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  • av Vincenzo Venezia

    Do you ever feel like you're on a rollercoaster in your relationship?Do you have a deep desire for connection and intimacy, but also a fear of being hurt or abandoned?Do you sometimes find yourself pushing your partner away when they get too close, or clinging to them desperately?Attachment styles are the way we connect with other people. They are formed in early childhood and can have a significant impact on our adult relationships.People with disorganized attachment styles often experience fear and anxiety in intimate relationships. They may have a negative self-image and engage in harmful self-talk. They may also feel intensely lonely, but the stress and fear associated with intimacy can cause them to act erratically and push others away.You're always walking on eggshells, trying to avoid saying or doing anything that will upset your partner. You're constantly worried that you'll do something to trigger their abandonment fears.These experiences can teach you that the world is an unsafe place and that people are not trustworthy. This can make it difficult to form secure attachments in adulthood.I recommend reading this book if:You feel like you're always walking on eggshells, trying to avoid saying or doing anything that will upset your partner. You're constantly worried that you'll do something to trigger their abandonment fears.You push your partner away when they get too close, even though you desperately want them to stay. You're afraid that if you let them in, they'll see the real you and reject you.You experience intense emotions, such as love, anger, and jealousy, and it can be difficult for you to regulate them. This can lead to conflict and volatility in your relationship.You have a negative self-image and believe that you are unlovable or unworthy of love. This makes it difficult for you to trust and open up to your partner.You struggle to communicate your needs and feelings to your partner. You may also be more likely to misinterpret your partner's words and actions.You have a history of negative childhood experiences. These experiences taught you that the world is an unpredictable place and that people are not always reliable. This can make it difficult for you to form secure attachments in adulthood.These emotional states and behaviors can have a significant impact on your romantic relationships. You may find yourself in a cycle of pushing your partner away and then pulling them back in, which can be very confusing and painful for both of you.Instead, the partner who loves someone with disorganized attachment might feel:Confusion and frustration due to erratic and unpredictable behavior.Hurt and loneliness due to difficulty trusting and opening up.Insecurity and anxiety due to fear of abandonment.Resentment and hopelessness due to the challenges of the relationship.It is normal and understandable for the partner to feel this way, but it is important to take steps before the situation becomes irreversible.If you or your loved one has disorganized attachment, this manual can help you move towards secure attachment and build stronger, more loving relationships. With its advice and support, you can learn to create a more secure and fulfilling future for yourselves and your family.

  • av Vincenzo Venezia

    Do you often find yourself worrying that your partner might leave you, or do you fear abandonment even in a stable relationship? Maybe you experience frequent jealousy, feeling that no matter your efforts, you're just not good enough? Are you concerned about making even minor mistakes, fearing they could ruin everything? Does your relationship make you feel like you're constantly walking on eggshells?Individuals with an ambivalent attachment style typically hold others in high regard but suffer from low self-esteem. They are sensitive and attuned to their partners' needs, yet they are plagued by insecurities and anxieties about their own worth in the relationship. Adults with this attachment style usually seek constant reassurance of their value and loveability.In intimate relationships, adults with ambivalent attachment may try to become indispensable to their partners, believing that being needed will prevent abandonment. However, this strategy often leads to doubts about whether they are loved for who they are or merely for their utility.Anxiety about ruining potential relationships hinders commitment and can lead to isolation. While understandable, this self-protective behavior can prevent meaningful connections and a fulfilling life.This book is recommended if you recognize these patterns in your relationship, indicative of ambivalent attachment:You often feel insecure about your partner's feelings towards you, leading to a constant need for validation and reassurance.You experience intense fear of abandonment, even in situations where your relationship is stable.Your need for emotional closeness feels overwhelming at times, and you might worry that your desire for intimacy pushes your partner away.You find yourself oscillating between highs and lows in your relationship, with emotions ranging from deep affection to intense anxiety.You are prone to feeling jealous, often stemming from your insecurities and fear of losing your partner.You take on a disproportionate amount of responsibility and blame in your relationship, often feeling that any issues are solely your fault.Your actions and reactions are often driven by the fear of being left alone, leading to behaviors that you might later regret.You have a tendency to be over-attentive to your partner's moods and actions, interpreting them as signs of potential rejection or disinterest.Despite your deep desire for a close relationship, you may unintentionally sabotage it due to your fears and insecurities.You might find yourself in a cycle of needing reassurance, yet struggling to fully accept it when offered, as deep down, you fear it might not be genuine.If you feel in tune with this description of life, remember that it is not your fault and that because you have experienced bad situations in life, you have become sensitive and more compassionate than others.Can the ambivalent attachment style be changed?Fortunately, there are methods in this manual to identify and interrupt dysfunctional patterns and cultivate new ones that are helpful and tailored to you. It is important to do this for yourself, your loved ones and, eventually, your children.Stop that feeling of never being enough forever.

