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  • av Melanie Hayes

    Get ready for a magical adventure with Ellie the Fox! When Ellie discovers a magical hat hidden in a chest behind some old boxes, she has no idea that it will take her on an incredible journey to places beyond her wildest dreams. Join Ellie as she travels to space, the ocean, the desert, and even an ice cream parlour learning fascinating facts about each place she visits along the way. With vibrant illustrations and an enchanting storyline, this book will delight children of all ages and ignite their sense of wonder and imagination. Come along with Ellie and discover the wonders of the world!

  • av Melanie Hayes

    Join Roo the Kangaroo on her quest to make alphabet soup! Roo wants nothing more than to cook up a delicious bowl of soup, but she quickly realizes she's missing the key ingredients: the letters. Undeterred, she sets out on a whimsical adventure through her neighborhood, scouring every nook and cranny for the missing letters. Along the way, she discovers the letters in the silliest of places. Roo never gives up until she finds them all. Finally, with all the letters in hand, Roo hurries home to cook up her soup and enjoy it to the last drop. This charming story is perfect for children aged 0 to 7, who will be delighted by Roo's determination and silly antics. With colorful illustrations and a heartwarming message about perseverance, 'Roo's Alphabet Soup' is a must-read for any young reader.

  • av Camilla Marinoni

  • av Jean-François Desbiens

    Les deux dernières années ont rappelé au milieu scolaire la nécessité de s'adapter à un monde frappé par des crises de plus en plus régulières. Elles ont, par la force des choses, façonné l'émergence d'une nouvelle normalité éducative . À la lumière des enjeux soulevés sur les plans de la santé physique et mentale dans le quotidien de publics scolaires fortement déstabilisés, cette période trouble, source de questions fondamentales sur la vie, la démocratie et l'exercice de la liberté aura catapulté à l'avant-plan les défis de l'appropriation du numérique éducatif et de l'enseignement à distance jusque-là en émergence sans manquer d'interroger au passage la place allouée à l'éducation physique à l'école tout autant que les limites des modèles éducatifs dominants qu'elle promeut. Sans équivalent dans l'espace francophone, Enseigner l'éducation physique en contexte scolaire constitue le fruit d'une collaboration internationale de grande ampleur. Les 25 contributions originales que présente cet ouvrage s'inscrivent sous cinq grandes thématiques toutes aussi d'actualité qu'incontournables peu importe où le lecteur se situe sur le continuum du développement professionnel: 1) Devenir enseignant d'éducation physique; 2) Programmer et établir des conditions favorables à l'apprentissage en éducation physique; 3) Pluralité des publics scolaires et inclusion en éducation physique; 4) Diversité des objets d'intervention en éducation physique et 5) Accompagner la relève enseignante en éducation physique. Parce que les enseignants d'éducation physique sont des acteurs très influents dans le cheminement scolaire des élèves comme dans celui de celles et ceux qui aspirent à une carrière dans l'enseignement de cette discipline, chacune des contributions présentées vise l'enrichissement de leur formation initiale et continue comme de leurs interventions à l'école ou sur le terrain de la formation à l'enseignement. Toutes ambitionnent aussi de soutenir le rôle d'ambassadeur que ces enseignants peuvent jouer auprès d'autres acteurs scolaires clés au profit de cette discipline carrefour trop souvent dévalorisée et dont la pertinence socio-scolaire est périodiquement reconsidérée au gré des idéologies dominantes et des jeux d'influences. Enfin, chacun des chapitres contenus dans cet ouvrage espère ouvrir les perspectives du lecteur et l'inviter à prendre une part active dans le repositionnement de l'éducation physique en démarcation du modèle scolaire de l'ère industrielle arrivé en fin de vie et qui est, lui aussi, à repenser au profit d'une éducation à la hauteur des défis du XXIe siècle.

  • av Michel Lample

  • av Marc Itziro

  • av Krsnarani R B

    This second book of the 'Journeying' series describes about the intense personal spiritual experiences of the author while practicing deep meditation in which she has got exclusive visions and revelations of many unknown facts. It is specially about the major transformation that is going to take place in near future. It is regarding our planet, Mother Earth and the extinction of the same. Many Goddesses have descended on the earth to heal and save Her.Thus, she is doing her bit with great devotion to heal Mother Earth by praying regularly and meditating along with the ascended Devis. She requests each one of us to pray for her and have gratitude towards her for all the bounty that she has bestowed on us since time immemorial. SAVE OUR PLANET, OUR MOTHER EARTH !!!

