av Pooja Thakur
Rising Heat of Climate Change and the Bright Path of Sustainable TransportationThe Earth's temperature is rising like a feverish patient, and its target has reached the very roots of our existence. Warming oceans, melting glaciers, rising storms, and unpredictable weather - this is the grim face of climate change, roaring to awaken and alert us. In the midst of this global crisis, the transportation sector is a path where we can play the bugle of change, where by charting the course of sustainable travel we can light a lamp of hope for future generations.The statistics speak the truth. Approximately 23% of global carbon emissions come from the transportation sector. The rampant use of private vehicles, dependence on fossil fuels, and disorganized public transportation systems are the chains that are dragging us towards the abyss of environmental destruction. But giving up is not the solution to this crisis. We need to find a ray of hope, to ignite the spark that can bring this runaway train back on track.This book is in your hands with this message of hope. Together, we will embark on an exciting journey of sustainable transportation, where we will learn:· What sharp arrow of climate change has targeted the transportation sector?· What sustainable transportation systems are blowing like a wind to reduce carbon footprint?· How are the electric vehicle revolution, the revival of public transportation, and the joy of cycling and walking sounding the bugle of change?· How are policy reforms, technological innovation, and social awareness accompanying this revolution?Key Points:· The transportation sector is a major contributor to climate change, accounting for about 23% of global carbon emissions.· Sustainable transportation systems, such as electric vehicles, public transportation, cycling, and walking, can significantly reduce carbon emissions.· Policy reforms, technological innovation, and social awareness are essential for the transition to sustainable transportation.