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Böcker av Reza Taheribashar

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  • av Reza Taheribashar

    Broken Bones Of Love, is a lovely and bloody story by Reza Taheri Bashar. This book tells the story of the a bloodthirsty royal family.This book shows the betrayal, intrigue, grudge, successive targeted killings and the final downfall of a royal family.Who do we recommend to read this story?Those for whom original stories and good ideas and dialogues are important.Those who feel the value and importance of choice and authority with their flesh, skin and bones.Those who are interested in investigating the course of historical events and the deadly violence contained in it.Those who are tired of the old tragedies and want a powerful and different story.This book is a rare and great different story.

  • av Reza Taheribashar

    Deadly Emotions: The Legend Of Two Sisters, is a bloody and lovely story by Reza Taheri Bashar that tells the story of greed and love and grudge.that tells the story of conspiracy and complicity and spiteful.A conspiracy that kills each royal family member little by littleThis book is a rare and truly different story.

  • av Reza Taheribashar

    Bloody Hard Relation, is a bloody romance story by Reza Taheri Bashar that tells the tale of greed and revenge and Jealousy and grudge.that tells the story of conspiracy and Betrayal and spiteful in the royal family.A conspiracy and painful treason that kills each royal family member little by littleThis story is a rare and truly different and attractive story.

  • av Reza Taheribashar

    Broken Bones Of Love, is a lovely and bloody story by Reza Taheri Bashar. This book tells the story of the a bloodthirsty royal family.This book shows the betrayal, intrigue, grudge, successive targeted killings and the final downfall of a royal family. Who do we recommend to read this story?Those for whom original stories and good ideas and dialogues are important.Those who feel the value and importance of choice and authority with their flesh, skin and bones.Those who are interested in investigating the course of historical events and the deadly violence contained in it.Those who are tired of the old tragedies and want a powerful and different story.This book is a rare and great different story.

  • av Reza Taheribashar

    Absolute Ruin, is a bloody and lovely and painful novel by Reza TaheriBashar that tells about revenge and love and Jealousy and grudge.that tells the scary story of usury and Betrayal in the great family.that are killed most of great family members little by little.This book is a special and truly different story.

  • av Reza Taheribashar

    Bloody Vessels Of Love, is a story about love and blood by Reza Taheri Bashar.This romance tells the events after a bad love failure.when The great spiteful general can not marriage with beautiful girl from noble's family, So, he conspire and kill and kill and kill and kill treacherously.this story, the final downfall of an aristocratic family. You will cry blood with this play. Who do we recommend to read this story?Those for whom original stories and good ideas and dialogues are important.Those who feel the value and importance of choice and authority with their flesh, skin and bones.Those who are interested in investigating the course of historical events and the deadly violence contained in it.Those who are tired of the old stories and want a powerful and different story.This book is a rare and truly different story.

  • av Reza Taheribashar

    Deep Wound, is a bloody and romance story by Reza Taheri Bashar that tells the old tale of greed and love and grudge and revenge.that tells the story of conspiracy and spiteful and betrayal.A conspiracy that destroy a great noble family, little by littleThis book is a rare and truly different book.

  • av Reza Taheribashar

    Bloody Blades Of Love, is a romantic crime story by Reza Taheri Bashar that tells about greed and love and Jealousy and grudge.this scenario tells the story of love and betrayal and cowardice in the noble family.that In the course of the story, are killed most of noble family members little by little.This book is a rare and truly different story.

  • av Reza Taheribashar

    Gangrene: A Painful And Bloody Romance, is a deadly and romantic story by Reza Taheri Bashar that tells the story of greed and love and Jealousy and grudge.that tells the story of usury and Betrayal and cowardice in the noble family.that In the course of the story, are killed most of noble family members little by little.This book is a rare and truly different story.

