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  • av Grace Hillier

  • - The Rescue: The Bible message from Genesis to Christ in easy English
    av Linda Mac & Paul Mac

  • - A comprehensive looks at the nature, structure and variation of language

  • - An introduction to worldview and learning a new language & culture

  • - Examples from around the world of cross-cultural church planting

  • - Romans, 1st and 2nd Thessalonians

    LIVING IN GOD'S NARRATIVE is the final Biblical Foundations section of the Cross-Cultural Essentials Curriculum. Bible teacher and pastor Scot Keen walks us through Romans and 1st and 2nd Thessalonians giving us a quick overview of how these significant letters fit into God's Narrative. Scot digs into what the Apostle Paul wanted to convey to these new churches about who He is, His plans, His purposes and how the very same truths relate to us today.

  • - Die Botschaft der Bibel in einfachem Deutsch
    av Linda Mac & Paul Mac

    Alle Menschen fragen sich mehr oder weniger, wie Gott wirklich ist. Obwohl wir ihn nicht sehen, können wir ihn trotzdem kennenlernen durch das, was er getan und gesagt hat. Hinter dem Weltgeschehen steht Gott als zentraler Akteur, meist nicht direkt ersichtlich, aber doch maßgeblich. Um uns zu ermöglichen, das große Ganze über ihn zu erfahren, hat er alles über sich in einem Buch aufschreiben lassen: der Bibel. Dort offenbart Gott uns, wer er wirklich ist, was er fühlt und denkt, was er getan hat und heute noch tut.SEINE GESCHICHTE - UNSERE RETTUNG gibt uns einen Überblick über die Inhalte der Bibel, die sich um diese eine zentrale Botschaft drehen: Gott ist von Anfang an bis heute damit beschäftigt, uns Menschen sein einzigartiges Rettungsangebot nahezubringen.SEINE GESCHICHTE - UNSERE RETTUNG ist in leicht verständlichem Deutsch geschrieben. Die 22 Kapitel richten sich an jeden, der Gottes Wort verstehen möchte. Bei Bedarf stehen dem Leser Worterklärungen zur Verfügung. Das Buch eignet sich auch als Handbuch zum Austausch in Gruppen.

  • - Evangelism: Genesis to the Ascension
    av Trevor McIlwain

    This 70-lesson Teacher's Guide is the second volume in the Building on Firm Foundations series. Evangelism: Genesis to the Ascension is an evangelistic, chronological, Bible teaching program which traces God's redemptive plan through the Old Testament and the Gospels. This resource will help teachers set the stage for the good news of Christ by first laying a solid foundation from the Old Testament of who God is and how he has interacted with people throughout history.The Building on Firm Foundations (BOFF) series is an extensive teaching program which helps equip leaders and disciple-makers to teach God's Word. Developed especially with cross-cultural evangelism in a church planting context in mind, the Building on Firm Foundations lessons have been used in over 250 people groups with exceptional results.

  • - Guidelines for Evangelism and Teaching Believers
    av Trevor McIlwain

    God has progressively revealed Himself within the context and framework of history. Therefore, it can be said that the best way to teach Truth in any culture is within the chronological and historical framework of the Scriptures. Trevor McIlwain describes the principles he's learnt teaching the Bible chronologically and shares many examples of others who have done the same. This first volume lays out the biblical basis for the Building on Firm Foundations teaching program which is presented in subsequent volumes.The Building on Firm Foundations (BOFF) series is an extensive teaching program which helps equip leaders and disciple-makers to teach God’s Word. Developed especially with cross-cultural evangelism in a church planting context in mind, the Building on Firm Foundations lessons have been used in over 250 people groups with exceptional results.

  • - An in-depth exploration of culture and communication

  • - Acts: A new identity in Christ and the birth of the Church

  • - Genesis to Christ: A walk through the Bible from Genesis to Christ's resurrection

  • - A framework for understanding how Truth impacts people and churches

  • - Bible translation, literacy and curriculum development

  • - The true story of God's life-changing work among the Tugutil people of Indonesia
    av John Sharpe & Betty Sharpe

    On an island in Eastern Indonesia, lived a semi-nomadic group of hunters and gatherers with a fearsome reputation that made many unwilling to even step foot into their territory. In 1982, a small group of outsiders took that very step. In this gripping and honest account, John and Betty describe their experience as they along with their co-workers, moved into the jungles of Indonesia to live among the Tugutil people. Working tirelessly, amidst many challenges and impossible circumstances, John and Betty strived to learn the people's language and culture, and understand their way of life, all for the sake of being able to communicate clearly the lifesaving message they had come to bring. The Tugutil provides a firsthand account of how God worked in the hearts of an entire people group, totally transforming them from the inside out.

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