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  • av Sumit Kumar

    O tipo mais prevalente de demência senil, a doença de Alzheimer (DA), afecta 10% das pessoas com mais de 65 anos e mais de 50% das pessoas com mais de 85 anos. Nos próximos 50 anos, prevê-se que o número de americanos com DA aumente de 4,5 milhões para 13,2 milhões, segundo as estimativas actuais. Embora a investigação fundamental sobre a doença de Alzheimer tenha avançado significativamente nos últimos 20 anos, não existe atualmente nenhum tratamento que possa parar, inverter ou mesmo atrasar o inevitável processo neurodegenerativo. Em vez disso, os medicamentos atualmente disponíveis apenas podem aliviar temporariamente os sintomas cognitivos. Existem vários elementos diferentes relacionados com a fisiopatologia da doença de Alzheimer. A doença de Alzheimer (DA) pré-clínica é um termo que só recentemente foi utilizado para descrever uma doença que tem um biomarcador fisiopatológico presente, caraterístico da DA, na ausência de sintomas clínicos específicos.

  • av Sumit Kumar

    La forme la plus répandue de démence sénile, la maladie d'Alzheimer (MA), touche 10 % des personnes âgées de plus de 65 ans et plus de 50 % des personnes âgées de plus de 85 ans. Au cours des 50 prochaines années, on s'attend à ce que le nombre d'Américains atteints de la maladie d'Alzheimer passe de 4,5 millions à 13,2 millions. Bien que la recherche fondamentale sur la MA ait considérablement progressé au cours des 20 dernières années, il n'existe actuellement aucun traitement capable d'arrêter, d'inverser ou même de retarder l'inévitable processus neurodégénératif. Les médicaments actuellement disponibles ne peuvent qu'atténuer temporairement les symptômes cognitifs. Plusieurs éléments différents sont liés à la physiopathologie de la maladie d'Alzheimer. La maladie d'Alzheimer préclinique (MA) est un terme qui n'a été utilisé que récemment pour décrire une maladie qui présente un biomarqueur physiopathologique caractéristique de la MA en l'absence de symptômes cliniques spécifiques.

  • av Sumit Kumar

    Il tipo di demenza senile più diffuso, la malattia di Alzheimer (AD), colpisce il 10% delle persone di età superiore ai 65 anni e oltre il 50% delle persone di età superiore agli 85 anni. Nei prossimi 50 anni, si prevede che il numero di americani affetti da AD salirà a 13,2 milioni dagli attuali 4,5 milioni. Sebbene la ricerca di base sull'AD sia progredita in modo significativo negli ultimi 20 anni, attualmente non esiste un trattamento in grado di arrestare, invertire o ritardare l'inevitabile processo neurodegenerativo. Al contrario, i farmaci attualmente disponibili possono solo alleviare temporaneamente i sintomi cognitivi. La fisiopatologia della malattia di Alzheimer è caratterizzata da diversi elementi. La malattia di Alzheimer preclinica (AD) è un termine che è stato usato solo di recente per descrivere una malattia in cui è presente un biomarcatore fisiopatologico che caratterizza l'AD in assenza di sintomi clinici specifici.

  • av Sumit Kumar

    Naibolee rasprostranennyj tip starcheskogo slaboumiq, bolezn' Al'cgejmera (BA), porazhaet 10% lüdej starshe 65 let i bolee 50% lüdej starshe 85 let. Ozhidaetsq, chto w blizhajshie 50 let chislo amerikancew s BA wozrastet do 13,2 milliona chelowek s nyneshnih 4,5 milliona. Nesmotrq na to, chto za poslednie 20 let fundamental'nye issledowaniq w oblasti BA znachitel'no prodwinulis' wpered, na segodnqshnij den' ne suschestwuet lecheniq, kotoroe moglo by ostanowit', obratit' wspqt' ili hotq by otsrochit' neizbezhnyj nejrodegeneratiwnyj process. Vmesto ätogo suschestwuüschie na segodnqshnij den' lekarstwa mogut lish' wremenno oblegchit' kognitiwnye simptomy. Patofiziologiq BA wklüchaet w sebq neskol'ko razlichnyh älementow. Doklinicheskaq bolezn' Al'cgejmera (BA) - äto termin, kotoryj tol'ko nedawno stal ispol'zowat'sq dlq opisaniq zabolewaniq, pri kotorom prisutstwuüt patofiziologicheskie biomarkery, harakternye dlq BA, pri otsutstwii specificheskih klinicheskih simptomow.

