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Böcker av Silvia Moon

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  • - A Beginner's Guide To Spirituality
    av Silvia Moon

    The first significant sign of meeting a Twin Flame is the spiritual awakening phase that you go through. You feel yourself awakening to yourself and your life situation. You feel your energetic vibration rising to a higher frequency than before. When your energetic vibration rises to a higher frequency, you start to purge your energy; anything or anyone that does not match the frequency of your energetic vibration is let go. When you are going through a spiritual awakening, you want to surround yourself with positive energy. You prefer to be alone than be surrounded by negativity. It is best to seek solitude so that you can get to know yourself. Once you spiritually awaken, you feel enlightened. You feel happiness sprouting from within. Your life becomes simple and effortless. Once you achieve enlightenment, you feel empowered to gracefully embrace the different aspects of your Twin Flame journey. As a Twin Flame, you have the same energetic Signature as your partner and you both vibrate at the same energetic frequency. If your Twin Flame is struggling with energy; if your Twin Flame has a low energetic vibe, it affects your energy too. The Twin Flame journey teaches you to accept change in every way. Enjoy this enlightening book. Stay blessed.

  • - 11: A Preparation Guide For Reunion
    av Silvia Moon

    If you are a twin flame still confused about the difference between a Union and a Reunion, you are not alone in feeling this. You have to experience it to understand the difference. If you were not spiritual before your twin flame awakening, you wonder why a Twin Flame Union is associated with 5D Spiritual Experiences.This book is here to enlighten you about the definitions of the popular terms associated with a Twin Flame Union: 3D and 5D.In fact, how are these two terms connected to a Reunion and a Union? It is the ultimate guide for a Twin Flame Reunion you desperately seek because it helps you understand that you must heal in 5D to feel a harmonious Union and Oneness.The 5D is the aspect of your journey you cannot touch: A twin Flame Union happens in 5D. In the spiritual. It is more profound than what you comprehend as your everyday romantic relationships. It is the connection you feel within you.This Book will answer some of the following questions.What is the Twin Flame Union?How do you embrace the spiritual nature of your twin Flame experiences to stay in a perfect harmonious union?How do dreams, telepathy, spiritual awakening, energy merging, the night of the soul, and chakra healing, advance your healing process?How do you accelerate your twin Flame Union Spiritually and physically?Is Twin Flame telepathic communication part of Twin Flame Union?Why is 3D associated with a Twin Flame Reunion?How can you merge your physical situation with the Spiritual nature of your twin flame journey?How can you work on yourself to prepare for a Union?The ultimate state of being for every twin flame isto harmoniously merge your 3D with 5D to create a perfect Union.I hope that my perspective helps you. Stay Blessed!

  • - Twin Flames 11:11
    av Silvia Moon

    When it is an authentic connection, you feel connected to the Source of what is. You feel closer to God/ the divine because your Spiritual growth purifies you to be the spiritual being that you are. You are a Spiritual being going through a human condition. You rise above the needs of the ego. You are no longer phased by material things and unnecessary human pleasures in the spiritual awakening process. Secondly, your spiritual connection cannot be fully comprehended and explained because it is a sacred divine connection that you feel within. You know within that how you feel as a twin flame is bigger than you. It defies the rules of the land - you know within that whatever is going on with you is divinely orchestrated. You seek spiritual growth and enlightenment. Your connection inspires you to uplift and heal the human collective in the way that you are gifted with.Stay Blessed!

  • - The Marriage of 5d & 3D in Love
    av Silvia Moon

    From your twin flame experience, what is the ultimate feeling that every twin flame should aspire to?How uncomfortable has it been for twin flame runners when trying to return to their divine partner?Whether I am with my twin flame or not, I know that I stopped searching for love. I don't need outside validation to feel happy. I feel free of my insecurities. Is anyone else feeling this when you are going through your twin flame experiences?So far during your twin flame journey, what have you discovered as the key difference between normal romantic relationships and the twin flame connection?After rediscovering yourself, does it feel like a twin flame saved you from who you used to be?The twin flame journey is challenging, complicated, and difficult to comprehend. What was your aha! Moment that made you believe in your experiences?When a reunion with a twin flame is about to happen, why does it feel like he or she never left in the first place?Does it madden you how you feel constantly connected to your twin flame without your consent?After you met your twin flame, did Valentine's Day change meaning for you? What is your perspective on this infamous day?How would you describe the initial twin flame encounter if someone is very curious to know how you felt?Here are more insightful answer to questions about the Twin Flame Union. Stay Blessed!

  • - Are You Struggling with Spiritual Awakening?
    av Silvia Moon

    I also felt a soul merge when I looked deep into my twin flame's eyes for the first time. My heart started racing and I felt an energetic download from him into me. From then on, I always felt my twin flame with me everywhere I went. I felt his essence constantly merging with mine. I thought I was going crazy because he would just look into my eyes and guess what I was feeling. Other times, it was the constant mental conversations as if I was talking to my twin flame in my mind. When we physically separated, the first thing my twin flame texted was the "Eyes Emoji" to show how much he missed me.Let me share a secret with you - don't be fooled by your physical separation. Feeling connected to him or her 24/7 is a reminder of the authenticity of the connection. You cannot pluck that feeling out of yourself. You cannot hide from a twin flame because you cannot hide from the connection. You feel your twin flame's essence embedded in yours and you take them with you everywhere you go. It does not matter who you are with and where you are at, you miss a twin flame as if you are missing a part of yourself.Sometimes I feel a passing lingering feeling of sadness that is not mine. That is usually a signal that my twin flame is thinking of me or missing me. A twin flame connection is too good to be true. Having a twin flame is such an unbelievably healing experience. You feel energetically cleansed. You feel a Soul invigoration.I hope this helps. Stay Blessed!

