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Böcker utgivna av A Book Apart

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  • av Josh Clark

    Touch introduces physicality to designs that were once strictly virtual, and puts forth a new test: How does this design feel in the hand? Josh Clark guides you through the touchscreen frontier. Learn about ergonomic demands (and rules of thumb), layout and sizing for all gadgets, an emerging gestural toolkit, and tactics to speed up interactions and keep gestures discoverable. Get the know-how to design for interfaces that let you touch-stretch, crumple, drag, flick-information itself. It's in your hands.

  • av Jason Santa Maria

    Typography is your design's voice and the most powerful tool you have to communicate with your readers. Learn how to wield type with care and wit: how to evaluate typefaces, consider technical constraints, create flexible typographic systems, and put together your own collection of favorite faces.Jason Santa Maria wants you to see type beyond code or flourishes. You'll discover how typography shapes the way we read and how you can adapt the craft's practices for the screen. So go ahead. Choose, combine, and set typefaces with ease-and invite readers in.

  • av Jason Grigsby

    Progressive web apps represent the next big digital opportunity: they look and feel like native apps, they work offline, and they're available to anyone-no app store required. But with that freedom and flexibility come challenging questions about how to create the most value for your users (and your bottom line). Jason Grigsby answers the what, why, and how of progressive web apps, from making the case in your organization to reaching your users in bold, new ways. Build your audience, increase revenue, and widen the web's reach-all with the power of progressive web apps.

  • av Luke Wroblewski

    Our industry's long wait for the complete, strategic guide to mobile web design is finally over. Former Yahoo! design architect and cocreator of Bagcheck Luke Wroblewski knows more about mobile experience than the rest of us, and packs all he knows into this entertaining, to-the-point guidebook. Its data-driven strategies and battle tested techniques will make you a master of mobile-and improve your non-mobile design, too!

  • av Jeremy Wagner

    JavaScript plays a powerful role in creating rich interactive experiences. But its power comes at a cost: longer load times, sluggish pages, and inaccessible content. The more we rely on client-side rendering, the more likely we are to exclude visitors with older devices, slower connections, or those who have disabled JavaScript altogether.If we want people to fully experience the sites we have worked so hard to craft, then we must be judicious in our use of JavaScript. In thoughtful detail, Jeremy Wagner shows how JavaScript can be used to progressively enhance server-side functionality, while improving speed and access for more visitors. By centering user needs every step of the way-from toolchains to metrics to testing-we can all contribute to a more inclusive, accessible, and resilient web.THIS BOOK EXPLORES:How framework choices directly impact user experience outcomesTechniques for loading JavaScript and effectively navigating modern toolchainsHow to mitigate performance disruption from third-party JavaScript Using Service Worker technology to create more resilient experiences

  • av Tim Brown

    For the first time in hundreds of years, because of the web, the role of the typographer has changed. We no longer decide; we suggest. We no longer simply choose typefaces, font sizes, line spacing, and margins; we prepare and instruct text to make those choices for itself. In this book, Tim Brown illuminates the complex, beautiful world of typesetting-arguably the most important part of typography because it forms the backbone of the reading experience-and shows us how to parry the inevitable pressures that arise when we can no longer predict how, and where, our text will be read.

  • av Jeremy Keith

    Boldly take your website where it's never gone before: offline. Jeremy Keith introduces you to service workers (and the code behind them) to show you the latest strategies in offline pages. Learn the ins and outs of fetching and caching, enhance your website's performance, and create an ideal offline experience for every user, no matter their connection.

  • av Lara Hogan

    Finding your bearings as a manager can feel overwhelming-but you don't have to fake it to make it, and you don't have to go it alone. Lara Hogan shares her recipe for supporting and leading a tech team-from developing your mentoring and coaching skills, to getting comfortable with having difficult conversations, to boosting trust among teammates-while staying grounded along the way.

  • av David Demaree

    Git's model of version control makes it indispensable for collaborating on digital projects of all stripes. Get situated with Git as David Demaree guides you through the command-line workflow, the nuances of repositories and branches, the elements of a solid commit message, and more. Pick up common version-tracking tasks, along with advice on trickier scenarios. You'll learn how to put Git to work for you-and work better with your team.

