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Böcker av T.D. Jakes

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  • - El camino a la felicidad sin limites
    av T.D. Jakes

    En su ltimo libro, Reconstruye tu vida, el exitoso autor T.D. Jakes brinda consejos que ayudarn a los lectores a ajustarse a los muchos cambios que la vida trae. ste es un llamado a despertar y hacerte cargo de tu vida Ahora! Este libro no slo aborda las zonas donde la pasividad o incluso las decisiones torpes han ahogado la creatividad del lector, sino que tambin instruye sobre la manera de controlar los cambios y sacarle el mximo de provecho a la vida. Valindose del conocimiento adquirido en ms de treinta aos de ejercer la consejera y de trabajar tanto con personas ordinarias como con destacadas personalidades, Jakes abarca la creatividad econmica, relacional y espiritual y muestra cmo el adaptarse a momentos de transicin en la vida es el camino para una existencia llena de satisfaccin en todas sus etapas. Reconstruye tu vida ofrece planes concretos para aquellos que aspiran a un futuro ms productivo. Jakes acepta la inevitabilidad del cambio, te ensea cmo esperarlo y asumirlo en lugar de temerle. Mezclando conocimientos religiosos y seculares, comparte una combinacin singular de frmulas prcticas y pragmticas pareja a la sabidura de la Escritura por la que l se destaca. Este libro es sin duda una restauracin para el alma. Te capacita para tener xito y te ofrece los instrumentos necesarios para alcanzar las ilimitadas posibilidades que resultan de hacer pequeos ajustes en tus ideas y planes. Jakes cree que no hay nada ms importante que la prxima decisin que vayas a tomar. Antes de hacer otra eleccin, sta es una lectura obligada!

  • - For a Life Without Limits
    av T.D. Jakes

    This companion to NY Times bestselling author T.D. Jakes' latest book, Before You Do, provides daily inspiration for strengthening relationships

  • - Inspirations for Your Life's Journey
    av T.D. Jakes

    Bestselling author T.D. Jakes brings a portable volume of daily affirmations and meditations for those who need to break habits of distraction and realise their destiny.

  • - Recording Your Path to a Life of Divine Order
    av T.D. Jakes

    #1 New York Times bestselling author T.D. Jakes inspires readers to discover breakthroughs and focus with this illustrated blank journal based on Destiny.

  • av T.D. Jakes

    This bestselling edition includes Loose That Man and Let Him Go!, So You Call Yourself a Man?, and T.D. Jakes Speaks to Men.

  • - A Devotional for Ordinary Men with Extraordinary Potential
    av T.D. Jakes

    T.D. Jakes introduces readers to men of the Bible in this devotional favorite. The readings help men realize that God created them to be free, powerful, and filled with purpose. Each short devotional includes a reading, Scripture, and suggestion for prayer.

  • av T.D. Jakes

    Heal the Wounds of the Past!This insightful devotional was created for the thousands of women from across the world who have received healing and restoration through the Woman, Thou Art Loosed! message. The daily devotions have been developed from Woman, Thou Art Loosed by T.D. Jakes, and are taken from the triumphs, failures, trials, and faith of the women in God's Word. Each liberating chapter is designed to assist the reader in keeping the binding chains of the past from refastening themselves in her life.

  • - The Spiritual Warfare of the Believer
    av T.D. Jakes

    If you're tired of feeling beat down the devil's schemes in your life, the principles in this book are your keys to escape.

  • av T.D. Jakes

    Bishop T. D. Jakes offers clarity, healing, and restoration to a generation of men--both believers and nonbelievers--confused about their purpose, vision, and roles in today's complex culture. He urges men to let Jesus take hold of their limitations and bondages and to come forth into the light of all God has planned for them. Now the book and easy-to-use workbook are combined in one volume for individual study and small group discussion.

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