av Rose White
In Midgard, three years after Fenbul winter entered, when Kratos and Atreus returned home after hunting, they were attacked by Freya, but Freya failed to kill Kratos s. When the two returned home, one of their wolves, Fenrir, was dying. Atreus sings a dirge before asking his father to let him mourn and bury the wolf. Kratos accepts and falls asleep in the house.Kratos dreams of Faye, but is awakened by Mimir, who worries that Atreus hasn't come home from Fenrir's funeral. While searching for the boy, Kratos and Mimir were attacked by a bear named Bjorn. Kratos strangled the bear until he transformed back into Atreus, who suddenly developed the bear's strength out of the intensity of his emotions. Atreus and Kratos clash over the former's plan to learn more about his "Rocky" identity before returning home.When the father and son were asleep, Thor woke them up and asked to talk to Kratos. Soon after, Odin, the Lord God of Asgard, followed up and made a condition to the God of War: In exchange, Odin and Atreus would not anger the gods of Asgar, and neither would Odin and Thor to keep the peace. After they revealed that Atreus was secretly seeking out the seemingly dead god of war Tyr, and after Mimir punished Odin, Kratos coldly rejected the deal. Odin allowed Thor to attack Kratos in revenge for killing Baldr, Magni, and Morty. Kratos died of head trauma, but was revived by Thor, who repeatedly tried to provoke Kratos' anger so that he could see the Spartan Wraith. When Thor brags about Odin's "plan" for Atreus, Kratos hits Thor with all his might, and Thor happily walks away, claiming "[I'll] see you".Brock and Cindri encounter an injured Kratos, who calls for their help as Odin is still with Atreus and Mimir. Deciding that Kratos' wand is broken, Brock dedicates him, his son, and the main sanctuary in the Sindri home to him. Kratos returned home, relieved to see Atreus safe, but disturbed that the boy had been hiding the fact that he was studying Tyr and Loki by himself. However, seeing that this path will help keep Atreus safe, Kratos accompanies him to the giant mural of Skorr and Hattis, which actually contains a secret chamber that reveals the identity of the two giant wolves. true destiny. The murals and Atreus' secret quest reveal that Kratos, he, and Mimir must travel to the dwarven kingdom of Svartalfheim to free Tyr, who may still be alive.After Sindri leads the trio back to their home in the realm between realms, he, Brok, and Mimir modify their travel gate as the new (and only) option for realm travel. After learning of the trio's plans to explore Svartalfheim to find and liberate Tyr, the Huldra brothers suggest traveling to the kingdom's capital, Nidavellr, to find government officials and ex-rebel Durin. After the dwarf kingdom discovered that his former disgraced comrade and Kratos' wife Faye had died, Durin secretly instructed Atreus to go to the Jain Smeda Pit to find Tyr. Tyr turns out to be alive but insane, and after years of torture he has sworn against violence. After Kratos yelled at him to join the group, Tyr showed up, but not as a soldier, but at least as someone with information. They all go back to Cindri's house.Kratos and Mimir complain that times were simpler then, and finding Tyr might have been a mistake on Atreus' part. Ignoring Freya's protests, Atreus and Cindriya sneak away to Midgard in an attempt to recruit Freya. Atreus first asks Jormungandr for advice on avoiding Ragnarok, and is disappointed that the only answer he gets is to go to "Ironwood", which may not be a real place. Atreus meets Freya and reveals to her that he may be the last remaining giant, while Odin also briefly visits Midgard. Freya refuses to come and warns Atreus never to approach her again. On their way home, Cindri comforts Atreus and tells how Brock actually died and how Cindri partially revived him. Both promise to be more honest with Brok and Kratos in the end.