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Böcker av Sharon Maas

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  • av Sharon Maas

    Während ein schrecklicher Krieg immer näher rückt, versucht eine junge Frau verzweifelt, ihre Liebsten zu schützen. Indien, 1940: Als Rosie ihre Mutter verliert und nach Sri Lanka geschickt wird, um bei der Freundin ihrer Mutter und deren drei Söhnen zu leben, ändert sich ihre Welt im Handumdrehen. Aber sie wird in den Schoß einer lauten Familie mit Jungen, die sie wie Brüder liebt, aufgenommen und beginnt, sich schließlich zu Hause zu fühlen. Doch der Krieg in Europa bewegt sich unaufhaltsam auf Asien zu. Auf der Suche nach Trost vor den fürchterlichen Nachrichten und den Bombenangriffen trifft Rosie einen heldenhaften Soldaten auf Urlaub und verliebt sich zum ersten Mal. Aber bald muss sie sich von ihm verabschieden, wohl wissend, dass sie ihn vielleicht nie wiedersehen wird. In der Zwischenzeit werden die Männer, die sie als Brüder betrachtet, einer nach dem anderen eingezogen. Während Rosie verzweifelt auf Briefe von ihren Lieben wartet, wird ihr klar, dass auch sie ihren Beitrag leisten muss. Sie meldet sich freiwillig beim militärischen Nachrichtendienst. Doch dann treffen zwei Telegramme ein mit den erschreckenden Worten vermisst, für gefangen gehalten und vermisst, für tot gehalten. Wer von ihren Liebsten wird den verheerenden Krieg überleben und wen wird Rosie für immer verlieren?Ein atemberaubender Roman über den Zweiten Weltkrieg, über verlorene und wiedergefundene Liebe und die Unverwüstlichkeit des menschlichen Strebens, zu überleben und neu anzufangen. Fictionvixenreads, ¿¿¿¿¿ Es hat mich komplett in seinen Bann gezogen ... Mehr als eindrucksvoll ... Fesselnd ... Unvergesslich ... Das ist ohne Zweifel ein Muss ... Muss man gelesen haben. Page Turners, ¿¿¿¿¿ Eine emotionale und herzzerreißende Geschichte ... Dieses Buch wird euch die ganze Nacht wach halten! ... Fünf Sterne! Tropical Girl Reads Books, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Sharon Maas

    Eine fesselnde Geschichte voller Menschlichkeit, die Kulturen und Kontinente verbindet. Katie Fforde, ¿¿¿¿¿ Die fünfjährige Jyothi lebt auf den Straßen von Bombay und seit ihre Mutter in einen tragischen Unfall verwickelt wurde, ist sie vollkommen auf sich allein gestellt. Doch nach einer zufälligen Begegnung mit Monika und Jack Kingsley ändert sich Jyothis Leben für immer. Denn das junge englische Paar beschließt, sie zu adoptieren. Gemeinsam kehrt die neue Familie nach England zurück, aber Jyothi fällt es schwer, sich anzupassen. Als die Beziehung von Monika und Jack in die Brüche geht, ist Jyothi einsamer denn je und die Musik wird zu ihrem Trost. Doch selbst als sich ihr außergewöhnliches musikalisches Talent in eine vielversprechende Karriere verwandelt, hat Jyothi immer noch nicht das Gefühl, dazuzugehören. Dann bringt eine turbulente Liebesbeziehung sie dazu, alles in Frage zu stellen. Und Jyothi erkennt, dass sie sich dem Schmerz ihrer Vergangenheit stellen muss, bevor sie ihre Zukunft in Angriff nehmen kann ... Ein stimmungsvoller und herzzerreißender Roman über die Bedeutung von Familie, Liebe und Selbstachtung. Perfekt für Fans von Dinah Jefferies, Corina Bomann und Jan-Philipp Sendker. Was Leser über Das indische Waisenkind sagen: Sharon Maas ist zu meiner Lieblingsautorin geworden ... Das indische Waisenkind ist ein weiteres wunderbares Buch von Maas, das all die charakteristischen Gedanken und die Sorgfalt aufweist, die in ihren Werken mitschwingen. Eine herzzerreißende, epische Geschichte über Verlust und Identität, die ans Herz geht. Bloomin' Brilliant Books, ¿¿¿¿¿ Wunderbar! ... Ich wollte nicht, dass es zu Ende geht. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ Der Schreibstil ist atemberaubend anregend und sinnlich ... Ich fühlte mich von Anfang an in die Geschichte und den Schauplatz hineinversetzt. The Book Trail, ¿¿¿¿¿ Was für ein großartiges Buch, es wird mich noch lange begleiten. Ich bin niemand, der leicht 5 Sterne vergibt ... ein unglaubliches Buch, das ich wärmstens empfehlen kann. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Sharon Maas

