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Böcker av Sue Watson

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  • av Sue Watson
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  • av Sue Watson

    Ha aspettato tutta la vita di incontrare un uomo come Alex. Ma anche lui ha aspettato. E una volta che l'avrà conquistata, non la lascerà più andare... Dall'infanzia in affido a una vita sicura e protetta, Hannah ha trovato la stabilità che cercava. Finché, incoraggiata dalla sua migliore amica ad iscriversi a un'app di incontri, non conosce Alex. Alex appare come un sogno ad occhi aperti: affascinante, con gli stessi gusti musicali e culinari, e con il desiderio di fuggire insieme in un romantico cottage sulla costa. È troppo perfetto per essere vero. Sembra l'uomo ideale, ma gli amici di Hannah sono scettici. Per lei, però, lui è perfetto. Il che è un bene. Perché anche Alex sa che lei è perfetta per lui. Anzi, è esattamente la ragazza che lui sta cercando... E all'improvviso, la vita di Hannah diventa un vortice di incertezza e pericolo, mettendo a rischio tutto ciò che ha costruito. Un thriller psicologico avvincente e ricco di suspense che parla di ossessioni profonde e appuntamenti online. Perfetto per i fan di Donato Carrisi, Clare Mackintosh e Claire Douglas.Ecco cosa dicono i lettori su Il primo appuntamento:"Mi ha tenuto con il fiato sospeso... ero così tesa... non avevo idea di cosa sarebbe successo da un capitolo all'altro... BOOM!!! NON MI ASPETTAVO AFFATTO QUEL FINALE! L'ho adorato! Se potessi dare un voto più alto di 5, lo farei. Questo è stato uno dei migliori thriller, se non il migliore, che abbia mai letto... L'ho adorato!" Kindlewithdanni ¿¿¿¿¿ "Non posso credere di averci messo così tanto a scoprire questa regina del thriller psicologico... Ho letto molta narrativa psicologica nella mia vita e non credo di essermi mai imbattuta in un colpo di scena così bello alla fine." Ceri's Little Blog ¿¿¿¿¿ "Assolutamente coinvolgente e ho fatto molta fatica a metterlo giù! Questo thriller psicologico vi farà dubitare di tutto e di tutti, è così abilmente costruito - proprio quando pensate di aver capito qualcosa, viene aggiunto un nuovo punto di vista... Attenzione, ci sono colpi di scena e sorprese in abbondanza e non date nulla per scontato... mai!" Read and Rated ¿¿¿¿¿ "Oh, accidenti, che thriller assolutamente emozionante e pieno di suspense... Onestamente non riuscivo a metterlo giù... Finire questo libro mi ha fatto venire la pelle d'oca, davvero eccezionale." Recensione Goodreads ¿¿¿¿¿ "Sue Watson, cosa mi hai fatto?! Mi hai dato quella che pensavo sarebbe stata una storia abbastanza prevedibile per poi stravolgermi e lasciarmi a bocca aperta! Quel finale, WOW!" Misty's Corner Review ¿¿¿¿¿ "Assolutamente impossibile da mettere giù. Ho divorato questo libro in una sola seduta... Mi ha catturato fin dall'inizio... Non potevo assolutamente prevedere dove sarebbe andato a finire... Vi terrà sicuramente con il fiato sospeso. Sarete conquistati." Little Miss Book Lover 86 ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Sue Watson

  • av Sue Watson

    'Please - someone - help us. We're at The Lodge, the snow is everywhere. We're trapped. There was an argument last night... things got out of hand. Someone went missing in the middle of the night. We think they might be dead...' Two days ago the Wilson family checked into the imposing, glass-fronted Lodge, surrounded by snow and perched perilously on the edge of a cliff looking out to a grey sea. Not everyone was looking forward to the family get-together. But mother-in-law Angela insisted the winter trip would help heal their rifts... Danni: The new wife who feels like an imposter. She doesn't trust anyone - even her husband. But is she trustworthy herself? Fiona: The ex-wife who feels that all eyes are on her. She's here for the sake of her children, but she fails to hide her seething jealousy towards her ex-husband's new family... Angela: The mother-in-law who can't help but interfere. She planned the family holiday to get everyone together, but does she really want to keep the peace? Scott: The husband torn between his ex-wife and his new wife. He says he wants to do right by his family, but he's been telling lies to them all. Now his darkest secret is about to be revealed. After a night of arguments, morning breaks with a single scream. Not everyone came to The Lodge to play happy families. Someone came to get revenge... A completely gripping, utterly twisted thriller that will leave your jaw on the floor. Perfect for fans of The Housemaid, The Perfect Marriage and The Girl on the Train. What readers are saying about The Lodge:'Your mouth falls open wider and wider with each revelation... Fantastic.' B for Bookreview ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Omg... Such a gripping read.' Goodreads reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Wow... This book had more twists and turns than my favorite roller coaster... I couldn't out it down.' Goodreads reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Outstanding page-turner... Kept me on the edge of my seat... Super thriller that I did not want to put down.' Goodreads reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Twists and turns, secrets and red herrings... I could not put this page-turner down... Do not miss this mystery.' NetGalley reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Sue Watson

