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Böcker av Stephan Meder

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  • av Stephan Meder

    Die Beiträge dieses Bandes behandeln das breite Spektrum historischer und aktueller Problemstellungen eines interessengerechten Urheberrechts. Sie reichen von Textübernahmen in den Werken des Humanisten Conrad Lagus über die Zensurpolitik gegen Gerhart Hauptmanns Sozialdrama »Die Weber« bis zu der Frage, ob ein Mäzen einen Künstler zur Werkschöpfung gerichtlich zwingen kann. Darüber hinaus werden Einblicke in die Frühgeschichte des EDV-Rechts gewährt sowie Aufschlüsse über die Lizenzierung von Plattform-Software und das Leistungsschutzrecht für Presseverleger gegeben. Der Band macht deutlich, dass der in allen Zeiten bestehende Interessenkonflikt zwischen Schöpfer, Verwerter und Nutzer mit vorgefertigten Schablonen nicht zu lösen ist.The contributions in this volume deal with the broad spectrum of historical and current problems of copyright law. They range from text adaptations in works by the humanist Conrad Lagus to the censorship policy in Gerhart Hauptmann's social drama "The Weavers" ("Die Weber") and to the question of whether a patron can force an artist to create a work. In addition, insights are provided into the early history of IT law as well as findings on the licensing of platform software and the copyright law for press publishers. The volume makes it clear that the conflict of interests between creator, exploiter and user, which has always existed, cannot be resolved with ready-made templates.

  • av Stephan Meder
    1 941

    As advances in artificial intelligence grip our imagination in the twenty-first century, Meder reminds us that law's first "machine age" dates from at least the seventeenth century and the inventive minds of Jean Bodin and Thomas Hobbes. Jurists involved in finding legal decisions would be merely a cog in a large apparatus designed to give expression to the will of the sovereign through the proper application of the law. The nineteenth century declared war on the absolute monarchical state and the mechanistic paradigm. The critique of a "mechanical" application of law and the distorted image of the "subsumption automaton" have stood for criticism of judging that, removed from the demands of "everyday life," adheres to predefined concepts and dispenses with reflection on law and justice. Rudolf Jhering's "judgment machine," Hermann Kantorowicz's "thinking machine," or Max Weber's "paragraph automaton" can be seen as pejorative images of a machine into which "one throws the files at the top, together with costs and fees, so that it spits out the judgment at the bottom, along with the more or less valid reasons." Digitization is transforming the means of delivery and providing greater sophistication, but Meder's study is a thorough and pioneering reminder that people today are seeking new routes to a long-cherished and not necessarily desirable outcome.x, 167 pp.

  • av Stephan Meder

    Rudolf von Jherings wissenschaftliches Werk hat in gleich zweifacher Hinsicht Grenzen gesprengt: zum einen nationale Grenzen im Sinne eines bisher nur in Ansätzen erforschten Legal transfer, der weit über die Grenzen Europas hinausreicht, sowie zum anderen Grenzen zwischen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen wie Recht, Soziologie oder Kulturanthropologie. Jherings Auseinandersetzung mit den Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Recht und Leben, besonders in seinem Spätwerk »Der Zweck im Recht«, und deren Einfluss auf die Pioniere der Rechtssoziologie ist bis heute kaum untersucht worden. Gleiches gilt für den Umstand, dass umgekehrt auch er selbst unter dem Einfluss verschiedener Naturwissenschaften stand, insbesondere der sich um 1850 revolutionierenden Chemie. Rudolf von Jhering's scientific OEuvre broke boundaries in two respects: national borders in the sense of a legal transfer, which extended far beyond the borders of Europe and has to date only been explored to a limited extent, and disciplinary boundaries between law, sociology and cultural anthropology. Jhering's thorough examination of the interrelations between law and real life, especially in his late work "Law as a Means to an End", and its influence on the pioneers of legal sociology, has been scarcely explored so far. The same applies to the fact that, he himself was in fact influenced by various natural sciences, especially chemistry, which had been revolutionised around 1850.

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