- Divine Love ... Feminine Aspect of God
av Shaman Eilee
SYRAKI Holistic Ways (series-1).Cheylia' ... "Divine Love", Feminine Aspect of God.Syraki Deliveries were compiled to teach Holistic Ways, Spiritual & Energy Healing & Crystalline Ways, using Divine Universal Energies and our Crystalline abilities, which our physical body has been Gifted during Creation. Healing others is possible once your crystalline aspect has been activated using the Ascension Activation Keys book (mind exercises), or by using the Attunements offered through the SYRAKI Holistic Ways (series -1 or 2). Keys were Delivered through Shaman Eilee's Channelling Session, when seeking union for Divine Spiritual Knowledge. Orion a Spiritual Guide of Mythos was presented during this period, so it was the gifts of Healing, Union and Divine Knowledge began to flow. The MYTHONIAN and SYRAKI recognition of God's 'principle name' is Cheylia', the Feminine Aspect of God that is being presented in both series of books, as it is Cheylia's desire to assist mankind. There has been so much information offered to both of us during the past several years, that a book with Cheylia' as the main focus is presented. There may be contention over this release, however there can be no denying that Cheylia's presence has been received and Her Desires to assist with our continuance will be known through acceptance of Her Spiritual coming. Once this Delivery has been read with an open mind, one may then choose how they wish to recognise God, for it matters not in what manner this is achieved. What does matter is your actions that reflect your beliefs (faith if it pleases), and acceptance of a Divine Being. Reality of Cheylia's presence may be overcome if in doubt, by way of Her wisdom, information and Codes offered, which have not been explained previously in such a positive and beneficial manner. Acceptance of Cheylia's Deliveries offered by Olah Syraki may then follow, for she is one of Cheylia's Mystic Goddesses from a past Viking era, and their ways are also disclosed to know of? It is not our intension to waiver ones faith, but rather bring it forward to today's world that we all live in. This is explained in enough detail to help over come one's concern, for the transition one takes may be a difficult journey for some and a welcome Path for many. Our future and your personal destiny is now possible to be guided through Cheylia's Spiritual Guides, making Her presence now part of our reality, and so the future moves towards Cheylia's desires. Enlightenment is for all to aspire to, there is much more to this Delivery of and from Cheylia', it is for you to decipher what is right for you and your future, and how you wish to share your thoughts and many journeys yet to present themselves. Duality of ones personality and ways to improve life in general are discussed and will assist many, especially those that have not yet come to terms with feminine and masculine identities being interwoven into one physical form. Harmony offers all a place to enjoy, in time everyone will be recognised for their personal beauty. Union of those you love is a Divine desire, and is accepted as presented before Cheylia'. Betrothal is a sacred decision made between those in love, a Ceremony to compliment the desires of such union is described by Cheylia', who welcomes you with Divine Love and so respects all choices made. However ones actions will determine each persons Ley of Destiny, as their Aura "Key" is presented, so too will each Union with Cheylia's "Ley of Divinity" offer each of us a destination, some may have new choices for their Future Journey of Continuance. This is explained in detail to know of, as are the intricacies of Ascension, Reincarnation and Eternal Life's choices that are possible during one's Divine Journey. How to cleanse ones Soul to atone for past errors during periods of life spent on Earth's playground are possible, by creating your own Crystalline Sweyth? Welcome to Cheylia'... So Sha. Sho'L