    The blushing bride. The handsome groom. A secret one of them will kill for...It's the day I've been dreaming about my whole life. As I glide down the flower-strewn aisle overlooking the Greek orange groves, in my pearl-encrusted ivory gown, I finally see my fiancé Nik. We look like the perfect couple, but not all fairy tales have happy endings...Today is supposed to be the day of my dreams.But I don't see a single friend or family member. I'm surrounded by strangers.I have been so excited to finally meet my fiancé's family.Then why do they turn their heads away as I walk down the aisle?Now, as I say my vows, I gaze longingly into Nik's eyes.But instead of love, he looks through me, as if he can't wait for this day to end...And I suddenly have an awful feeling that I don't know my fiancé at all.But then again, he doesn't truly know me either.And by the time he finds out who I really am, it will be far too late. There's only room for one happily-ever-after on this wedding day, and I'm determined to make it mine...What readers are saying about The Wedding Day:'Pow, wow, wow, the punches keep coming!!! Wooooh, this book was amazing. You kinda thing you know, but do you really know? So many twists right up until the last turn of the page. A psychological thriller at its very vest.' Goodreads reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿'Amazing. I was blown away by all the secrets and twist that kept coming... I raced through the pages as fast as I could.' Goodreads reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Sue Watson

    Sie hat ihr ganzes Leben darauf gewartet, einen Mann wie Alex zu treffen. Und er auf sie. Und sobald er sie einmal hat, wird er sie nie wieder loslassen ... Nach einer unsteten Kindheit, die sie bei Pflegefamilien verbrachte, hat Hannah alles getan, um sich ein sicheres und geborgenes Leben zu schaffen. Sie mag ihre gemütliche Wohnung und ihren Job als Sozialarbeiterin. Manchmal macht sie sich Sorgen, dass sie sich mit ihren 36 Jahren vielleicht nie verlieben wird, aber ansonsten ist sie mit ihrem Leben zufrieden. Bis sie von ihrer besten Freundin ermutigt wird, einer Dating-App beizutreten, und Alex kennenlernt. Er ist unwiderstehlich gutaussehend. Er mag die gleiche Musik wie sie. Und auch das gleiche Essen. Sie träumen beide davon, die Welt zu bereisen, aber sind sich einig, dass sie genauso gerne in ein Cottage an der Küste flüchten würden. Beide würden gerne eines Tages einen Labrador besitzen. Es scheint, als wäre er für sie gemacht. Es scheint, als wäre er zu schön, um wahr zu sein. Ihre Freunde sind skeptisch. Aber in Hannahs Augen ist er perfekt. Und das ist gut so. Denn Alex weiß, dass auch sie perfekt für ihn ist. Tatsächlich ist sie genau die Frau, nach der er gesucht hat ... Und plötzlich ist in Hannahs Leben nichts mehr sicher und geborgen ... Ein packender und spannender Psychothriller über Besessenheit und Online-Dating. Perfekt für Fans von Caroline Kepnes, Clare Mackintosh und Claire Douglas. Was Leser:innen über Das perfekte Paar sagen: Es hat mich gepackt ... Ich war so angespannt ... Ich habe es geliebt! Wenn ich könnte, würde ich es mit mehr als fünf Sternen bewerten. Das war einer der, wenn nicht sogar der beste Thriller, den ich je gelesen habe! Kindlewithdanni, ¿¿¿¿¿ Ich kann nicht glauben, dass ich erst jetzt diese Meisterin des psychologischen Thrillers entdeckt habe ... Ich habe schon viele Psychothriller gelesen, aber ich glaube nicht, dass ich mir jemals ein so guter Twist am Ende untergekommen ist. Ceri's Little Blog, ¿¿¿¿¿ Das Buch ist absolut fesselnd und sehr schwer, aus der Hand zu legen! Dieser Psychothriller lässt einen an allem und jedem zweifeln, so clever ist er aufgebaut ... Read and Rated, ¿¿¿¿¿ Meine Güte, was für ein absolut spannender und aufregender Thriller ... Ich konnte es wirklich nicht aus der Hand legen ... Das Ende hat mir Gänsehaut gegeben, so gut war es. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ Es ist absolut unmöglich, dieses Buch aus der Hand zu legen. Ich habe es in nur einem Rutsch verschlungen ... Es hat mich von Anfang an gepackt ... Little Miss Book Lover 86, ¿¿¿¿¿ Oh. Mein. Gott. Das ist der Thriller, nach dem ich gesucht habe ... Sag all deine Termine ab, denn du wirst dieses Buch nicht mehr aus der Hand legen wollen. Lily Michaels ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Sue Watson