  • av Reza Taheribashar

    تراژدی مرگ آنتیوخوس، نمایش]نامه]ای تاریخی و خونبار و نفس]گیر اثر رضا طاهری بشار است.این داستان سوگناک، روایتگر خیانت آنتیوخوس، پادشاه سلوکی ایران، و زنوبیا، ملکه شورشی پالمیرا، به لائودیس بانوی ایرانی خونخواه است، لائودیسی که تاب خیانت آنتیوخوس را ندارد.تاب مرگ عزیزانش را ندارد و خشمگین ضربه کاری را فرود می]آورد.این نمایشنامه خیانت و دسیسه و کینه]توزی و کشتارهای پیاپی هدفمند و سقوط نهایی یکخانواده سلطنتی را به نمایش می]کشد. +داستان آنتیوخوس، پادشاه سلوکی ایران، و زنوبیای زیبا، ملکه شورشی پالمیرا، از پس کارزاری خونین به پایتخت باز می]گردند.زنوبیا از شاه ایران باردار است.پسران شاه هراسان از قدرت یافتن زنوبیا و فرزندش، لائودیس، همسر شاه، را تشویق می]کنند تا در برابر شاه هوس]باز ایستادگی کند و زنوبیا را تحویل ارتش روم دهد. آنتیوخوس متزلزل و ناتوان و مردد است و نمی]تواند تصمیم قاطعی بگیرد.زنوبیای زیرک دسیسه]ها می]چیند و پاسداران پالمیراییش را به در تله انداختن فرزندان شاه وا می]دارد.سپس کینه توزی]های مردافکن و توطئه هایی سهمناک پدیدار می]شوند که قصه را تا کشتاری دهشتناک پیش می]برند.این نمایشنامه، داستان فتنه انگیزی زنوبیا و همدستی شاه مردد و انتخاب]های دیگرانی است که باعث می]شوند تا اندک اندک مرگامرگی شگفت یکایک نفرات خاندان سلطنتی را در کام اهریمنی خود فرو برد. +خواندن این کتاب را به چه کسانی پیشنهاد می دهیم؟کسانی که قصه و داستان اوریجینال و ایده و گفتار برای]شان مهم است.کسانی که ارزش و سهمگینی انتخاب و اختیار را با گوشت و پوست و استخوانشان احساس می]کنند.کسانی که به بررسی سیر رخدادهای تاریخی و خشونت مرگبار مندرج در آن علاقه دارند.کسانی که از تراژدی های کهن خسته شده]اند و هوای تازه می]خواهند.این داستان تاریخی یک هوای براستی تازه است.

  • av Reza Taheribashar

    Abyss Of Love And Blood, is a bloody and lovely story by Reza Taheri Bashar that tells the story of greed and love and Jealousy and grudge.that tells the story of conspiracy and Betrayal and spiteful in the royal family.A conspiracy and battle that kills each royal family member little by littleThis book is a rare and truly different story.

  • av Reza Taheribashar

    Love and Death: The Scary Story Of Antiochus , is a historical and bloody screenplay by Reza Taheri Bashar. This screenplay tells the story of the betrayal of Antiochus, the Seleucid king of Iran, and Zenobia, the rebel queen of Palmyra, to Laodice, a bloodthirsty Iranian lady.Laodice, who can't stand the betrayal of Antiochus.She can't bear the death of her loved ones, and in anger, she lands a fatal blow on her enemies.This screenplay shows the betrayal, intrigue, grudge, successive targeted killings and the final downfall of a royal family. Story:Antiochus, the Seleucid king of Iran, and the beautiful Zenobia, the rebel queen of Palmyra, return to the capital after a bloody campaign. Zenobia is pregnant with the king of Iran.Fearful of Zenobia's rise to power, the king's sons encourage Laodice, the king's wife, to stand up to the capricious king and hand Zenobia over to the Roman army.Antiochus is weak and indecisive and cannot make a decisive decision.The clever Zenobia makes conspiracies and forces her Palmyraean guards to trap the king's children.Then, hateful grudges and terrible conspiracies appear, which lead the story to a terrible massacre.This screenplay is the seditious story of Zenobia and the complicity of the reluctant king and the choices of others that lead to the evil killing of the royal family.