  • av Vincenzo Venezia

    Are you constantly striving to please others, leaving you feeling drained and unfulfilled? Does your self-worth hinge on the approval of others, making you question your identity and desires? Are you haunted by the nagging questions "Am I good enough?" and "Do they really care about me, or am I just useful to them?"If these questions resonate with you, it's time to confront a hidden adversary that's been silently sabotaging your relationships and happiness: codependency.Codependency is a complex pattern of behavior where one's self-esteem and identity are inextricably linked to the approval and validation of others. This relentless pursuit of external approval can lead to a life of emotional camouflage, where you suppress your true feelings and desires to maintain the illusion of being loved and accepted.If you identify with any of the following statements, this book is your beacon of hope:You struggle to recognize and express your true emotions.You tend to minimize, alter, or deny your emotional reality.You fear the reactions of others to your emotions.You feel controlled by others' perceptions of you.You constantly ask yourself, "Why can't I just be happy with what I do for myself?" Do you find your partner constantly striving to please, protect, or solve your problems, even when it's not their responsibility? Do they manipulate or subtly control your choices and actions? These are just glimpses of the deeper dynamics that may be fueling your codependent relationship.This book will empower you to break free from the shackles of codependency and reclaim your life. You'll discover the subtle manipulations and control tactics often mistaken for caring gestures. You'll understand the intricate interplay of codependency in relationships, often hidden beneath false narratives. You'll learn strategies to break free from the destructive cycles of codependency, transforming your relationships and redefining your self-worth.Moreover, you'll learn to challenge the internal dialogues that perpetuate your codependent patterns and replace them with empowering beliefs. Begin your journey to emotional freedom today and discover the joy of living for yourself. Transform your relationships from codependent to mutually enriching.This comprehensive guide includes practical exercises, step-by-step strategies, and real-life examples to guide you every step of the way.Prevent the cycle from continuing into future generations, ensuring that your children don't inherit the destructive behaviors that have held you back for so long.The journey to reclaiming your life starts here. Don't let codependency dictate your future.

  • av Vincenzo Venezia

    Have you been deeply hurt by a family member? Has your family, which should have loved, nourished, and protected you, inflicted traumas that still affect your life today? Are you struggling daily to repair the damage they caused?Some people are fortunate to be born into families with whom they love spending time. These members are compassionate towards each other, communicate their needs effortlessly, and staunchly support one another. Conversely, for others, a simple incoming call from a family member can be a source of dread.A 'toxic family' describes a family with dysfunctional relationships harmful to the emotional and psychological health of its members. These families are characterized by behaviors and dynamics such as emotional and psychological abuse, manipulation, denial, minimization of problems, distortion of reality, and unequal power and control.Adult children of toxic family members often grapple with immense guilt, a sense of obligation, and shame, feeling compelled to keep family secrets, even at the cost of their own well-being.This manual is recommended if your family:Does not show concern for your feelings, needs, or rights.Uses threats, harsh language, or violence.Makes cruelly critical remarks.Lies and/or uses guilt to manipulate.Repeatedly violates your boundaries.Insists on always being right.Sows conflict among other family members.Feels exempt from rules.Has envious siblings in perpetual conflict.Blames you for their flaws or mistakes.Avoids responsibility for their actions.Refuses to compromise.Gives you the silent treatment.Denies reality, emotionally manipulates, or gaslights, making you feel irrational. These are just a few common signs of a toxic family. Each family might display these traits differently or combine them in unique ways.The inner child within you may hope for change, but the reality is they may never do so.However, you might feel:Guilty, as if you are to blame for your family's issues.Confused by your family's fickle behavior and changing expectations.Inadequate and powerless against your family members' cruel behaviors.Alone, lacking a supportive network of loving family members.Many people may not understand your experience, often remarking, "But they're your family!" without grasping the full situation.Take action now, before it's too late. Breaking free from the toxic grip of family members is a winding path, but it is the best gift you can give to your life and your mental health.