    Wenn dein Traumurlaub zum schlimmsten Albtraum wird ... Du freust dich schon seit Monaten auf diesen Urlaub - endlich können du und dein Mann an einem abgelegenen Ferienort wieder Zeit miteinander verbringen. Doch als er dich plötzlich vom Strand aus anruft, spürst du, irgendetwas stimmt nicht. Die hübsche Kellnerin aus dem Restaurant von gestern Abend wurde tot aufgefunden. Und die Polizei will deinen Mann dazu befragen. Klar, du hast gesehen, wie er sie beim Essen ein paar Mal angeschaut hat, aber du weißt, dass er nichts mit dem Tod der armen Frau zu tun hat. Warum bittet er dich also, der Polizei gegenüber zu lügen und zu sagen, dass er die ganze Nacht bei dir war? Und wo war während dann? Als er in eure schöne Suite mit Meerblick zurückkommt, wird das Gespräch schnell laut und er beschuldigt dich, eifersüchtig zu sein, so wie er es immer tut. Ja, die Kellnerin hat etwas zu sehr mit deinem Mann geflirtet, aber du wolltest ihr nichts Böses. Nicht wirklich. Kannst du deinem Ehemann wirklich vertrauen ... oder bist du diejenige, der man nicht trauen kann? Ein fesselnder, packender Psychothriller, perfekt für Fans von Paula Hawkins, Clare Mackintosh und Claire Douglas. Was Leser:innen über Der Urlaub sagen: Fantastisch ... Ich bin nur so durch die Seiten von diesem extrem fesselnden und süchtig machenden Pageturner geflogen.@rubie_reads, ¿¿¿¿¿ Hat mich von Anfang an in seinen Bann gezogen und nicht mehr losgelassen, bis ich es zu Ende gelesen hatte... Absolut fesselnd. NetGalley Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ SPANNEND ... Eine Achterbahnfahrt. NetGalley Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ Ich habe dieses Buch verschlungen! ... Ich habe es an einem Tag gelesen, weil es SO gut war. @baileys_book_recs Ein großartiges Buch. Ich habe es von der ersten Seite an geliebt! Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ So ein Pageturner ... Ich bin durch dieses Buch gerast und was für ein fantastisches Ende!!!! Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ Was für ein großartiger Thriller! Völlig fesselnd, düster und süchtig machend. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Sue Watson

