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Böcker av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

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  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Ce livre peut changer toute une communauté. C'est un message révoltant et révolutionnaire.Ce livre parle du temps, que l'auteur, Z.T. Fomum, définit comme l'un des plus précieux dons que Dieu ait fait à l'homme.Le temps étant un don du Seigneur, l'auteur est convaincu que son utilisation correcte ne peut pas être séparée de la connaissance profonde de Dieu et de ses volontés.L'utilisation décente du temps passe par une rigoureuse planification de celui-ci à travers l'élaboration d'un emploi de temps qui consacre les meilleures heures aux choses prioritaires de la vie, conformément à la révélation de Dieu et de l'¿uvre que le Seigneur nous confie.Par une démonstration analytique avec des chiffres estimatifs probables, l'auteur nous convainc des dangers que comporte la perte du temps, même dans les proportions les plus infimes, tant dans le siècle présent que dans la gloire à venir.Vous y trouverez quelques comptes rendus de l'utilisation du temps, de l'auteur lui-même et d'autre personnes.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Denna bok, Livets väg, som är den första boken i serien, har som tema,Vägen in i det Kristna Livet,Vägen till Jesus Kristus,Vägen till Gud: Livets Väg.Den är skriven speciellt för att hjälpa dig att hitta Herren Jesus, ge dig själv till honom, och då kommer du verkligen att börja leva. När du börjar läsa uppmuntrar vi dig att trycka på ända till slutet och även besvara alla frågor i slutet av varje kapitel.Vår bön är att du, när du läser den färdigt, kommer att ha ingått en levande relation med Jesus och att du då också kan säga: "Jesus är min frälsare."

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Nicodème-un éminent pharisien et un important chef religieux juif-est sans aucun doute l'un des personnages les plus mystérieux de la Bible. Il est venu rendre visite à Jésus secrètement, de nuit, et a reçu une instruction qui l'a rendu très perplexe. On lui dit : Il faut que tu naisses de nouveau ! Comme si Nicodème devait savoir exactement ce qu'Il voulait dire !Concrètement, que veut dire naître de nouveau ?Es-tu né de nouveau ?Dans ce livre, le professeur Z. T. Fomum présente, sans mâcher ses mots, le conseil plein et entier de Dieu pour ceux qui recherchent une union véritable et vitale avec Dieu. Il s'agit d'une histoire de rédemption entrecoupée de témoignages de deux hauts fonctionnaires qui ont rencontré le Sauveur, ont été transformés et n'ont plus jamais été les mêmes.Si tu cherches sincèrement la réconciliation et l'union avec Dieu, c'est le livre qu'il te faut ! Tu pourrais aussi brûler du désir de présenter le message complet et non dilué de la croix à un être cher, à un parent, à un ami ou à un collègue, mais tu ne sais pas comment t'y prendre.Ce livre répond à ce besoin. Il est ton éclaireur !Ose le lire !

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Le professeur Z.T. Fomum présente dans cet ouvrage, premier d'une série de quatorze livres, la voie pour entrer dans une communion parfaite avec Dieu à travers le salut en Jésus Christ.Sont développés, dans ce livre, les raisons de la chute de l'homme, les tentatives de l'homme pour sortir de l'ancienne création où règnent la mort et le péché, et la voie de Dieu pour sortir de l'ancienne création, afin de connaitre une nouvelle vie en Jésus Christ.Vous y trouverez aussi les conseils spirituels pour établir le croyant dans l'assurance de son salut.L'auteur a également évoqué dans ce livre, les principaux points de la doctrine biblique:la rédemption, l'adoption, la justification, le rachat.Le livre est profond, puissant pour conduire à l'action par les multiples questions auxquelles le lecteur ou l'étudiant de la Bible doit répondre.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    The content of this book centers around a crucial theme: "Dealing with the Self-life." Its message will help you comprehend the nature of the self-life and, more importantly, how to overcome its grip on your life.The author, Z.T. Fomum, imparts the revelation that God, the Lord of history, continually orchestrates events and circumstances to shape our destinies and propel us toward a future marked by divine purpose. You will be challenged to relinquish self-reliance and instead yield to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, recognizing the vital role of divine influence in leading a life pleasing to God.Could it be that you have grown comfortable, complacent, and passive in your spiritual journey? Then this book is a wake-up call for you! Awaken from your slumber, discard your indifferent attitude, and break free from the shackles of the self-life. Then you will embrace a selfless existence that will bring profound satisfaction to the heart of God and fulfill His purposes through your life and service.May you encounter a radical deliverance from the clutches of the self-life as you read this book!