  • - A Quick Guide For Twin Flame Newbies
    av Silvia Moon

    If you are true twin flames and your twin flame seems happy away from you, just know that it is all a facade. Total pretense. Being away from a twin flame even for hours feels unbearable because your mind won't let you catch a break from remembering how he or she makes you feel. You feel an invisible magnetic Soul attraction that you can pretend to be happy and okay yet your heart is breaking from within. It is more frustrating if you are surrounded by those who don't understand your situation. If you are alone, you pretend to be happy as everyone else and yet when you are alone, you go through moments of quiet desperation.There is this indescribable feeling that a twin flame makes you feel. A sense of completeness. The feeling of oneness - "Us against the world" kind of feeling. You feel understood, safe, and peaceful. You bust into your natural authentic energy: you feel your energy merging with your twin flame. You can't help but wonder how it is possible to feel connected to someone beyond words. It is an alchemical process that happens when twin flames are triggered to awaken and recognize each other."A twin flame feels ENOUGH in every way possible." It is such a wonderful feeling knowing someone else gets you because you are them and they are you.When you are with a twin flame, you feel energetically replenished. You feel constant inner harmony. Your pain is healed. You fall back into your authenticity. You feel inspired to love yourself unconditionally. Your fears and insecurities are at bay. You feel the power to achieve your wildest dreams.We struggle with the initial stages of separation mainly because we don't know how to be and feel complete without his or her physical inspiration.You, later on, realize that you had the power all along within you to make the desired changes to feel safe, secure, and complete when a twin flame is around.The twin flame separation phase teaches us to be strong on our own. We must feel happy without needing validation from the divine partner. We must feel unconditional love within ourselves because we are Love itself.I hope my perspective helps you. Stay Blessed!

  • - Top Mistakes to Avoid
    av Silvia Moon

    When you have exhausted all your options for being in touch with your twin flame. It hurts more when they see your messages but don't respond. You wonder if there is a huge crime that you committed to be treated that way- your crime is love. The best thing to do is to not take it personally. You surrender to a higher power to be in control of the situation because, at the end of the day, you cannot force him or her to reciprocate if they are not ready.Even though you surrender, you will always feel the urge to get in touch with your twin flame. You will always have their memory running in the background of your mind. You will constantly dream of your twin flame. Sometimes you feel them with you energetically that it feels as if he or she is there physically. No matter what you go through, focus on grounding yourself in your energy. Do things that keep you in a positive vibration. Nurture your energy and also protect it from low negative vibration. Embrace solitude. Become your own best friend. Meditate. Do some physical exercises even if it means a walk in the park. Running around on the beach. Teach yourself yoga poses that you are comfortable with. Allow yourself to grow and thrive in your sacred space. I hope this simple book helps you to advance further on your twin flame. May it help you to have an easier separation phase. Stay blessed!

  • - The Beginning Of Forever: What are the tips to reunite with a Twin Flame?
    av Silvia Moon

    When a twin flame is returning, he or she does not magically pop back into your life as if nothing happened before. It is a gradual process: It starts right from the moment you re-establish contact. It could be in so many ways like through friends and family, reconnecting at a party or event, writing to each other, or through mutual friends on social media. Even though you reconnect, it might take you some time to meet face-to-face or share a common physical space again.The separation phase pushes you apart as it brings you closer again. It also makes you realize how unique a twin flame is. You go through realizations - you understand that your encounter was not a coincidence at all.While you are reading this book, you will realize that it flows from preparation for a reunion to creating a game plan for the future. A reunion is not the end of the twin flame journey. Throughout the entire manuscript, we ponder the question every twin flame asks: "We finally reunited, now what next?"Relocation - it could mean that one of you moves to a new continent. A new city or town to share the same space as a pair. How are you willing to compromise?Confrontation and healing past hurt - During the separation phase, you heal individually. When you are in the process of reuniting, you have to revisit past pains and frictions. You both have to understand what went wrong before so that you can move on. Have you prepared yourself enough to revisit your past healing journey?Planning a future together - If you both desire to create a harmonious relationship together, you start realigning your goals to form a union together. It is during this process you begin a life mission together. Are you planning on having children? Have you re-aligned your cultural values? Are you on the same page? Do you have personal goals to achieve?The reunion with your twin flame is not the destination of your twin flame's journey. Rather, it is the beginning of a new chapter in your life. It is The Beginning of Your Forever.I wish you more blessings and love. Stay Blessed!

  • - Does the Twin Flame Runner ever return?
    av Silvia Moon

    After running from a twin flame, the runner goes through different phases of awakening. He or she goes through a series of love lessons, different phases of spiritual awakening, and realizations. You never know that you are the runner twin flame until you run. You also never know you are the chaser until a twin flame runs from you. This book demonstrates the love lessons, realizations, and the awakening phase of a runner twin flame. It is also a guide for any twin flame runner struggling with the separation phase. Life gets tougher when you are running. The awakening phase also becomes more challenging when you do not fully understand what is going on with you. You have no idea why you keep ghosting your twin flame. Awakening to the twin flame connection means that you not only become fully aware of the connection, but you also acknowledge your journey and your responsibilities. During the realization phase, you learn that your twin flame is not the issue. He or she is not the source of your troubles. You are. You also understand why everything happens the way it does. The Awakening phase also involves your self-awareness lessons. By the time you are through reading this book, you will already have surrendered to self-love. You will also feel equipped enough to nurture yourself. You eventually rediscover your authenticity. Finally, conquering the toughest phase of the runner's awakening. The night of the soul. When everything seems to be going wrong. When all your pain comes to the surface to be dealt with. You also learn to hug your inner child. It is your healing phase -- you purge your pain. Heal your core wounding and embrace your fears. If you are a twin flame looking for detailed insights into the twin flame runner's journey, you will love this book. I hope you feel empowered and inspired to keep moving forward on your twin flame journey. Stay blessed!

