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Böcker av William Timmerman

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  • - A Bathroom Humor Book
    av William Timmerman

    Toilet-themed books can be really entertaining especially if they are knee-slapping funny. This book is just that. It is filled with humorous real-life stories of a man who must spend four hours a day sitting on a toilet whether traveling about or at home. You will laugh out loud and agree why he considers himself a "toilet expert". Meet the "flying toilet seat", how to deal with electric eye flushers, the times he gets caught in ladies' restrooms, the perfect restroom at the winery at Castello Banfi-II Burgo, Italy, the Saint Bernard dog from hell, and when he got wedged between a toilet and the stall wall and couldn't get out, and much more.All the stories are true. He bets you will laugh out loud more than once! Get ready for crude and uproariously funny stuff about one man's life of love and hate with toilets.

  • av William Timmerman

    Most people familiar with the Rosary are not aware of the specific "promises" the Blessed Virgin Mary told saints about the Rosary's power as a safeguard against evil. This book contains inspiring experiences from ordinary people and from a select family about how the Rosary has affected their lives being brought up saying a family rosary together.The book also includes an in-depth view of what Mary has told the visionaries about the distinct power of the Rosary at six different apparition sites, its powers as told by special people including Immaculee Ilibagiza, Father Patrick Peyton, and a bishop when Jesus appeared and gave him a sword that turned into a Rosary to use against Boca Haram, and to top it off, a truly miraculous story from a friend that will amaze readers.For people who find the Rosary too long or monotonous, or worse still, not a useful prayer, the author presents a number of recommendations for the person to seriously consider and try out. He does this because of his firm belief the Rosary is truly a powerful gift from Jesus and Mary you do not want to underestimate or ignore. It is that important for your life as a protection from evil and to help save one's soul.

  • - He Targets Our Thinking
    av William Timmerman

    Most scholars agree the Devil cannot read our minds. The author asserts this is not completely true and lays out the reasons why. Most scholars and the author do agree the Devil can indeed put thoughts in our minds or work on them to lead us to sin. Thoughts are prompted by the physical senses, imagination and one's memory with each source examined in detail.The book discusses a number of protections for the reader to use to combat the Devil's and demon's direct attacks on our thinking and the resulting decisions to sin or not to sin.

  • av William Timmerman

    Numbers in the Bible have special spiritual significance. We can make easy connections with 40 (Jesus fasted "forty days and nights in the desert"); 12 (apostles or Tribes of Israel) and 7 (days of creation) as examples. The author singles out the number 3 because he believes it provides the most support for Christian faith in God and why the author thinks 3 is God's favorite number. He leaves it to the reader to decide if there is a better number than three.

  • av William Timmerman

    What is your reaction to the word "whatever"? For twelve years running, it was voted the "most annoying" word in Marist polls. The author discovered it actually is a positively powerful word he first learned from a disabled biker named Reuben during a group counseling session. He later found "whatever" is in the Bible 173 times! When he connected it to a famous song and AA's sound-off prayer, the light went on. The conclusion? "Whatever" is a sacrificial word for both practical and spiritual purposes.The book will walk-you-through why the word can change your life for the better.

  • av William Timmerman

    The book contains a powerful, heaven-sent spiritual message from a Catholic priest who died over eighty years ago. The message comes to the author now in 2023 for the world to know. Renown mystics and the Blessed Virgin Mary have continually warned us we have become so sinful God has decided enough is enough and will take severe corrective action in the form of some type of chastisement.The saintly priest's message is to prepares us for reaching out to those who are suffering from the forthcoming "desolation" by means of a very special spiritual charism from the Holy Spirit. The charism empowers faith-filled Christians to be an effective channel of God's love shared to our brothers and sisters during the dreadful period of time that is coming soon. Our Lady of Akita appeared to Sister Agnes Sasagawa in 1973. In 2019, she was visited by an angel. Afterward, Sister Agnes confided to a "Sister M," "I feel the time is near," suggesting some type of punishment is imminent but not the end of the world.The author explains the spiritual charism in detail, how to receive it and use it as an act of love in serving people suffering for any reason or cause. The author explains the spiritual charism in detail, how to receive it and use it as an act of love in serving people suffering for any reason or cause.