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Dr. Zacharias T. Fomum is a minister of the Word, and a scientist. He combines the teaching of organic chemistry at the University of Yaounde, Cameroon, West Africa, with the spiritual ministry of teaching the Word in many countries. He searches out facts and presents them in a teachable format.In expanded outline form, Dr. Fomum presents the Biblical teaching about who an intercessor is, what intercession is, and how an intercessor intercedes in this book entitled, The Art of Intercession.An intercessor then ... takes the sin of another upon himself... He pleads and labours with God until the guilty party is forgiven.Pointing to a great shortage of intercessors, the question is asked, "Does it matter to you?"Biblical teaching on intercession is covered in both the Old and New Testaments. Perhaps the greatest need of the Church today is that we be intercessors. Dr. Fomum examines the art of intercession as practised by Moses, Abraham, Daniel, Nehemiah, Paul, Epaphras and Jesus Himself.The challenge is disturbing as the reader realizes how short of the mark is even the most spiritual of Christians.Dr. Fomum practises what he teaches, as do some Churches in Cameroon. Who of us prays for several hours each day? Who of us fasts and prays in spiritual warfare for from 21-40 days at a time, several times per year?This book is MUST reading for the serious Christian.Dr. Lester Sumrall

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Ce livre, La Pratique de l'Intercession, fait suite au livre: L'Art de l'Intercession, déjà en circulation. Il traite essentiellement des aspects pratiques du Ministère d'Intercession.Étape par étape, le Professeur Fomum nous fait passer par les différents stades d'intercession, à savoir, de l'intercesseur débutant à l'intercesseur avancé.L'intercesseur débutant aura des indications sur l'utilisation du temps, la discipline, le travail dur, la lecture de sa Bible, les retraites spirituelles, et bien d'autres aspects de la vie de l'intercesseur.Pour les plus avancés, il aborde des thèmes tels que le renversement des Autorités et des Principautés, et donne des indications sur la mise sur pied de chaînes de prière, ainsi que d'un ministère d'intercession à plein temps.Ce livre est écrit de manière que chaque chapitre peut être lu à part, car il est assez complet. Nous sommes convaincus que Dieu a un message dans ces chapitres pour t'encourager, te bénir et te défier.La prière est le travail le plus important sur terre. Les intercesseurs sont les gens les plus importants sur terre.Lis ce livre et engage-toi dans le ministère de l'intercession, faisant ainsi le plus grand bien au Royaume de Dieu, à l'Église, au monde, à ton continent, à ta nation, à ta ville, à ton église locale, à ta famille et à toi-même.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Un grand conseil de Dieu pour assurer ton succès à tous les niveaux.L'art de travailler dur est un véritable manuel révolutionnaire et incitatif à se défaire de la paresse pour travailler de toute notre force, afin d'accomplir le but pour lequel Dieu nous a créés.Il s'agit pour l'Auteur de nous faire comprendre qu'il est presque impossible de travailler dur sans un but en vue et que ce but doit être suffisamment grand pour nécessiter l'intervention de Dieu. De plus, il faut garder jalousement ce but en vue afin de ne pas le perdre, tout en planifiant son travail pour garantir sa réussite. Cependant, pour qu'un but soit accompli, il faut se déterminer à travailler sous pression, tout en pressant de l'avant.Fais de ce livre ton compagnon. C'est un grand conseil de Dieu pour assurer ton succès à tous les niveaux.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum, through this book, communicates his burden of bringing the people of God back to the missionary purposes of God.The heart of the missionary and the life of the missionary find their origin, basis, and model in the Heart of God. He is a missionary God. The heart of the missionary and the life of the missionary are to be judged, seen, and appreciated by the way God judges, sees and appreciates them.God wants to producepeople who see the world as He sees it,people who continually live under the constraint of God's missionary needs,people who dream of God's mission fields every night and work there every day to make sure that the missionary purposes of God are fulfilled.The Purpose of this Book is for many to go out as missionaries with correct hearts and correct lives, equipped for permanent and productive work.This book is highly recommended to all believers.