  • av Vincenzo Venezia

    Do you often find it challenging to maintain successful romantic relationships? Are you trapped in a cycle of repeating behavior patterns in your relationships, haunted by the fear of heartbreak? What if you could predict the probability of your relationship's success or failure beforehand?Relationships are complex. They are made up of emotions, dreams, and shared experiences. But they are also made up of subtle nuances and underlying currents that we may not notice.At the heart of every relationship is the attachment bond. This is the deep emotional connection that shapes how we love, trust, and connect with our partners.When the attachment bond is secure, it is a strong foundation for our relationships. It allows us to communicate openly, be emotionally intimate, and feel safe. But when insecurity creeps into the attachment bond, it can act like a silent intruder. It can weave its way into our relationships without us realizing it.Insecure attachment can be like a ghost from our past. It can influence our perceptions, reactions, and expectations in our relationships. It can stem from early childhood experiences, especially those involving our caregivers.Unresolved attachment issues can lie dormant for years. But they can resurface when we least expect them, causing misunderstandings and turmoil.Ignoring insecure attachment can be a mistake. If we are not aware of the invisible forces at play, we may misinterpret our partner's actions. We may react defensively or withdraw emotionally. Communication can break down, and trust can erode.This book is recommended for people who are experiencing any of the following in their relationships:Dissatisfaction and high conflict: Constant arguments, disagreements, and feelings of dissatisfaction within the relationship.Obsessiveness, intrusiveness, and jealousy: Feeling possessive or overly controlling, constantly checking on your partner, and experiencing jealousy over minor interactions.Mistrust and suspicion: A pervasive lack of trust in your partner's intentions and actions, assuming the worst without evidence.Fear of rejection and abandonment: An intense fear of being rejected or left by your partner, leading to clingy or needy behavior.Desire for fusion and fear of intimacy: Struggling to maintain personal boundaries and desiring excessive closeness, while simultaneously fearing true intimacy and vulnerability.Emotional distance and avoidance: Withdrawing emotionally from your partner and avoiding deep emotional connections.Low level of emotional involvement: Feeling emotionally detached or numb in the relationship, unable to fully engage or express feelings.Intimacy issues and difficulty in sexual relationships: Struggling to connect intimately with your partner, which can manifest in physical and emotional intimacy challenges.Constant need for reassurance: Frequently seeking reassurance from your partner about their feelings and commitment.Emotional hypervigilance: Being overly alert to potential signs of trouble in the relationship, always on the lookout for signs of rejection or betrayal.The patterns and beliefs developed during childhood can be unlearned and replaced with positive approaches, paving the way for a constructive life journey.Understanding how to overcome attachment issues can be one of the most rewarding and transformative things you can do for yourself.If you are tired of complicated and painful relationships, this book will be a great help to you and your loved ones.

