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Böcker av Stella Rollig

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  • av Stella Rollig

    Hannah Höch (1889-1978) moved between differing worlds: as an editorial assistant with a major Berlin-based magazine publisher, and as the only woman who could hold her own in the German capital's vibrant Dada scene of the 1920s. Höch broke with the traditions of representation and vision. Her works dissected a world marked by the catastrophe of the Great War and an intense consumer culture, and reassembled it in revolutionary, poetic, and often ironic ways. Höch kept to her artistic means and her poetic-radical imagination, shimmering between social observation and dream world, even in the post-WWII period. Scissors and glue were the weapons of her art of montage, of which she was a co-inventor. Cutting and montage also shaped film, still a new medium in the 1920s, which strongly influenced Höch's art: she understood her assembled pictures as static films. This richly illustrated and expertly annotated book explores comprehensively for the first time Höch's fascination with film and the visual culture of the modern industrial age. It demonstrates how montage evolved in a field of tension between artistic experimentation, commercial exploitation, and political appropriation. A text on photomontage by Hannah Höch, written in 1948, and text-collage on the history of montage, in which major protagonists of Modernism and Avant-garde such as Sergej Eisenstein, Raoul Hausmann, László Moholy-Nagy, Walter Ruttman, Kurt Schwitters, Theo van Doesburg, and Dsiga Wertow, have their say, round out this volume.

  • av Stella Rollig

    Jubiläumspublikation des Belvedere Am Wiener Belvedere lässt sich der Wandel des Museumsbegriffs über drei Jahrhunderte exemplarisch nachvollziehen. Ursprünglich durch Prinz Eugen von Savoyen als Gartenpalais zum Zwecke fürstlicher Repräsentation errichtet, wurde das Obere Belvedere unter Maria Theresia zu einem der ersten öffentlich zugänglichen Museen weltweit. Österreichische Kunst im internationalen Kontext zu zeigen, wie es die Gründungsidee der 1903 im Unteren Belvedere eingerichteten Modernen Galerie vorsah, stellt bis heute ein programmatisches Anliegen der renommierten Kultureinrichtung dar. Die in dieser kritischen Hommage versammelten Beiträge namhafter Autor:innen gehen über Epochengrenzen hinweg gemeinsamen Fragestellungen nach¿: Welche Ordnungskonzepte manifestieren sich in den Kunstpräsentationen¿? Wie zeitgemäß waren diese im internationalen Vergleich¿? Welches Publikum sollte damit angesprochen werden¿? Jubiläumspublikation der Österreichischen Galerie Belvedere - kritische Hommage auf Geschichte und Vielfalt eines Ortes der Kunst über Jahrhunderte Ausstellung bis 7. Januar 2024 Mit Beiträgen von Johanna Aufreiter, Björn Blauensteiner, Brigitte Borchhardt-Birbaumer, Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann, Christiane Erharter, Nora Fischer, Anna Frasca-Rath, Antoinette Friedenthal, Martin Fritz, Thomas W. Gaehtgens, Sabine Grabner, Katinka Gratzer-Baumgärtner, Cäcilia Henrichs, Alice Hoppe-Harnoncourt, Christian Huemer, Georg Lechner, Stefan Lehner, Gernot Mayer, Monika Mayer, Sabine Plakolm-Forsthuber, Georg Plattner, Matthew Rampley, Luise Reitstätter, Stella Rollig, Claudia Slanar, Franz Smola, Nora Sternfeld, Silvia Tammaro, Wolfgang Ullrich, Leonhard Weidinger, Christian Witt-Dörring, Luisa Ziaja und Christoph Zuschlag

  • av Stella Rollig

    Anniversary publication of the Belvedere The Belvedere in Vienna epitomizes the changes that have taken place over the course of three centuries in the concept of what constitutes a museum. Originally built by Prince Eugene of Savoy to enhance his prestige as a prince, under Maria Theresa, the Upper Belvedere became one of the world's first public museums. The idea of presenting Austrian art in an international context, which in 1903 motivated the establishment of the Modern Gallery in the Lower Belvedere, remains the key objective of this world-famous cultural institution. In this critical homage, renowned authors explore enduring questions that transcend the different epochs, such as¿: What ordering concepts are evident in art presentation¿? How contemporary were these presentations in an international context¿? What kind of public were they aimed at¿? Anniversary publication of the Österreichische Galerie Belvedere: a critical homage to a place of art with a diverse history spanning centuries Exhibition until January 7, 2024 With contributions from Johanna Aufreiter, Björn Blauensteiner, Brigitte Borchhardt-Birbaumer, Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann, Christiane Erharter, Nora Fischer, Anna Frasca-Rath, Antoinette Friedenthal, Martin Fritz, Thomas W. Gaehtgens, Sabine Grabner, Katinka Gratzer-Baumgärtner, Cäcilia Henrichs, Alice Hoppe-Harnoncourt, Christian Huemer, Georg Lechner, Stefan Lehner, Gernot Mayer, Monika Mayer, Sabine Plakolm-Forsthuber, Georg Plattner, Matthew Rampley, Luise Reitstätter, Stella Rollig, Claudia Slanar, Franz Smola, Nora Sternfeld, Silvia Tammaro, Wolfgang Ullrich, Leonhard Weidinger, Christian Witt-Dörring, Luisa Ziaja, and Christoph Zuschlag

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