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This book presents a powerful guide to God-approved success.The author, Professor Fomum, challenges the world's view of success, which is based solely on what a person has done. Instead, the author emphasizes the importance of who we are before God and how that shapes what we do. For true success before God, the person must be right with the Lord and their motives must be pure. This book offers a unique perspective on what it means to be successful in the eyes of God, focusing on the idea that success is what meets God's approval, both in this life and at the judgment seat of Christ.With its thought-provoking insights and practical guidance, The Laws of Spiritual Success is a must-read for anyone seeking to grow in their faith and achieve success according to God's standards.Grab your copy today and let God bless you as you delve into the messages contained within this book.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Are you tired of feeling unmotivated and lacking productivity?Do you struggle with the grip of laziness and want to unleash your full potential for the kingdom of God?In this book, Professor Z.T. Fomum delves into the causes, manifestations, and consequences of laziness. With practical insights and biblical wisdom, he provides a roadmap to overcome this hindrance and tap into the power and purpose God has for your life. Say goodbye to sluggishness and hello to a life of purpose and impact.Transform yourself into a driven, productive, and effective servant of God.Get your copy today.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Discover the transformative power of prayer with Pray or Perish by Zacharias Tanee Fomum.Through practical insights and personal anecdotes, the author, an authority on prayer and an exemplary prayer warrior, presents the importance of prayer in fulfilling God's purpose for our lives and in our generation. Fomum covers various aspects of prayer, including its relationship to spiritual leadership, holiness, and the call of God.The book is not merely theoretical but is the result of a life wholly given to prayer. Professor Fomum's passion for prayer is evident in every chapter, and his deep understanding of its power comes through in his writing. Through practical insights, he shows us how to develop a meaningful and effective prayer life.As you read this book, you will be inspired to pray fervently and wholeheartedly, knowing that your life and ministry depend on it.Pray or Perish is a must-read for anyone seeking to develop a powerful and effective prayer life.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Naaman est un général de l'armée d'Assyrie qui travaille dur et est loyal. Il s'élèva à la prééminence et gagna à la fois le respect de ses soldats et celui des officiers de rang élevé. Ses prouesses militaires et ses accomplissements n'avaient pas leurs pareils. L'argent, la gloire, l'honneur, les femmes étaient à sa disposition.Pour l'homme du commun, Naaman est un exemple de tout ce qu'une personne souhaiterait et désirerait avoir en terme de succès et de possessions. Malheureusement, toute cette célébrité apparente de Naaman était un masque et personne ne le savait !! Que cachait-il ?La célébrité: un masque est une exposition passionnée de la double vie de cet homme d'état de premier rang. Le livre nous donne un antidote à toutes les sortes de masques. Au travers de lui tu seras démasqué, feras face à la vérité et tu auras la délivrance et l'aide indispensable qu'il te faut.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Two fundamental truths are demonstrated in this book:that a pure heart is a gift from God which should be treasured as soon as it is received and,that only those who have a pure heart will see God.For, having a pure heart and being holy are one and the same thing.The book conveys a message on sanctification that is not limited to mere exhortations on the need to have a pure heart. Much more, it is about satisfying the hunger of those who seek to know how to receive a pure heart and keep it continually pure.In this book, Z.T. Fomum exposes the vanity of Christless religions by establishing the difference between the old (unclean) heart and the new (pure) heart. He demonstrates that all those who have an impure heart need Jesus, regardless of their religion.This book is like a light in the darkness. Read it.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This book by Zacharias Tanee Fomum is the depiction of the beauty and grandeur in the holiness and character of Joseph. Very early on in life, this hardworking and non-idle young man took on the heavy burden of denouncing the sin of his brothers before his father, who loved him so much.This aroused the jealousy of his brothers who sold him into slavery. Having gone down to Egypt as a slave, he worked in Potiphar's house.There again, he fled sin with all his might, refusing to sleep with his master's wife. This anti-sin stance landed him in prison. In all these things, the Lord was with him and blessed him.By the hand of God who knows how to prepare those whom He wants to raise to greatness by trials, he came to leadership over Egypt and was an instrument of deliverance for His people. Joseph was a man of vision and sexual purity.This book responds to an urgent need of God to raise up in the Church men and women of spiritual nobility like Joseph.