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Böcker av Ringu Tulku

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  • - Vacuidad e interdependencia, Mahamudra & Dzogchen
    av Ringu Tulku

    La serie Sabiduría del Corazón pretende poner las enseñanzas de Ringu Tulku Rimpoché a disposición de un público más amplio, llevando sus enseñanzas orales a la página escrita. Este volumen examina, de forma sencilla, la visión budista fundamental llamada Vacuidad o Interdependencia: cómo existen realmente las cosas. Incluye una breve enseñanza sobre Mahamudra y Dzogchen, enfoques que nos llevan a experimentar esta visión directamente."Todo el mundo sabe que las cosas cambian, que nada es permanente, pero no vemos hasta qué punto está cambiando todo. ¿Cambian las cosas una vez al año? ¿O una vez al día? ¿Una vez por minuto o una vez por segundo?... Si miras en profundidad, ¿cuándo es el momento en que las cosas no cambian?... Si no encuentras un momento en el que las cosas no cambien, ¿cuándo es el momento en el que las cosas existen por sí mismas?"

  • av Ringu Tulku

    Ringu Tulku discusses what it means to take refuge in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha in terms of finding a profound purpose in our lives and making a decision to work towards fulfilling that aim.

  • av Ringu Tulku

    Bodhichitta literally means 'mind of awakening'. It is the awakening of compassion and wisdom - the great compassionate wish for the wellbeing of all sentient beings, combined with the understanding of how that wish may be fulfilled.Ringu Tulku discusses the profound ideal of bodhichitta in an accessible and friendly way that brings it within everyone's reach. He points out that bodhichitta is a natural extension of our innate wish to work for our own wellbeing and holds out hope for each one of us to awaken our Bodhichitta within.

  • av Ringu Tulku

    The Heart Wisdom series aims to make the teachings of Ringu Tulku Rinpoche available to a wider audience, by bringing his oral teachings to the written page. This volume is a commentary by Ringu Tulku on a text by the great 19th Century Tibetan Lama and teacher, Patrul Rinpoche, called 'Victory over the Maras.' It looks at what the maras are: all the obstacles, hindrances and set-backs that occur in our lives. They are listed and described - including the 'Secret' and even 'Top Secret' maras! Once we understand how to view the difficult things that happen in our life, specific antidotes and remedies are given to help us clear them, so we can move on, unhindered. The ultimate remedy is to understand, experientially, the wisdom of how things really exist, the wisdom of emptiness.

  • av Ringu Tulku

    Para a maioria de nós, exprimir a cólera e ser alvo dela são experiências comuns. Normalmente, não nos detemos a pensar o impacto que tem nos outros ou em nós mesmos. Neste livro, Ringu Tulku mostra como o medo desencadeia a cólera e como a certeza de termos razão nos impede de reconhecermos o sofrimento de quem está sob o efeito da cólera. De forma leve e tocante ele descreve a importância da compaixão em situações de grande tensão, mostrando maneiras simples de aliviar a intensidade do momento, para nós e para os outros, ao enfrentarmos as situações com uma atitude consciente.

  • av Ringu Tulku

    A série Sabedoria do Coração tem como objetivo tornar os ensinamentos de Ringu Tulku Rinpoche acessíveis a um público mais vasto, pondo os seus ensinamentos orais em forma escrita. Este volume apresenta 37 ensinamentos curtos, concebidos para serem lidos individualmente e integrados na prática e vida quotidianas. O conjunto leva-nos numa viagem através dos veículos do budismo, elucidando alguns mal-entendidos comuns e princípios básicos do caminho budista, ao mesmo tempo que nos encoraja a movermo-nos da cabeça (compreensão intelectual) ao coração (compreensão experiencial)."Para alcançar a experiência dessa compreensão temos de mergulhar profundamente em nós mesmos e aprender a levar a nossa consciência e atenção plena até ao nível inconsciente da nossa mente. É aqui que podemos experimentar profundamente. Trata-se do coração mais que da cabeça. Diz-se às vezes que a viagem mais longa é da cabeça ao coração. É a isto que nos referimos quando falamos em desenvolver a visão correta e compreendê-la pela experiência. É um trabalho constante."

  • av Ringu Tulku

    The Heart Wisdom series aims to make the teachings of Ringu Tulku Rinpoche available to a wider audience, by bringing his oral teachings to the written page. This volume presents some of his teachings on a perennial and core topic - kindness. Drawing on five teaching sources, the text first encourages us with a practical look at how to bring kindness and compassion into our daily lives. Ringu Tulku discusses themes of meditation and the practice of tonglen; and answers a wide range of questions.The text then looks towards kindness and compassion from a more ultimate perspective: Ultimate Bodhicitta, the heart essence of enlightenment. Embodying such understanding brings an ever purer expression of kindness and compassion, imbued with deepening wisdom. Thus, this small text aims to present a wide-ranging, but pithy, contemplation of this subject, central to the hearts and lives of us all.

