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  • av Vk Y

    Thierry Paulin and Guy Georges are the only two black serial killers in France.What is the place of the psychically ill black man in French psychiatry? Why is he invisible?If Georges and Paulin were described as "enigmas" by the psychiatrists charged with studying them, it was because this ignorance pointed to a fact. The emergence of the two murderers presented an unprecedented problem for doctors whose Eurocentric theories did not include a psychological understanding of Afro-descendant patients, yet in England, as early as the 1960s, white psychiatrists had begun writing reports linking the Afro-Caribbean migration crisis, historical violence, racism and rejection to a potential risk of schizophrenia, depression and various psychiatric disorders.Guy Georges and Thierry Paulin. Two serial killers whose motherland is as fractured as their biological, nurturing mother.If France's only two Afro-descendant serial killers made their mark, they were portrayed as monsters by the media for their horrific and barbaric acts.Paulin massacred over twenty old ladies, although the police would have enough evidence to implicate him in almost forty murders between 1984 and 1987. For Guy Georges, more than a dozen women were assaulted and raped, and seven died before his arrest in 1998.The two serial criminals have one thing in common. They can only be understood in depth through the misery of the black experience in France, French history in the context of post-colonialism, and the other side of the coin. The murderers are not "others", but the pure products of French society, economically, politically and, above all, historically.Paulin represents the failure of West Indian migratory propaganda in Metropolitan France, especially in the context of the BUMIDOM, and Georges embodies the abandonment of these forgotten, rejected black populations, which have been present since the end of the Second World War. If the suburban youth of the 90s highlight the existence of a social malaise, Georges and Paulin, through their actions, were the first to symbolize the crisis of a marginalized black and mixed-race group evolving in a sphere where the failings of the French post-colonial era dominate.Thus, French medicine sought to understand both men by relying on the basic theories of psychiatry, applying the same methods of medical analysis specific to white patients.In the taboo of race, and in a quest for universalism, the problems and traumas of the Black man are forgotten.>This book is the English version of Crime, Race et Psychologie Guy Georges et Thierry Paulin, which was originally published in September 2022.

  • av Vk Y

    When it comes to the mixed-race heritage, the idea of the biracial experience only comes to mind.Actually, the mixed-race heritage has been historically composed of the following categories: The Afro-Marrones, the Multi-Generationally Mixed Blacks, the Multiracials, the Biracials, and the section of mixed-race Whites known as the Quadroons, Octoroons, Hexadecaroons and Multi-Generationally Mixed Whites. The slave trade contributed to the creation of new nations, or post-slavery societies, where the descendants of the enslaved Africans dwell. These descendants now constitute distinct ethnic groups known as the African-Americans, the Cubans, Puerto-Ricans, Trinidadians, Mauritians, WaSwahili and many more. The Multi-Generationally Mixed Black Identity focuses on the study of the mixed-race groups which are present in these societies. The Multi-Generationally Mixed Blacks, also known as M.G.M, descend from mixed-race Afro people who intermarried overtime. Their core is genetically African but also multiracial since they were mixed. The specificity of their condition comes from their inability to pinpoint to a direct white ancestor in their lineages since they are the products of mixed Blacks. They range from the darkest to the lightest skin tone, with a genetic percentage varying between 50 to 75 per cent of African ancestry.Most of them were the products of post-slavery societies and were raised in black cultures. In the United States, the MGMs are referred to as "light-skin", "red", or Creole in Louisiana. The M.G.M experience can also be exclusively made of Afro-Asians, Afro-Natives and Afro-Arabs, hence groups which are present in the Americas, but also in Africa in nations such as Cape-Verde, Angola, the Swahili coast and the Indian Ocean islands such as Malagasy or La Réunion. When it comes to politics, the MGM who consistute a great portion of the African-American clan, evolve in peculiar situation. Throughout American history, the slave masters made a clear distinction between the Mulattoes and the enslaved Blacks. Higher education was often granted to the Mulattoes over the Blacks and throughout the centuries, many of them intermarried in order to preserve their phenotypes, thus giving birth to lineages of modern-day MGMs. In the Southern sphere, whether in Africa, Latin America or Asia, the MGMs were created by colonial forces in order to further the elevation of a Creole culture which could serve the interests of the colonizers. In East Africa, the Arab, Indian and Asian forces also let their own form of Creolization. This book analyzes the political, cultural, social condition of the MGM Black group overtime throughout modern history.The second part of this book, The Multi-Generationally Mixed White Identity will be published later in the year 2023.