  • av Sue Watson

    Ich musste meine Kinnlade vom Boden aufsammeln, als ich diesen fantastischen Roman fertig hatte. Ich habe ihn am Freitagabend angefangen und konnte mich bis in die frühen Morgenstunden nicht davon losreißen. Ich war von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite gefesselt. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ Du meinst doch nicht, dass Jamie und ich Geheimnisse voreinander haben, oder? Nein, wir erzählen einander alles. Sie lächelte. Ich kenne sogar dein dreckiges, kleines Geheimnis. Also solltest du in Zukunft vielleicht ein bisschen netter zu mir sein. Die Ehefrau: Clare braucht dringend eine Pause. Das vergangene Jahr war mehr als anstrengend und sie möchte einfach nur die Füße hochlegen. In der italienischen Villa angekommen, in der sie den Sommer verbringt, beschließt sie, es ist höchste Zeit, dass auch ihr Mann und seine Familie mit anpacken. Schließlich ist ihr Mann ihr noch etwas schuldig ... Der Ehemann: Dan hat sich zwar gerade von einer anderen den Kopf verdrehen lassen, aber ihm ist sein Fehlverhalten bewusst. Jetzt ist er hier und das soll auch so bleiben. Clare kann sich auf ihn verlassen, oder nicht? Immerhin hat er seinen Bruder an seiner Seite, der schon immer auf ihn aufgepasst hat. Der Bruder: Jamie ist der verlorene Sohn, der nach Jahren auf Reisen endlich wieder in den Schoß der Familie zurückkehrt. Aber er ist nicht alleine, sondern kommt in Begleitung. Es hat seine Ehefrau dabei, von der bisher allerdings noch niemand gehört hat. Die Schwägerin: Ella ist das exakte Gegenteil von Clare. Glamourös. Jung. Einflussreich. Und sie kennt Clares Geheimnis - ein Geheimnis, das die ganze Familie zerstören könnte. Doch es gibt jemanden, der alles tun wird, um zu verhindern, dass dieses dunkle Geheimnis ans Tageslicht kommt. Ein wirklich unglaublich spannender Psychothriller mit unvorhersehbaren Wendungen. Genau das Richtige für Fans von Ich. Darf. Nicht. Schlafen, Girl on the Train und Gone Girl. Was Leser über Die Schwägerin sagen: Wow, wow, wow ... Ich konnte das Buch nicht aus der Hand legen! Ein fesselnder, mitreißender Pageturner ... Mein Blutdruck war die ganze Zeit über auf 180! Goodreads Rezensent, ¿¿¿¿¿ Ich gebe diesem Buch 5 Sterne, ohne Wenn und Aber! Was für ein fantastisch geschriebener Thriller! Ich konnte das Buch nicht aus der Hand legen ... Gerade als ich dachte, ich wüsste, was passieren würde - PLOT TWIST! Ich kann diese rasante, spannende Lektüre nur empfehlen. Ihr werdet nicht enttäuscht sein! Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ Eine Geschichte, die einem kalte Schauer über den Rücken jagt ... Es hat mich buchstäblich am vom Hocker gerissen ... Elektrisierend. Ich konnte mich vor lauter Aufregung kaum beherrschen, um herauszufinden, welche Geheimnisse verborgen sind ... Ein fesselnder Pageturner, den man nicht aus der Hand legen kann ... Ein Buch, das süchtig macht. Goodreads Rezensent, ¿¿¿¿¿ Dieses Buch war genau das, was ich in dieser stressigen Zeit brauchte ... Es war die schönste Flucht an die Amalfiküste ... Ich konnte es nicht aus der Hand legen ... Man muss es lesen, um es zu glauben! Goodreads Rezensent, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Sue Watson