  • - Why do Twin Flames Run?
    av Silvia Moon

    At first, you do. Your feelings oscillate between feelings of guilt and regret that you have no choice but to feel like a victim of your situation. Without a doubt, a twin flame is you in another form. You are each other. Twin Flames are also romantic and non-romantic. It is your Sacred Bond that drives the nature of your relationship. Because of your Sacred Bond, a twin flame instantly becomes your best friend. That one person who gets you. That one person who would do anything for your happiness to sustain even if it means denying you and letting you go - remember there is no separation between twin flames, they still love you from a distance. The connection is always there staring right back at you. You can run and hide -- you cannot escape twin flame love. You are a twin Flame: You have always been. The only difference is that you are now Activated - you are Awake and Aware of what is happening to you. It is very excruciating when you don't have a chance for a relationship with your twin flame whether it is romantic or not. A physical separation feels like half of you has been kidnapped. You know they exist-- you don't know when they will be back. You wonder if it is all your fault everything is happening. You start chasing.This book is useful to you if you feel triggered to chase a twin flame because: Fear of losing a twin flameGuilt and shame for not being good enough to keep themInsecurity and lack of enough Self-loveWounded inner childCore soundings and abandonment issuesFeeling stagnated in your Surrendering phaseSurrendering to self-love is the greatest revolution indeed. It is also a personal journey you must take within yourself. It is also a self-discovery journey to reinvent yourself- to rediscover your authenticity.Whenever you feel unworthy of unconditional love, you cannot share it with your twin flame or the entire human collective. Some people feel that healing is a destructive process. You have to break down and shed parts of yourself you deem unlovable. You into the depths of your Soul to confront your darkness.Each twin flame has a unique share of the twin flame journey. The Twin Flame journey sheds more light on the Twin Flame chaser's emotional pain and chaotic experiences because it seems as if the chasing Twin Flame wears their heart on their sleeve. They express themselves and how they feel. A chasing twin flame is more comfortable finding more information about the experiences and becoming aware of the twin flame phenomenon.The running twin flame also struggles more with this phase since you have no idea what is happening to you. You are naive about the twin flame experiences. It is also challenging for the twin flame runner to express themselves because of the dominant masculine energy - a running twin flame does not want to feel any feelings of vulnerability. How is your chasing experience going for you? This book is your helpful guide to finding inner peace and balance. I wish you more blessings in your twin flame journey. Stay Blessed!

  • - 11: The Running Twin Soul Syndrome
    av Silvia Moon

    Most negative feelings a twin flame runner experiences are influxes of tremendous guilt, and unexplained shame if you are not proud of exposing your darkest secrets that your Spiritual Awakening sheds light on.Running from a twin flame feels like you are running from yourself because your twin flame encounter also triggers you to face parts of yourself that you had discarded all along. The twin flame healing process is an inner journey to reclaim parts of yourself that were lost to you. A twin flame runner goes through moments of regrets: You keep wondering why you are making self-destructive choices yet all you crave is closeness to your divine partner. You crave inner peace yet you don't know how to achieve it. One of the misconceptions of the running and chasing phase is that a Chasing Twin Flame can help the running twin flame and vice versa. It is impossible to heal your twin flame if they are not ready to open themselves up to healing. Secondly, you can only be an inspiration and a trigger to their healing. Surrendering to self-love is the greatest revolution indeed. It is also a personal journey you must take within yourself. It is also a self-discovery journey to reinvent yourself-the journey to rediscover your authenticity.Whenever you don't feel worthy of unconditional love, you cannot share it with your twin flame or the entire human collective. Some people are so damaged that healing is a destructive process. You have to break down and shed parts of yourself you deem unlovable. You must stare into the depths of your to confront your darkness to fully embrace your authenticity. The best thing to do is keep inspiring your twin flame to face themselves. You are your twin flame's energetic support system. Carry love in your heart unconditionally and be present whenever your twin flame needs you. Have understanding and empathy for your twin flame. You cannot force anyone to love themselves. Stay blessed!

  • - How to Raise your Energetic Vibrations
    av Silvia Moon

    The Positive affirmations in this book helped me get out of the funk of separation grief. I struggled with figuring out solutions to my problems and I made a lot of mistakes. Then once I learned that the twin flame journey seems lonely but it is not. In essence, when you find yourself in solitude, you learn that it is a lesson in itself to master being your own best friend. You have to find joy and happiness from within you without needing anyone's approval or validation. Once I learned this fact, I created my simple positive affirmations to help me stay grounded in positive vibrations.I struggled with training my inner voice to turn from negative to positive. I used to torture myself with negative thinking. I had a critical inner voice that constantly reminded me of how undeserving I was. It took me a while to turn my inner critical voice into my motivator and best friend. After I mastered that, I created simple daily positive affirmations that would boost my positive vibes whenever I felt low.I hope you feel inspired to raise your energetic vibrations to grow an emotional muscle to stay happy during your twin flame journey. Stay Blessed!

  • - A Guide For Recovery & Healing
    av Silvia Moon

    I have so many fellow Twin Flames who contact me daily requesting advice, simple tips, and inspirational information to gain a fresh perspective on how to keep doing a great job of progressing on their Twin Flame journey. The Twin Flame process is a very lonely experience. It is very challenging to articulate to a close friend what you are experiencing if they have never been through the Twin Flame process.More so, so much information can be a lot to process and very confusing out there. I have created this simple book for you if you are looking for answers to some of your questions. It is also a simple guide to any Twin Flame who is searching for a simple practical ways to overcome the challenges of the Twin Flame separation phase.The separation from a Twin Flame is accompanied by intense waves of emotional chaos. You feel anxious and helpless. I slipped into a black trough of despair. I expected nothing but sunny days when the guest who had overstayed his welcome was sent packing. I was surprised but no less dismayed to find myself moping about after he flew the coop.All the fun times that I had promised myself after he left - weekends off, trips out of town, lunch with friends - lost their appeal. The response was unique to only him. He affected me in ways that I never imagined anyone would. After I went through the depression of separation anxiety, the despair followed suit. It was as inevitable as darkness followed sundown.I learned to cope with that despair over the last three years: I would take a trip out of town. In other cases, I would throw myself into long-postponed physical labor around the house. More often than most, I would putter about, sleep late, brood, and try the patience of my divine partner with frantic phone calls wondering if he still loves me or not.Please remember that this is a collection of my experiences. Any advice that I give is from my perspective and the lessons that I have learned from being in a Twin Flame relationship for three years.These simple methods and tips that I have laid down for you have worked for me to find healing and inner peace. I religiously worked with some of the examples with constant discipline and undying conviction. It has indeed been a very transformative journey. The spiritual changes that I have experienced have been alchemical and soul awakening.I am determined to use my perspective to help the Twin Flame Newbies. I understand your frustration if you are new to the process; everything seems complicated and confusing. I am hoping to inspire you to keep believing in your Twin Flame connection. I am excited to act as a facilitator to guide any Twin Flame who feels lost or stuck.After having gone through the stressful chasing and running phases of the Twin Flame process, I learned that the Twin Flame journey is a Battle Within The Self.This book is here to be a simple kind of help to ease any frustration that you are experiencing right now due to the stress of being in physical separation. I truly understand what you are going through if you are struggling to balance the emotional highs and lows of your Twin Flame process. Feel free to pick out whatever information that resonates with you and your Twin Flame situation. Please keep an open mind as you read it because every Twin Flame experience is unique to every Twin Flame pair.Some of the examples in this book relate to my first book: TWIN FLAME AWAKENING - A Simple Guide for Newbies. I am not asking you to replace the first book that I wrote with this one. I hope that this is a complete work on its own that serves the unique purpose of assisting you to advance further on your Twin Flame journey.I hope that wherever you are on your journey, this simple read is helpful to you. Yours in love, Silvia Moon

