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Böcker av Sue Grafton

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  • av Sue Grafton

    The alphabet mysteries continue with a harrowing case for private investigator Kinsey Millhone.

  • av Sue Grafton

    X is the New York Times number 1 bestseller and thrilling, twenty-fourth book in the Kinsey Millhone Alphabet series from Sue Grafton.In hindsight, I marvel at how clueless I was . . . What I ask myself even now is whether I should have picked up the truth any faster than I did, which is to say not fast enough . . .When a glamorous red head wishes to locate the son she put up for adoption thirty-two years ago, it seems like an easy two hundred bucks for private investigator Kinsey Millhone. But when a cop tells her she was paid with marked bills, and Kinsey's client is nowhere to be found, it becomes apparent this mystery woman has something to hide. Riled, Kinsey won't stop until she's found out who fooled her and why.Meanwhile, the widow of the recently murdered P. I. - and Kinsey's old friend - Pete Wolinsky, needs help with her IRS audit. This seemingly innocuous task takes a treacherous turn when Kinsey finds a coded list amongst her friend's files. It soon leads her to an unhinged man with a catalogue of ruined lives left in his wake. And despite the devastation, there isn't a single conviction to his name. It seems this sociopath knows exactly how to cause chaos without leaving a trace.As Kinsey delves deeper into the investigation she quickly becomes the next target of this tormentor. But can Kinsey prove her case against him before she becomes the next victim?

  • av Sue Grafton

    W is for Wasted is the twenty-third in the Kinsey Millhone alphabet mystery series by Sue Grafton. Two dead men changed the course of my life that fall. One of them I knew and the other I'd never laid eyes on until I saw him in the morgue. The first was a local private investigator of suspect reputation. He'd been gunned down near the beach at Santa Teresa. It looked like a robbery gone bad. The other was on the beach six weeks later. He'd been sleeping rough. Probably homeless. No identification. A slip of paper with private investigator Kinsey Millhone's name and number was in his trouser pocket. The coroner asked her to come to the morgue to see if she could ID him. Two seemingly unrelated deaths, one a murder, the other apparently of natural causes. But as Kinsey digs deeper into the mystery of the John Doe, some very strange links begin to emerge. And before long at least one aspect is solved as Kinsey finds the key to his identity . . . In this multi-layered tale, the surfaces seem clear, but the underpinnings are full of betrayals, misunderstandings, and outright murderous fraud. And Kinsey, through no fault of her own, is thoroughly compromised . . .

  • - A Kinsey Millhone Mystery
    av Sue Grafton

    H is for Homicide is the eighth in the Kinsey Millhone mystery series by Sue Grafton.It was one of those occasions when I suddenly realised how happy I was. I was female, single, with money in my pocket . . . I had nobody to answer to and no ties to speak of. As usual I'd forgotten how surges of goodwill merely presage bad news. After a three-week-long investigation, Kinsey couldn't wait to get home. What she needed most was a few quiet days by herself - but two things happened to change all her plans. First she ran into a murder case. Then Kinsey met Bibianna Diaz, and before the night was over they were sharing a prison cell . . .

  • av Sue Grafton

    G is for Gumshoe is the seventh in the Kinsey Millhone mystery series by Sue Grafton.For the record, the name is Kinsey Millhone. Private investigator. One hundred and eighteen pounds of female in a five-foot six-inch frame. Just turned thirty-three (after what seemed like an interminable twelve months of being thirty-two) . . . Three things happened on May 5, the day everyone sang 'Happy Birthday' to Kinsey Millhone. The repairs were completed on her apartment, and she moved back in. She was hired by Mrs Clyde Gersh to bring her mother back from the Mojave Desert. And lastly, a real surprise. The news that she'd made one of the top slots on Tyrone Patty's hit list . . .

  • av Sue Grafton

    E is for Evidence is the fifth in the Kinsey Millhone mystery series by Sue Grafton.Anyone who knows me will tell you that I cherish my unmarried state. I'm female, twice divorced, no kids and no close family ties. I'm perfectly content to do what I do . . . It was two days after Christmas when Kinsey Millhone received the bank slip showing a credit for five thousand dollars. The account number was correct but Kinsey hadn't made the deposit. Then came the phone call and suddenly everything became clear. The frame-up was working and Kinsey was trapped . . .