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    The holiness of God demands that anything that Jesus would not have prayed about is not prayed.The question then arises, how does a child of God know for sure what to ask for in prayer that will receive divine probation? Secondly, who is qualified to pray?The author, Professor Z.T. Fomum, goes into great depth to provide not only a succinct answer to these questions but also outlining the basic prerequisites to prayer. He states that:Prayer and Holiness are two sides of the same coin.Prayer is holy business with a Holy God.In prayer one touches the holiness of God and the God of holiness.Praying with sin in one's life is self-destruction and far worse than prayerlessness.Prayer and Holiness is an outstanding down-to-earth university-level course on prayer. In it, the author brings to light the difference between obeying God and pleasing God with regards to prayer, highlighting what goes into pleasing God.As you pick up this book, be prepared for deep transformations and a rerouting in what you have practiced as prayer thus far.Welcome to the sphere of practical spiritual warfare with guaranteed answers to all your prayers.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    A central message in the Christian lifeThe author, Z.T. Fomum explains that in the processes of faith, through the word of God, one receives a commandment, a command, and the word becomes charged. The word of God becomes charged when it receives life; for before this word has life, it is like an ordinary word. The Logos of God becomes the Rhema of God. It depends on whether or not you have active sites. Faith is a place where a truth will take root, for unless it settles in your heart it cannot act. These active sites where the word is fixed are often destroyed by sin, self, the love of the world, and the things of the world. Faith is also the proclamation of what has already taken place in the invisible.Many people confuse faith with hope. Hope says, "the Lord will give," while faith says, "the Lord has given." The processes of faith is therefore the central message in the Christian life.A dense and complete message, to be read!

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This is a handbook for on-the-field and aspiring missionaries and leaders at all levels.In Spiritual Aggressiveness, Professor Z.T. Fomum shares powerful and inspiring insights on Spiritual Leadership in the model of Joshua.He covers a range of topics, including greatness through might in character and deeds, breaking barriers with total violence, commitment to hard work, teamwork, radical holiness for spiritual service, aggressive servanthood, and bleeding pursuit of God....You will learn from Joshua's example as Fomum highlights the importance of servant leadership. He reveals that God recruits future leaders through one-man service, and shows how the principles of hard work, paying a price for God's purposes, and knowledge of God and His word are crucial for success.With contributions from field workers, Spiritual Aggressiveness offers practical insights into missions. It is a must-read for all leaders who wish to be equipped for the Lord's harvest on the eve of His imminent return.Read it and become the leader that God intends you to be.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    In this book, Professor Fomum stresses the indispensability of spiritual power to accomplish the great commission of taking the glorious gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to every human being. God's purposes are tied to spirit-filled men and women; people on whom the Holy Spirit has come.Can God depend on you for His global and end time purposes as far as the salvation of multitudes is concerned?Using the Biblical examples of Gideon, Jephthah, Samson, King Saul, David, and the Lord Jesus, as well as his personal testimony, the author shows clearly that it is when the Holy Spirit came on them that they received power to accomplish God's call.This book can be a real stimulus for you to rise to heights with God and move forward with Him.Read it and become restless until you are clothed with and function exclusively under the power from on high-the power for service.