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Böcker av Trevor Johnson

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  • - des origines à nos jours, le mode d'emploi pour comprendre ce qui nous attend
    av Trevor Johnson

    De l'ère industrielle à la révolution numérique, cet ouvrage propose un voyage à travers les méandres de l'histoire, révélant les intrications complexes entre la technologie, le pouvoir et la vie quotidienne.Une Perspective Historique: Explorez l'origine des mécanismes de contrôle social, des usines du XIXe siècle à l'ère numérique, pour comprendre comment la surveillance a façonné nos sociétés.Réflexion sur les Changements Technologiques: Décryptez l'impact des révolutions technologiques sur la nature de la surveillance, des premiers télégraphes à l'intelligence artificielle contemporaine.Les Théories et Concepts Clés: Plongez dans les théories influentes de penseurs tels que Foucault, Orwell et Habermas, et examinez comment ces idées continuent de façonner notre compréhension de la surveillance.Les Défis Modernes: Abordez les enjeux contemporains tels que la vie privée, la sécurité et l'équilibre délicat entre les avancées technologiques et les droits individuels.À Qui S'Adresse ce Livre: "La Société de Contrôle : Des Origines à Nos Jours" s'adresse aux passionnés d'histoire, aux étudiants en sciences sociales, et à quiconque s'interroge sur les dynamiques complexes entre la technologie, le pouvoir et la liberté individuelle.Plongez dans cette enquête fascinante, commandez votre exemplaire aujourd'hui et découvrez comment la surveillance a forgé le cours de notre histoire et continue d'influencer notre avenir.

  • - Tips for Staying Healthy and Happy During the Cold Season
    av Trevor Johnson

    As winter approaches and the temperature drops, it's essential to prioritize your well-being to ensure a happy and healthy season. "Winter Wellness" is your comprehensive guide to staying at your best during the cold months. This book offers a wealth of practical tips and advice to help you navigate the challenges of winter and embrace its beauty.Boosting Your Immune SystemDiscover effective strategies for boosting your immune system and defending against winter illnesses. Learn about the power of immune-boosting foods, supplements, and lifestyle practices.Staying Active IndoorsDon't let the cold weather hinder your physical activity. Explore innovative ways to stay active indoors, from home workouts to dance routines that will keep you in great shape.Eating a Healthy and Balanced DietNourish your body with a balanced diet tailored to the winter season. Find mouthwatering recipes and nutritional guidance to stay healthy and satisfied throughout the colder months.Getting Enough SleepUncover the secrets to restful and rejuvenating sleep even on the darkest winter nights. Learn about the ideal sleep environment and relaxation techniques to help you wake up refreshed.Practicing Good Hygiene HabitsMaster winter hygiene practices to fend off germs and stay healthy. From hand-washing techniques to respiratory hygiene, discover the keys to a germ-free season.Managing Stress and AnxietyLearn to manage stress and anxiety with coping strategies designed for winter. Embrace relaxation techniques, mindfulness, and breathing exercises to conquer those winter blues.Finding Ways to Stay Socially ConnectedIsolation can be a challenge during winter, but this book will guide you on staying connected with your loved ones while maintaining social distancing. Explore virtual gatherings, outdoor meet-ups, and more.Incorporating Winter Superfoods Into Your DietWinter superfoods are a powerful tool in promoting good health. Explore the nutrient-rich foods that are in season during winter and enjoy the benefits they bring.Taking Vitamin D SupplementsDiscover the importance of Vitamin D during the darker months. Learn how to effectively take supplements to maintain your health and well-being.Engaging in Winter Sports and ActivitiesWinter sports and outdoor activities can make the cold season a thrilling adventure. Get tips on skiing, ice skating, and other activities that will have you embracing the winter weather.Creating a Cozy and Comforting Environment at HomeYour home can be a sanctuary of warmth and comfort. Find inspiration for cozy home decor, creating a snug atmosphere that you'll love to hibernate in.Drinking Plenty of WaterHydration is key all year round. This book explains how to maintain proper hydration during the winter season and its benefits for your overall health.Protecting Your Skin From the Harsh Winter ElementsDiscover the secrets of winter skincare to protect your skin from the harsh elements. Learn about moisturizing routines, product recommendations, and skin-friendly practices.Prioritizing Self-Care and RelaxationExplore self-care techniques and relaxation practices that will help you maintain your peace of mind and emotional wellness during the winter season.Seeking Professional Help When NeededRecognize when it's time to seek professional help for your physical and mental well-being. Learn how to reach out and take advantage of the available resources.Prepare to embark on a journey of winter wellness. Whether you're looking to boost your immune system, stay active, or simply enjoy the beauty of the season.