  • - Personal Experiences From a True Twin Flame
    av Silvia Moon

    I thought that I was happily married. When he walked into my life, the Awakening that I went through shed light on the dysfunctional cycles in my life especially my marriage.I was forcing every aspect of my marriage to work. I think I was also forcing my husband to love me more than he could. I did not realize that some of the marital issues that we experienced were partly because I was unhappy within. This was a tough issue to confront.My marriage did not fall apart when I met my Twin Flame. It was already sinking way before!I knew of my Twin Flame for 5 years before we met through mutual friends. We also went into different relationships- he is also friends with my ex-husband.We did not know in our wildest dreams that we would have a sacred deep connection. We both missed out on chances to meet. I always turned down the opportunity.Anyways, fast forward - our encounter changed everything I know about love, relationships, intimacy, and connections.We both did not know about Twin Flames. We taught each other accelerated soul lessons. We talked about our dysfunctions. We exposed to each other our deepest darkest secrets.Remember that we were not sexually intimate at all. We just felt the bond right from the source. We both knew that something special was happening.Anyways, for me, I needed my Twin Flame to walk into my life the way he did. If it was not for him, I would never have realized my issues. I would never have let my failing marriage die. I would never have realized that the pain I carried with me all the time was rooted within.I'm so grateful for all the lessons that I have learned over the years after meeting him. I feel blessed because I went through a Spiritual Awakening.Be ready for your life to be disrupted whether you are married or not.Meeting a Twin Flame is not a sick joke indeed.What stage of your journey are you at?

  • - The Lessons of True Love
    av Silvia Moon

    Sometimes a twin flame shows up in your life to expose any toxicity and unhealthy behaviors. You also get to confront any vices and darkness embedded within you. Toxicity erupts whenever we try to repress negative emotions and normalize and defend our ego actions. When it comes to karmic partners and twin flames, the situation becomes more hectic and complicated. Because you know that your Soul is pulling you towards your twin flame while the reality of the situation needs you to balance between your Soul and Mind. Nothing is black and white. You sometimes wish you never crossed paths with your twin flame because you had some form of control and balance in your life. When a twin flame triggers you to awaken, chaotic changes sweep into your life that transform you inside out forever. When you go through the Spiritual Awakening phase, the purging phase is chaotic and toxic to those around you since you are purging negative energy. You also feel constant mood swings yet you must stay emotionally balanced within for those who rely on your emotional stability. Your twin flame relationship can also become toxic and your karmic partners feel emotionally neglected since you are always thinking of a twin flame or talking about them. Your partner also feels as if you are cheating on them. The increase in jealousy and negative energy is a toxic environment. You are better off having a twin flame out of your life if you have karmic debts to clear. Sometimes a twin flame shows up in your life to disrupt the peace for you to realize the issues you need to confront in your life yet there will never be a possible harmonious Union. You end up having a better relationship with your karmic partner after your Twin Flame Awakening. Other times, a twin flame encounter disrupts your marriage or relationship so that you two can finally be together in a harmonious romantic relationship. Navigating the course of your twin flame process while you are in a current relations can be destructive and confusing. Here is your personal guide if you are struggling with this phase of your journey. I am sending you light and love. Stay Blessed!

  • - The Healing Book
    av Silvia Moon

    This next set of questions is carefully curated from my online Twin Flame Community with over 14.5 Million content views to assist any Twin Flame newbies looking for answers. This book is also handy for any Twin Flame who is struggling with the Running and Chasing phase of your journey. After going through some of the questions that other Twin Flames ask, you will not feel alone anymore. You will realize that other Twin Flames are fighting their own battles as much as you are fighting yours. My dream is for all of us Twin Flames to work together to assist each other to grow, transform, and evolve into our best possible selves -- Our true Authentic selves. May this simple book inspire you to have a fresh perspective on how to advance further on your Twin Flame journey. I wish you blessings and love. Here are some of the questions to be answered: What stage comes after surrendering?Why did my twin flame block me from everything?What are the special signs that your twin flame is missing you?Can you not have dreams while on separation from your twin flame?What are good tips on how they get through the longing for DM in 3D?Why did my body go through a drastic physical change after meeting my twin flame?Is it possible to get over a twin flame?Why could I be doing so well and suddenly feel a strong pull towards my twin flame then it stops? What is happening?It has been 4 months since my twin flame last contacted me. I have been trying to not focus too much on him, but it is so unbearable. I find my heart aching sometimes, I want to numb the pain so much. What should I do?Has anyone started following their soul but then start following their head in the twin flame journey? If so, what happened next?How do I take my energy back from a Twin Flame?What does it mean when I no longer feel the need to contact my TF and don't feel the push and pull only at peace with him when I see him but still dream of him?How do you know if your twin flame runner is awakening?Why did a little fight between me and my twin flame cause separation, and could this fight lead to years of separation?It's been almost a year since my twin flame and I spoke. Within the past few weeks, we're talking a little here and there, but it feels robotic and flat. No chemistry or emotion is so strong when we do not face to face. Is this normal?Can twin flames feel each other's pain?Has the chaser ever almost united with their twin flame but something makes them run, or are they always unconditional and doormats for others?Stay Blessed!