  • av Vincenzo Venezia

    Do you feel pain, guilt and anger flowing through your body uncontrolled?Do you find yourself making self-sabotage and impulsive decisions because of a past that never stops tormenting you?Do you see the same patterns emerge again and again in each of your relationships, such as the feeling of not being good enough or the fear of not being loved?We all have an inner child. If you answered yes to the questions above, it is likely that the little child inside you is hurt and needs to be heard.Not everyone associates childhood with playfulness and fun. If you have experienced abandonment, physical or emotional abuse, bullying, growing up in a "complicated" family, trauma or other emotional pain, your inner child may seem small, vulnerable and in need of protection. The resulting pain will stay with you for the rest of your life and emerge at the most unexpected of times.You may have buried this pain deep inside to hide it and protect yourself, both your current self and the child you once were.Trying to hide this pain does not help. On the contrary, it often surfaces in adult life, manifesting as discomfort in personal relationships or difficulty meeting your own needs.Healing your wounded child is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. I recommend reading this book if you have been experiencing this in yourself lately:· Regular anxiety and fear, feeling stuck.· Excesses of anger alternating with sad, deep moments.· Rumination and negative self talk.· Chronic overload of work without ever stopping and the need to get results (all to gain a sense of belonging or approval).· Excessive self-criticism and low self-esteem.· "Difficult" relationships within your family.· Frequent nightmares.· Feelings of shame, guilt and/or pain.· Failure to celebrate life's victories due to an inability to enjoy the moment.· Self-sabotage and obsessive/addictive behaviors.· Unhealthy relationship patterns and/or avoidance of relationships and love.Listen to the little child inside you, otherwise it will keep knocking on your door.Is it possible to heal emotional wounds?Fortunately, this manual contains methods for identifying your specific type of wounded child and interrupting dysfunctional patterns. Finally, you can cultivate new ones that are useful and tailored to you. It is important to do this for yourself and for your loved ones.It may seem strange or awkward to imagine opening up to your child self; imagine this as a journey to re-discover yourself. Before you start reading this manual, I want you to be aware of three things:You are worthy of being loved, you deserve respect and you are not alone.This book was written for you, read it now!Take care of your inner child and he will take care of you.

  • av Vincenzo Venezia

    Are you still struggling with emotionally immature parents?Do the people who should have loved and protected you continue to manipulate you instead of treating you with respect and love? Do you often feel confused or insecure because of your parents' unpredictable reactions?Are you struggling every day to repair the damage that they caused?Emotionally immature parents are adults who have difficulty managing their emotions and providing a stable and reliable supportive environment for their children. These parents may have a poor understanding of their children's needs and may exhibit manipulative, controlling and unaccountable behaviours.And while it's easy to normalise behaviour that we have grown up with, dealing with an emotionally immature parent can be frustrating, demoralising and leave us unable to deal with our own emotions. Unable to deal with their emotions, parents like this tend to sweep things under the carpet or blame other people.I recommend reading this book if you recognise at least one of the following traits in your parents: They do not validate your feelings, or give them room to emerge.They are very rigid and resolute and become aggressive to new ideas.Overreactions even to small things.They have low-stress tolerance and have trouble admitting mistakes.They are self-preoccupied and egocentric.They always have to be right.They blame you for their flaws or mistakes.They do not take responsibility for their actions.They are only concerned about your physical needs and not your emotional needs.They have the ability to make you lose your mind and drain all your energy.Denial of reality, emotional manipulation and gaslighting by making you feel crazy.These are just some of the most common signs. In each family they may change or combine with each other.You can may appear happy but feel lonely, are highly-strung, anxious and controlling. As an adult, you could now experience:Constant feelings of betrayal, anger, loneliness or abandonment.Guilt when you are happy.Confusion due to your parents' unpredictable and inconsistent reactions.Embarrassment about what happened to you and what others might think about it.A feeling that you are trapped in the relationship with them, with no way out.Adult children of immature parents always recognise that something is wrong, but overlook the devastating long-term effects it can cause in them.Can this painful legacy be stopped?Fortunately, there are methods in this manual to identify and interrupt dysfunctional patterns and cultivate new ones that are helpful and tailored to you. It is important to do this for yourself, your loved ones and ultimately your children.Breathe deeply, release that knot in your stomach, and read it now!