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This book is both an awakening and a reviving manual, with a series of suggested spiritual retreat programmes to guide the beginners.The author, Z.T. Fomum provides an answer to the many questions that Christians often ask themselves, concerning either their own spiritual progress or the spiritual progress of other believers.These questions can be summed up as follows:How do you overcome the tendency to activism which makes agitated believers unable to be calm before God in order to seek Him?How do you know God so that you can serve Him from deep knowledge?In a word, how do you walk from one degree of progress to another in our generation?The author invites us, in response to these many questions, to experience a life of spiritual retreats. That life is a prelude to the great final retreat that the Lord will soon take with His church.Therefore, retreats are presented as a sign of love for the Lord and an activity in preparation for our final retreat with the Lord. Retreats for spiritual progress are to be taken regularly as a way of life.To resolve questions relating to the preparation and planning of a spiritual retreat, the author suggests, as a guide, a series of retreat programmes ranging from 15 minutes to several hours and days.In devising a format for several types of retreats, the author effectively answers the question of what should be done step-by-step during a retreat. You just need to choose the type of retreat you wish to take and just follow the instructions given in the book by the author.This book is both an awakening and a reviving instrument.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    It is, finally, all about the work of transforming a sinner into a repentant sinner, a repentant sinner into a convert, a convert into a young disciple, leading the young disciple to maturity and, finally, making him a disciple-maker.This critically important book is presented by the author as ''An attempt to provide the needful for the Lord's call to make disciples who will make disciples, who will themselves make disciples and...''It is a statement of the revelations, doctrines, methods and principles of discipleship aimed at helping anyone to experience discipleship and thereby lead others to grow in a way to become active workers in making others disciples.It is a book to read and recommend to any servant of God cognizant of the glorious mission that the Lord Jesus Christ has entrusted to His church: "Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations..."This book is highly recommended to the body of Christ.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Many want to serve the Lord in the gospel but are ignorant of the standards of God for those who would qualify as labourers in the gospel.The author shows from the scriptures who is qualified, the characteristics of the qualified and examples of those who qualified to serve the Lord.In this book, you will discover the qualifications which revolutionize the disciple's service to God in the gospel and also the flaws he must avoid in order to be a qualified workman who serves God and man in this generation.We send this book out with the prayer that the Lord would be pleased to use it to grant His children a better understanding of His service and instruct them on how to qualify to serve Him in the gospel enterprise.May God bless you richly as you read.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This is a critical book for anyone involved in Christian service. It's an indispensable manual for spiritual leadership.The book is the overflow of a heart under the burden of seeing the marks of the Lordship of Christ in every aspect of Christian service.Service to the Lord or Christian service begins in God and finds its place in God's eternal purpose. It is to be accomplished in the power of the Holy Spirit by men whom God has called to His work. Christian service is to be done according to God's methods and in God's time. Thus defined, the work of God becomes a very serious responsibility. You don't carry out God's work just when you feel like and the way you want, but as He determines.Read this book and either begin to serve the living God satisfactorily or grow in quality and quantity service for Him.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Chaque homme est responsable du type de c¿ur qu'il possède.S'inspirant de la parabole du semeur, le Professeur Fomum enseigne sur les différentes conditions de c¿urs:le c¿ur le long du chemin,le c¿ur pierreux,le c¿ur épineux,le c¿ur qui est la bonne terre.L'auteur situe l'importance du c¿ur et donne les caractéristiques de chaque c¿ur, tout en montrant que chaque homme est responsable du type de c¿ur qu'il possède. Pour posséder un c¿ur qui est la bonne terre, il faut renverser le moi, et débarrasser son c¿ur de toutes formes d'idoles.L'auteur a aussi largement parlé des moyens de porter du fruit en abondance.Ce livre est à étudier pour un changement radical de notre c¿ur et un ministère d'évangélisation fructueux; car comme a dit l'Auteur "c'est le fruit mûr qui produit du fruit mûr!"