  • av Sumit Kumar

    Die häufigste Form der Altersdemenz, die Alzheimer-Krankheit (AD), betrifft 10 % der über 65-Jährigen und über 50 % der über 85-Jährigen. Es wird erwartet, dass die Zahl der Amerikaner mit Alzheimer in den nächsten 50 Jahren von derzeit 4,5 Millionen auf 13,2 Millionen ansteigen wird. Obwohl die Grundlagenforschung auf dem Gebiet der Alzheimer-Krankheit in den letzten 20 Jahren erhebliche Fortschritte gemacht hat, gibt es derzeit keine Behandlung, die den unvermeidlichen neurodegenerativen Prozess aufhalten, umkehren oder auch nur verzögern kann. Stattdessen können die derzeit verfügbaren Medikamente die kognitiven Symptome nur vorübergehend lindern. Die Pathophysiologie der Alzheimer-Krankheit setzt sich aus verschiedenen Elementen zusammen. Präklinische Alzheimer-Krankheit (AD) ist ein Begriff, der erst seit kurzem verwendet wird, um eine Krankheit zu beschreiben, bei der ein pathophysiologischer Biomarker vorhanden ist, der für Alzheimer charakteristisch ist, ohne dass spezifische klinische Symptome vorliegen.

  • av Sumit Kumar

    The most prevalent type of senile dementia, Alzheimer's disease (AD), affects 10% of people over 65 and over 50% of people over 85. In the next 50 years, it is expected that the number of Americans with AD will rise to 13.2 million from the current estimate of 4.5 million. Although basic research into AD has advanced significantly over the past 20 years, there is currently no treatment that can stop, reverse, or even delay the unavoidable neurodegenerative process. Instead, currently available medications can only temporarily alleviate cognitive symptoms. There are several different elements connected to the pathophysiology of AD. Preclinical Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a term that has only recently been used to describe an illness that has a pathophysiological biomarker present which characteristic for AD in the absence of specific clinical symptoms.

  • - The Eternal Symphony
    av Sumit Kumar

    Cosmic Harmony: The Eternal Symphony" is an enthralling sci-fi fantasy that weaves together the grandeur of the cosmos and the enchanting allure of Indian mythology. Follow Raj and Ria, the Mythic Protectors, on an extraordinary journey filled with cosmic battles, heroic quests, and a love that transcends galaxies. With mesmerizing imagery and a captivating narrative, this tale invites readers to explore a universe of wonder, harmony, and the eternal power of love. Get ready to be swept away into a symphony of adventure and cosmic beauty that will leave you spellbound until the very last page.

  • av Sumit Kumar

    Lo Shu Grid is Chinese Life Prediction Method. This book can assist in learning this method. The book covers the basics of Lo Shu grid essential to understand the advance part in numerology. The book also covers the predictions in the area of marriage, marriage success/failure, Career, Finance , Stock Market , Career Fields, financial success etc. Case Study of prominent personalities are also included to make the understanding simple. At the end, the remedies related to it are provided in detail.

  • av Sumit Kumar

  • av Sumit Kumar

    "Kuchh to kahoon" written by Sumit Kumar is treat to read, it's full of motivation. I found this book a worth reading and will advice readers to go for this book. It's language touches me and the content is of very high quality."-- Wasim Akram Asstt. Professor

  • av Sumit Kumar

    Broken Memories is a summary of the life woven into love and Ruswai. In which there is a dream, there is a picture, there is Iltza, there is light, it is relaxed and there is defeat. This book will introduce you to your past and tomorrow. Will teach the love of love, Will teach you to love Will teach you to fall in love. And will teach us to overcome love.

  • av Sourav Gulati & Sumit Kumar

  • - Causes, Consequences, and Coping Mechanisms
    av Sumit Kumar & Mohammad Hakim Haider

    The authors address and identify the extent of poverty in Afghanistan over the years, the spatial patterns and regional imbalances of poverty in Afghanistan, the distinguishing characteristics of the poor in Afghanistan, and explore shocks faced by the poor in Afghanistan as well as subsequent coping strategies.

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