  • av Vincenzo Venezia

    Do you find yourself awake at night because you can't stop worrying about what happened today?Is anger, fear, sadness and worry always with you?Do they try to assault you every day, take control and prove stubborn and resistant to all attempts to drive them away? Why is it so difficult to manage these emotions? Negative emotions such as fear, sadness and anger are notoriously difficult emotions to manage because nature has forged their purpose solely to protect us. It may be tempting to act immediately on what you feel, but this often does not resolve the situation that caused the emotions. In fact, it may lead to more problems down the road. We all face many problems every day that can make us feel angry and irritated, but when they interfere in our lives on a daily basis, preventing us from doing even the simplest things to achieve our goals, our existence turns into a minefield with the constant fear of putting a foot wrong. The spiral of negative thoughts is the primary cause of unhappiness. So how can you break this destructive cycle and start feeling better? To control your negative emotions, you will have to understand their nature. It is then that you will be able to identify why you are so bad and become the person you want to be. In this book you will learn:What emotions are and what they look like.The things that influence your bad mood.What usually triggers your negative emotions.What to do if you are overwhelmed by emotion.The 'list of negative emotions' and how to deal with them.How negative emotions and health are related.The methods of self-control.Exercises to train you to recognize and master emotions.How to achieve emotional balance even in times of extreme uncertainty. Stop agonizing over the past and trying to predict the future.Take action now! Are you still here?If you got stuck, don't worry about it. Here is what is going to happen:You will feel indecisive and feel like your stomach is tied up in knots, but don't worry it's all normal.Your mind is trying to maintain the status quo. Negative emotions prevent us from thinking and behaving rationally and seeing situations in their true perspective.Don't let your emotions take over. Break free from your self-imposed mental prison. Would you like to stop that little voice nattering at you all the time?No more sleepless nights, take a deep breath, relax that knot in your stomach and get this book! It will really help you.

  • av Vincenzo Venezia

    Does thinking about the future of your relationship always leave you imagining the worst-case scenario? Do you constantly live with a sense of insecurity?Are you in a relationship but you feel like there's too much negative energy? Picture this: it is the scenario of the beginning of a relationship that is going very well. There is a high level of mutual understanding, communication is fantastic and clear, except for some doubts that plague you. A little voice creeps into your head: "Why would anyone be interested in me?" "Am I really up to it?" "Does she or he love me enough?", "What if she or he leaves me?", "Am I a romantic disaster?", "What if she or he is cheating on me?", "Can I live without this person?" In some cases, these questions linger on even after 'I love you' has been exchanged in the relationship. When a person starts to feel anxious about life with a current or prospective partner, it is an understandable worry-this is a big part of their lives. However, in certain cases, this worry becomes so crippling, it can prevent the relationship from flourishing, or even taking off. Fortunately, it is possible to defuse these negative thoughts and get your relationship off the ground. Here's what you'll learn in this book:¿ Where the roots of anxiety come from and 8 signs to identify them.¿ Understanding your attachment style to better manage it.¿ Overcoming the fear of abandonment and jealousy that stops you from living a more peaceful life.¿ Techniquest to increase your self-confidence even if others have never believed in your worth.¿ 10 red flags to spot if you are in a toxic relationship.¿ Techniques to better communicate your needs and resolve conflict.¿ Loving a person with anxiety (partner tips). What if I told you there is a way to silence this little voice? Act now before everything falls apart!This book was written for you and will help you to find satisfaction and thrive in your romantic relationships, in all their wonderful nuances.

  • av Vincenzo Venezia

    How does the choice of one's partner take place?Do you see the same patterns of behaviour emerge in yourself and in your relationships over and over again?Do you make noble efforts to grow the relationship, but find that it gets stuck in the same place for months or even years? Or, conversely, do you find yourself running away as soon as the relationship turns into something deeper?Whether we are aware of it or not, our childhood experiences play a huge role in shaping the kind of person we become.The relationships we had as children with our parents, or whoever looked after us, have a profound effect on how we react to certain situations in our lives and how we interact with the people around us.As young children, we instinctively respond to the kind of love and support offered by our parents or guardians.Later in life, when we become adults, these patterns that come from early experiences become life scripts, cognitive maps that are generalised and extended to others and, in particular, to those people with whom we will form emotional relationships as adults.Like it or not, attachment styles inevitably shape intimate relationships between people. Indeed, dysfunctional or incorrect attachment patterns can lead us to make poor emotional choices or to enter dysfunctional and unstable relationships that may be characterised by violence, oppression or submission.Human relationships can give rise to the constant presence of a fear of abandonment associated with controlling behaviours, a constant search for reassurance and emotional hyper-vigilance, sometimes going as far as emotional blackmail.Such patterns quickly become subconscious.The book is intended as a journey to rediscover ourselves and how we interact with others that starts from childhood through to adulthood.This book is recommended if your relationship is characterised by:- Dissatisfaction and/or high levels of conflict.- Interpersonal distance.- Obsession, intrusiveness, jealousy and distrust.- A strong desire for fusion and at the same time concern about rejection and abandonment.- Problems with intimacy and the inability to enjoy or thrive in sexual relationships.- A low level of emotional involvement.Don't worry if you identify with all or any of these problems. The patterns and beliefs we develop as children, although often deeply ingrained in our psyche, can be unlearned and replaced with positive beliefs and approaches that enable us to achieve personal balance and a satisfying life as a couple.Unlike other more specialised books this one is deliberately written in a clear, fluent language, suitable even for those with no background in psychology.Couples who ignore this may be forced to settle for bonds made up of silences, misunderstandings, distance and conflicts that protracted over time, leading inexorably to a sad ending of the relationship itself.Understanding and identifying attachment issues is one of the most satisfying and valuable things you can do for yourself. You will open the door to a greater sense of self-worth, successful friendships, strong family ties, and pave the way for lasting and loving romantic relationships.