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Many believers have backslidden. Some have turned away completely while others have turned away only in small degrees. Many will honestly say, "I have lost that love which I first had for the Lord." Many are prepared to say that, but they are not willing to take radical steps to put things right. They see the need to repent; they desire to repent, but they do not repent, for they do not pay the price of repentance.We believe, however, that there are some who truly hunger for the Lord and desperately want to come out of their backsliding and walk in close proximity with Him. It is for such people that this book has been written.We pray that the Lord should cause this book to fall into the hands of those who need it and that He should revive such ones and bring them into His glory.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Le témoignage de Dieu au sujet du croyant est souvent opposé à ce que l'homme pense de lui-même. Cependant, c'est le verdict de Dieu qui est vrai. La confession de l'homme n'est pas la réalité de l'¿uvre accomplie à la croix du calvaire.Z.T. Fomum, à travers ce livre, qui est un message de la convention de 2006 à Cotonou, a pour but d'emmener chaque croyant à réaliser ce qu'il est, ce que Dieu dit de lui afin de mettre toutes ses potentialités au service de l'évangile, en vue du gagnement des âmes.Ce livre peut être un véritable stimulant pour nous élever vers les hauteurs avec Dieu et aller de l'avant avec Lui.A lire absolument !

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Do you long for an ever-victorious life in Christ? Have you lost your first love for the Lord or fallen into a pit and cannot find a way out? In Victorious Proclamations (Vol. 1), Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum presents a powerful form of prayer called proclamations. Through these proclamations, using powerful words of faith addressed to God and the enemy, you can experience restoration and find victory in your daily walk with God.This book is the first in a series of books on continuous personal spiritual revival. The author shares his experience and introduces readers to a sure way to a victorious Christian life. From the first love for the Lord and brethren, to prayer, Bible reading, evangelism, and more, Victorious Proclamations covers a range of topics and provides powerful proclamations to help you silence the enemy in your life forever.Whether you're a new believer or have been walking with God for years, Victorious Proclamations will equip you with the tools to experience daily dynamic encounters with God and receive His abundant blessings.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    The author of this book, Z.T. Fomum, taught on leadership, training thousands of spiritual leaders throughout the world, being himself the leader of a missionary movement established in over 50 countries. This book is a compilation of the teachings he gave in Cameroon, Gabon, and Togo. They are not theological discussions, but words from a heart to hearts. Several leaders have become experts in the presence of men in the guise of the ministry they render. But God's plan was that the leader be His companion, a man of His presence. The Lord established leaders first to be with HIM and then serve Him from the overflow of being in His presence. The entire life and ministry of the leader depend on it. This book will not leave you indifferent. Read it and may God transform you into a leader of His presence.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    In Separation from the Common, author Zacharias Tanee Fomum shares his personal journey of obedience to God's call to live a life of separation from the ordinary. Fomum's journey began with small steps of obedience, like giving away his suits when God asked him to, but it soon became a radical commitment to living a life different from what obtains in the world around him.Using biblical examples and others from Church history, Fomum makes the case that all who are called by God to specific tasks are called away from the ordinary life and to uncommon lifestyle, He argues that success and distinction come at a great price and that responsibility curtails a person's freedom. Fomum's book challenges readers to consider whether they are willing to pay the price for success and follow the narrow way that Jesus walked.Through his own story and reflections on the Scripture, Fomum offers encouragement to those who are willing to heed God's call to a life of separation from the common. He reminds readers that they can hear God's voice and that He will be their guide and helper on the path to success in Him.Separation from the Common is a challenging and inspiring call to a radical commitment to Christ and a life that stands out from the crowd.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    The Holy art of importunate praying and intercession.Importunity, says Prof. Fomum, is the cry of a man in extreme danger. It is madly asking God to open a door through the wall of a situation - until the door is opened. Importunity has God's interest in view; it is taking no rest until God is moved to do that which He alone must do. He affirms that when God gives you a number of problems to which man has no answers, then He has promoted you - He has given you materials for importunity praying.God's purposes in the New Covenant are tied to the Spirit-filled life. Christian service also starts with this quality of life. He reiterates his heart's cry to see the leader strive to be Spirit-filled and press on to attain to the fullness of the Holy Spirit.We send out this book with prayer that the Lord would use it to produce men and women of importunate praying-watchmen at the gates of Jerusalem.

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