    'I will never forgive you! You had a choice. You could have listened to your mother, your brother, your father, but you chose to listen to those monsters. And that choice remains with you. Forever.'Berlin, 1933. Leah and Magda have been inseparable for as long as they can remember, and one beautiful summer's day in their courtyard, they vow nothing will ever come between their friendship. But Leah could never have predicted the darkness looming just around the corner...As Hitler comes to power and the Nazi Party gain even more influence, Magda proudly tells Leah she has decided to join the Hitler Youth. Leah's blood runs cold before she begs Magda to change her mind - because Leah is Jewish. Magda refuses, and heartbroken Leah knows this will not only destroy their friendship, but put her life in mortal danger. Suddenly, the only light in her life is Magda's brother Markus, who is furious at his sister and vows to do everything he can to keep Leah safe.As Magda becomes more entrenched in the Nazi Party, Leah's life starts to shatter as the Gestapo raid her home, sending her beloved brother Aaron to a concentration camp. Devastated, Leah and her parents are forced to flee and hide. Desperate to save Leah, Markus decides the only way he can help stop the Nazis and his sister is to infiltrate the party as an undercover resistance fighter. But will Magda see through his lie, and how far will she go to prove her loyalty to her Führer?A powerful and heartbreaking novel about love, family, betrayal and sacrifice perfect for fans of The Alice Network, The White Rose Network, The Tattooist of Auschwitz and The Nightingale.Readers love The Children of Berlin: 'I couldn't put it down and finished it in a day... What an absolute cracker of a book!!!... Sucked me straight in... absolutely addictive page turner... absolutely absorbed me... compelling, page-turning... will keep you up late at night.' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 'I couldn't put this book aside. I read it holding my breath, I cried, I hated, I loved, I understood... I think I have gone through every emotion there is... swept me away and even writing this review I'm overwhelmed with emotions. If I could I would give it 10 stars.' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Touched my heart... wonderful... one that will stay with me!... Held my attention right to the end. The book took me through quite few emotions... heart-wrenching at times but so well done.' Donna's Book Blog, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • av Sharon Maas

    The woman looked at me, anguish brimming in her eyes. I picked up the note she'd left and read the scrawl: HELP!!! Then: Mom. Followed by a number. A gripping and heartbreaking read, based on the true story of the Jonestown cult, one of the darkest chapters in American history. When journalist Zoe Quint loses her husband and child in a tragic accident, she returns home to Guyana to heal. But when she hears cries and music floating through the trees, her curiosity compels her to learn more about the Americans who have set up camp in a run-down village nearby. Their leader, Jim Jones, dark eyed and charismatic, claims to be a peaceful man who has promised his followers paradise. But everything changes when Zoe meets one of his followers, a young woman called Lucy, in a ramshackle grocery store. Lucy grabs Zoe's arm, raw terror in her eyes, and passes her a note with a phone number, begging her to call her mother in America. Zoe is determined to help Lucy, but locals warn her to stay away from the camp, and as sirens and gunshots echo through the jungle at nightfall, she knows they are right. But she can't shake the frightened woman's face from her mind, and when she discovers that there are young children kept in the camp, she has to act fast. Zoe's only route to the lost people is to get close to their leader, Jim Jones. But if she is accepted, will she be able to persuade the frightened followers to risk their lives and embark on a perilous escape under the cover of darkness? And when Jim Jones hears of her plans, could she pay the highest price of all? A powerful and unputdownable novel inspired by the true story of Jonestown, about a woman's brave attempt to save people who were promised paradise but found only lies. Fans of Where the Crawdads Sing, Before We Were Yours and The Girls will be captivated by The Girl from Jonestown. What everyone is saying about The Girl from Jonestown: 'Woah! A Home for the Lost, is an absolute monster of a story. Very engaging from beginning right up until the ending. With powerful characters who suck you into their world. Phenomenal writing that makes held me captivated. I couldn't put it down. Sharon is a fabulous writer and this book hooked me.' Rubie Reads, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'A powerful and unputdownable novel inspired by the true story of Jonestown. Brilliant... gripping and addictive, it will pull you in from the first page... A must-read. Kept me up well past my bedtime, I could not put it down.' Netgalley reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'What an eye opening, truly chilling book... I simply could not put this one down. ' Netgalley reviewer 'What an amazing and engrossing story!... Based on the infamous Jonestown massacre, this novel is riveting! Twists, turns, and true and complex characters will keep you engrossed as you root for both women to make it out of Jonestown alive. If you love books about cults, want to know more about Jonestown, or just enjoy a true thriller, The Girl from Jonestown is for you!' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Sharon Maas

