- A Celebration of Witchcraft
av Elisabeth Brooke
A definitive guide to the magical practices of the wise women.Beginning with a brief history of witchcraft, this irrestible guide explores the huge range of beliefs, festivals, skills and lore, including:- goddesses, priestesses, witches- reincarnation, karma, magic, power- the aura, the chakras, psychic awareness, astral travelling, pathworking, dreamwork, healing- covens, initiations, collectives, lone witches- the circle, the altar, wands, robes, chalices, incenses, oils, candles- the moon, the planets- sabbats, esbats, solstices, equinoxes, Samhain, Candlemas, Beltane, Lammas- tarot, scrying, starcraft, herbal lore.Gathering together all the disciplines of European witchcraft and giving rituals and spells for use in our lives, A Woman's Book of Shadows, first published in 1993, is a remarkable compendium of magical lore, psychic skills and women's mysteries.