  • av Vk Y

  • av Vk Y

    Où est la place de l'homme noir psychiquement malade dans la psychiatrie française? Pourquoi est-il invisible?Si Georges et Paulin furent décrits comme des "énigmes" par les psychiatres chargés de les étudier, c'est que cette ignorance renvoyait à un fait. L'émergence des deux assassins a représenté un problème inédit pour les médecins dont les théories eurocentrées n'incluent pas la compréhension psychologique des patients afro descendants.Pourtant, en Angleterre, et ce dès les années 1960, les psychiatres blancs avaient entamé la rédaction de rapports liant crise migratoire des Afro-Caribéens, violence historique, racisme et rejet à un potentiel risque de schizophrénie, de dépression, et de troubles psychiatriques divers.Guy Georges et Thierry Paulin. Deux tueurs en série que la mère-patrie fracture autant que la mère biologique et nourricière. Si les deux seuls tueurs en série Afro descendants en France ont marqué les esprits, ils furent décrits comme des monstres par les médias en raison de leurs actes horribles et barbares.Paulin massacra plus d'une vingtaine de vieilles dames, même si la police aurait assez de preuves pour l'impliquer dans près de quarante meurtres entre 1984 et 1987. Pour Guy Georges, plus d'une dizaine de femmes furent agressées, violées, et sept en sont mortes jusqu'à son arrestation en 1998.Si Thierry Paulin, plus connu comme Le Tueur de Vieilles Dames, devance Guy Georges de très loin quant au nombre de victimes, les deux se reflètent par la vie menée: ils n'ont qu'une année de différence, sont tous deux métis, abandonnés, évoluent dans les années 1980, échappent à la justice, révolutionnent le monde judiciaire suite à leur capture, s'attaquent à des femmes uniquement blanches, ne faisant aucune victime noire. Puis, il y a les rappels étranges dans la vie de l'un et de l'autre. Paulin a pour mère Rose-Hélène Larcher et Guy Georges, Hélène Rampillon. Le père de l'assassin des vieilles dames porte le prénom de Guy.Toutefois, les deux criminels en série se rejoignent sur un point précis. Ils ne peuvent être compris dans la profondeur qu'à travers la misère de l'expérience noire en France, l'histoire française dans le cadre du post-colonialisme et son envers du décor. Les assassins sont des coupables qui ne sont pas ces "autres", mais les purs produits de la société française sur les plans économique, politique, mais surtout historique.Paulin représente l'échec de la propagande migratoire antillaise en Métropole, surtout dans le cadre du BUMIDOM, et Georges, incarne l'abandon de ces populations noires oubliées, rejetées mais bien présentes depuis la fin de la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale. Si les jeunes de banlieues des années 90 mettent en lumière l'existence d'un malaise social, Georges et Paulin, par leurs actions, furent les premiers à symboliser la crise d'un groupe noir et métis marginalisé évoluant dans la sphère où les défaillances de l'ère post-coloniale française dominent.Ainsi, la médecine française cherche à comprendre les deux hommes en prenant appui sur les théories basiques de la psychiatrie, en appliquant les mêmes méthodes d'analyse médicales propres aux patients blancs.Dans le tabou de la race, et dans une quête à l'universalisme, les problématiques et traumas du Noir sont oubliés.Dans ce mépris, les psychiatres français ne croient pas en un lien entre la violence de l'histoire noire et la fracture de l'individu malade. Cette étude compare Paulin et Georges dans le cadre de la psychiatrie, mais analyse les profils à travers l'histoire en vue de comprendre la folie qui finit par les ronger.Si cela n'est pas obligatoire, la lecture de l'ouvrage Thierry Paulin: Une Tragédie Noire (2022, Editions Canaan), serait recommandée car certains détails ne seront pas retranscrits dans ce nouveau travail.

