- Consciousness and the Quantum Vacuum
av Ralph Abraham & Sisir Roy
Book DescriptionDemystifying the Akasha:Consciousness and the Quantum VacuumDuality, including the spiritual/material and mind/body dichotomies,has been the basis of the Western paradigm for four hundred years, andhas been blamed for major world problems. Meanwhile, in the East, nonduality has prevailed. While science isgenerally seen in opposition to nonduality, this book sets out to provethe compatibility of the scientifi c outlook and the spiritualnonduality of India by constructing a mathematical model of cosmicconsciousness. The ideas and their history are presented nontechnically in Part One, while the full mathematical details arepresented in Part Two.Ralph Abraham is Professor of Mathematics at the University ofCalifornia at Santa Cruz, one of the pioneers of chaos theory. He isthe author or coauthor of several math texts, including Foundations of Mechanics,Dynamics the Geometry of Behavior, and Chaos in Discrete DynamicalSystems. He has also written books on the history of math,philosophy, and the arts, such as Chaos, Creativity, and CosmicConsciousness and The Evolutionary Mind.Sisir Roy is Professor of Theoretical Physics, Indian StatisticalInstitute, Kolkata. His field of interest covers foundations of quantummechanics, cosmology, functional geometry and brain function. He haspublished more than 100 papers in peer reviewed international journalsand nine research and edited monographs by Kluwer Academic,WorldScientific etc. publishers.Praisefor Demystifying the Akasha: Consciousness and the Quantum Vacuum"A key contribution to bringing the concept of the Akasha into theambit of contemporary science, and relating it to our understanding ofconsciousness. A book for all serious students of cosmos andconsciousness." -Dr. Ervin Laszlo,Author of Science andthe Akashic Field