  • av Vincenzo Venezia

    Does your partner's past obsess you?Do you want to know every detail, even if you know it will hurt you?Do you fill in the blanks with absurd imaginary scenarios?Do you sometimes think that you are going crazy?The answer to the above questions, although complex and often confusing, can be given in two words: Retroactive Jealousy.Feeling jealous is normal. No one is thrilled about their partner's dating history; however, unlike the garden variety green-eyed monster, retroactive jealousy (RJ) describes an obsession or feelings of envy related to your partner's past, typically around their previous romantic or sexual relationships.Do you feel like you are trapped in an endless loop of negative thoughts, mentally exhausted, drained and short of energy?Letting retroactive jealousy escalate can be harmful to your peace of mind and your relationship.I recommend that you read this book if:You find yourself ruminating about your partner's past: You might find yourself repeatedly thinking about your partner's past and feeling envious of their previous partners.You digitally stalk their ex: You are on a casual FB, Instagram or Tik Tok scroll when you see a vaguely familiar name put like or comment on your partner's friend's post. Before you know it, you get sucked in, you find yourself lurking on your partner ex's profile trying to dig up all the information that you can.You are always making comparisons: You might narrow in on a specific person your partner dated before you and compare yourself to them. You doubt your partner: Jealousy can cause you to engage in unhealthy relationship behaviours such as checking up on your partner, doubting their word, or going through their phone.You may find yourself calling their friends or their workplace to check on their whereabouts, or reading their text messages to their ex.You find yourself imagining missing details: If you are unaware of the details of your partner's romantic history, it could be more enticing to imagine a more idealised version of their past. You might fear that your partner dated the most perfect, successful and beautiful people before you.RJ could be hell, you feel confused and misunderstood by your partner and friends.The good news? You can work through these feelings.Fortunately, there are methods in this manual to identify and interrupt dysfunctional patterns and cultivate new ones that are helpful and tailored to you. It is important to do this for yourself and your loved ones.You probably hate yourself for all those thoughts that obsess you, but before you start reading this manual I want you to be aware of three things: ¿Everything you are experiencing is not ridiculous, you are not crazy, and you are not alone.There is a way out and it is an extremely liberating feeling.This book was written for you. Act now!

