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Böcker av Pooja Sharma

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  • av Pooja Sharma

    Explore the world of Artificial Intelligence with a deep understanding of Machine Learning concepts and algorithmsKEY FEATURES ¿ A detailed study of mathematical concepts, Machine Learning concepts, and techniques.¿ Discusses methods for evaluating model performances and interpreting results.¿ Explores all types of Machine Learning (supervised, unsupervised, reinforcement, association rule mining, artificial neural network) in detail.DESCRIPTION "Simplified Machine Learning" is a comprehensive guide that navigates readers through the intricate landscape of Machine Learning, offering a balanced blend of theory, algorithms, and practical applications. The first section introduces foundational concepts such as supervised and unsupervised learning, regression, classification, clustering, and feature engineering, providing a solid base in Machine Learning theory. The second section explores algorithms like decision trees, support vector machines, and neural networks, explaining their functions, strengths, and limitations, with a special focus on deep learning, reinforcement learning, and ensemble methods. The book also covers essential topics like model evaluation, hyperparameter tuning, and model interpretability. The final section transitions from theory to practice, equipping readers with hands-on experience in deploying models, building scalable systems, and understanding ethical considerations.WHAT YOU WILL LEARN¿ Solid foundation in Machine Learning principles, algorithms, and methodologies.¿ Implementation of Machine Learning models using popular libraries like NumPy, Pandas, PyTorch, or scikit-learn.¿ Knowledge about selecting appropriate models, evaluating their performance, and tuning hyperparameters.¿ Techniques to pre-process and engineer features for Machine Learning models.¿ To frame real-world problems as Machine Learning tasks and apply appropriate techniques to solve them.WHO THIS BOOK IS FORThis book is designed for a diverse audience interested in Machine Learning, a core branch of Artificial Intelligence. Its intellectual coverage will benefit students, programmers, researchers, educators, AI enthusiasts, software engineers, and data scientists.

  • av Pooja Sharma
    2 096,-

    Waste-to-Energy: Sustainable Approaches for Emerging Economies presents the latest developments and applications for the conversion of waste into biofuels and other energy products. Divided into two parts, Section I reviews the major sources of solid waste and their management strategies in developing countries, and includes the collection, composition, segregation, and dispersal of various waste streams, as well as the generation of biogas and other value-added products. Section II examines the transformation of waste into biofuels and the management strategies required to efficiently implement waste-to-energy processes. Methods for the production of hydrogen, biomethane, biofuels, and bioenergy, as well as resource recovery are discussed in depth, and mathematical models are provided for anaerobic digestion techniques. The benefits and challenges of waste-to-energy as a waste management strategy are explored through dedicated chapters on the techno-economics, environmental and social regulation, and the operation of WtE plants. The final chapter of the book presents a lifecycle assessment and environmental impact analysis of the technologies and strategies discussed.

  • av NA & Pooja Sharma

  • av Ashok Pandey, Ajay Kalamdhad & Izharul Haq
    2 480 - 3 276,-

  • av Pooja Sharma

    Die Welt von heute steht vor einem großen Problem in Form von Mundkrebs. Millionen von Menschen leiden an dieser Krankheit und sterben eines unnatürlichen Todes. Daher ist es das Gebot der Stunde, Mundkrebs in einem frühen Stadium zu erkennen. Die meisten oralen Krebserkrankungen entwickeln sich aus Vorstufen wie oraler Leukoplakie, Erythroplakie, oralem Lichen planus und oraler submuköser Fibrose, die heute als potenziell bösartige Erkrankungen (PMDs) bezeichnet werden. Um ihre Ätiologie, Pathophysiologie und Histopathologie zu verstehen, haben wir versucht, alle PMDs unter einem Dach vorzustellen und zu erklären. Dieses Buch bietet einen schnellen Überblick über verschiedene Aspekte der PMDs. Die klinischen Aspekte und die Histopathologie der wichtigsten PMDs werden anhand von Bildern erläutert. Die meisten der Bilder stammen von Patienten, die während meiner Postgraduiertenzeit in unsere Abteilung kamen. Das Buch ist eine große Hilfe, um alle Aspekte der einzelnen PMDs miteinander in Beziehung zu setzen und hilft bei der rechtzeitigen Erkennung sowie bei der Durchführung von Behandlungsmaßnahmen.

  • av Pooja Sharma

    Le monde d'aujourd'hui est confronté à un problème majeur sous la forme du cancer de la bouche. Des millions de personnes souffrent de cette maladie et meurent d'une mort non naturelle. Par conséquent, la nécessité de l'heure est de détecter le cancer de la bouche à un stade précoce. La plupart des cancers de la bouche se développent à partir de stades précancéreux tels que la leucoplasie buccale, l'érythroplasie, le lichen plan buccal et la fibrose sous-muqueuse buccale, qui sont aujourd'hui collectivement appelés troubles potentiellement malins (TPM). Pour comprendre leur étiologie, leur physiopathologie et leur histopathologie, nous avons tenté de présenter et d'expliquer tous les PMD sous un même toit. Ce livre fournit une revue rapide des différents aspects des PMD. Les aspects cliniques et l'histopathologie des principales PMD sont expliqués à l'aide de photos. La plupart des photos proviennent de patients qui sont venus dans notre service au cours de mes études supérieures. Ce livre aidera grandement à établir une corrélation entre tous les aspects des PMD individuels et permettra une identification rapide ainsi que des interventions thérapeutiques.

  • av Pooja Sharma

    O mundo de hoje enfrenta um grande problema sob a forma de cancro oral. Milhões de pessoas sofrem desta doença e morrem de uma morte antinatural. Por conseguinte, a necessidade de uma hora é detectar o cancro oral numa fase precoce. Praticamente, a maioria dos cancros orais desenvolve-se a partir de fases pré-cancerosas como a leucoplasia oral, eritroplasia, líquen plano oral, fibrose submucosa oral que são agora colectivamente denominadas como Doenças Potencialmente Malignas (DPM). Para compreender a sua etiologia, fisiopatologia e histopatologia, tentámos introduzir e explicar todas as PMDs sob o mesmo tecto. Este livro fornece uma rápida resenha sobre vários aspectos das PMDs. Os aspectos clínicos e a histopatologia dos principais PMDs são explicados com imagens. A maioria das fotografias são de pacientes que vêm ao nosso departamento durante a minha pós graduação. Ajudará muito a correlacionar todos os aspectos das DPM individuais e ajudará ainda mais na identificação atempada, bem como nas intervenções de tratamento.

  • - I Wanted to Fly
    av Pooja Sharma
    190 - 326,-

  • av Pooja Sharma

    Stardust explores what it's like to be young and putting everyone else first. Turning 18 and experiencing everything all at once is scary, to say the least. 'Stardust' knows and understands how youth is the most difficult and magnificent time of your life. Through this book, Pooja hopes you find your safe space and maybe yourself. She believes if her work can help and heal even one person, her purpose would be fulfilled. She looks forward to all of her readers sharing their story as well.

  • av Pooja Sharma & Ila Gupta

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