  • av Sue Grafton

    J is for Judgement is the tenth in the Kinsey Millhone mystery series by Sue Grafton.On the face of it, you wouldn't think there was any connection between the murder of a dead man and the events that changed my perceptions about my life... For Kinsey Millhone, the investigation started with a surprise visit from an ex-colleague at California Fidelity - the company that had fired her nine months previously. Fives hours later she was on a plane to Mexico, hot on the trial of a suicide who'd allegedly just come back to life. After a five year wait, Wendell Jaffe's widow had finally succeeded in having the real estate swindler declared dead, collecting half a million dollars for her pains. Now it looks like a 'pseudocide' - and Kinsey's ready to risk everything to get to the truth . . .

  • - A Kinsey Millhone Mystery
    av Sue Grafton

    I is for Innocent is the ninth in the Kinsey Millhone mystery series by Sue Grafton.I feel compelled to report that at the moment of death, my entire life did not pass before my eyes in a flash . . . What I experienced was a little voice piping up in an outraged tone: "e;Oh come on. You're not serious. This is really it?"e; It was a Monday early in December when Kinsey Millhone first got involved in the Isabelle Barney murder case. She was out of work. Attorney Lonnie Klingman's usual private investigator had just dropped dead of a heart attack. Kinsey was more than happy to oblige. The trouble started on the very first day of the investigation. Either Kinsey's predecessor was incompetent - or someone had been getting away with murder. And next time it might turn out to be hers . . .

  • av Sue Grafton

    Meet Kinsey Millhone the private investigator in A is for Alibi, the first novel in Sue Grafton's thrilling alphabet mysteries.

  • - A Kinsey Millhone Mystery
    av Sue Grafton

    D is for Deadbeat is the fourth in the Kinsey Millhone mystery series by Sue Grafton.My name is Kinsey Millhone. I'm a private investigator . . . female, single and self-employed, with a constitutional inability to work for anyone else. I'm a purist when it comes to justice, but I'll lie at the drop of a hat. Inconsistency has never troubled me . . . It was late October, the day before Halloween. He introduced himself as Alvin Limardo. The job he hired Kinsey to do seemed easy enough . . . until his cheque bounced. His real name was Dagett. John Dagett. Ex-con. Inveterate liar. Chronic drunk. And dead. The cops called it an accident - death by drowning. Kinsey wasn't so sure. The man, it seemed, had a lot of enemies . . .

  • av Sue Grafton

  • av Sue Grafton

    Brace yourself for an "ELECTRIFYING and THOROUGHLY SATISFYING" read (Publishers Weekly) from #1 New York Times bestselling author Sue GraftonM is for MONEY...Malek Construction is a mega-million-dollar company that grew out of modest soil to become one of the big three in California construction-and one of the few still in family hands. Today, the three Malek sons stand to inherit a fortune, but in order for any one of them to claim his share, the missing fourth brother must be found.M is for MISSING...Now it's up to Kinsey Millhone to find the man who, eighteen years ago, vanished without a trace. Did he run away-or was he abducted? Did he intend to make something of himself on his own, apart from the wealth and prowess of his family, or were his motives something more sinister?M is for MALICEThe ties that bind. The rivalries of brotherhood. The fall of an empire... As Kinsey tries to unravel the mystery of the missing Malek brother she finds herself in a heart-stopping race against time in which loyalties are tested, greed is rampant, and no one-including Kinsey herself-is safe..."Marvelous and memorable." -San Francisco Chronicle

  • av Sue Grafton

  • av Sue Grafton

    En oväntad julklapp har gjort privatdetektiven Kinsey Millhone misstänksam. Från ingenstans har hon med ens blivit femtusen dollar rikare. Men vem är det egentligen som har satt in pengarna på hennes bankkonto? Mysteriet tätnar då hon plötsligt står anklagad för att ha anlagt en mordbrand på beställning. Det är helt klart någon som försöker sätta dit henne, men varför? När döda kroppar och falska bevis börjar dyka upp åt både höger och vänster, tvingas Kinsey ge sig ut på sitt allra svåraste, och farligaste, uppdrag hittills. Den här gången jobbar hon åt sig själv och om hon misslyckas riskerar hon att förlora allt: sin karriär, sin frihet - och kanske till och med sitt liv..."E som i eld" är den femte delen i Sue Graftons populära Alfabet-serie om privatdetektiven Kinsey Millhone.Sue Grafton (1940-2017) var en bästsäljande amerikansk deckarförfattare. Hon föddes i sydstaten Kentucky men flyttade sedermera till Santa Barbara i Kalifornien. Sue är kanske mest känd för sin omåttligt populära Alfabet-serie om privatdetektiven Kinsey Millhone. Även hennes far, C.W. Grafton, var deckarförfattare.