    BEEINDRUCKEND. BEEINDRUCKEND. BEEINDRUCKEND. WOWWWW. ABSOLUT UNGLAUBLICH!!!!!!!! ... Ich kann gar nicht in Worte fassen, wie sehr ich dieses Buch LIEBE. Ich wünschte, die Geschichte wäre nie zu Ende ... ein Pageturner. Ich war vollkommen absorbiert ... fühle es immer noch in meinem Herzen ... eines der besten Bücher und Geschichten, die ich JEMALS gelesen habe ... Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ Die fesselnde Geschichte einer verbotenen Liebe, die drei Jahrzehnte und drei Kontinente umspannt. Saroj lebt als Tochter einer wohlhabenden indischen Familie in British Guyana ein unbeschwertes Leben. Doch all das hat ein Ende, als ihr strenger, orthodoxer Hindu-Vater verkündet, dass sie bald mit dem Sohn eines seiner Geschäftsfreunde verheiratet werden soll. Die sonst eher zurückhaltende Saroj entfacht ihr inneres Feuer und rebelliert mit aller Kraft - heimlich unterstützt von ihrer scheinbar sanftmütigen Mutter Ma. Saroj gewinnt ihren Freiheitskampf und reist nach London, wo sie Medizin studiert. Hier lernt sie Nat kennen, einen Kommilitonen, der einst von einem idealistischen englischen Arzt aus einem Waisenhaus in Südindien adoptiert wurde. Die Liebe trifft die beiden wie ein Blitzschlag, doch nach und nach kommen unerwartete und beunruhigende Verbindungen zwischen den Familien des jungen Paares ans Licht. Ma birgt ein tiefes Geheimnis ... eines, das ihre ganze Welt aus den Fugen heben könnte. Was Leser über Das Kind mit den goldenen Händen sagen: Erstaunliche Lektüre! Ich konnte es kaum erwarten, mich jede Nacht darin zu verlieren ... Ich weinte, ich lachte und ich war mitgerissen ... ABSOLUT PHÄNOMENAL! Goodreads Rezensent, ¿¿¿¿¿ Wunderbar! ... Ich wollte nicht, dass es zu Ende geht. Goodreads Rezensent, ¿¿¿¿¿ Was für ein großartiges Buch, es wird mich noch lange begleiten. Ich bin keiner, der leicht 5 Sterne vergibt ... ein unglaubliches Buch, das ich wärmstens empfehlen kann. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ Absolut begeistert ... eines der besten Bücher, die ich je gelesen habe. Goodreads Rezensent, ¿¿¿¿¿ Eines meiner absoluten Lieblingsbücher! Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ Ich konnte dieses Buch nicht aus der Hand legen ... wunderbar! Goodreads Rezensent, ¿¿¿¿¿ Ein Buch für meine Favoritenliste. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ Großartiges Buch ... wird mich noch lange begleiten. Goodreads Rezensent, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • - A heart-wrenching and unforgettable World War 2 historical novel
    av Sharon Maas

  • - A heartbreaking and gripping novel of tragedy and secrets
    av Sharon Maas

  • - Beautiful and heartbreaking World War 2 historical fiction
    av Sharon Maas

  • - Absolutely heartbreaking World War 2 historical fiction
    av Sharon Maas

  • - A gripping, heart-breaking World War 2 historical novel
    av Sharon Maas

  • - A beautiful heartbreaking novel of love, loss and hidden tragedy
    av Sharon Maas

