true. There are many unresolved issues, many loose ends.In conclusion, we must consider that paleontologists also ask people to make a huge leap of faith in their assumptions. If we harmonize the archaeology with the Bible, we get the best solution as to our origins. Your faith in the Bible will be restored.

  • av Pieter Voges

    What was preached about Jesus Christ in the First Century? What did the original Apostles understand? What was the true and full extent of the Gospel message? It is much more than what the average Christian of today hears and understands. This book deals with four main aspects of the reality of Jesus Christ. It is discussed in the four main chapters. Jesus Christ was born into earthly royalty. It was expected and prophesied by various prophets. The timeline was given by Daniel. Jerusalem was waiting for the King, to the consternation of the Roman governor and also the politically connected Herod family. Jesus was and is also from Heavenly royalty, above all the Angels. The full extent of this reality must be explained. Jesus has also become our High Priest in Heaven. He began the new Heavenly priesthood that replaced the Levitical priesthood. He restored the original priesthood of Melchizedek, which was temporarily substituted by the Levitical priesthood and animal sacrifices after the sin of Israel in the Exodus. This must be understood to correctly asses the changes from the Old Testament into the New Testament, which is a restoration of the original Faith that existed before the Exodus. Mistakes in this regard can cause people to lose their salvation as their Faith may not be according to God's Will. A right relationship with God through His Son, our High Priest, is essential for full repentance and forgiveness. Jesus was and is a lawyer that fully knew the Law of God. He kept it and expected others to also follow His lead in this regard. He knew and comprehended the distinctions and what was expected from circumcised Jews as well as uncircumcised Gentiles. He could rightly and fairly divide and apply the Law and held his viewpoints against the misleading ideas of the various factions, such as the Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Zealots, and scribes. Jesus also became fully qualified to be the ultimate judge over the living and the dead. Through His sufferings as a human being, He still proved to keep the Commandments even in the face of death. He has the right to judge the world. He will decide in the Judgment Day, He will decide in the first and second resurrections. He is our ultimate judge. All four aspects need to be addressed for the reader to grow in the knowledge and grace of Jesus Christ. The following chapters provides a more complete picture of the many roles Jesus Christ fulfilled: Jesus Christ, the KingJesus Christ, the LawyerJesus Christ, the PriestJesus Christ, the JudgeMillennial rule of Jesus ChristApostasy

  • av Pieter Voges

    A book was needed from First Century Theology to provide Christian knowledge about the New Moons. Every one of the 12 New Moons has a special meaning. Each New Moon brings special knowledge. Every New Moon is prophetic and provides knowledge that must be retained. The New Moons, in their time-frame, highlight a sequence of events towards the coming of Messiah. This book provides this missing dimension. From the Bible, clear messages are provided that must be considered on every New Moon. It has special meanings and messages to help Christians along the way toward ultimate salvation. The book is divided into the following sections. Each section provides vital information, building to the ultimate climatic future prophetic knowledge. Introduction Introduction to this new study provides the groundwork for enhanced knowledge. SymbolismThe basic symbolic and spiritual meaning of the New Moon is revealed. Five eras of Godly kingsThere are five eras of great restoration by Kings of Israel. This is discussed at first as essential knowledge. Seven eras of Church restorationThere followed seven eras of Church development. An overview of these eras are shown as further insights into the messages to the Churches. History of the New MoonsThe historic implementation for God's people are shown from the Law and events involving King Saul, David and Jonathan. The Civil CycleThe twelve New Moons are placed in two cycles. The civil cycle is firstly discussed as it shows development from people's civil lives towards the Church. Chapter 1 - The Eighth New Moon - the call to purity of faith.Chapter 2 - The Ninth New Moon - the call to real worship.Chapter 3 - The Tenth New Moon - separation from the sinning world.Chapter 4 - The Eleventh New Moon - overcome some difficulties.Chapter 5 - The Twelfth New Moon - trust in God.Chapter 6 - The Religious Cycle and The First New Moon - get up and go to salvation.Chapter 7 - The Second New Moon - become part of the church family.Chapter 8 - The Third New Moon - become part of the royal priesthood.Chapter 9 - The Fourth New Moon - the church must evangelize.Chapter 10 - The Fifth New Moon - seek and desire the Kingdom of God.Chapter 11 - The Sixth New Moon - build the spiritual House of God.Chapter 12 - The Seventh New Moon - the King arrives, tribulation and rapture.Summary - a short summary provides a conclusion to this unique Biblical insight.

  • - Second Edition
    av Pieter Voges

  • av Pieter Voges

  • - Third Edition
    av Pieter Voges

  • av Pieter Voges

  • av Pieter Voges

  • av Pieter Voges

  • av Pieter Voges

  • av Pieter Voges

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