  • av Vk Y

    Over the past decades, the guilt regarding the slave trade was placed upon the Europeans, when the Arab political power which did rise in the 7th century never had to answer for the actions taken during their slave trade which lasted for 1,400 years. The non-Western origins of the Arabs allowed them to avoid facing their responsabilities regarding the spread of anti-blackness and the acknowledgment of the anti-African foundations of their world as the roots of their political institutions. The process of Arabization has often been promoted as a valid anti-colonial movement, when in reality, it proved to be a disaster for the Africans of the Middle East. Indeed, they were not only crushed or displaced, but they were also taken away from the ancient traditions they built as they found themselves being trapped within their indigenous lands frontiers. In the political hypocrisy, the Arab world would condemn the Israeli Zionist government for the occupation of the land, when North Africa, the Horn and the Swahili Coast have been culturally, racially and historically purposely separated from their black African roots by the Arab colonizers first, before the Europeans nurtured their own Eurocentric views.However, due to the North American agressions in Iraq or Syria, the Arabs, and white Arabized people who benefited from colonialism in the past have placed themselves under the status of victims and still refuse to acknowledge their responsability in the destruction of the black Africans.It is with the example of the Black Palestinians and Black Israelis that author and historian VKY (Victoria Kabeya) highlights the disastrous consequences of the Arabization for Africa and the Oriental African diaspora. Arabization was not a political desire to unify dominated populations, but a structured colonial system put in place and without which, the domination of the black Africans could have never happened.

  • av Vk Y

  • av Vk Y & Editions Canaan

  • av Vk Y & Editions Canaan

  • av Vk Y & Editions Canaan

  • av Vk Y

    In this provocative book of poetry, latest work by poet, essayist and novelist VKY, the author writes a pamphlet aimed at exposing racism within the White Jewish and Arab communities. She questions she place of the Native Black populations who have been pushed away and whose influence was diminished over the years. An African and Levantine, she made this book personal by recounting the many issues she has faced in Israel and Palestine.

  • av Vk Y

    Pourquoi les Congolais dominent autant la musique qu'ils produisent? C'est la question à laquelle bon nombre de médias ont tenté de répondre sans grande réussite. Dans cette nouvelle édition du livre de 2019, VKY examine les origines socio-politiques témoignant de l'impact culturel de la diaspora congolaise dans la musique en France et en Belgique.Qu'il s'agisse d'Indeep, de Zap Mama, Technotronic, Tribal Jam ou encore Kalash Criminel, l'auteure partage les résultats d'un travail de recherche approndi révélateur de la richesse culturelle et créative de cette diaspora particulière.

  • av Vk Y & Editions Canaan

    Justice pour Adama, lutte anti-raciste et afro-féminisme. Jusqu'où iront les meneurs associatifs communautaires? Dans une France post-coloniale où les luttes de classes et de race font encore rage, quel est donc le rapport au pouvoir des groupes minoritaires? Symboles de l'échec des indépendances africaines, la diaspora africaine de France n'a jamais su construire une structure politique et économique solide contrairement à celle des Antillais. Toutefois, ils sont les plus durs et demandeurs quant à la reconnaissance de leurs quêtes politiques. Usent-ils de l'exploitation de la souffrance historique en vue d'accéder au pouvoir ou bien font-ils preuve de sincérité totale? Dans cette nouvelle édition de DUXE -pour EXODUS- VKY décrit le concept du pouvoir du point de vue de l'immigré et du rapport de ce dernier à la domination ainsi que sa place dans l'histoire.

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