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Böcker av Richa Sharma

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  • - An alternative Topical Therapy for Dermatophytosis
    av Richa Sharma

    Dermatophytoses account for nearly a quarter of all fungal infections worldwide. These difficult to treat infections of the skin, hair, and nails, are growing more resistant to conventional antifungal treatments, and when treatable, often require prolonged therapeutic regimens. A new bioactive compounds isolated from plants that are essential oils have been used for the treatment of Dermatophytosis. This book contain information of essential oils derived from plants and used as an alternative topical therapy for dermatophytosis or commonly called as "Ringworm". This comprehensive research aimed at understanding the mechanism of action of essential oils and their components may provide the basis for a natural alternative to topical antifungal drugs.

  • av Richa Sharma

    Dermatophytosen machen weltweit fast ein Viertel aller Pilzinfektionen aus. Diese schwer zu behandelnden Infektionen von Haut, Haaren und Nägeln werden immer resistenter gegen herkömmliche antimykotische Behandlungen, und wenn sie behandelbar sind, erfordern sie oft langwierige Therapien. Neue bioaktive Verbindungen, die aus Pflanzen isoliert werden, die ätherische Öle sind, wurden für die Behandlung von Dermatophytose verwendet. Dieses Buch enthält Informationen über ätherische Öle aus Pflanzen, die als alternative topische Therapie für Dermatophytose oder allgemein als "Ringelflechte" bezeichnet werden. Diese umfassende Forschung, die darauf abzielt, den Wirkungsmechanismus von ätherischen Ölen und ihren Bestandteilen zu verstehen, kann die Grundlage für eine natürliche Alternative zu topischen Antimykotika bilden.

  • av Richa Sharma

    Les dermatophytoses représentent près d'un quart de toutes les infections fongiques dans le monde. Ces infections difficiles à traiter de la peau, des cheveux et des ongles sont de plus en plus résistantes aux traitements antifongiques conventionnels et, lorsqu'elles peuvent être traitées, nécessitent souvent des régimes thérapeutiques prolongés. De nouveaux composés bioactifs isolés à partir de plantes qui sont des huiles essentielles ont été utilisés pour le traitement de la dermatophytose. Ce livre contient des informations sur les huiles essentielles dérivées de plantes et utilisées comme thérapie topique alternative pour la dermatophytose ou communément appelée "teigne". Cette recherche approfondie visant à comprendre le mécanisme d'action des huiles essentielles et de leurs composants peut constituer la base d'une alternative naturelle aux médicaments antifongiques topiques.

  • av Richa Sharma

    As dermatofitoses são responsáveis por quase um quarto de todas as infecções fúngicas a nível mundial. Estas infecções da pele, do cabelo e das unhas, difíceis de tratar, estão a tornar-se cada vez mais resistentes aos tratamentos antifúngicos convencionais e, quando tratáveis, requerem frequentemente regimes terapêuticos prolongados. Novos compostos bioactivos isolados de plantas que são óleos essenciais têm sido utilizados para o tratamento da Dermatofitose. Este livro contém informações sobre óleos essenciais derivados de plantas e utilizados como uma terapia tópica alternativa para a dermatofitose ou vulgarmente designada por "Micose". Esta investigação abrangente destinada a compreender o mecanismo de acção dos óleos essenciais e dos seus componentes pode fornecer a base para uma alternativa natural aos medicamentos antifúngicos tópicos.

  • av Richa Sharma

    Dermatofitozy sostawlqüt pochti chetwert' wseh gribkowyh infekcij w mire. Jeti trudno poddaüschiesq lecheniü infekcii kozhi, wolos i nogtej stanowqtsq wse bolee ustojchiwymi k tradicionnym protiwogribkowym preparatam, a kogda ih udaetsq wylechit', chasto trebuetsq dlitel'nyj terapewticheskij rezhim. Nowye biologicheski aktiwnye soedineniq, wydelennye iz rastenij i qwlqüschiesq äfirnymi maslami, byli ispol'zowany dlq lecheniq dermatofitii. Jeta kniga soderzhit informaciü ob äfirnyh maslah, poluchennyh iz rastenij i ispol'zuemyh w kachestwe al'ternatiwnoj topicheskoj terapii dermatofitii ili, kak ee obychno nazywaüt, "striguschego lishaq". Jeto komplexnoe issledowanie, naprawlennoe na ponimanie mehanizma dejstwiq äfirnyh masel i ih komponentow, mozhet posluzhit' osnowoj dlq sozdaniq estestwennoj al'ternatiwy topicheskim protiwogribkowym preparatam.

