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Böcker av Ravi Kumar

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  • av Ravi Kumar

    Deciphering the Complex Web of Mental and Physical Health to Understand Eating DisordersA skewed body image and unhealthy eating behaviors are hallmarks of eating disorders, which are complicated mental health issues. They provide serious obstacles to both physical and mental well-being and impact individuals of all ages, genders, and origins. Comprehending the complex nature of eating disorders is essential to successful prevention, timely intervention, and empathetic care. This article explores the many forms of eating disorders, their etiology, signs, and symptoms, as well as the multifaceted strategy required to address them.Different Eating Disorder Types:Anorexia Nervosa: This disorder is defined by a severe fear of gaining weight and a skewed perception of one's body, which causes selfimposed starvation. Extreme dietary restrictions are frequently the result of anorexics' intense obsession with food, weight, and body shape. Severe starvation, physical impairment, and sometimes fatal complications might arise from this.Bulimia Nervosa: This disorder is characterized by a pattern of binge eating followed by purging behaviors, like self-inflicted vomiting, excessive physical activity, or improper use of laxatives. Bulimia is more difficult to identify than anorexia because its sufferers may maintain a reasonably normal weight. Frequent purging practices may result in tooth difficulties, gastrointestinal disorders, and electrolyte imbalances.

  • av Ravi Kumar

    Adolescence is an important developmental stage because it bridges the gap between childhood and adulthood. Adolescents' bodies, minds, and emotions all change drastically during this time. Adolescent growth is profoundly influenced by the choices and actions of their parents. Teachers, psychologists, and the general public would all benefit greatly from a better understanding of the influence parents have on their students and children in the early years. Understanding parental influence on teenage development is crucial for many reasons, and this essay dives into those reasons, examining the impact of parenting styles, communication patterns, and parental participation. 1. The Effects of Different Parenting StrategiesParenting styles are one of the most fundamental ways in which adults can have an impact on their children's growth and development. Parenting styles can be broken down into four broad categories, which were first recognized by psychologist Diana Baumrind and subsequent academics. Adolescents' actions and mental health will be affected differently by each approach.Adolescents who are raised by parents who can be described as authoritative develop a sense of autonomy and self-control. This method typically results in enhanced sense of self-worth, enhanced academic performance, and honed interpersonal abilities.In authoritarian parenting, parents place a premium on discipline and compliance to established norms. While this strategy may increase conformity, it also increases the risk of adolescent rebellion and low self-esteem. In contrast to authoritarian parents, permissive ones are more relaxed and laid-back. This approach can foster a warm home life, but it also runs the risk of encouraging adolescents to act irresponsibly and immaturely. Uninvolved and emotionally detached, this is the hallmark of neglectful parenting. Teenagers from these backgrounds generally have difficulty with self-esteem, emotional regulation, and schoolwork.

  • av Ravi Kumar

    F'ktieb din il-kategorija, "Majjali ta' Ri¿etti Indjani: It-Tasri¿ u l-Gwada tal-Kw¿ina ta' l-Indja," Ravi Kumar, espert fil-kw¿ina Indjana, jag¿tina wirt bog¿od u malajr tas-saltna tal-ikel Indjan. Ravi jippresjenta ¿afna iktar minn biss ri¿etti; huwa jikteb storie u tradizzjonijiet li g¿addew minn ¿enerazzjoni g¿all-öra, wie¿ed mill-¿wienet tal-Indja fl-artijiet kulinarji.F'din il-kollezzjoni tas-soltu li tistieden jibda f'k¿ina ¿dida, tista' ssib ri¿etti klassi¿i u tradizzjonali li jinkludu bajd, g¿äin, u l-¿afna spe¿jali¿iet ta' l-Indja b¿al tikka masala u biryani. L-¿wienet u s-soltu tad-de¿erti Indjani jkunu wkoll mag¿¿ulin b'mod attent g¿al dejjem.Ravi Kumar, kif jkun g¿andu storja li jg¿aqqad mal-ikel u l-kultura Indjana, ji¿¿ad lill-lettori biex jikkondividu passjoni u apprezzament g¿al din il-kw¿ina divina. Il-kollezzjoni hija wie¿ed minn dawk li tifhem li l-ikel huwa iktar minn biss kiboq tal-¿isem - huwa espressjoni ta' kultura u ¿ajja.

  • av Ravi Kumar

    Cette étude a été réalisée pour déterminer si l'acide bétulinique pouvait diminuer les symptômes et atteindre l'efficacité du médicament standard. Selon les résultats, l'acide bétulinique a montré une amélioration significative dans le modèle ASL du rat. Le poids corporel, les paramètres comportementaux et d'autres paramètres ont montré que l'acide bétulinique jouait un rôle crucial dans la gestion de la maladie de la SLA. Bien que certains paramètres ne soient pas à la hauteur par rapport au médicament standard, l'efficacité du médicament n'a pas pu être minimisée. En ce qui concerne d'autres marqueurs tels que le TNF-alpha, le Rotarod, le test de natation forcée et le test du labyrinthe aquatique de Morris, le médicament testé a montré une amélioration importante et significative par rapport au contrôle et au véhicule de contrôle. Comme le montrent les résultats, la gestion de l'acide bétulinique était significative et pourrait être analysée plus en détail par d'autres études de toxicité.