  • av Margherita Menegatti

    Margherita Menegatti autore del romanzo "Brigitta il bivio" ha voluto mettere in evidenza la capacità camaleontica della donna ... Eva, la protagonista con un innata passione per i motori, nel circuito delle corse, guida la moto con abilità e disinvoltura. Per i maschi il sentirsi superiore è un dogma incontestabile, ma è proprio in pista che sentono vacillare le proprie certezze di "sesso forte". Sono gli anni settanta ... anni dove i valori umani erano al centro di un vissuto quotidiano. La narrazione, raccontata con semplicità e maestria porta il lettore a vivere il dedalo dei sentimenti e di sesso insieme alla protagonista. Riga dopo riga vi si immerge e ne contrappone il pensiero. Conscio che la vita corre sulla pista del tempo, ne esplora i pensieri più intimi sia che essi siano maschi sia che essi siano femmine, a conclusione che per ogni individuo l'unico bene da desiderare, ambire, anelare, bramare è ... l'amore. Esso è sempre uguale, ieri come oggi, ne cavalca i tempi, ed è il protagonista in assoluto in tutte le epoche. Fatto di mille affinità che si incastrano perfettamente tra di loro, sia per l'uomo che per la donna, quando lo si incontra il connubio è perfetto. E se c'è anche quel pizzico di follia che annulla la mente, ecco che amare ed essere amati diventa ... magia.

  • av Mikkel Thorup

  • av Alberto Molina

    En este libro cuento a mi manera experiencias vividas durante toda mi vida, momentos de amor, desamor, estado de animo, etc. Pero sobre todo escrito desde mi corazón con la única intención de que el lector pase un tiempo experimentando con los sentimientos.

  • av Micheline Renault

  • av Jason Woodward

    Are you someone who struggles with their weight?Chances are, you are currently at a weight that you know is not healthy for you in the long term, and you want to do something about it.Perhaps you have tried to lose weight before, only to discover the dieting space is full of complex, short-term, harmful fad diets.Or maybe this is the first time you have made a serious effort to lose weight and live a healthier life, and you need a book that will help you to do so safely and have long-term results.If this sounds like you, you have come to the right place. Obesity Kills is the perfect guide for anyone aware of the issues of being obese and motivated to change and lose weight.This book will educate you on the several disadvantages of living life as an obese person, including social, medical, financial, and psychological problems.It will also outline some feasible, viable solutions to help you lose weight in a healthy manner.Did you know that you can gain as many as 60 additional medical conditions just by gaining weight, 7 of which are risk factors for a heart attack or stroke?This information alone should be a motivation to lose weight.Inside Obesity Kills, discover: ● why being obese is not sustainable in the long-term● the many health problems of obesity● how to maintain good health● effective treatments for obesity● how to address the underlying issues causing your obesityIt's time to take back control of your health! Grab a copy of Obesity Kills today!

  • av Meverly Adjhei Benjamin

  • av Michel Lample

  • av Jasmine Carignan

  • av Mehmood Khan Musa

  • av Amanda Catarina

  • av Saidatou Dicko

  • av Umar Awais

    About BookAND THEN I FADE TO RETURN is a book containing different poems that explore the themes of absurdity, romanticism and nature. The book also talks about life, and how life has played its cards with humans. Exploring the idea of Life a curse, or blessing the book talks about loss, and love and it also questions the ever-existing nature of human beings. as we were exiled from paradise to suffer the ultimate curse, immortality filled with absurd emotions and feelings.About AuthorThe author have a very keen interest in writing and reading poetry. This is his debut book and it contains all the emotions of love, loss and happiness. The book holds a special position in the Author's life and it reflects his struggle of 1.5 years. He also has an interest in writing epic and novels in the near future.

  • av Michel Lample

  • av Kika Dorsey & Joseph S. Miano

  • av Maurizio Riboldi

  • av Yashvant C. Vyas

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