  • - A Step-by-Step Guide
    av Trevor Johnson

    Do insects send shivers down your spine? Does the mere thought of creepy crawlies make your heart race? You're not alone. Insect phobia, also known as entomophobia, is a common fear that can have a profound impact on your life. But the good news is that you can conquer your insect phobia and regain control over your emotions and actions."Conquering Your Insect Phobia: A Step-by-Step Guide" is your comprehensive roadmap to overcoming this fear. In this book, you'll find practical strategies, expert insights, and a clear, step-by-step approach to help you face your fears and emerge stronger.Understanding Insect Phobia: You'll delve into the root causes of your fear and learn how it affects your daily life. By understanding the nature of your phobia, you can begin to challenge it.Identifying Triggers and Symptoms: Recognizing the situations or stimuli that trigger your fear is crucial. Learn to spot the signs and symptoms, which vary from person to person.Challenging Negative Thoughts and Beliefs: Negative thoughts and irrational beliefs fuel your phobia. Discover how to challenge and reframe these thoughts, empowering yourself in the process.Seeking Professional Help and Support: Sometimes, you need guidance from a professional. Explore the various forms of support and therapy available to help you on your journey.Learning About Different Insect Species: Knowledge is power. By educating yourself about the insects that trigger your phobia, you'll reduce fear through familiarity.Educating Yourself on Insect Behavior: Understanding insect behavior is key to demystifying their actions and intentions. This knowledge will empower you to face your fear.Gradual Exposure Therapy: This is a cornerstone of conquering any phobia. You'll learn how to gradually expose yourself to insects in a controlled, safe environment.Using Relaxation Techniques During Exposure: Find relaxation and stress-reduction techniques to ease the anxiety that comes with exposure.Developing Coping Mechanisms: Discover coping mechanisms that work for you, giving you the tools to manage your fear when it arises.Building a Support Network: A support network can make all the difference. Learn how to connect with friends and family who can provide encouragement and understanding.Creating a Safe and Controlled Environment: Your home should be a safe haven. You'll find tips for creating an insect-free zone where you can relax.Using Visualization and Positive Affirmations: Positive thinking and visualization exercises can help rewire your brain for confidence and calm.Practicing Mindfulness and Meditation: Mindfulness and meditation are effective tools for managing anxiety. This book will guide you in using these practices to regain control over your emotions.Setting Achievable Goals: Break your journey into manageable steps, setting achievable goals along the way. This helps maintain your motivation and progress.Celebrating Your Progress and Success: Acknowledge your victories, no matter how small. Celebrating progress is an essential part of your journey to overcoming insect phobia.Embrace this step-by-step guide, and embark on a transformative journey to conquer your fear. It's time to live life without the constraints of insect phobia. You can be fearless and regain control. "Conquering Your Insect Phobia: A Step-by-Step Guide" is your trusted companion on the path to freedom. Say goodbye to fear and hello to a brighter, bug-free future.

  • - Unlocking Courage to Defeat Claustrophobia
    av Trevor Johnson

    Are you tired of feeling trapped and limited by your fear of enclosed spaces? Do you avoid certain situations or places because of the overwhelming anxiety that claustrophobia brings? If so, "Beyond The Walls: Unlocking Courage to Defeat Claustrophobia" is the ultimate guide to help you break free from the shackles of claustrophobia and reclaim your life with confidence.In this comprehensive book, you'll delve into the depths of claustrophobia, understanding its root causes and identifying the telltale signs that trigger your anxiety. Learn effective techniques to manage panic attacks and regain control of your emotions, empowering you to face even the most challenging situations with courage.Discover the power of breathing techniques to calm your mind and body, allowing you to confront your fears with a clear and focused mindset. Embrace gradual exposure therapy as you courageously step outside your comfort zone, gradually confronting enclosed spaces and reclaiming your sense of freedom.Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) will become your ally as you rewire negative thought patterns and transform your mindset, paving the way for lasting change. Whether you seek therapy or explore medication options, you'll find valuable insights to help you make informed decisions on your healing journey.Beyond The Walls also emphasizes the significance of support systems in your recovery. Engage with support groups and peer counseling to connect with others who understand your struggles and offer encouragement along the way. Embrace mindfulness and meditation practices to cultivate relaxation and find solace amidst the chaos of claustrophobia.Design your own safe space, creating environments that provide comfort and reassurance, making everyday life more manageable. Equip yourself with a toolkit of self-help strategies tailored to your unique needs, arming you with the skills to cope with claustrophobia in various situations.This book is not just about conquering claustrophobia; it's about transforming your relationship with fear. Armed with newfound courage and resilience, you'll learn to navigate everyday challenges with grace and confidence. The journey to overcoming claustrophobia is a continuous one, and this book ensures you have the resources to maintain long-term success through self-care and relapse prevention."Frequently Asked Questions" address common concerns, providing clarity and guidance to empower your journey. Whether you're seeking a complete cure or exploring alternative therapies, these answers will illuminate potential paths to healing.Take the first step towards freedom beyond the walls of claustrophobia. Let "Beyond The Walls: Unlocking Courage to Defeat Claustrophobia" be your compass to a life filled with possibilities and triumphs, where you transcend your fears and embrace the world with newfound courage and strength.