  • av Vincenzo Venezia

    Do you constantly think that your partner will leave you or that you will be abandoned?Maybe you are struggling with jealousy, worried that no matter how hard you try, you are never good enough? Are you afraid of ruining everything by making even the smallest mistake?Do you feel like you have to walk on eggshells in your relationship? Those with an anxious/concerned attachment style might think highly of others, but they often suffer from low self-esteem, are sensitive and attuned to their partners' needs, but are often insecure and anxious about their own value in a relationship.Generally, adults with anxious attachment need constant reassurance that they are loved, worthy and good enough.If their loved one rejects them or does not meet their needs, they may blame themselves or label themselves as not worthy of love. During childhood they are likely to have had anxious parents who dumped a lot of worries on them, or parents who were absent or had inconsistent responses to their children's needs. In an intimate relationship, many anxious adults will make themselves indispensable to their partners. They think, "If they need me, they won't leave me." They want to feel needed. But this will backfire. After all the work you have done, you always wonder if they really love you for who you are or only for as long as you make yourself useful. I recommend reading this book if in your relationship: - You are sensitive and hyper-vigilant to any emotional unavailability. - You crave closeness.- You need a lot of reassurance that people care about you.- You constantly think that your partner will leave you or that you will be abandoned.- You are full of worries and doubts about your relationship, especially in the early stages.- You are jealous.- You take most of the responsibility, guilt and blame in a relationship.- You are controlling.- You are often worried about infidelity.- You tend to act, do or say things that you later regret.- You are overly sensitive to your partner's actions and moods.- You take on most of the responsibility, guilt and blame in a relationship. Living this way is exhausting. The constant feeling of not being worthy and at the same time obsessively wanting love drains your energy. It feels like being on top of an emotional roller coaster. If you feel in tune with this description of life, remember that it is not your fault and that because you have experienced bad situations in life, you have become sensitive and more compassionate than others. Can the anxious-preoccupied attachment style be changed?Fortunately, there are methods in this manual to identify and interrupt dysfunctional patterns and cultivate new ones that are helpful and tailored to you. It is important to do this for yourself, your loved ones and, eventually, your children. Stop that feeling of never being enough forever. Take action now.

  • av Vincenzo Venezia

    Have you been deeply hurt by your father?Did the man who should have loved you, listened to you and protected you inflict traumas that still affect your life today?Are you struggling every day to repair the damage that he has caused?Being daughters raised by emotionally absent fathers is a difficult and lonely experience; you may have low self-esteem, suffer from anger and depression and feel that you have no value.There are several ways in which fathers can be emotionally distant from their daughters: through divorce, work/careers, military service, addictions, serious physical or mental illness or death.It is possible that these men are narcissists who have showered you with constant criticism and try to manipulate and control you. Or it may be that they were abusive to you or were simply old-fashioned fathers of few words and expressed what they wanted only with gestures.Adult daughters of emotionally absent fathers always recognise that something is wrong, but overlook the devastating long-term effects that impact themselves, their romantic relationships, their friendships and their work or careers.I recommend that you read this book if you recognise some of these attitudes in your father:- Only your physical needs exist for them, not your emotional ones.- They talk to you in a flat, uninterested tone of voice.- They make cruelly critical comments.- They do not listen to you or take an interest in your life.- They never compliment you or celebrate your achievements.- They never spend time alone with you.- They rarely convey their affection to you with hugs or smiles.- They are distracted when they are with you, by work, TV or their phone.- They are addicted to alcohol or other substances.- They spend money on unnecessary things before they meet your needs.- They are unable to manage their emotions and express their feelings.- They are defensive and unwilling to accept points of view other than their own.- They blame you for their faults or mistakes.- They do not take responsibility for their actions.- They deny reality when you try to talk about their attitudes, making you feel crazy.These are just some of the most common signs. In any family, the situation can be complex and varied. The devastating effects of an emotionally absent father are not often talked about. The world needs to talk about these types of fathers!You, on the other hand, may be experiencing the following:- Anger and disappointment at not receiving the affection and support you wanted and should have received.- Feeling unloved, inadequate and worthless.- Loneliness, without the support of a network of loving family members.- a misunderstanding of what has happened to you and what you feel.In romantic relationships, women who grew up with absent fathers will try to reproduce the patterns they suffered in their past and will have difficulty forming lasting relationships by going for partners who do not value and respect them.Is it possible to heal the invisible childhood wounds plagued by an emotionally absent father?Fortunately, this manual contains methods to identify and interrupt dysfunctional patterns and cultivate new ones that are useful and tailored to you. It is important to do this for yourself, for your loved ones and, ultimately, for your children.This book is written for you. It will help you!