  • av Ravi Kumar

    Este estudo foi realizado para detetar se o ácido betulínico poderia diminuir os sintomas e alcançar a eficácia do medicamento padrão. De acordo com os resultados, o ácido betulínico mostrou uma melhoria significativa no modelo ASL do rato. O peso corporal, os parâmetros comportamentais e outros parâmetros mostraram que o ácido betulínico desempenhou um papel crucial na gestão da doença ELA. Uma vez que alguns parâmetros não estavam à altura da marca em comparação com o medicamento padrão, mas ainda assim a proficiência do medicamento não pôde ser minimizada. No que diz respeito a outros marcadores, como o TNF-alfa, o Rotarod, o teste de natação forçada e o teste do labirinto aquático de Morris, o medicamento testado mostrou uma melhoria grande e significativa em comparação com o controlo e o controlo do veículo. Como os resultados mostram, a gestão do ácido betulínico foi significativa e poderia ser analisada por outros estudos de toxicidade.

  • av Ravi Kumar

    Diese Studie wurde durchgeführt, um festzustellen, ob die Betulinsäure die Symptome verringern und die Wirksamkeit des Standardmedikaments erreichen könnte. Dem Ergebnis zufolge zeigte Betulinsäure eine signifikante Verbesserung im ASL-Modell der Ratte. Körpergewicht, Verhaltensparameter und andere Parameter zeigten, dass Betulinsäure eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Behandlung der ALS-Krankheit spielte. Zwar waren einige Parameter im Vergleich zum Standardmedikament nicht optimal, aber dennoch konnte die Wirksamkeit des Medikaments nicht minimiert werden. Bei anderen Parametern wie TNF-alpha, Rotarod, Forced Swim Test und Morris Water Labyrinth Test zeigte das Testmedikament eine große und signifikante Verbesserung im Vergleich zur Kontrolle und zur Vehikelkontrolle. Wie die Ergebnisse zeigen, war die Wirkung der Betulinsäure signifikant und könnte durch andere Toxizitätsstudien weiter analysiert werden.

  • av Ravi Kumar

    Questo studio è stato condotto per verificare se l'acido betulinico potesse diminuire i sintomi e raggiungere l'efficacia del farmaco standard. Secondo i risultati, l'acido betulinico ha mostrato un miglioramento significativo nel modello di ASL del ratto. Il peso corporeo, i parametri comportamentali e altri parametri hanno dimostrato che l'acido betulinico ha svolto un ruolo cruciale nella gestione della malattia della SLA. Sebbene alcuni parametri non siano stati all'altezza rispetto ai farmaci standard, l'efficacia del farmaco non è stata minimizzata. Per quanto riguarda altri marcatori come TNF-alfa, Rotarod, test di nuoto forzato e Morris water maze test, il farmaco in esame ha mostrato un grande e significativo miglioramento rispetto al controllo e al veicolo di controllo. I risultati mostrano che la gestione dell'acido betulinico è stata significativa e potrebbe essere ulteriormente analizzata da altri studi di tossicità.

  • av Ravi Kumar

  • av Ravi Kumar
    1 866,-

    This volume straddles between being a compilation of chapters exploring the fundamental conceptual categories within Marxism while engaging with those categories at the same time demonstrating the dynamic ability of the Marxian theoretical paradigm to evolve.

  • - The Immortal Indian Scientist
    av Ravi Kumar

  • av Kuldeep Kumar & Ravi Kumar

    Physical fitness in the ability of the organism to make adequate physical and emotional adjustment of the demand of every day. Therefore, the concept of Physical fitness in terms of daily requirement which are essential to carry out approachable job effectively after not some of our energy shell remain for leisure time pursuit in addition to meet unforeseen emergencies. Physical fitness is the most important factor for the progress in the general life as well as, field of sports if the citizens of the country want to improve in any field may be sports or general life. Physical fitness is essential. It is therefore the responsibility of every country to promote physical fitness of its citizens because physical fitness is the basic requirements for the tasks to be under taken by an individual in his life.

  • - Kuch Khayaal Aur Shaayari
    av Ravi Kumar

    Likhe they vo khat jinko Aaye phir vo yaad sabhi Kaagaz ke kuch purzon se Jude they yoon jazbaat sabhi Bheed bahut hai charo or Tanha man ghabrata hai Haal-e-dil bas likhte hain Alfaazon mein hai raaz sabhi There are numerous thoughts that cross our mind, though there are very few who find a voice to express themselves. Kaagaz Ke Mahal is a collection of many such thoughts that you will be able to resonate with. The simplicity with which each poem describes complex human emotions such as pain, longing, loneliness and unfulfilled dreams will connect effortlessly with different aspects of your lives. This book is a medium for readers to introspect their existing and former relationships. These poems bring out the innermost thoughts that you may have struggled with due to the complexities involved in various relationships around you.Meant for all age groups, this book offers a unique way of presenting poems in both Hindi and Hindi written in English, which is commonly preferred by most new age readers nowadays.

  • av Ravi Kumar
    1 140,-

  • - A Bio-Organic Fertilizer
    av Arun Karnwal & Ravi Kumar

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