    A breathtaking and unforgettable story of a woman torn between her family and the man she loves.1912, British Guiana, South America: Winnie Cox is about to marry George Quint, the love of her life. Born into a life of luxury and privilege on her fathers sugar plantation, Winnie has turned against her family by choosing to be with George a poor black postman from the slums. Winnie may be living in poverty, but shes got what sister Johanna doesnt have: a loving husband and a beautiful family. And despite Johanna running her familys sugar plantation, Winnie will always be their mothers favourite daughter, a bitter pill for Johanna to swallow. Then Winnies son falls ill and she must travel to Venezuela desperate for a cure. With her sister away, Johanna finds herself increasingly drawn to George. But he only has eyes for Winnie. Johanna, stung by the rejection and the fragile state of her own marriage, is out for revenge no matter how devastating the consequences. A compelling and evocative story of betrayal, temptation and buried secrets that will captivate fans of Dinah Jefferies and Kate Furnivall. What readers are saying about The Sugar Planter's Daughter:'Heartbreaking, poignant and intriguing ...This truly is a powerful story that will fascinate and engross you from the very beginning until the very end.'What's Better than Books'The writing is stunningly evocative and sensual ...I just felt immersed in the story and setting from the start.' The Book Trail'Exceptional ... evokes a whole range of emotions' Batty About Books'A beautifully written story of love against all the odds.' Portobello Book Blog'A wonderful and heartrending book' Sean's Book Reviews'A beautiful mesmerising work ... I was completely transported' Krafti Reader'A terrific writer' Barbara Erskine'A page-turning story, full of humanity, crossing cultures and continents, reminiscent of Andrea Levy. Katie Fforde'A beautiful story about tragic love and ultimately about forgiveness with powerful messages about love, life and learning to let things go in order to be happy. Life With JoyRich in detail and emotion and has the most beautiful and real description of loss I have ever read. Shazs Book Blog

  • - A gripping and emotional family saga of love and secrets
    av Sharon Maas

    I loved, loved, loved this. An easy 5 stars. One of my top reads of this year wonderful. Goodreads Reviewer, 5 starsAn unputdownable story of a woman in search of the truth, the man she falls in love with, and the devastation of the Second World War.1934, Guyana: All her life, Mary Grace has wanted to know the truth about who her parents really are. As the mixed-race daughter of two white plantation owners, her childhood has been clouded by whispered rumours, and the circumstances of her birth have been kept a closely guarded secret Aunt Winnie is the only person Mary Grace can confide in. Feeling lost and lonely, her place in society uncertain, Mary Grace decides to forge her own path in the world. And she finds herself unexpectedly falling for charming and affluent Jock Campbell, a planter with revolutionary ideas.But, with the onset of the Second World War, their lives will be changed forever. And Mary Grace and Jock will be faced with the hardest decision of all to fight for freedom or to follow their heartsAn utterly compelling and evocative story about the heart-breaking choices men and women had to make during a time of unimaginable change. Perfect for fans of Kate Morton, Dinah Jefferies and Kate Furnivall.What readers are saying about The Girl From The Sugar Plantation:This is a powerful book of love, relationships and trust. What great writing from a great author Five Stars! Stardust Book Reviews, 5 starsThe Girl from the Sugar Plantation is a beautifully written story that has it all. I whizzed through this beautiful book, unable to put it down. A wonderful and heartrending story with lovely characters. Very highly recommended. Goodreads Reviewer, 5 starsAn epic story of family deceit, love and identity set against a stunning backdrop I adored The Girl From The Sugar Plantation and recommend it highly. Maas has brought us a wonderfully written piece of historical fiction. Bloomin' Brilliant Books'The gripping, evocative and poignant story of a young girl's difficult transition into womanhood amidst a time of turmoil. Mrs Blogs BooksLoved it!!! Really absorbing story Sharon Maas weaves a fine tale and remains one of my go-to authors. MetLineReaderThis novel again read like a film, the setting is stunningly vivid and the colours build up to form quite a picture of history and culture. The plot is nicely done, steady and builds to a climax of twists and secrets. The Girl from the Sugar Plantation is a fascinating read! The Book Trail, 5 starsI practically read this book in one sitting. I became invested in this story from the opening line and it held my attention to the very last. I highly recommend this book, not only to lovers of historical fiction, but anyone who just loves to read! Goodreads reviewer, 5 starsI absolutely adore Sharon Maas's books - she is one of my favourite authors, someone whose stories give me hours of reading pleasure