  • - Core Wounding Healing
    av Silvia Moon

    The running experience is agonizing for both twin flames, especially the chaser. You wonder why unexpectedly, something triggers your twin flame to either deny what is happening between you or tend to outright block you out of their life. When you dig deeply, you learn that there are underlying issues affecting your twin flame to behave this way. You are not the source of their running frustrations. You are only a trigger that evokes them because you are their mirror. You reflect your twin flame's deepest desires as their darkest fears. Once recovery happens, your twin flame tends to bounce back into your life to reconcile. The spiritual awakening process and a personal battle you must win within yourself. The running twin flame does not need to leave per se. If they knew better, they wouldn't leave. Undeniably, a running twin flame needs a hug instead of leaving -- running is their cry for help. A running twin flame is so deeply wounded that when they are blessed with unconditional love, it scares them away. Feeling vulnerable to your twin flame disarms you if you are not used to feeling love within. You cannot fully embrace unconditional love if you do not how it's like to give it to others. A twin flame is challenged to learn to re-draw healthy boundaries - to learn to feel secure within. You go through so many challenging soul lessons the further you run from a twin flame. Running in itself is a learning process for both twin flames. A chasing twin flame also learns various lessons during the frustrating phase of separation. You are empowered within to confront yourself and your issues - you know that chasing is obsessive, frustrating, and energetically draining. No twin flame enjoys the chasing experience. Whenever you find surrendering, you feel relieved to fall back into your energy without stressing about controlling your twin flame. Whenever a twin flame returns, the healing process is triggered. Wherever you run to, you bounce back to your twin flame for closure. The twin flame situation is not open-ended - you cannot leave your twin flame hanging. You are both looking for the same answers to the questions about your Twin Flame Awakening process. I wish you more blessings and the best of luck in your twin flame journey. Stay Blessed!

  • - Purging, Cleansing, and Healing
    av Silvia Moon

    Crying is very cathartic. It is a form of release - you always feel better when you wail your pain out as you scream in the shower or in your pillow. It does not look good when you cry in public - some people will assume the worst. It's okay to cry your pain out in the comfort of your privacy. Just let it all out. You also have to watch out for the mood swings. You feel irritable and erratic. You are quick to react mostly because you feel emotionally unhinged. Oh, it is worse when you have not yet figured out how to handle the energetic share process. Every time you channel some of your twin flame's sadness or negative energy, you feel turbulence within. You are easily energetically rattled. This is because you have not yet balanced yourself within. Energetic sharing always throws you off all the time. Maybe sometimes you wonder why and how it happens that you feel your twin flame within you. How is it possible to feel as if you live inside each other? How is it possible that you cannot pluck that feeling of Soul intimacy out of you? Why does it feel as if you can read each other's minds? The answer to this is that you feel an energetic download when you awaken at the beginning of your encounter - it feels as if you are energetically open to each other. Your energy also keeps updating itself as you embrace the changes within and without. Some experiences in the Twin Flame journey are very unfathomable. If you haven't embraced your spiritual awakening process, you wonder if you are going crazy or making up everything in your mind. It is only those who have met a twin flame that can understand what it means to sieve through the confusing emotions that overcome you. This tip helped me to quickly understand whether sometimes I was channeling my twin flame's negative energy or sadness. Don't be too quick to absorb the chaotic emotions that you channel. If it's not your pain from within you, you must let it pass as quickly as it comes to you. You can only feel it but not heal it because it is not originating from you. Channeling your twin flame's energy is not always roses and sunshine - you must be unconditionally open in your heart to feel everything. The good energy, the bad, and the ugly. I hope my perspective in this book helps you. Stay Blessed!

  • - Exposing the Secrets of Unconditional Love
    av Silvia Moon

    Even though your twin flame is the source of your joys, they are also your triggers to experience your darkest fears. Everything buried within - every darkest secret comes to the surface to be exposed to the Light of your twin flame awakening. Your spiritual awakening process is a discarding journey to shed negative energy. To cleanse and purify your energy. It is one of the most excruciating experiences because the energy-purging process also involves the most trying Spiritual experience: The night of the Soul. It feels painful whenever you are challenged to unlearn your bad habits to learn healthy new ones. A twin flame irritates you because they are the source of the triggers of your pain. Even though you run from a twin flame, you still go through the frustrating growth process to transform into your authentic self. The further you run the more you are reminded of the sacredness of your bond. Nothing beats inner knowing - everything within you accepts your twin flame. They are the most important people in your life. Sometimes your energetic connection is very overwhelming and scares them off. Even when you are treading the highs and lows of your twin flame process, it is your intuition to guide you as a compass to figure out whatever is not working so that you can fix it. I always advise twin flame newbies to trust their inner knowing - you will never go wrong. Most of the frustration happens when you seek answers outside yourself. Sometimes you seek outside validation to confirm if your connection is authentic. No one knows how you feel within even though you tried to explain it a million times to a non-twin flame, you will still be left confused and disoriented. You learn later during your twin flame process that you are the answer. Here are more of a running twin flame's confessions. Stay Blessed!

  • - Balancing Masculine With Feminine Energy
    av Silvia Moon

    All the highs and lows are always intensified. If you are not busy thinking of your twin flame non/stop, you are busy trying to understand what exactly is happening to you.Everything about the twin flame journey is confusing and mind-boggling. You sometimes wonder if you are going crazy. You wonder if what you are experiencing is all in your head.On top of that, you are constantly dealing with the battle between your mind (the ego) and your heart. The ego is always trying to convince you that what you feel is not real. Your heart and your soul are in agreement.Sometimes the ego is in control of what you think. Your fears are amplified. You feel anxiety because you are in your mind all the time.Meditation is the best practice on how to ground yourself in the now / the present moment.Hope my perspective on this helps you. Stay blessed!

