- Contemplations and Doubts
av Vladivoj Valkovic
1 967
In Origins of Life Volume II, the life, as well as its origin, are inspected from traditional and unexpected points of view. The book takes an interdisciplinary approach, discussing astrobiology, chemical evolution and how the universe accommodates life, molecular biology, and philosophy. It is an open-minded approach, fully referenced throughout, and each chapter includes a further reading section for anyone wishing to learn more about that perspective on the origins of life.First of all, everything has started, with Big Bang, from nothing. It appears now, that everything was aiming to our existence some 13.75x109 years later, being capable to understand it all. We did it using powerful tools: science, philosophy, and religion. Although we appreciate the contributions made by philosophy and religion, our contemplations and doubts are based on the numerous scientific evidence provided.The reader will be guided from make-up of the life stage (Universe), tools and materials formation for the living matter to be formed in the small part of the Universe, which one could call Human neighbourhood, or the Local Universe. It contains galaxies, galaxy clusters, and voids, and also the Milky Way and its satellites influencing each other during the time span.The book is easy to read, accompanied with numerous references; it could be of use to the expert in the field as well as for curious minds with a scientific, philosophical or religious background.