  • av Richa Sharma

    Le dermatofitosi rappresentano quasi un quarto di tutte le infezioni fungine nel mondo. Queste infezioni della pelle, dei capelli e delle unghie, difficili da trattare, sono sempre più resistenti ai trattamenti antimicotici convenzionali e, quando sono curabili, spesso richiedono regimi terapeutici prolungati. Per il trattamento delle dermatofitosi sono stati utilizzati nuovi composti bioattivi isolati da piante che sono oli essenziali. Questo libro contiene informazioni sugli oli essenziali derivati dalle piante e utilizzati come terapia topica alternativa per la dermatofitosi o comunemente chiamata "tigna". Questa ricerca completa volta a comprendere il meccanismo d'azione degli oli essenziali e dei loro componenti può fornire le basi per un'alternativa naturale ai farmaci antimicotici topici.

  • av Richa Sharma

  • av Richa Sharma

    Biometricheskaq sistema - äto sistema raspoznawaniq obrazow, ispol'zuemaq w neblagopriqtnyh uslowiqh. Poskol'ku biometricheskaq sistema, kak i lübaq tradicionnaq sistema bezopasnosti, otkryta dlq kowarnyh protiwnikow, kotorye mogut podstroit' dannye, chtoby sdelat' sistemu nerabotosposobnoj, narushiw ee celostnost'. Tekuschaq teoriq i metody proektirowaniq biometricheskih sistem ne uchitywaüt uqzwimost' k takim atakam protiwnikow. Poätomu analiz klassicheskih podhodow k proektirowaniü qwlqetsq otkrytym woprosom, chtoby wyqsnit', predshestwuüt li oni sozdaniü bezopasnyh sistem. Dlq sozdaniq bezopasnyh biometricheskih sistem neobhodimo ponqt' i issledowat' ugrozy i, takim obrazom, ukorenit' adekwatnye mery protiwodejstwiq i nadezhnye konstrukcii sistem, kak metodologicheski, tak i strategicheski, esli äto neobhodimo. Sledowatel'no, prisoedinenie teorii i metodow proektirowaniq biometricheskih sistem qwlqetsq obqzatel'nym dlq obespecheniq bezopasnosti i nadezhnosti biometricheskih sistem w neblagopriqtnyh obstoqtel'stwah.

  • av Richa Sharma & S. P. Bakshi
    1 340,-

  • av Richa Sharma, Sudhir Pawar & Rajesh Kshirsagar

  • av Richa Sharma, Sudhir Pawar & Rajesh Kshirsagar

  • av Richa Sharma, Sudhir Pawar & Rajesh Kshirsagar

  • av Richa Sharma, Sudhir Pawar & Rajesh Kshirsagar

  • av Richa Sharma, Neeraj Sharma & Munish Goel

    This book provides complete information regarding all the instruments used in Endodontics starting from hand instruments to recent advances in the field. It also contains all the classifications of instruments from diagnosing to operating, complete information regarding the speed, torque used with rotary instruments and all necessary information that is required to know before performing endodontic treatment with either hand or rotary instruments.

  • - Khaak Se
    av Richa Sharma

    As a child, it was a diary and my pencil. Today, it is the phone and my fingers. Emotions and expressions are the same -- unrestrained, unadulterated, unpolished and unconditional. Being a writer was never the choice; it was destiny and every single couplet I wrote inched me closer to it. Kaafir is a collection of moments I penned down; moments of uncertainty when I doubted even the Universe and moments of unshakable faith when I felt the inner ocean calmer than lakes!Kaafir is closer to my heart; these unpolished verses defining, redefining, chiseling and sharpening my positivity and liveliness. And that's what makes the journey of being a writer worth every pain and anxiety -- you end up becoming a good human being.Yeah... being Kaafir made me being Richa, as natural and as candid God wanted me to be!Amen to more such verses and Gratitude to you all for reading the uncooked thoughts in half-baked couplets. Long live the Kaafiri!

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