  • av William Timmerman

    Why would anyone choose to become lowly? The author offers convincing reasons why he seeks to be a lowly man for the rest of his life.He welcomes you to journey along with him as he accepts the challenge of God's call to everyone to become lowly.Dreams in the Bible contained warning messages and his dreams have warned him that he needed to make some drastic changes in how he was living. He tells how tragic events have impacted his journey and the lessons he has learned from Mary and Jesus and lowly people he has met along the way.He shares some remarkable stories of how life events and dreams come together to prove coincidences indeed are when God chooses to remain anonymous.His wife gave him his first journal book as an anniversary gift. He considers it his best gift because it has changed his life.He highly recommends journaling because it enabled him to know God has been his steadfast guide throughout his journey. The journal is a travelogue showing how he got to where he is now and where he is headed on his spiritual journey.

  • av William Timmerman

    The author provides a robust career planning handbook that guides the career seeker how to access free Web-based resources to determine occupational interests, temperament type and reliable estimates of aptitudes. He offers several difference sources for each one to assure himself they provide reasonably valid results.The book also includes work values and the Person-Environment Fit approach to work adjustment. The reader is guided on how to complete a cost-benefit analysis for each occupation up for consideration. Heavy emphasis is placed on how to use the government's O*NET system for not only occupational information but as a highly functional method for comparing one's interests, temperament type and aptitudes and abilities with the Job Zone.The author has over fifty-years-experience training job coaches, vocational evaluators and career coaches in addition to serving as a career counselor himself. He has packaged all his knowledge and guidance together while using a light-hearted approach with many actual case examples.

  • av William Timmerman

    Jesus teaches us how to confront temptations to sin by modeling how he responded to the temptations from Satan he experienced after fasting in the desert for forty days and during his agony in the garden.There are many lessons we can learn from these two events in Jesus' life to help us deal with the temptations we face in our daily lives. The author focuses on the spiritual power of fasting, the presence of angels in both the desert and the garden, the question of abandonment by God the Father and Jesus' friends, the roles of the Holy Spirit, Michael the Archangel, and the Blessed Mother. The most important lesson is left for the reader to learn.

  • - Do You Have a Sick Soul?
    av William Timmerman

    The "Warning" and the illumination of conscience are receiving wide spread recognition in the theistic community that believes in a personal God as the creator and ruler of the world. These are not "end times" calamities but expected at any time as a God sent earth shaking wake-up event that signifies He indeed exists and people need to come back to Him by giving up lives devoted to sin and return to loving Him and other people and to do what He says to live "good lives" in peace and harmony. The book provides a number of ways for the reader to use for overcoming sin in their lives and healing their "sick souls". One way the author discovered is by tapping into his "spiritual microchip" which produces a personal illumination of conscience that uncovered some sins occurring years ago he had forgotten all about that he could finally bring to repentance and forgiveness from the person he had offended. The book also presents a very thorough examination of conscience and other guides for coming face to face with sin up close and personal interwoven with Biblical scriptural support and inspirational words from famous saints and others.

  • av William Timmerman

    Enjoy the author's many occasions when angels have "stepped in" to protect, challenge and help him grow spiritually. Angels have escorted souls in Purgatory to ask him for prayers and to remember them. The angels share poems, jokes, and showed their technical know-how with him and have saved him from death in vehicles, a stabbing by a mentally ill patient and how to bring peace to troubling situations. Through it all, he has learned angels love to surprise us.

  • - It Sucks, It Sanctifies, or What?
    av William Timmerman

    More than 20 different slants or viewpoints on suffering are featured in the book. The author shares his more than the typical bouts with suffering starting as a child, then when he was young adult and now as an older man. The book also includes views about suffering from his friends, stories about famous saints and the suffering in their lives with a special emphasis on Mary, the Mother of Jesus, St. Paul and Jesus, the Suffering Servant.You will find the book heart-aching, uplifting, and inspiring.

  • av William Timmerman

    Explore the many ways the pebbles from events, acts of kindness, sins of commission and omission, and good deeds have caused ripples and waves in our lives. Like breadcrumbs, they show the path we have taken, with detours and rerouting along the way, on our final journey. We will meet villains, heroes, saints, and God along the way seeing how their actions were pebbles, stones or boulders that sent both small and giant waves across the world and have affected us. We will look at ourselves both as recipients of the waves caused by others and how our pebbles and stones have caused ripple effects on other people as well as ourselves.