  • av Vincenzo Venezia

    Do you find it difficult to maintain a successful relationship and enter into intimacy?Despite your best efforts to advance your romantic relationship, does it not move forward?Do you feel the fear that you will be hurt and disappointed in some way and it will all end in heartbreak? Whether we are aware of it or not, our childhood experiences play a huge role in shaping the kind of person we become. The relationships we had as children with our parents, or whoever cared for us, have a profound effect on how we react to certain situations in our lives and how we interact with the people around us. Fearful-avoidant attachment is a pattern of behaviour in relationships that is characterised by both high anxiety and high avoidance, in which a person longs for connection but also fears getting too close to someone. They expect rejection, disappointment and pain in their relationship. They have difficulty believing that their partner will love and support them as they are. I recommend reading this manual if you have experienced in your romantic relationship and in your relationship with yourself:- Fear of intimacy or fear of relationships in general.- Avoidance of commitment in relationships.- High anxiety.- A negative view of yourself; feeling that you do not deserve healthy relationships.- Severe difficulty regulating emotions in relationships.- Reacting poorly or inappropriately to negative emotions.- Negative perception of other people and their support.- A tendency to be violent in relationships.- A large number of sexual partners.- Feeling generally dissatisfied with relationships. Avoidant fearful people exhibit a kind of reluctance to engage in an intimate relationship and an extreme need to be loved. Avoidant fearful people often end up in very complicated relationships with high levels of conflict. They find themselves in these dynamics not because they desire them, but because they are afraid to approach and fully connect due to a lack of trust. All this results in the creation of a self-fulfilling prophecy. This can lead to an endless cycle of approach and avoidance with potential partners. This mindset can turn into a form of self-sabotage, causing the fearful avoidant to prematurely end a relationship that instead deserved to be deepened and experienced with joy. Can the fearful avoidant style be changed?Fortunately, there are methods in this manual to identify and interrupt dysfunctional patterns and cultivate new ones that are helpful and tailored to you. It is important to do this for yourself, your loved ones, and ultimately your children. End this endless cycle of anxiety and suffering. This book was written for you. Act now.

  • av Vincenzo Venezia

    Do you find it difficult to maintain a successful relationship and enter into intimacy?Despite your noble efforts to advance your romantic relationship, is it not moving forward?Are you afraid of feeling vulnerable or trapped in a relationship? Whether we are aware of it or not, our childhood experiences play a huge role in shaping the kind of person we become. The relationships we had as children with our parents, or whoever, have a profound effect on how we react to certain situations in our lives and how we interact with the people around us. Avoidant-dismissive attachment is a behaviour pattern that involves a high level of avoidance in intimacy and a low level of abandonment anxiety. When intimacy increases, people express avoidant patterns and adopt distancing tactics out of discomfort.They tend to deny feelings and take their sovereignty to extremes. They do not rely on others and do not want others to rely on them, keep their innermost thoughts to themselves and have difficulty asking for help. Avoidant scorners value independence. Any need to rely on someone else triggers a sense of weakness. In childhood, parents were probably emotionally absent or were very rigid and minimised the importance of expressing their needs for physical and emotional connection. For these children, whenever emotional support was sought in the past, it was not provided. So, they simply stopped seeking it or expecting it from others. It is as if they have "turned off the emotional switch." When growing up, as a result, they have a tendency to suppress the natural instinct to seek comfort from others. In relationships they tend to pull away and feel suffocated when vulnerability increases. I recommend reading this manual if you have experienced in your romantic relationship and in your relationship with yourself:- A strong sense of self.- Independence as a person, content to take care of yourself and do not feel you need others.- You see vulnerability as a weakness.- Discomfort with your emotions; your partner often accuses you of being too closed, distant, intolerant and rigid.- Use of sarcastic tones by yourself that always end up hurting and putting distance between friends, co-workers and your own partner.- The suppression of emotional experiences.- A tendency to minimise or ignore your partner's feelings, keep them secret, engage in other relationships and even end the relationship in order to regain your sense of freedom.- Poor tolerance for conflict. If not resolved, with time zeroing in on any kind of interaction or feeling in the romantic relationship and with everyone else, this mindset can turn into a form of self-sabotage, triggering an endless cycle of sadness and emptiness, loneliness to depression. Can the avoidant attachment style be changed?Fortunately, there are methods in this manual to identify and interrupt dysfunctional patterns and cultivate new ones that are helpful and tailored to you. It is important to do this for yourself, your loved ones, and ultimately your children. Take action nowTurn the "switch" of your emotions back on once and for all. It may be challenging but it is worth it.

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