  • - A Simple Guide to Healing and Recovery
    av Silvia Moon

    The runner cycle exists to teach us that love is greater than the human condition. Twin Flame love is one of the greatest forces in the universe. Running from a twin flame is out of fear - you feel overpowered and disarmed. You feel vulnerable and exposed in every way. He or she sees right through you. So, running out of fear of love is a learning lesson: to learn to open up yourself to embrace unconditional love with yourself and your twin flame.Running in essence is not the physical activity of leaving a twin flame. It has layers to it. When you analyze your running behaviors, you are running from yourself. You are running from parts of yourself that don't accept unconditional love. When you feel unworthy of love, you automatically run from it. You don't want to associate with anything that reminds you of the love that you are hiding from - including your twin flame.It takes a while to embrace parts of ourselves that we think are unlovable. Self-love is the beginning f healing. It is indeed the greatest revolution.I hope that my perspective helps you in this book. Stay Blessed!

  • - 50 Mostly Asked Questions about the Runner Twin Flame
    av Silvia Moon

    Are you asking any of the following 50 questions about the Runner Twin Flame?What is the perspective of the Twin Flame runner during the physical separation phase?Can a Twin Flame move on and marry someone else?Do you miss your Twin Flame all the time?What is the Twin Flame Energetic Union?What do you do when you feel the urge to reach out to your Twin Flame yet the situation is awkward?How do you live a happy life without your Twin Flame in your life?How does the Twin Flame Runner feel when they ignore their Twin Flame partner?Does the runner Twin Flame stop loving their divine partner?When your Twin Flame is married to someone else, what do you do if you love them unconditionally?What sign tells you that you have found your Twin Flame?What are some Twin Flame Love lessons?How do you balance the Twin Flame energy to feel the Oneness?What is the Twin Flame Chaser Pain and how do you overcome it?How do you Surrender and let your Twin Flame runner live their life?What are the signs that your Twin Flame runner loves you unconditionally?Does your Twin Flame have the same feelings as you?When the Twin Flame runner awakens to the connection, how will the chaser know that there is a shift?What does the Twin Flame runner feel when the chaser stops chasing and focuses on themselves?During the no contact phase of the Twin Flame physical phase, what does the runner think of the chaser?How does the Universe make the Twin Flame runner make them wake up and see that they messed up with their Twin Flame partner?Does the runner feel the Soul intimacy too like the chaser?What happens when the Twin Flame runner becomes the chaser instead?What happens when you stop chasing your Twin Flame and focus on yourself?How are the different ways to accept your Twin Flame situation whether you are a Runner or Chaser?How are Twin Flames always thinking of each other?How can you show your Twin Flame runner that you love them without coming on too hard?When does the Twin Flame runner realize that the love between Twin Flames is genuine?Does your Twin Flame runner miss you as much as you miss them?How do you tell that your Twin Flame loves you and misses you as much as you miss them?Why would a Twin Flame ignore you and act like you do not matter?Do both Twin Flames experience the Dark Night of the Soul?Why do Twin Flames run?The Twin Flame runner is always in the head of the chaser. Is the runner also always thinking of the chaser?What are the Signs?How do the runner Twin Flame experience Soul Shock and emotional pain?Does the Twin Flame runner feel your pain?Should you text your Twin Flame runner during separation?How does it feel to find healing and inner balance?What do you do if your Twin Flame is married?What are some tactics to surrender and let go of stressing about your Twin Flame?Is it possible to disconnect from a Twin Flame?Does the Twin Flame runner ever come back?These answers in this simple book are from the perspective of a real Twin Flame runner. I hope you find all the solutions to the problems that you are experiencing during your Twin Flame journey. I wish you the best of luck at every step of the way.Stay Blessed!

  • - Do You Know This?
    av Silvia Moon

    Have you noticed how when you try to go on dates, somehow something happens and you postpone? Maybe you lose interest. Maybe you forget. Something somewhere goes wrong?If you had one question for your twin flame about their situation during the separation phase, what would it be?How has the twin flame journey inspired you to believe in your blessings?When we talk about twin flame surrender, what exactly do we surrender to?Why does the thought of my twin flame's return make me tremble with fear?Have you also reached this re-affirmative stage during your twin flame journey when you know that a reunion is imminent?Why is it easier to doubt the Twin Flame journey than to trust it?Do you sometimes feel unworthy of your twin flame, like they are better off with someone else?How do you keep the faith during the twin flame journey?Do you acknowledge that a twin flame is the best thing that ever happened to you?Why is surrendering one of the most challenging phases of the twin flame journey?What are some simple ways to overcome twin flame separation pain?How do you overcome the pain of chasing a married twin flame?How have you become a better person since meeting your twin flame?On the twin flame journey, how do you grow an emotional muscle to stay grounded in your surrender energy as a chaser twin flame?What are some simple ways to practice self-love without spending money for a twin flame along the journey?How do you currently feel after a long time of separation from your twin flame?What is that one secret that you can share with those who are new to the twin flame journey?Have you reached the stage on your twin flame journey where inner peace is more important to you than chasing your twin flame?Why does the runner twin flame always return eventually?Does your twin flame try to provoke a response out of you when you stop chasing him or her?If you bumped into your twin flame today, what would you say?Do you still believe that twin flame separation is an illusion? If so, why?Do you agree that the twin flame journey is a battle that you have to win within yourself?How has thinking negative thoughts affected your twin flame journey?What myths about twin flames can you debunk after going through some of the twin flame experiences?What fears have you overcome during your twin flame journey?If your twin flame runner returns today, do you feel ready to have a harmonious relationship with them?What do you do when you feel stagnated during the twin flame journey?What do you feel when the runner twin flame ignores you?Does the intense connection to your twin flame sometimes scare you?How do you send love to your twin flame, and how do you know that they feel you?How do you feel when you look at your twin flame's picture after a long time of physical separation?Why does it feel like you have always loved your twin flame even before meeting him or her?If you have confessed your feelings to your twin flame, what are some of the things that you said? How did you do it?I have avoided my twin flame for like 3 years but I can't stop seeing signs of him everywhere I turn. I feel his loneliness. I see him in my dreams. I am being stalked by his social media. What should I do?This book answers the questions you have as a twin flame newbie. I hope my perspective helps you. Stay Blessed!