    Die unglaublichen Bücher von Sue Watson haben sich bereits mehr als 900.000 Mal verkauft!Marianne hat ein Leben, von dem andere nur träumen können. Sie wohnt in einem schönen Stadthaus in der besten Straße des Viertels und hat drei aufgeweckte Kinder, die ihr ganzer Stolz und ihre Freude sind.Das hat sich Marianne stets so gewünscht, denn sie wird immer noch hin und wieder schmerzhaft an ihre Vergangenheit erinnert: an den Verlust ihrer Mutter und das Aufwachsen in Pflegefamilien.Auch ihr Mann Simon ist immer für sie da. Er ist charmant und als erfolgreicher Chirurg ist ihm nichts zu gut für seine Familie: Blumen, Geschenke, Reisen nach Frankreich, alles was man sich nur wünschen kann.Doch dann sagt Simon plötzlich den Namen einer anderen Frau, und die Art und Weise, wie er ihren Namen ausspricht, Caroline, lässt Marianne einen Schauer über den Rücken laufen. Aber sie weiß, dass sie diesen Anflug des Misstrauens nicht zu ernst nehmen darf.Früher hätte sie sich mit ihrer Arbeit abgelenkt, doch Marianne hat ihre glamouröse Karriere hinter sich gelassen, als sie geheiratet hat. Eigentlich würde sie sich einer Freundin anvertrauen, aber sie ist zu sehr mit ihren Kindern beschäftigt, und außerdem mag Simon die wenigen, die ihr noch verblieben sind, nicht besonders.Zuerst beginnt Marianne fast zufällig, mehr über Caroline zu erfahren. Doch als sie einmal angefangen hat, kann sie nicht mehr aufhören. Denn was sie herausfindet, zwingt sie dazu sich zu sorgen, ob die Frage nicht sollte ich eifersüchtig sein, sondern sollte ich Angst haben lauten müsste.Fans von Girl on the Train und Alleine bist du nie, die auf der Suche nach einem düsteren, packenden Psychothriller sind, werden von All die kleinen Lügen begeistert sein.Was Leser über All die kleinen Lügen sagen:Omg dieses Buch!!!!! Noch nie habe ich beim Lesen eines Romans so starke Emotionen empfunden ... Das Buch ist wirklich eine fesselnde Lektüre, die die Spannung aufbaut und ein brillantes Ende hat, weshalb ich den Roman nicht aus der Hand legen konnte ... Lesen Sie es, Sie werden nicht enttäuscht sein. Goodreads Rezensent, ¿¿¿¿¿Das Ende ist ein WOW, aber man muss es lesen, um zu verstehen, warum! Direkt in meine Top 10 des Jahres und eine wirklich tolle Lektüre ... Düster, verstörend und einfach alles, was man sich von einem Psychothriller wünscht und mehr. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿All die kleinen Lügen hat mich in seinen Bann gezogen und je weiter ich kam, desto schwerer fiel es mir, es aus der Hand zu legen ... Fesselnde Spannung, die sich immer weiter aufbaut ... Ich dachte immer, ich wüsste, wohin sie geht, nur um dann aus der Bahn geworfen zu werden ... Ein absoluter Pageturner, der mein Herz höherschlagen ließ. Bravo an die neue Königin der Psychothriller. By the Letter Book Reviews, ¿¿¿¿¿Was für eine Lektüre, die an B.A. Paris' Behind Closed Doors erinnert, mit den Wendungen eines Buchs von Claire Mackintosh ... so eine gute Lektüre und gerade als ich dachte, ich hätte es herausgefunden, lag ich wieder falsch! Goodreads Rezensent, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • - A totally gripping psychological thriller with a twist you won't see coming
    av Sue Watson

    You can never truly know what goes on behind closed doors... My darling son, Sam, is marrying his childhood sweetheart and I couldn't be prouder of the man he's grown into. Walking out on his abusive father all those years ago was the best thing I ever did. And today he stands, tall and handsome, saying 'I do' to my dream daughter-in-law. If I hadn't pushed them together all those years ago, he might never have found a girl as perfect as Lauren. It's true what they say, mother always knows best. But weeks later, Lauren is dead and police cars fill the driveway of their idyllic countryside home. As they question Sam, I sense he's hiding something. Why won't he look me in the eye? And who does he rush off to meet as soon as the police are gone? Desperate, I do what every good mother would do: I let myself into Sam and Lauren's bedroom. What I see, I will never be able to forget. My son's beautiful new wife was hiding a dangerous secret. Can I clear my son's name? And could my life be in danger now too? A completely gripping, utterly twisted thriller that will leave your jaw on the floor. Perfect for fans of Gone Girl, The Wife Between Us and The Woman in the Window. What readers are saying about The New Wife:'I LOVED it!... Had my mind going in a million directions trying to figure out what was going on. The twists and turns almost gave me whiplash!!!' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Woooweeeee... My head was spinning... And that ending!!!!... Fantastic.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Wow! What a rollercoaster ride this book was... Totally gripped from the beginning.' NetGalley reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Another WINNER!!' NetGalley reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'An awesomely brilliant story... Had me on the edge until the very last page... Begs to be read in one sitting... Literally left me open mouthed!!!' @RK_reads,¿¿¿¿¿ 'Unputdownable.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Awesome. I did not want to this down!!' NetGalley reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • - Two girls, a van, and an African adventure
    av Sue Watson

  • - An incredibly gripping psychological thriller with a breathtaking twist
    av Sue Watson

  • - An utterly gripping psychological thriller
    av Sue Watson

    An utterly unpredictable, twisty thriller about Clare, a woman with a secret that has the power to destroy her family and everything she holds dear . . .

