- Trues for Modern Christians
av Ronald L Tottingham
The Bible was written for the vast world of multi-ethnic gentile believers of the time of the New Testament churches. 1Corinthians 10:11 Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our [New Testament churches] admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Romans 15:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our [New Testament churches] learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.This great building on earth, which has so much attention cast upon it throughout the whole of Scripture, and is also a figure of the great tabernacle in heaven, must have some specific identifiers for these believers, some identifiable attention beyond just an Old Testament Israeli emphasis.Traditionally the Tabernacle is taught by focusing solely on Jesus Christ as everything therein is entirely about Him. That is a yes and a no. Jesus Christ is the center of everything, and the entire Old Testament is about Him. Of that we are clearly told in Luke 24 and other places. However, in the common studies on the tabernacle the teaching is either focused on more modern Jewish interpretations or a brief simple focus on Jesus Christ either ignoring, not understanding or not believing that there are any truth applicable to New Testament believers.There is more to Jesus Christ than His Person alone. There are His People in the lights of the Lampstand (Matthew 5:14-16), His churches as the Lampstand itself (Revelation 1:20), His worship and prayers to Him in the altar of incense (Revelation 8:3-4), there is the believer''s approach to God in his own "living sacrifice" which is the Saint''s "reasonable service"(Romans 12:1) and more throughout the tabernacle.One could read through all the books written on the tabernacle, study the series in audio, take courses taught, read the articles written, and would find many truths for today''s believers missing from them. Further, Jesus Christ is not simple, and there are deeper truths in the study of the tabernacle that directed to the church era, as our two verses above show us.