  • - All You Need To Know About The Initial Twin Flame Encounter
    av Silvia Moon

    I have been on the Twin Flame Journey for the past 6 years and still do not understand why people regard the Twin Flame journey as a negative experience. I regard it as a blessing because I had so much negativity buried within when my twin flame found me. I had so many insecurities. I felt lost in my inner self. I existed in life instead of living it. I craved to feel in touch with my inner child. I had accumulated so much past. I felt trapped in my misery I constantly felt guilty for whatever wrong I had done in the past. I found it so challenging to forgive myself. I quickly blamed myself for everything that was not working in my life. I constantly felt terrified of the unknown because I had negative thinking patterns. I felt unexplained anxiety daily; I felt dissatisfied with life. I felt so much emptiness without any means of filling the void. I deeply craved a Spiritual Awakening. Unequivocally, I felt unhappy.All the sadness and unhappiness washed away when my twin flame walked into my life. Somehow, I light shone on all the issues that I needed to work on. It turns out that I knew the answers to my issues but I had no idea of figuring out the solutions to the problems. My twin flame Awakening experience opened my eyes - like a veil was lifted and I could finally see everything. I felt empowered to make the necessary changes in my life to find happiness and create a life of meaning in my little corner of the world.Making changes was not easy of course because I had to face parts of myself that I thought were unworthy of love. I had to break my heart open to embrace unconditional love within myself through surrendering to self-love. My self-love journey brought me through a self-rediscovery process to become my authentic self.My life was never the same after Awakening to my twin flame - I transformed alchemically psychologically, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Self-transformation has been the epitome of my happiness. I focused on loving myself instead of chasing my twin flame. I found spiritual enlightenment and ascension that my desires transcend beyond the needs of the ego. Self-love has improved my self-esteem and self-confidence. I feel worthy of unconditional love: my love overflows from me to my twin flame and the human collective.I no longer possess insecurities, and unexplained fears, and no longer controlled by negative thoughts. I am in control of how I feel. I manage to stay grounded in inner peace and harmony despite my physical life situation. I forgive easily. And I have also learned to have the strength to let go of things that I cannot control. I am happy without needing outside validation neither from anyone nor my twin flame.Getting to the inner harmony phase has been a rough road sometimes. That is when all the negativity kicks in. When you have to purge negative energy, face your demons, heal your past pain, and hug your inner child. You go through the night, shedding negative energy, and unlearning your negative behavioral curse and breaking cycles of generational dark energy and curses.I am grateful for my Twin Flame, the journey, and all the Soul Awakening experiences I have been through.I hope this book helps you in your twin flame journey. Stay Blessed!

  • - A Beginner's Guide 11:11
    av Silvia Moon

    I wrote a long WhatsApp message to my twin flame explaining why I had to block him out of my life. I shocked him because he thought everything was flowing smoothly with us. I also hurt his feelings in the process of running from him. My reaction to our connection surprised both of us. I was also in a daze, I acted from a place of fear and insecurities. I felt uncomfortable and vulnerable and thought ghosting him was the best solution. If you ask me to date the reason why I ran from my twin flame, I don't have one. I desperately needed my twin flame to confront me that he was experiencing the same thing. I had no idea who the Twin Flames were. I went into deep details about my feelings and chaotic emotions but ended up telling my twin flame to leave me alone. I said that I would block him and then go missing in action. Deep down I expected my twin flame to beg me to stay so that we could sort it all out. I hurt him instead. His big ego wouldn't let him accept defeat. He said; "Fine maybe it's best if we don't talk to each other since you are still married." I said; "FINE!" in response. Both our egos were at war with each other. Before I blocked him, I said; "Goodbye Forever then! I unfollowed you on Instagram." Such childish games. We both were naive about the twin flame experience. We didn't know what we had stumbled on. Our lives changed forever alchemically. We have popped back into each other's lives for the past six years. We keep tabs on each other. We send brief information through mutual friends and written notes. We flip-flop from running to chasing. It is already enough for me to know that no matter who my twin flame is with, I am loved unconditionally. I know it. I feel it. My twin flame lives inside me. I am in a Spiritual Union with my twin flame. We are connected right at the Source of what is. A spiritual connection to my twin flame is more fulfilling than the physical aspects of the twin flame process. I hope my perspective helps you. Stay Blessed!

  • - Did You Know This?
    av Silvia Moon

    When I met my twin flame, I had this inner knowing that I had loved him way before I met him. It felt as if we already lived a lifetime before. When we sat down to have a conversation, it felt as if we were starting from where we left off. Nothing about our stories felt new. It felt as if our encounter was a continuation of a previous life we lived. We could talk for hours without acknowledging time. I now understand that being a twin flame is not all about romance or having a physical relationship with him or her. The bond feels sacred - It feels as if it was formed lifetimes ago. Even though your twin flame is a stranger, you trust him or her completely. You share your darkest secrets and deepest desires with your twin flame without fear of being judged. This is why it is easy to feel inspired to heal because a twin flame inspires you to acknowledge your insecurities and fears. The twin flame is indeed your eternal best friend. Your motivator. In a flame, you have everything wrapped up in one: Your guardian, parent, sibling, best friend, and greatest teacher. Find more fun facts in this simple book.