  • av Sue Grafton

    Privatdetektiven Kinsey Millhone har fått ett udda uppdrag. Alvin Limardo vill kontraktera henne för att leverera en check på tjugofemtusen dollar - till en femtonårig pojke vid namn Tony Gahan. Redan från början anar Kinsey oråd. Varför lämnar inte Limardo bara över checken själv? När hennes egen betalning uteblir visar det sig att hennes magkänsla haft alldeles rätt. Limardo är i själva verket bigamisten och fyllkajan John Daggett. Och nu har han lurat Kinsey på fyrahundra dollar.Kinseys jakt på den skrupelfrie bedragaren får ett abrupt slut när Daggetts livlösa kropp spolas upp på stranden i Santa Teresa. Polisen är säkra på att dödsfallet är en olycka. Kinsey är säker på att det är ett mord. Men var börjar man leta när det verkar som att hela staden velat se John Daggett död?"D som i drunknad" är den fjärde delen i Sue Graftons populära Alfabet-serie om privatdetektiven Kinsey Millhone.Sue Grafton (1940-2017) var en bästsäljande amerikansk deckarförfattare. Hon föddes i sydstaten Kentucky men flyttade sedermera till Santa Barbara i Kalifornien. Sue är kanske mest känd för sin omåttligt populära Alfabet-serie om privatdetektiven Kinsey Millhone. Även hennes far, C.W. Grafton, var deckarförfattare.

  • av Sue Grafton

  • av Sue Grafton

    När tjugotreårige Bobby Callahans bil prejas av vägen och kör rakt ner i en ravin är det ett rent under att han överlever. I kraschen förolyckas hans passagerare - och Bobbys minne går till stora delar förlorat. Nio månader senare är han säker på att händelsen inte var någon olycka. Men vem kan ha velat ta livet av honom? Och kommer de i så fall att försöka igen?Bobbys minnesförlust gör att privatdetektiven Kinsey Millhone inte har särskilt mycket att gå på. Hennes enda ledtrådar blir en röd adressbok och det svårtydda namnet "Blackman". När Bobby sedan råkar ut för ännu en bilolycka, och dessutom dör, blir fallet nästintill omöjligt att lösa. Vad gör man när personen som anlitat en för att hitta en potentiell mördare, faktiskt blir mördad? Ju djupare Kinsey gräver, desto närmare kommer hon en väl bevarad hemlighet. En hemlighet som kostat Bobby livet - och som kan komma att kosta Kinsey hennes."C som i chock" är den tredje delen i Sue Graftons populära Alfabet-serie om privatdetektiven Kinsey Millhone.Sue Grafton (1940-2017) var en bästsäljande amerikansk deckarförfattare. Hon föddes i sydstaten Kentucky men flyttade sedermera till Santa Barbara i Kalifornien. Sue är kanske mest känd för sin omåttligt populära Alfabet-serie om privatdetektiven Kinsey Millhone. Även hennes far, C.W. Grafton, var deckarförfattare.

  • av Sue Grafton

    Pengarna har inte direkt rullat in för privatdetektiven Kinsey Millhone den senaste tiden. Hon borde bli överlycklig när ett nytt uppdrag plötsligt dyker upp - istället känner hon sig tveksam. Uppgiften att lokalisera Beverly Danzigers syster, änkan Elaine Boldt, är så enkel att Beverly borde klara det helt på egen hand. Så varför vill hon anlita Kinsey för en sådan struntsak? Är det verkligen bara några dokument som måste signeras? Det verkar onekligen som att något betydligt större döljer sig bakom kulisserna...Kinseys berömda magkänsla får än en gång rätt när fallet Elaine plötsligt tar en ny vändning. Änkan sågs senast när hon bordade ett flyg till Florida - men där tar spåren slut. Att en av Elaines bridgevänner nyligen blivit mördad får Kinsey att misstänka fult spel. Kan försvinnandet vara kopplat till det brutala dådet? Plötsligt befinner hon sig i en virvelvind av inbrott, mord och förbryllande pusselbitar. Kommer hon lyckas hitta Elaine innan allt är förlorat?"B som i brand" är den andra delen i Sue Graftons populära Alfabet-serie om privatdetektiven Kinsey Millhone.Sue Grafton (1940-2017) var en bästsäljande amerikansk deckarförfattare. Hon föddes i sydstaten Kentucky men flyttade sedermera till Santa Barbara i Kalifornien. Sue är kanske mest känd för sin omåttligt populära Alfabet-serie om privatdetektiven Kinsey Millhone. Även hennes far, C.W. Grafton, var deckarförfattare.