  • av Reza Taheribashar

    The Tragedy of the Death of King Ardashir, is a historical and bloody play by Reza Taheri Bashar. this tragedy tells story of rape of King Ardashir, the conqueror of Egypt, to his sister, Roxana.this story shows painful consequences of that rape.this tragedy tells story of vindictiveness and the revenge of mother and brother from king and successive targeted killings and madness. this play shows final downfall of king ardashir. Story: Ardashir, the king of Iran, conqueror of Egypt, drunkenly rapes his sister Roxana, then she kills herself. Ardashir's youngest brother and his mother make a pact to take horror revenge from the king. But before their action, Ardashir, fearing possible intrigues his enemies, kills Bardia, his other brother, who has ruled in the east of Iran.Then successive grudges and murders and endless conspiracies emerge. Prizatish, the queen mother, swears to take the harsh revenge of these two family crimes from her victorious eldest son And she really takes her hard revenge.This play is the story of the conspiracies, story of complicity of the wounded queen mother and others is to the detriment of the king, who work each other until little by little all the members of the royal family are killed by each other. Who do we recommend to read this book?Those for whom original stories and good ideas and dialogues are important.Those who feel the value and importance of choice and authority with their flesh, skin and bones.Those who are interested in investigating the course of historical events and the deadly violence contained in it.Those who are tired of the old tragedies and want a powerful and different story.This story is a rare and truly different tragedy.

  • av Reza Taheribashar

    The Tragedy of the Death of Bardia, is a bloody and contemporary play by Reza Taheri Bashar. This book tells the story of the Violent and bloody events of life of an aristocratic family, who are trapped in the trap of moneylenders and are sinked into the swamp of usury. This play shows the situation of coexistence of parasitic usurers and borrowers. a murderous coexistence.a gory coexistence. Story: a aristocratic family has been caught in the clutches of usury for years.with these characters: First: The sick father of the family with many failed dreams, Someone who is addicted to usury and borrowing.Second: Bardia, the eldest son of the family, who tries to save family from the clutches of usurers, He tries hard, but he is slowly drowning in the whirlpool of debts. And at the same time, the family does not believe his efforts. They think that he is trying to pull them out of the swamp for his own benefit and not for the sake of the family.Third: Mina, the daughter of the family and her husband and younger brother and the mother of the family who are drowned in idleness and inaction and have postponed everything and every useful work for an indefinite time.Fourth: Marvast, the usurper parasite, who has been with this noble family from childhood, has penetrated into their flesh, skin and blood and has sucked their blood to the last drop.he wants all of their property and their big house and does not give up on his wish.In this play, the host and the parasite are intertwined and are together, until the breath does not remain in the victim's body and finally kills and dies. in this tragedy, The host has fallen in love with the parasite of his existence, he cannot separate the parasite from himself so as not to sink into this endless well and drown. so...This play is the story of the last struggle of the slaves. This show is the show of last breath. Who do we recommend to read this book?Those for whom original stories and good ideas and dialogues are important.Those who feel the value and importance of choice and authority with their flesh, skin and bones.Those who are interested in investigating the course of historical events and the deadly violence contained in it.Those who are tired of the old tragedies and want a powerful and different story.This story is a rare and truly different tragedy.

  • av Reza Taheribashar

    The Tragedy Of Death of ASA, is a bloody and painful drama by Reza Taheri Bashar.This play tells the ancient story of greed and love and grudge in the tense relationship of two sisters, Asa and Parna, from a powerful aristocratic family.Parna with a sick soul, is a lonely mother, who longs to meet and love her son, Bastab, but Bastab hates her.She wants to make up for the injustices she did to his son as a child.From the opposite side, Abrand, Asa's son, is afraid of Parna and her son regaining power and wants to become the leader of the sides conspire against each other to destroy each other.This story shows the grudges and tensions and successive murders and the final fall of a noble family. Story: Parna, the leader of the noble family, has returned from the corner of the monastery to visit her warrior son at the insistence of her sister, Asa, but her only son, Bastab, hates her.The greedy Abrand, the general of the Iranian army and Asa's son, wishes to get rid of Parna and gain power and become leader, but Parna resists him and pulls him down and humiliates him.From the opposite side, Parna's vindictive ex-wife pulls her in the trap of Conspiracy illusion by her sister and plots to take her long-ago revenge on Asa and Abrand, and the story is getting closer and closer to disaster.until finally, endless grudges and conspiracies and murders emerge.This play is the story of conspiracy and complicity and spiteful.A conspiracy that kills each family member little by little. Who do we recommend to read this book?Those for whom original stories and good ideas and dialogues are important.Those who feel the value and importance of choice and authority with their flesh, skin and bones.Those who are interested in investigating the course of historical events and the deadly violence contained in it.Those who are tired of the old tragedies and want a powerful and different story.This story is a rare and truly different tragedy.