  • - An absolutely jaw-dropping psychological thriller
    av Sue Watson

  • - An unputdownably gripping psychological thriller
    av Sue Watson

  • - An unputdownable psychological thriller with a stunning twist
    av Sue Watson

  • - A feel good Christmas romance with all the trimmings
    av Sue Watson

    A heart-melting and laugh-out-loud read that you do not want to miss ... will have you hooked from start to end. By The Letter Book Reviews, 5 starsEscape to the cosy little village of Appledore for an absolutely hilarious second chance at love. Will this Christmas prove that miracles really can happen when you least expect them?A year after she separated from her husband, Gianni, on Christmas day, Chloes heart is finally on the mend as she unpacks the decorations for her first ever festive holiday alone. That is, until the phone ringsIts the manager of Giannis new seaside restaurant in Appledore, begging for Chloes help. Equally famous for his gold-leaf Christmas puddings and his explosive temper, Gianni has been really stirring up a sensation with the locals and not in a good way! Its the last thing she wants to do, but Chloe knows she is the only one that can help. As pans fly and the temperature in the kitchen rises, Chloes calming influence and magic touch might just get critics back on side in time to save the restaurant from sinking like a sad souffl. But as Chloes eyes meet Giannis as they tussle over a plate of turkey tartlets, could there also be a chance for new romance on the menu? A laugh-out-loud festive treat that will give you the tingle of freshly hung tinsel. Perfect for fans of Jenny Colgan, Abby Clements and Debbie Johnson.What readers are saying about Snowflakes, Iced Cakes and Second Chances: Love, Love, Loved it. Again, another easy 5* read I just can't praise this book enough. I'm a huge fan, all that's left to be said is that you really do need to read it. I Love Reading UK, 5 starsGrab a blanket, turn the heating up full and settle into this perfect seasonal read! Five stars! Stardust Book Reviews, 5 starsAnother brilliant, Christmassy and heart-warming novel by Sue WatsonI was welling up reading this A lovely romantic story which will make you feel all fuzzy inside when you finish it. The Cosiest Corner, 4 starsThis is a fun and fabulous Christmas book. That will leave chick-lit and romance fans smiling from ear to ear, and leave you feeling the Christmas spirit long after you have turned to last page. By the Letter Book Reviews, 5 starsThis is a really magical read, absolutely perfect for this festive season. Jessicas Book Biz, 5 starsThis book is wonderfully funny, romantic and festive and I loved every page! Reading it was like snuggling in front of a log fire in a fluffy dressing gown while sipping a hot chocolate topped with marshmallows and whipped cream. Its that good! Darcie Boleyn, 5 starsThey just get better and better!!This was definitely a treat for me to read and I loved it - would recommend it to anyone looking for a feel-good festive read this winter - excellent - 5 stars!!! Donnas Book Blog, 5 starsA truly scrumptious festive treat Fans of Sue Watson are just going to eat this up

  • - The perfect feel good holiday romance
    av Sue Watson

    Danis on a mission to get her life back on track by the end of the summer. Running, rowing, aerobics and more, but perhaps all she needs are sweet treats and a second chance?Ten years ago, Dani fled Appledore with a broken-heart and a suitcase full of shattered dreams. Only now is she brave enough to put her past behind her and return for a summer selling homemade ice cream and getting fit by doing sit-ups by the sea. But the new-look cafe is filled with old memories of Jude, her teenage sweetheart-turned-sour. She thinks of him every time she swirls warm sauce onto a chocolate-bockaglory and even with the help of Chris, her gorgeous personal trainer, the urge to break her diet is everywhere she turns. When Jude makes an appearance at the cafe on the eve of Danis birthday party, history threatens to repeat itself. Is Dani strong enough to say no? And is the love shes been longing for much closer than she thinks? A truly delicious, laugh-out-loud beach read thats guaranteed to melt your heart. Perfect for fans of Lucy Diamond, Abby Clements and Debbie Johnson. What readers are saying about Curves, Kisses and Chocolate Ice-Cream:Without a doubt, my new favourite book by Sue Watson its fabulous, its funny, its full of ice-cream, its full of all around goodness, wrapped into one fantabulous story! I can't express how satisfying and enjoyable I found every second of this wonderfully entertaining story. Rachels Random Reads, 5 starsThis is such a truly wonderful book. In fact, it is now my personal favourite of the authors. I feel like it should be my personal bible to keep going back to, to give me inspiration that it's never too late to turn yourself around. Thank you Sue Watson for creating such larger than life characters who never fail to give us hope whilst giving us an utterly enjoyable reading experience. By The Letter Book Reviews, 5 starsIf you're looking for a 'getaway' read, you can never go wrong with Sue Watson! Another win! Goodreads, 5 starsCurves, Kisses, and Chocolate Ice-Cream is a fun summer romp and perfect for any woman's beach bag. For those who enjoy the chick lit and women's fiction genre, this would be the perfect fit for you! If you want a fun summer read with relatable characters and the perfect setting to relax into then you should pick up a copy of this lovely little read. It's sweet, charming, and filled with delicious ice-cream treats that will leave you salivating over the pages. Pretty Little Book Reviews, 4 starsThere are some emotional moments where I almost shed a tear and that doesn't happen often, let me tell you. But there's ice cream and the beach, romance, plenty of chuckles and laugh-out-loud moments and so yes, this is a perfect feel good summer read. Novel Deelights, 4 starsAfter having read and thoroughly enjoyed Ella's Ice Cream Summer recently, I just knew that I had to read the second instalment. Overall it was a truly great inspirational read, really makes you think about certain things. Thoroughly enjoyable and highly recommended