  • - A heartbreaking and gripping story of love, loss and hope
    av Sharon Maas

    An utterlyevocative and heart-wrenchingnovel about the importance of family, love and being true to yourself. Perfect for fans of Dinah Jefferies, Santa Montefiore and Diane Chamberlain.Living on the streets of Bombay, Jyothi has no-one to turn to after her mother is involved in a tragic accident. But after a chance meeting with Monika and Jack Kingsley, Jyothis life changes forever when the young couple decide to adopt her. The new family return to England, but Jyothi finds it difficult to adapt. As Monika and Jacks relationship fractures, Jyothi is more alone than ever and music becomes her solace. But even when her extraordinary musical talent transforms into a promising career, Jyothi still doesnt feel like she belongs.Then a turbulent love affair causes her to question everything. And Jyothi realises that before she can embrace her future, she must confront the pain of her past...What readers are saying about Sharon Maas:Sharon Maas has become my go-to author The Orphan of India is another wonderful book by Maas that has all the trademark thought and care that resonates throughout her work. A heart-rending, epic tale of loss and identity that gets into your heart. Bloomin Brilliant BooksIve often said that for a good book to become a book I love, it needs to capture my heart and thats exactly what happened with this thoroughly gorgeous book. But not only my heart all my other senses too. The writing is just beautiful if, like me, you like your reading to be an escape a few blissful hours when you can forget everything else and immerse yourself in a totally different world dont miss this one, whatever you do. Being AnneI knew I would enjoy this as I have loved all Sharon Maas's previous books. Beautifully written with characters that come to life. Vivid descriptions of India Recommended reading. Goodreads ReviewerI simply adored this book, it was beautifully written and I loved it from the start and felt even a little bereft when it had ended. The story flows and I loved the loss and hope, promise and future aspects that were running throughout.It really did draw me in and I cannot recommend this book highly enough. Donnas Book BlogNow why on earth haven't I read anything by Sharon Maas before? I loved this one - beautifully written, touched my heart highly recommend. Goodreads ReviewerI automatically reach for each Sharon Maas book that I see as I just love the way that you lose yourself completely in the story and finish feeling that you have been along on the journey with the characters. Bookworms and ShutterbugsA very deep and meaningful story as Sharon Maas writes with her heart on her sleeve. Loved this book.'Books from Dusk til Dawn'A page-turning story, full of humanity, crossing cultures and continents

  • av Sharon Maas

  • - An epic page-turning family saga
    av Sharon Maas

    Thirty years of family secrets. Three generations of women. One family heirloom that could change everything.When she ran away from her childhood home in Guyana, Rika swore that she would never return. Cut off from her family, she has fought hard to make a life for herself and daughter, Inky, in London.Now, over thirty years later, Rikas cantankerous, wheelchair-bound mother, Dorothea, arrives in London. But as old wounds re-open, Dorothea and Rika are further apart than ever.Inky soon learns that her grandmother is sitting on a small fortune. As she uncovers the secrets of the past one by one, she unravels the tragedy that tore her mother and grandmother apart. But nothing can prepare her, or Rika, for Dorotheas final, unexpected revelation.An epic, mesmerizing tale of tragic loss, the strength of words left unspoken, and the redeeming power of love.

  • av Sharon Maas

    It's a wonderful panoramic story and conveys such vivid pictures of the countries it portrays. I was immediately transported and completely captivated. A terrific writer.' Barbara ErskineA vast canvas of memorable characters across a kaleidoscope of cultures her epic story feels like an authentic reflection of a world full of sadness, joy and surprise.' The ObserverA spellbinding story of forbidden love. Three continents, three decades, three very disparate lives:Savitri, intuitive and charismatic, grows up among the servants of a pre-war English household in Madras. But the traditional customs of her Brahmin family clash against English upper-class prejudice, threatening her love for the privileged son of the house.Nataraj, raised as the son of an idealistic doctor in rural South India, finds life in London heady, with girls and grass easily available until he is summoned back home to face raw reality.Saroj, her fire hidden by outward reserve, comes of age in Guyana, South America. When her strict, orthodox Hindu father goes one step too far she finally rebels against him... and even against her gentle, apparently docile Ma.But Ma harbours a deep secret one that binds these three so disparate lives and hurtles them towards a truth that could destroy their world.'A big book, big themes, an exotic background and characters that will live with you forever.' Katie Fforde'Beautifully and cleverly written. A wondrous, spellbinding story which grips you from the first to the last page I can't recall when I last enjoyed a book so much.' Lesley Pearse'From the first page I was hooked with this enchanting book unputdownable.' Audrey Howard

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