  • - May He Dwell Happily Within You
    av William Timmerman

    Many writers still decry the fact that the Holy Spirit is neglected and ignored in sermons, homilies, theological study and in people's lives. He has been described as the "forgotten God", the Cinderella in the Trinity even though he is totally equal in power, majesty and possesses the same divine attributes with God the Father and God the Son.The author depends on many biblical descriptions, theological resources, specific prayers and his own personal relationship with the Holy Spirit to lead the reader to a deeper understanding of what the Holy Spirit brings into our lives. The Holy Spirit's predominant purpose and mission is to "enlighten, guide, strengthen and console" us. If we invite him in, he will dwell with us and teach us how to be more like Jesus. His spiritual gifts and the fruits of his spirit are our means for growing in holiness.The book's total purpose is to tell why he is the Super Holy Spirit and to reverse our tragic neglect of this divine third person of the Blessed Trinity.

  • av William Timmerman

    Does the world seem more violent than ever before? Probably not. It is a markedly different type of violence we face today. The negativity bias we inherited from our ancestors orients us to be grabbed by and apparently enjoy the violence and tragedy in today's movies, video games and the news. Check out the next nightly news cast and see how many minutes are spent on wars, shootings and other scenes of violence compared to time devoted to happy stories. Mass shooters and serial killers are big news and mass shooters certainly know and aim for that. The book looks into the motives of serial killers like Ted Bundy, John Gacy, Gary Ridgeway, Jeffrey Dahmer and the mass shooters at Columbine, Parkland and Uvalde among others and connects them to the Seven Deadly Sins. The book ends with the question, "Hate the sin and________?"

  • av William Timmerman

    This little book contains numerous images of Jesus to see. The author reveals his favorite and asks the reader to consider their favorite. Special focus is placed on the Shroud of Turin, Veronica's Veil and the Divine Mercy images. The author discusses the various emotions Jesus showed during his ministry as presented in the bible and as depicted in visual creations by artists. The reactions by the media to the "He Gets Us" Super Bowl commercials is discussed along with the modern iconoclastic perspective which is strictly against religious imagery including pictures, statues, holy medals, etc. So, the title and subject of this book is a problem for them which the author rejects as violation of the Second Commandment against "graven images." The book ends with a blessing for the reader and to seek the holy face of Jesus in their life and because an image of Jesus is a great reminder of his presence in their lives.

  • av William Timmerman

    A number of books and articles describe what the Warning and Illumination of Conscience will be like and offer speculation about how and when they will happen. This book focuses on the "Why" for the Warning and the Illumination of Conscience in the first place. The Blessed Virgin told the four girls at Garabandal, "We must make many sacrifices, perform much penance, and visit the Blessed Sacrament frequently. But first, we must lead good lives." What constitutes a "good life"? A major portion of the book is devoted to answering that question and how to best prepare for the Warning and Illumination of Conscience the author expects will be coming soon.

  • - "Warrior Queen"
    av William Timmerman

    Mary's most familiar and celebrated qualities are her meekness, mildness, profound humility, and purity. She is described as amiable and known as the Mystic Rose. She has other great qualities which are seldom recognized. As Queen of Heaven and Earth she is powerful and battles with Satan over our souls. The author takes up Bishop Barron's salute to Mary as a "Warrior Queen." She is the woman in Genesis 3:15 who crushes the serpent's head and the Queen with twelve stars on her crown in Revelation 12 who battles with the red dragon. The book highlights the marvelous and powerful weapon Mary has given us known as the Rosary for us to rely on in the spiritual battle with Satan.

  • av William Timmerman

    The author discovered magical and spiritual-like results from his answer to the question "What is your favorite letter?" He has tried it with other folks, and they were surprised and amazed too. He then asked himself, "What is your favorite animal?" then matched it with his Myers-Briggs temperament type for even more fun surprises. Others have found similar amazing revelations and could not believe how "on target" the matches can be.Answer the two questions for yourself! The book will guide you as you learn more about you.

  • av William Timmerman

    WARNING! "a statement or event that indicates a possible or impending danger, problem, or other unpleasant situation." The Blessed Virgin Mary has repeatedly warned people in the world that their sins are so offensive to God, as a loving father, he must correct their outrageous sinful behavior. Mary made it clear to the visionaries at Fatima, Garabandal, Akita and more recently Civitavecchia that our grave sinfulness demands a severe response from God called a chastisement. The four girls at Garabandal said the vision of the chastisement was so horrific they called it the "night of screams." It will result in world-wide devastation.Mary said a Chastisement can be avoided if we respond to the Warning by turning back to God and leading a good life that shows loving care for others.The book tells what the reader is called to do in response to Mary's message. Pray, make intentional sacrifices to God to save sinners and ourselves from damnation and by keeping God in the center of our lives.

  • av William Timmerman

  • av William Timmerman

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