- A Dictionary of Chabad-Lubavitch Chasidism: Words, Sayings and Colloquialisms
av Chaim Dalfin
THE PREVIOUS REBBE of Chabad-Lubavitch, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn (1880-1950) said, "When we remind ourselves of the 'sayings of old, ' it enlivens us." That is to say, the expressions used through the generations in Lubavitch are permeated with a life and a holy energy. In them is preserved an entire culture, a lifestyle, and a place of genuine warmth . . . for they come from a time and a place when people truly cared for one another. LubavitchSpeak is a fascinating dictionary of words, sayings and colloquialisms used by generations of Chabad-Lubavitcher Chasidim to express the most important concepts and contents of their unique culture which has been so influential on modern Judaism. It is a language which has evolved through 200 years of pious and dedicated service to G-d, and includes the terminology of the Chasidic gathering (farbrengen), the synagogue (shul), the seminary (yeshiva), and even Lubavitch 'street language, ' the day-to-day talk of Lubavitcher Chasidim, young and old, male and female, past and present. The more one is familiar with 'LubavitchSpeak, ' the better one will appreciate the Lubavitch lifestyle and its holiness. For, to know a culture, you must first understand its language.