  • av Trevor Johnson

    Bienvenue dans l'univers captivant de la prise de parole en public ! "Osez parler en public, les clés pour devenir un orateur charismatique est le guide pratique qui vous permettra de surmonter vos peurs, de développer votre confiance et de devenir un orateur qui sait captiver son audience. Que vous soyez un professionnel, un étudiant, ou simplement quelqu'un en quête de nouvelles compétences, ce livre est fait pour vous ! Préparez-vous à sortir des sentiers battus, à bousculer les règles établies et à explorer de nouvelles façons d'impacter votre auditoire. Nous allons aborder des sujets tels que la confiance en soi, la gestion du trac, la structuration des discours, l'utilisation de la communication non verbale et bien plus encore. Et n'oubliez pas, nous le ferons avec une dose d'humour et de légèreté, car la prise de parole en public peut aussi être une aventure joyeuse et passionnante ! Je vous invite à plonger dans les pages qui suivent avec curiosité et ouverture d'esprit. Préparez-vous à découvrir vos propres talents d'orateur et à éveiller votre potentiel caché. Ensemble, nous allons explorer les clés pour devenir un orateur charismatique qui sait influencer, inspirer et émouvoir son public.Prêts à embarquer dans cette formidable aventure ? Alors, respirez profondément, détendez-vous et osez parler en public !Trevor Johnson est un homme de radio, journaliste et rédacteur en chef. Il a su surmonter sa timidité pour s'exprimer avec assurance au micro.Son parcours démontre que même les plus réservé peuvent devenir des orateurs charismatiques capable de captiver leur audience avec passion et conviction.

  • - 10 Principles That Manifest Overflow & Abundance
    av Trevor Johnson

    This book is an inspirational book full of biblical principles, scriptures, and self assessment questions that, if followed, may help to manifest overflow and abundance in your life. Using wine as a metaphor, the book focuses on the concept of being prepared to receive and embrace new and exciting success in all aspects of life. Jesus once spoke to the masses and explained that no one puts new wine in old wine skins. This work will use that principle as a foundational and inspirational concept to position the reader for anticipation and expectation of the new wine that awaits them!

  • av Trevor Johnson

    Charlie Foster and The Guardians of TimeInvestigative journalist, Charlie Foster, is forced into premature retirement after a physical confrontation with the owner of Dixons News Agency - the place he'd worked for most of his life.His colleague and protege, the beautiful Mabel Derbyshire, suggests he 'goes it alone' and work freelance. Over the next week or so, Charlie investigates the disappearance of a young lad on a Scottish moor and the discovery of a 'strange' body in the same area. When governmental intervention insists he 'back off', it's like a red rag to a bull where Charlie Foster is concerned. Charlie forms an unlikely alliance with a professor of physics and a retired director of the Secret Intelligence Service (S.I.S.).Together - with his pal D.C.I Fred Tingwell - Charlie & Co., investigate the workings of a secretive army camp high in the Scottish moors. What they find beggars belief and casts all manner of doubt on their combined efforts. Yet, strange and unaccountable forces bring them all closer together in a way none of them ever imagined possible. T.J.

  • - The Counter Reformation in the Upper Palatinate
    av Trevor Johnson
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    In 1621, in one of the earliest campaigns of the Thirty Years' War, the South German principality of the Upper Palatinate was invaded and annexed by Maximilian of Bavaria, director of the Catholic League. This book aims to place the political impact of the Thirty Years' War into the broader context of the Upper-Palatinate's religious culture.

  • av Trevor Johnson

    Exam Board: EdexcelLevel: GCSESubject: MathematicsFirst Teaching: September 2015First Exam: Summer 2017Endorsed for Edexcel.Provide structured support and extra practice with a wealth of problem-solving and exam-style questions, in this fully updated edition written by an author team experienced in teaching and examining.- Enables students to maximise their grade potential and develop their exam skills with 700 exam-style questions.- Supports you and your students through the new specifications with over 100 additional questions addressing every part of the new syllabus such as the increase in Algebra.- Helps build problem-solving and mathematical reasoning skills with a dedicated chapter covering all topics and subject areas, with new questions to challenge the most able students.- Offers support for Higher tier students during their course and when revising for exams.

  • - Aiming for Grade A/A* in Edexcel GCSE Mathematics
    av Trevor Johnson

    Using real data from Edexcel examinations, Aim High (1) - Aiming for a grade C provides detailed support around the top 39 problem topics for students aiming for a grade C in GCSE Mathematics.

  • av Trevor Johnson

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