  • av Reza Taheribashar

    The First Eighty Love Letters are short romances written by Reza Taheri Bashar, portrays Reza's real, amazing, and glorious love for the beautiful Faren with poetry, short plays, literary writing, humor, and comedy. Story: Eighty short real love letters to the beautiful Faren who ignored Reza stubbornly and left.Eighty short real love letters to the beautiful Faren who didn't join Reza in this great love story.Eighty letters of a Bone-burning and tormenting love that turns the mountain into dust and ashes and breaks all hearts.Eighty kinds of efforts, eighty kinds of struggling and failing.Sweet storyteller of not being able and trying. Narrator of wanting and not being able.The story of a pure loveAnd that's it.Who do we recommend to read this book?Those for whom literature and poetry are important. Those who have tasted the pain of love. Those who are heartbroken, those who have understood that really love is not possible. Those who are in love with love. Those who are tired of old love stories and want fresh air. These romances are a breath of fresh air.

  • av Reza Taheribashar

    The Tragedy Of Irene's Death, is a sad and bloody play by Reza Taheri Bashar.This painful story tells step by step the events after General Bahram's love failure.The great spiteful general can not marriage with beautiful Irene, So, He cooperates with Ila, Irene's beautiful sister, in revenge against Irene and General Bahman.they conspire and kill treacherously.and this play, finally it shows the old mother's hard grudge and the deadly murders and the final downfall of an aristocratic family. You will cry blood with this play.Story: The Play Of Irene's Death, is a description of the adventurous, full of love and hate of two brave and worthy generals named Bahman and Bahram on one side and sisters Ila and Irene and their mother on the other.Irene rejects the vengeful Bahram's love and marries Bahman. Secretly Bahram, she unites with Ila against them. General Bahman is chosen to command the Iranian army in the fierce war with China, and triumphantly advances to the capital of China.but, he is killed with the conspiracy and complicity of Bahram and Ila in spiteful and the events of the time. With this incident, step by step, a terrible hell appears, which swallows an aristocratic family in its fire. Who do we recommend to read this book?Those for whom original stories and good ideas and dialogues are important.Those who feel the value and importance of choice and authority with their flesh, skin and bones.Those who are interested in investigating the course of historical events and the deadly violence contained in it.Those who are tired of the old tragedies and want a powerful and different story.This historical story is a rare and truly different tragedy.

  • av Reza Taheribashar

    The Tragedy of the Death of the King Antiochus, is a historical and bloody play by Reza Taheri Bashar. This story tells the story of the betrayal of Antiochus, the Seleucid king of Iran, and Zenobia, the rebel queen of Palmyra, to Laodice, a bloodthirsty Iranian lady. Laodice, who can't stand the betrayal of Antiochus. She can't bear the death of her loved ones, and in anger, she lands a fatal blow on her enemies. This play shows the betrayal, intrigue, grudge, successive targeted killings and the final downfall of a royal family. Story: Antiochus, the Seleucid king of Iran, and the beautiful Zenobia, the rebel queen of Palmyra, return to the capital after a bloody campaign. Zenobia is pregnant with the king of Iran. Fearful of Zenobia's rise to power, the king's sons encourage Laodice, the king's wife, to stand up to the capricious king and hand Zenobia over to the Roman army. Antiochus is weak and indecisive and cannot make a decisive decision. The clever Zenobia makes conspiracies and forces her Palmyraean guards to trap the king's children. Then, hateful grudges and terrible conspiracies appear, which lead the story to a terrible massacre. This play is the seditious story of Zenobia and the complicity of the reluctant king and the choices of others that lead to the evil killing of the royal family. Who do we recommend to read this book? Those for whom original stories and good ideas and dialogues are important. Those who feel the value and importance of choice and authority with their flesh, skin and bones. Those who are interested in investigating the course of historical events and the deadly violence contained in it. Those who are tired of the old tragedies and want a powerful and different story. This historical story is a rare and truly different tragedy.

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