  • - A laugh out loud romantic comedy with extra sprinkles
    av Sue Watson

    Ellas life just hit rock-bottom, but can a summer by the sea mend her broken heart? When life gives you lemons make ice-cream!Life hasnt always been easy for single mum Ella, but she has just hit an all-time low; shes jobless, loveless, very nearly homeless and, to make matters worse, now the owner of a pocket-sized pooch with a better wardrobe than her.Packing her bags (and a bigger one for the dog), Ella sets off for the seaside town of Appledore in Devon to re-live the magical summers of her youth and claim her portion of the family ice-cream business: a clapped-out ice-cream van and a complicated mess of secrets. There she meets gorgeous and free-spirited solicitor, Ben, who sees things differently: with a little bit of TLC he has a plan to get the van and Ella back up and running in no time.Ellas Ice-Cream Summer is a heart-warming and hilarious romance that will scoop you off your feet and prove its never too late for a fresh start. The ideal holiday read for fans of Lucy Diamond, Abby Clements and Debbie Johnson.What readers are saying about Ellas Ice-Cream Summer:Beware! While reading this book you will get major cravings for ice-cream of all sorts of flavours and depending on which page you are reading, you may end up snorting that ice-cream through your nose, as you are laughing at the fabulousness of the story! Rachels Random ReadsThis book came at the perfect time for me. It made me a little emotional, it made me smile, it made me laugh and if offered me the escape I needed. I'm looking forward to the second book in this series! Novel DeelightsI really enjoyed reading this book! This beautifully told story really explored families and their relationships in a feel-good way. A delicious book, a must read. Can't wait for your next book Sue Watson! Goodreads 5*This is a lovely, summery book. I got into it straight away, loved all the characters, and really enjoyed the story. The descriptions of ice creams are mouth-watering, and there's even some recipes at the end of the book. Sibzz ReadsI just loved every single page of this bookEverything about this book made me want to keep going, keep reading. It's fun, it's summer, it's everything you want from a feel good heart-warming read. An exceptional read, and one I think everyone should read. I Love reading 5*Delving into Ella's Ice Cream Summer is a pure delight I would highly recommend this book to anyone! I read this whole book with a smile on my face and devoured every single page. It was deliciously good! Im delighted that there is a second book on its way extremely soon and I for one will be first in the queue for it.Sue Watson you are an amazing writer! Goodreads 5*Who doesn't love ice cream? I certainly do and was literally drooling at the most wonderful flavours that Ella was making. Ella's Ice Cream Summer is the sweetest of reads. Ella's story absorbed me, heart and soul and I savoured every single word