  • - Are You Asking Any Of This?
    av Silvia Moon

    This book is a dedication to every Twin Flame who is searching for answers to the following questions. I hope that you find this simple read very insightful. I had so many questions at the beginning of the separation phase. I was naive about the twin flame phenomenon. Sometimes I thought that I was the runner when I was chasing. I would love to share some of my discoveries in this simple book. These questions are asked by over 1,000 Twin Flames on my website - and over 5,000 people from the Twin Flame Online Community.What is the perspective of the Twin Flame runner during the physical separation phase?Can a Twin Flame move on and marry someone else?Do you miss your Twin Flame all the time?What is the Twin Flame Energetic Union?What do you do when you feel the urge to reach out to your Twin Flame yet the situation is awkward?How do you live a happy life without your Twin Flame present in your life?How does the Twin Flame Runner feel when they ignore their Twin Flame partner?Does the runner Twin Flame stop loving their divine partner?When your Twin Flame is married to someone else, what do you do if you love them unconditionally?What authentic sign tells you that you have found your Twin Flame?What are some Twin Flame Love lessons?How do you balance the Twin Flame energy to feel the Oneness?What is the Twin Flame Chaser Pain and how do you overcome it?How do you Surrender and let your Twin Flame runner live their life?What are the signs that your Twin Flame runner loves you unconditionally?Does your Twin Flame have the same feelings as you?When the Twin Flame runner awakens to the connection, how will the chaser know that there is a shift?What does the Twin Flame runner feel when the chaser stops chasing and focuses on themselves?During the no-contact phase of the Twin Flame physical phase, what does the runner think of the chaser?How does the Universe make the Twin Flame runner make them wake up and see that they messed up with their Twin Flame partner?Does a runner feel the Soul intimacy too like the chaser?What happens when the Twin Flame runner becomes the chaser instead?What happens when you stop chasing your Twin Flame and focus on yourself?What are the different ways to accept your Twin Flame situation whether you are a Runner or Chaser?How are Twin Flames always thinking of each other?How can you show your Twin Flame runner that you love them without coming on too hard?The answers you need to the above questions and more are all in this simple book. I wish you the best of luck on your journey every step of the way.Stay Blessed!

  • - A Beginner's Guide To Twin Flame Spirituality
    av Silvia Moon

    You essentially stay in the flow by treating each day as a new adventure. Be like a child who spends their day looking for things to enjoy and appreciate. Acknowledge your upsets when you're experiencing them so you can let them go.Realize that nothing anyone thinks or feels about you is really about you at all-and it's not your responsibility either to help them think or feel otherwise.Live in the present moment. See yourself with loving, compassionate eyes. Understand that you're so much more than this one earthly experience. You are God, Source, the Universe.Stay in this lane and you will experience spiritual awakening after spiritual awakening. And when you veer off, never condemn but only love yourself back into alignment.Appreciating more than you complainStaying in the present moment (not the past or the future, but right here)Meditating to calm the mindBeing mindful of what and who you allow into your energy fieldTaking full responsibility for your life (you are a God-being walking around on this earthDoing daily processes to help clear out stuck energyCreating a morning or evening self-care routineSeeing yourself as your inner being does (abundant, well, and thriving)Remembering how powerful you are frequentlySpending time alone intentionallyFinding ways to relieve fear and doubt (tapping, listening to Abraham, or other spiritual teachers who spread a message of love and empowerment.Namaste!

  • - Unlocking The Secrets Of Transcendental Divine Love
    av Silvia Moon

    Apart from the intense telepathic communication that grows when you meet the first time, you are constantly thinking of your Twin Flame whether they are in the same room with you or during physical separation.Your soul keeps remembering how they make you feel. You remember how they see.You realize that they bring light into your grey miserable life. Your Twin Flame rekindles the fire within you that was rather dying out. They inspire you to have a reason to live a happy meaningful life.When your Twin Flame is thinking of you, you always know it because you feel the energy pulling at your heart. When you resist the energetic pulling that you feel within, you feel irritated by anything that you do, and you always feel as if you are hiding from part of yourself. You feel restless and hopeless - these are some of the feelings felt by the runner Twin Flame.Secondly, you feel your heart warm up with feelings of love when your Twin Flame is having good thoughts of you. You feel the very intense euphoric feeling that you know is coming from them. If you were feeling sad previously, receiving warm euphoric feelings from your Twin Flame makes you happy and you instantly feel a tweak in your energetic vibration changing from feeling sad to high positive vibrations.Sometimes you feel sexually aroused when your Twin Flame is thinking of being intimate with you. You feel as if they are being intimate with you physically.Twin Flames have a Soul Intimacy that originates from the source of their shared soul. This is also the reason why you find it difficult to date others after you meet your Twin Flame because the Soul Intimacy that you have with each other always consumes you on a daily.I am always thinking of making love with my Twin Flame, and even though I tried to move on and date others, nothing could come close to how my Twin Flame makes me feel. Hugging him feels comfortable and very fulfilling. His presence completes me, and I feel safe.The most obvious way to tell that your Twin Flame is thinking of you is the physical heartache. Sometimes you can feel like your heart is breaking into two when you feel they're longing for you because they miss you.For me, I get intense heart palpitations that I can barely function for over an hour. Sometimes when the pressure from the energetic share is too much, I get physically ill that I throw up to release the pressure.My life changed forever for the best.Enjoy more Love Lessons in this simple book. Stay Blessed!

  • av Silvia Moon

    If you are a twin flame still confused about the difference between a Union and a Reunion, you are not alone in feeling this. You have to experience it to understand the difference. If you were not spiritual before your twin flame awakening, you wonder why a Twin Flame Union is associated with 5D Spiritual Experiences.This book is here to enlighten you about the definitions of the popular terms associated with a Twin Flame Union: 3D and 5D.In fact, how are these two terms connected to a Reunion and a Union? It is the ultimate guide for a Twin Flame Reunion you desperately seek because it helps you understand that you must heal in 5D to feel a harmonious Union and Oneness.The 5D is the aspect of your journey you cannot touch:A twin Flame Union happens in 5D. In the spiritual. It is more profound than what you comprehend as your everyday romantic relationships. It is the connection you feel within you.This Book will answer some of the following questions.What is the Twin Flame Spiritual Awakening?How do you embrace the spiritual nature of your twin Flame experiences to stay in a perfect harmonious union?How do dreams, telepathy, spiritual awakening, energy merging, the night of the soul, and chakra healing, advance your healing process?How do you accelerate your twin Flame Union Spiritually and physically?Is twin flame telepathic communication part of Twin Flame Union?Why is 3D associated with a Twin Flame Reunion?How can you merge your physical situation with the Spiritual nature of your twin flame journey?How can you work on yourself to prepare for a Union?The ultimate state of being for every twin flame isto harmoniously merge your 3D with 5D to create a perfect Union.I hope that my perspective helps you. Stay Blessed!

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