  • av Sue Grafton

    "Mitt namn är Kinsey Millhone. Jag är privatdetektiv med licens för att bedriva verksamhet i Kalifornien. Jag är trettiotvå år, skild två gånger, inga barn. I förrgår dödade jag en människa och det tynger mig."Nikki Fife har spenderat de senaste åtta åren i fängelse - dömd för mordet på sin make, skilsmässoadvokaten Laurence Fife. Att hon är oskyldig är det ingen som tagit någon notis om. Inte förrän nu. När Nikki äntligen släpps fri är privatdetektiven Kinsey Millhone hennes första stopp på vägen mot upprättelse. Hennes begäran är enkel: Kinsey måste hitta den riktiga mördaren. Bara då kan Nikkis namn bli rentvått.Alla Kinseys ledtrådar verkar peka mot skilsmässoadvokatens egen firma. Det dröjer inte länge förrän hon leds ut ur Santa Teresa, via Los Angeles och vidare till Las Vegas. Vart hon än vänder sig dyker fler mystiska dödsfall upp. Att det skulle röra sig om en tragisk slump är uteslutet, så vem är det egentligen som ligger bakom dessa dödliga gärningar? Om inte Kinsey löser fallet snart, kommer fler att råka illa ut. Och kanske står hon själv först på tur...Sue Grafton (1940-2017) var en bästsäljande amerikansk deckarförfattare. Hon föddes i sydstaten Kentucky men flyttade sedermera till Santa Barbara i Kalifornien. Sue är kanske mest känd för sin omåttligt populära Alfabet-serie om privatdetektiven Kinsey Millhone. Även hennes far, C.W. Grafton, var deckarförfattare.

  • av Sue Grafton

    A Is for Alibi & B Is for Burglar collects the first two novels in the #1 New York Times bestselling Kinsey Millhone series by Sue Grafton...In A is for Alibi, tough-talking private investigator Kinsey Millhone has set up a modest detective agency in a quiet corner of Santa Teresa, California. A twice-divorced loner with few personal attachments, she's got a soft spot for lost causes. That's why she draws clients like Nikki Fife. Nikki is out on parole after serving time for allegedly killing her husband, and needs Kinsey's help to find the real killer. But clearing Nikki's name won't be easy....In B is for Burglar, Kinsey is reluctant to take on the case of locating Beverly Danziger's sister Elaine. It's a small matter that Beverly should be able to handle herself. So why is she enlisting Kinsey's services? And if there's something she's learned in her line of work, it's to always follow your instincts...

  • av Sue Grafton

  • av Sue Grafton

    "SMART AND SASSY" (New York Times) P.I. Kinsey Millhone is at it again in yet another thrilling adventure from the #1 New York Times bestselling author Sue GraftonTom Newquist has died. A detective in the Nota Lake sheriff's office, Tom was tough, honest, and respected by all. He was also a heavy drinker and a workaholic, much to his wife Selma's distress. And now that Tom is gone, Selma can't help but wonder what it really was that was troubling him....What made Tom so restless during the last six weeks of his life? Why was he up all night and brooding all day long? What-or who-was at the heart of his dark moods? With the coroner's report in hand, Selma decides to enlist the help of Kinsey Millhone to find the truth about what happened to her husband. But the residents of Nota Lake keep their secrets close-and their enemies closer. And the deeper Kinsey's investigation goes, the closer she comes to confronting the most dangerous outcome of all: the truth..."A" Is for Alibi"B" Is for Burglar"C" Is for Corpse"D" Is for Deadbeat"E" Is for Evidence"F" Is for Fugitive"G" Is for Gumshoe"H" Is for Homicide"I" Is for Innocent"J" Is for Judgment"K" Is for Killer"L" is for Lawless"M" Is for Malice"N" Is for Noose"O" Is for Outlaw"P" Is for Peril "Q" Is for Quarry"R" Is for Ricochet "S" Is for Silence "T" Is for Trespass"U" Is for Undertow "V" Is for Vengeance "W" Is for Wasted "X"