  • - A brilliantly funny feel good Christmas read
    av Sue Watson

    This book made me stay up until 2am to finish and had so many laugh out loud moments! Karma for Life ChickHeart-warming and hilarious, a story that will make you laugh, cry and bring a smile to your face. Get ready for another deliciously amazing Christmas treat from Sue Watson.As the Prosecco chills and Bing Crosby croons, Jen Barker just knows that her long-term boyfriend is about to propose. But instead of a diamond ring nestled in her champagne flute, Jen finds cold flat rejection. Her once perfect life and dreams of a husband and family seem even further from reach.A working holiday to the Swiss Alps with her younger sister Jody might not be the Christmas Jen had it mind, but it offers her the chance to recharge her batteries and recover from heartbreak.When Jen meets handsome ski instructor Jon Zutter her hopes for a happy-ever-after seem within her grasp again. Jon is kind and gorgeous and as they bond over Sachetorte at the picturesque Cake Caf, Jen thinks he might just be her perfect man. But a relationship with him comes with a catch and there are some things even cake cant fix. As the snow falls and Christmas approaches, could this be the place that restores Jen Barkers faith in love? What people are saying about The Christmas Cake Caf:Hands down this is one of the best Christmas novels I have ever read! The story is literally crammed full of all things festive, love and good cheer, oh and not forgetting cake, lots of cakethe perfect read to get you in the festive mood. It made me laugh, smile, cry and eat cake! Yet another fabulous novel by a very wonderful and talented author. By the Letter Book ReviewsI absolutely loved this book! Perfect holiday read! Neverland NookYet another of Sues books which I absolutely adored. It had me choking on my hot chocolate on more than one occasion with laughter. It also had me reaching for the tissues tooan all-round feel good cosy heartwarming book which I was sad to see come to an end. The Reading ShedWhat a deliciously delightful Christmas book that will make you laugh and cry with happinessa light hearted wintery story, that won't fail to lift your spirits. Rachels Random Reads Sue's books make me laugh, they make me choke with emotionSue Watson is a writer who amazes me with her depth, the way she invites us readers to take a look at our own lives through her engaging stories, her wholesome, believable, lovable characters. I just loved this book like I have loved every one of her books so far. Each word is a treat - this book is a gem. Funny, heart warming and oozing Christmas spirit and cheer. Loved it! Highly recommended! Renita DSilva The story flows well, with great characterisation and an amazing setting. Fionas Book Reviews

  • av Sue Watson, Cheryl Tatano Beck & Jeanne Watson Driscoll
    570 - 1 980,-

  • av Sue Watson

    'fizzes with warmth, humour and tenderness, from the first page to the last. . . I adored it' Cathy Bramley, author of Appleby FarmDoes first love deserve a second chance?When she was almost seventeen, Rosie Draper locked eyes with a charismatic student called Peter during their first week at art college, changing the course of her life forever. Now, on the cusp of sixty-five and recently widowed, Rosie is slowly coming to terms with a new future. And after a chance encounter with Peter, forty-seven years later, they both begin to wonder 'what if' . . .Told with warmth, wit and humour, We'll Always Have Paris is a charming, moving and uplifting novel about two people; the choices they make, the lives they lead and the love they share.

  • - The perfect laugh out loud romantic comedy
    av Sue Watson

    An absolutely hilarious, laugh-'til-you-cry, romantic comedy about how life never quite goes to plan…¿ Faye is in crisis. You wouldn't know it, because of the big fat smile on her face, but inside, she's one step away from nuclear meltdown. And she shouldn't be. Dan is the man of her dreams. And he's just asked her to marry him. But Faye's been down the marriage road before and it ended up with her having Ryan Gosling fantasies while her ex-husband obsessed about the plumbing. Faye and Dan, on the other hand, have been living their lives to the fullest, travelling around the world, having sex under the stars... They've never argued about unrolling socks before putting them in the laundry. Besides, even if she wanted to say yes, how could she move to the other side of the world? Because marrying Dan would mean living in Australia. Beautiful, warm and a gazillion miles from Faye's daughter, Emma, a single mum with her own crazy little girl who both need Faye every single day. Leaving them - even for someone who makes her as happy as Dan - simply isn't an option. Dan is offering Faye everything she ever wanted. So why does she feel like she's about to lose it all? The most screamingly-funny romantic comedy of the summer - about secrets, second chances and following your heart. Perfect for fans of Sophie Kinsella, Jill Mansell and Milly Johnson. Praise for Love, Lies and Wedding Cake: 'This was a truly wonderful and funny book that warmed my heart, made me laugh and made me cry... Sue Watson is a a genius' Best Crime Books and More 'Full of romance and so heartwarming and makes you laugh out loud while reading, but also has you on edge as you want to know what happens... Worth far more than the five stars... just simply brilliant. So well written with great characters and story... [I] didn't want it to end.' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars 'It was funny, heart-warming and I loved it.' The Cosiest Corner 'OHHH my dayzzz, was I happy to get my mitts on this book... It's a first class... hilarious read' I Love Reading

  • av Sue Watson

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