  • av Eva Penzeymoog

    "How will our product hurt people?" As web workers, we don't often ask this question-but we should. Too often, we design for idealized circumstances, even though our users bring a range of complicated personal dynamics to every interaction. When we fail to explicitly design for vulnerable users, we unintentionally prioritize their abusers.Eva PenzeyMoog explains how even the most well-intentioned design can be weaponized for interpersonal harm. Through poignant, all-too-common examples, Eva demonstrates how to identify a design's potential for abuse, how to avoid and mitigate the damage, and how to bake safety into every step of the design process. We can't build good digital products unless we recognize that our users' safety, and lives, are at stake.THIS BOOK EXPLORES:Who is at risk when we don't design for safetyHow household devices can be manipulated for abuseCentering vulnerable communities in research, prototyping, and testingUsing design thinking to avoid continuing patterns of oppression

  • av Ethan Marcotte

    Since its groundbreaking release in 2011, Responsive Web Design remains a fundamental resource for anyone working on the web.Learn how to think beyond the desktop, and craft designs that respond to your users' needs. In the second edition, Ethan Marcotte expands on the design principles behind fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries. Through new examples and updated facts and figures, you'll learn how to deliver a quality experience, no matter how large or small the display.WHAT'S NEW IN THE SECOND EDITION?Discover new tips and tricks for browser support, take a closer look at solutions for serving images, explore the role of progressive enhancement in web design, find better methods for managing bandwidth, and more. Follow along with the new examples and approaches Ethan has assembled, and dive in to his meticulously revised code samples.

  • av Mat Marquis

    If staring down JavaScript leaves you unsteady, take heart. Mat Marquis is at your side, offering a detailed yet approachable tour around this essential language. Make your way through plenty of practical examples, as you pick up syntax rules, the fundamentals of scripting, and how to handle data types and loops. You'll emerge clear-eyed and confident-and ready to get to work.

  • av Chris Coyier

    Harness the power and possibilities of crisp, performance-efficient SVG with Chris Coyier. From software basics to build tools to optimization, you'll learn techniques for a solid workflow. Go deeper: create icon systems, explore sizing and animation, and understand when and how to implement fallbacks. Get your images up to speed and look sharp!

  • av Yesenia Perez-Cruz

    Good design systems can help you create digital products with efficiency and consistency. But great design systems will support and strengthen your team's creativity at the same time. In Expressive Design Systems, Yesenia Perez-Cruz shows you how to build useful, dependable systems that not only maintain harmony across your products, but also flex to accommodate inspiration and experimentation. Learn to communicate your brand, collaborate across teams-and do so much more than standardize components.

  • av Ethan Marcotte

    As responsive design evolves, we have a critical need to think about design challenges beyond mobile, tablet, and desktop. When properly designed and planned, design patterns-small, reusable modules-help your responsive layout reach more devices (and people) than ever before. Ethan Marcotte shows you just how that's done, focusing on responsive navigation systems, resizing and adapting images, managing advertising in a responsive context, and broader principles for designing more flexible, device-independent layouts.

  • av Dan Mall

  • av Jason Garber

  • av Beth Dunn

  • av Rachel Andrew

    By the time CSS Grid Layout was supported by all major browsers in 2017, Rachel Andrew had already thoroughly parsed the spec and, with the release of the first edition of Get Ready for CSS Grid Layout in 2016, helped legions of readers put the new two-dimensional layout system to work in their designs.CSS Grid Layout, also known simply as Grid, tamed CSS' longtime Achilles' heel: layout. Now that the technique has matured, Rachel is back with a fresh survey of the landscape-what's new in the spec, and what's next for Grid.

  • av Rachel Nabors

  • av Mat Marquis

    To solve the most critical performance problems with the biggest impact, start with images. Responsive Issues Community Group (RICG) chair Mat Marquis helps us make smart decisions about images and shows us the swiftest way to improve a website's performance: from understanding compression methods used by common image formats, to responsive image markup patterns and their usage, to handling content delivery for the best user experience. Get up to speed-and speed up your site.

  • av Scott Kubie

  • av Geri Coady

  • av Remy Sharp

  • av Craig Hockenberry

  • av Bram Stein

  • av Spencer Donna Spencer

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