  • - A Kinsey Millhone Mystery
    av Sue Grafton

    For #1 New York Times bestselling author Sue Grafton's PI Kinsey Millhone, danger comes with the job-but she never expects to find herself at the top of a hit man's list...G IS FOR GAME...When Irene Gersh asks PI Kinsey Millhone to locate her elderly mother Agnes, whom she hasn't heard from in six months, it's not exactly the kind of case Kinsey jumps for. But a girl's gotta pay her bills, and this should be easy money-or so she thinks. Kinsey finds Agnes in a hospital. Aside from her occasional memory lapses, the octogenarian seems fine. And frightened. G IS FOR GUN...Kinsey doesn't know what to make of Agnes's vague fears and bizarre ramblings, but she's got her own worries. It seems Tyrone Patty, a criminal she helped put behind bars, is looking to make a hit. First, Kinsey's car is run off the road, and then days later, she's almost gunned down, setting in motion a harrowing cat and mouse game... G IS FOR GUMSHOESo Kinsey decides to hire a bodyguard. With PI Robert Dietz watching her 24/7, Kinsey is feeling on edge...especially with their growing sexual tension. Then, Agnes dies of an apparent homicide, Kinsey realizes the old lady wasn't so senile after all-and maybe she was trying to tell her something? Now Kinsey's determined to learn the truth...even if it kills her."A" Is for Alibi"B" Is for Burglar"C" Is for Corpse"D" Is for Deadbeat"E" Is for Evidence"F" Is for Fugitive"G" Is for Gumshoe"H" Is for Homicide"I" Is for Innocent"J" Is for Judgment"K" Is for Killer"L" is for Lawless"M" Is for Malice"N" Is for Noose"O" Is for Outlaw"P" Is for Peril "Q" Is for Quarry"R" Is for Ricochet "S" Is for Silence "T" Is for Trespass"U" Is for Undertow "V" Is for Vengeance "W" Is for Wasted "X"

  • - A Kinsey Millhone Novel
    av Sue Grafton

  • av Sue Grafton

    The next in the Kinsey Millhone Alphabet mystery series from bestselling author Sue Grafton.Wendell Jaffe looks great for a dead man! He's been six feet under for five years ago-until his former insurance agent spots him at a dusty resort bar in Mexico. Now California Fidelity wants its insurance money back. Can P.I. Kinsey Millhone get on the case?Just two months earlier, Jaffe's widow pocketed $500,000 in insurance benefits after Jaffe went overboard. Was his "pseudocide" a last-ditch effort to do right by his beloved wife? Perhaps. But how would that explain the new woman in Jaffe's second life?Kinsey is in for the long haul as she delves deeper into the mystery surrounding Jaffe's life and death...and discovers that, in family matters as in crime, sometimes it's better to reserve judgment..."A" Is for Alibi"B" Is for Burglar"C" Is for Corpse"D" Is for Deadbeat"E" Is for Evidence"F" Is for Fugitive"G" Is for Gumshoe"H" Is for Homicide"I" Is for Innocent"J" Is for Judgment"K" Is for Killer"L" is for Lawless"M" Is for Malice"N" Is for Noose"O" Is for Outlaw"P" Is for Peril "Q" Is for Quarry"R" Is for Ricochet "S" Is for Silence "T" Is for Trespass"U" Is for Undertow "V" Is for Vengeance "W" Is for Wasted "X"

  • - A Kinsey Millhone Novel
    av Sue Grafton

    Another "IRRESISTIBLE" (Baltimore Sun) novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Sue GraftonI IS FOR IF . . .Five years ago David Barney was acquitted of the murder of his rich wife, Isabelle. Now, Isabelle's ex-husband, Ken Voigt-who is suing Barney for her estate-is claiming the jury made a fatal mistake...I IS FOR INDICTMENT . . . Enter P.I. Kinsey Millhone, who takes the Barney case over from a former colleague...and comes up with more questions than answers. Why are Mr. Barney's witnesses denying ever having spoken to him? Why did Isabelle have so many enemies-including but not limited to her best friend, Voight's second wife, and her own twin sister? I IS FOR INNOCENTBut the most troubling question of all is: Why is it that everything David Barney has to say about his beloved Isabelle still checks out? Now it's up to Kinsey to figure out who's getting away with murder . . . .before she courts her own.The New York Times #1 bestselling series reissued for a whole new generation of readers!"A" Is for Alibi"B" Is for Burglar"C" Is for Corpse"D" Is for Deadbeat"E" Is for Evidence"F" Is for Fugitive"G" Is for Gumshoe"H" Is for Homicide"I" Is for Innocent"J" Is for Judgment"K" Is for Killer"L" is for Lawless"M" Is for Malice"N" Is for Noose"O" Is for Outlaw"P" Is for Peril "Q" Is for Quarry"R" Is for Ricochet "S" Is for Silence "T" Is for Trespass"U" Is for Undertow "V" Is for Vengeance "W" Is for Wasted "X"

  • av Sue Grafton

  • - A Kinsey Millhone Mystery
    av Sue Grafton

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