  • av Ringu Tulku

    A coleção Sabedoria do Coração, pretende tornar os ensinamentos de Ringu Tulku Rinpoche acessíveis a um público mais vasto, ao pôr por escrito os seus ensinamentos orais. Este livro reúne três palestras de Ringu Tulku sobre os temas do Renascimento, Trabalhando com um Mestre Espiritual e A Morte e o Morrer, e inclui caligrafias de Ringu Tulku sobre estes temas."Como se faz iogurte? Com leite. Mas será que o iogurte é leite? Claro que, se não houver leite, não há iogurte. Mas será o iogurte a mesma substância que o leite de origem? Não. A próxima vida ou o próximo momento desta vida - o próximo momento de mudança, o momento em que mudamos de um lugar para outro, ou de um instante para outro - acontece de forma semelhante. O que sou agora não é exatamente a mesmo que serei na próxima vida. É tão diferente como o iogurte do leite. Se for leite agora, talvez na próxima vida venha a ser iogurte."

  • av Ringu Tulku

    This volume presents 37 short teachings, designed to be read individually and integrated with our practice and daily life.

  • av Ringu Tulku

  • av Ringu Tulku

  • av Ringu Tulku

    The Heart Wisdom series aims to make the teachings of Ringu Tulku Rinpoche available to a wider audience, by bringing his oral teachings to the written page. In this volume, Ringu Tulku offers a commentary on the practice of Vajrasattva found in Brief Recitations for the Four Preliminary Practices by His Holiness the 17th Karmapa. Detailed descriptions of Refuge and Vajrasattva practices are given and the full root text is included for the reader's own practice.Ringu Tulku explains what purification really is - the quality particularly associated with Vajrasattva - and encourages us to explore this, through the formal meditation but also in our daily lives.'The essence of our mind is the vajra. Emptiness is the vajra. When we understand the way things really are, we become free from all fear and clinging. We understand how we are indestructible, because we are emptiness.'

  • av Ringu Tulku

    In this seventh booklet in the Lazy Lama series, Ringu Tulku looks at how we all need love and asks us to consider the benefits of generating loving kindness for each other. But how can we, as imperfect human beings, off er even an 'imperfect' love, and is that enough? Yes, says Rinpoche, we can and should start from where we are. We can off er loving kindness, help and support for each other now, while aspiring towards an ideal unconditional love. Rinpoche encourages us, in these seemingly simple and concise teachings, to develop the courage of a hero dedicated to love, and to find our true brave heart.

  • av Ringu Tulku

    Ringu Tulku shows how fear prompts anger and explains simple ways we can help ourselves and others to defuse the intensity of the moment through facing situations mindfully.

  • av Ringu Tulku

  • av Ringu Tulku

    Ringu Tulku Rinpoche presents his commentary on a teaching by the Third Do Drupchen Rinpoche, Jigme Tenpe Nyima, called 'Bringing Happiness and Unhappiness onto the Path'.

  • av Ringu Tulku

    This volume gives Ringu Tulku's teachings on the practice of White Tara based on the short sadhana written by Tenga Rinpoche, with a new English translation of the text.

  • av Ringu Tulku

    Ringu Tulku Rinpoche's commentary on the shortest and most popular Chenrezig sadhana that was composed by Thangtong Gyalpo. Profits from the sale of this book will go to fund Rigul Trust health, education and poverty relief projects.

  • av Ringu Tulku

    In this book Ringu Tulku brings us directly and lightheartedly to the point of Buddhist meditation: it helps to develop the two positive life enhancing qualities that lie naturally within us, clarity of mind and kindness for self and others. He reminds us that through meditation we can come to understand how the interconnectedness of all things is crucial for human wellbeing and for the future of the planet. No fuss or frills, it is as simple as that. The methods for practice he describes are relaxed and straightforward, the logic is clear, and the result is peace of mind.

  • - Gampopa's Heart Advice on the Path of Mahamudra
    av Ringu Tulku

  • av Ringu Tulku

    "I think everything that we need to improve our world, our society and our humanity is in the Six Paramitas. These practices can make our lives good temporarily, as well as bringing lasting peace and happiness. This is an approach based on compassion, on wishing to help not only myself, but all of us together. The attitude is not "I and you," but "me and we." Someone who has the courage or heart for this approach is called a Bodhisattva; and this awakening is not only of yourself, but of everybody." The Six Paramitas, or "transcendent perfections," contain all the skills needed for taming the mind and opening the heart. Paramita is a Sanskrit word. Para means "beyond" and "the further shore" and mita, means "that which has arrived." So, broadly speaking, Pāramitā, means "that which has gone to the further shore." For beginners, "the further shore" seems very far away. We can feel overwhelmed before we even set out. But in this, the eighth book of the Lazy Lama series, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche helps us to understand how the path of the bodhisattva is possible for all of us. In providing this wonderful bridge on the journey from here to the further shore, Rinpoche reveals the Six Paramitas as bodhicitta in action, rather than an unattainable state of perfection. Through his wisdom and great compassion, warm humour and unfailing patience, Rinpoche shows us how these profound teachings are essential to our lives, especially in these times of stress and great uncertainty.

  • - Traversing The Path Of The Buddha
    av Ringu Tulku

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